Gay Erotic Stories

Cross-Country With My Uncle, Part13

by Acton

During a cross-country drive together, Mikey, a studly 18-year old finds himself intimate for the first time with Mike, his namesake 24-year old uncle whom he's idolized all his life. Steve is the 20-year old collegiate gymnast who hitches a ride with them.

"So," Steve asked, "Mikey, tell me what do you know about this dude ranch? And what kinda experience do you have with horses?"

"Well," I began, "To answer both your questions: Not much and not much, really. The last two summers before this one I spent time at a horse camp in the Adirondacks. Of course it's in the east, but it's all western riding. The first year I was there six weeks, and all you really do is get a fair amount of experience riding and taking basic care of the animals. The second year was ten weeks and I got a lot more experience in dealing with different horses, some easy, some pretty tough. We rode every day, rain or shine, bellied horses through rivers, learned to gallop, and of course every day morning and night we worked with the horses. I'm no farrier, but I can now spot a hot hoof or hot knee when I see it. I don't make a claim to being any kind of a horseman, but I kinda got it in my blood, and I really like working with horses. Mike, you went to the same camp back when you were a teenager, too, and it seemed to set you up pretty well for work on the ranch, didn't it?"

"Yeah," he said, "it did. I learned enough about horses to do the job, especially since on the ranch you work under the supervision of some really classy wranglers who know what they're doing. Actually, what I learned on the ranch was more about the guests than horses. People, they're fuckin' crazy, especially compared to horses."

Steve said, "And where is this dude ranch? Didn't you say it was like in southern Colorado somewhere?"

"Naw," Mike answered, it's on the Western Slope, what, about 40 miles north of Hot Sulphur Springs not far from a little town called Rand. It's really beautiful there!"

"Yee-haw!" Steve whooped. "You gotta be kiddin' me! Forty miles north of Hot Sulphur Springs! Mikey, hand me that atlas!"

I did and in the waning light of a long summer's day he confirmed his assumption. Mike and I had been thinking of it as being somewhat isolated on the Western Slope, a good two and a half hours from downtown Denver (which it was). But what we had not realized is that Steve's family's ranch was also west of the Medicine Bows. Though in different states, the dude ranch, the H Bar Z, was only about 90 miles of back road from Steve's ranch.

Steve showed me on the map, and he said "Don't you see, Mikey, the rest of the summer we'll be under two hours apart! You can come up to our place and meet Mark and my folks, we can get together, hell, every weekend or whenever you can get off! I can drive down to pick you up! Boy, this changes everything!"

He grabbed me in his big arms and reached up and gave me a big smacky kiss right on my mouth, and he, well, he kind of did a little jig right where he was sitting.

Then in his best Steven Tyler voice he goes:

“I go crazy, crazy, baby, I go craaaa-zeee,

(Modifying the lyric, he continues)

You turn me on, I get a bone, Yeah you drive me Craaaa-zeee, craaa-zee, craaa-zee for you baby!”

I was stunned. I could hardly believe it. I had been trying to think of some way to keep in touch with Steve, maybe somehow getting a few days off and getting to Denver and then to Cheyenne and then to the Steve's family's ranch, but it had seemed like it was going to be a pretty complicated damn big deal. But, like Steve said, this changed everything! All summer long he'd be no further away than two hours. Hey, even on an afternoon off I could get up to his ranch, if I could borrow a car or truck or something from one of the hands!

Steve continued, "Hey, I'll lend you a car and you can drive up any day you have off. You can take the Boxster or the Honda, I don't care. And call the dude ranch and tell 'em not to pick you up at Denver International next week. As soon as Mike's wedding is over, you fly back, I'll meet you at the airport and you can come up until you're due at the dude ranch, and I'll deliver you!"

It was one of those few rare occasions in a lifetime wherein the whole course of one's life seems to take a sudden, irreversible change in direction. It seemed that way potentially in real time; and now in retrospect it has turned out to be so. Instead of our parting tomorrow morning, perhaps forever, who knew, our relationship would have a chance to grow and develop and deepen! It took me a couple of seconds longer to grasp what Steve had realized the moment he heard the words "Hot Sulphur Springs," but not merely the accidents of the situation but the profound meaning of it all percolated through me, and I joined Steve in another exultant chorus:

“I go crazy, crazy, baby, I go craaaa-zeee, You turn me on, I get a bone, Yeah you drive me Craaaa-zeee, craaa-zee, craaa-zee for you baby!”

My uncle Mike looked over with an indulgent grin and said simply, "You lucky fucks! You lucky fucks!" and tousled first my hair and then Steve's.

That set us off on another round of non-stop singing, for simple joy. But this time, no Dwight Yoakamy blues were permitted, no REM "Everybody Hurts" kinda shit, but one exultant anthem after another, "We are the champions," and we hit the Wallflowers, Cake, and George Strait.

It didn't look like we were going to make it to Lovelock after all. At Battle Mountain, Nevada, Mike pulled off the road. It was almost 9 pm. We walked into the lobby of the surprisingly comfortable-looking motor hotel there. The night clerk was a nice-looking kid who couldn't have been more than 20. I wouldn't say he 'cruised' us exactly, but he did unmistakably size us up, especially since the three of us were still in nothing but our running shorts, and we had asked for one room with a king bed. He said, "By the way, I'm on duty until six am, so don't hesitate to call if you need anything. I'm Scotty."

Our room was on the second floor and it was really rather spacious, with a nice big bath, and the king-sized bed. Mike said, "God, I'm starving, I could eat a cow. I'll go pick up something and bring it back." There were only a couple of choices in Battle Mountain at that hour, and he said he'd walk across the parking lot to a nearby chicken joint. It's not what we would have preferred maybe, but at that place and that hour that was what was open.

As soon as the door had closed behind him, Steve said, "Look, you and I are going to have all summer, but this is going to be my last night with Mike. Let's make it a night he'll remember!" I agreed and we quickly made a some sketchy plans, and Steve ran downstairs to get something we'd need from the back of the truck.

When Mike opened the door and walked in past the bathroom and into the main part of the room, he never had a chance. Steve and I sprang from the bathroom and from behind, put a pillowcase over his head, and by arrangement I grabbed his right arm, and Steve his left. He dropped the chicken and struggled mightily, but taken by surprise by two big guys with a plan, like I said, he never had a chance. We easily man-handled him over to the big bed where I had already ropes from the truck tied to the bed posts at the head of the bed. They were soft cotton ropes, chosen by Mike back in Pennsylvania so as not to chafe the furniture we were carrying in the back. And without too much difficulty we secured Mike's arms.

Of course he knew it was only us, but he wasn't giving up easy and he thrashed around, but it was hopeless, and we secured him very well. We next cut the lights off and replaced the pillowcase with a tee shirt, neatly folded and tied as a blindfold. And using a bit of the rope we bound a folded sock over Mike's mouth--nothing uncomfortable, but a clear indication that we wanted no speech from him. And then turned the lights back on again.

I tugged off Mike's shorts and shoes, leaving him entirely nude, and Steve and I quickly secured his legs. While he was gone, we had tied quite long ropes to Mike's duffle and mine, and these ropes we now tied to my uncle's ankles. The ropes were maybe six feet long each and these we wound around the duffels somewhat to shorten them. The bags weren't particularly heavy or bulky, but they served the purpose. Steve took one and I took the other and we placed them on either side of the bottom of the bed, so that Mike was completely spread-eagled. In fact, his legs were extraordinarily widespread, closer to 90 degrees than the sort of typical 60-degree angle one might imagine.

We stepped back to inspect our work and we were pleased. The powerful body of my uncle was rendered entirely helpless, and he was completely at our mercy. And it was a most remarkably handsome body, too. His rather massive chest muscles, covered in dark golden hair; his trim, but well-muscled and hairy abdomen, leading right down to the well-defined sulcus that marked the end of his trunk and where his massive thigh muscles began; his large and defined calves, like his thighs and big arms, covered in sun-bleached curly hair. He was still testing his bonds somewhat, but by then he knew resistance was hopeless, and in any case he knew as well as we that the whole enterprise was designed to afford him the most exquisite delight we could arrange.

We started slow, Steve on Mike's left and I on his right. Maintaining silence as we would during almost all of this long exercise, and taking the most infinite care, Steve and I, using just a fingertip each, begin to touch Mike here and there, with the tiniest and gentlest of strokes, just a fingertip, and for just a second or two, strokes that hardly ran three-quarters of an inch, if that. And to start, only in peripheral areas: a tiny touch on his right ankle, just above his ropes; a touch on the back of his left hand. Blindfolded, he never knew where the next teasing, loving touch would fall. But though these touches were tiny, and peripheral, they had a very powerful effect on Mike, and as soon as we had begun them, his penis began to grow, slowly extending, the veins filling and becoming more prominent. The process was beautiful to watch, as each pump of his heart sent more of his life's blood to his phallus, converting him from a defeated man to a sex god, though in bonds. The penis engorged more and more, lengthening, lengthening, and growing fatter and fatter, and by stages straightening, rising, rising, rising, until it flopped onto his belly, from which it continued to stiffen, even redden, the veins growing more and more distinct until they rose notably above the surface of the cock as it rose from his belly to tremble an inch above his thick belly hair, the cockhead hovering above his navel. And as it expanded, his glans lost first its fine wrinkles, and then its velvety matte finish disappeared as it took on a high gloss as it reached its maximum expansion, surely a thing of beauty, with its wonderfully defined shape, and, we knew, its capacity for exquisite sensation.

This time, Mike's balls were not low hanging and pendulous, for he was carrying them much closer to his body. Because of their very large size, they were very prominent, but his scrotum was a somewhat more confining pouch than it had been on other occasions. They looked wonderful, the very essence of male power.

Steve and I hugely enjoyed our work, and we were in no hurry whatsoever. We continued with these random touches, tiny, and subtle; perhaps alternating them with a tiny, gentle tug on a bit of body hair, on a calf or thigh. Very gentle, just enough to give a tiny stimulus to our victim and our beneficiary.

Gradually, we moved from the most peripheral attacks to a few, rare, touches on something more central: a touch on an inside middle thigh, perhaps; or a surprise touch on Mike's golden goatee, just below the point of his chin; or the tiniest touch of a single curl of his left armpit hair, so subtle that he could not really be sure he had been touched at all. But we didn't come anywhere near his sex organs.

From these tiny touches, we expanded slightly and gradually. To a two-finger stroke, of slightly longer duration, and something close to, but not really a kiss. Bringing our mouths close to his body and exhaling upon it. These wicked tricks we could do even with his phallus, if we didn't come too close.

During all this Mike was not relaxed and enjoying himself! He was in a state of energy and tension, and when these touches came from out of the blue - being blindfolded he never could know where the next tiny, loving attack was going to fall! - he would react with a shiver or a gasp. His capacity for reacting amazed us, for he never seemed to accept our ministrations with quiescence. And his cock seemed to grow stronger and stiffer and more insistent all the time.

Finally, at a hand signal I gave to Steve, we upped the ante. I took his right nipple between my lips at the exact split second that Steve did the same with his left nipple. Mike almost jerked off the bed, but while he writhed his arms and his legs, his chest merely expanded as he gasped. We were merciless. With our tongues and lips we teased, we kissed, we sucked; we took the straining erect nipples between our teeth, ever so gently, and sweetly, carefully worked them, even as our tongues worked the nibs extending past our incisors into our mouths.

Not wishing to render them sore with too much stimulation, after a full workout we moved on. Now we finally moved to true strokes of the hand, and starting with his feet, we made a tour d'horizon of his body, I still on the right, and Steve on Mike's left, working more or less in parallel. When we got to Mike's mid-thighs, however, we suspended our work, and pulled back. Mike couldn't have known where next we would attack, but it turned out to be merely on his hands. Here, for once he could in some measure communicate, and as we massaged his hands he struggled to grasp our hands in his, and, we consenting, he held our hands in his, and with his thumbs he gently stroked ours.

Then, suddenly, he kind of cheated! He managed to get his right hand up onto my wrist and forearm, and by the feel of my crisp, dense hair there, he suddenly knew that it was me on his right, and thus Steve on his left! At my signal, we broke away completely and disengaged. We made sounds as if we might be changing sides, but actually we didn't. Once again, Mike couldn't know who was where, and we resumed our enterprise, again stroking and now even rubbing Mike, and widening our range. We worked his big forearms, his powerful upper arms and shoulders, and now we had but his trunk to go.

For this we decided on something different. From somewhere we'd gotten a couple of common combs, and we used these in parallel to comb through Mike's chest hair, and then, working from the side toward the middle, to comb the hair on his abs and belly toward the center line. Not wishing to touch his cock yet, we had to give this up down around his navel, for his cock stood suspended in space just a short distance above it, and then, finally, to comb through his pubic hair, from the sides anyway. Throughout the comb work, the tiny tips of the rubber combs evidently were a major new kind of stimulus to Mike, and he trembled and again strained against his bonds.

Smoothing him all over with comprehensive stroking with our full palms, except for the region of his genitals, we gave special attention to his pits, his neck, the inside of his elbow and a few other places we had neglected.

Finally we were ready to attack Mike's totally engorged and throbbing phallus. We couldn't quite decide how, though. Steve came up with an idea. He rummaged through his backpack and found the mate to the crew sock that was bound over Mike's mouth, and held it up to me. Working as always in complete silence and together, we held it above his cock like a sheath, and then suddenly brought the first inch over his cockhead. The soft confining sock infinitely stimulating his now aching cock, the coronal ridge expanding the sock so that it was patently obvious through the soft white knit. Slowly, ever so slowly, Steve on the left and I on the right, we tugged the sock quarter inch by quarter inch over Mike's great penis. As it passed down, the inflamed hood of Mike's cock, parted the soft, soft gripping orlon, and as it slooooowly slid past, and newly gripped the corona, we could hear choked moans from Mike, despite his gag. He had been so primed for so long, and for so long denied any touch on his aching cock, that probably a kick from a running shoe would have been welcome, but this, this was unbearable! For fun, we pulled the sock up an inch or two, and then continued sheathing his great organ; and then reversed directions still yet again. Finally - surely it had taken two minutes! - The sock was entirely sheathing his phallus, which distended it, filled it. We pulled it down still further till the flaring cockhead was filling up the toe of the sock, with more gathered at the root of his phallus.

With Mike's cock in this rather absurd situation, we decided to work on Mike's mighty balls. Dicks are one thing; balls another. Dicks are resilient, powerful, thrusting, exploring. Balls, though, instinctively need protection, and arguably the whole power of the male body is designed to defend them. So when I knelt between Mike's widespread legs, and gently hefted his left ball in my fingertips, he flinched mightily, and struggled against his bonds once more. He knew, of course, that our whole purpose was to give him all the pleasure we possibly could; and that there was no one in the world, Alice presumably excepted, to whom he could trust his balls in more confidence than to us. But nevertheless there was a tension, a war, between the two concepts, an urgent visceral compulsion to protect, and an intellectually based confidence that it is not only safe, but also fun to submit. This tension only heightened Mike's infinitely sensitive reactions to my tender attentions, as I stroked the hairy scrotum with my fingers; and cupped the balls in my hands, and kissed them and licked them, balls that were identical to mine in every respect. They were, of course, too big to get in my mouth, but that made them only the more suitable subjects for stroking and petting.

Meanwhile, with an idea of symmetry, Steve removed Mike's gag, and breaking for once our silence, commanded him brusquely, "Keep quiet." With his gymnast's grace and agility, he got up on the bed, put one foot to either side of Mike's head, and, steadying himself with a hand on the bed, lowered himself into a squat, so that his balls dangled over Mike's mouth. And lowering himself still more, he dragged them right onto Mike's lips. Mike instantly knew what to do, and he took the left one gently between his lips, and opening his mouth still wider, and carefully covering his teeth with his lips, took it into his mouth, balanced it upon his tongue, caressing it with his tongue, just as simultaneously I am kissing and licking his balls. Steve rose ever so slightly and his left ball emerged from Mike's lips, and Steve then presented his right ball. It was a remarkable thing to watch from between Mike's legs! Steve repeated with his left ball and finally once more with his right before he departed. Doubtlessly he considered whether Mike might like to indulge in some analingus, but thought that that decision was better left to a Mike in full possession of his own free will than to a Mike in bondage.

At our next move perhaps Mike thought we at last were going to show him mercy; but he would find that he was very wrong. We slowly, slowly, slowly tugged the sock off his massive erection, and as every quarter-inch rode across the edge of his flared cockhead, he involuntarily gasped, and gasped again. I grasped his phallus low, around its fat and veiny base, my big hand unable to circle it entirely. And I left room for Steve's smaller fist to seize the upper portion. Together we gave him a stroke or two, but it was really just a novelty. Removing our hands, Steve and I whispered together. I expressed lube onto my hands, getting them both really slippery. According to the plan we'd hastily put together, I would use both hands to stroke him, for a total of four-dozen strokes, if we thought he could take it. But to make sure that he didn't foil our plans, I'd wait ten full seconds between each and every stroke. It was wicked, it was teasing. In the words of the old, old song, "You gotta be cruel to be kind," and we were. Meanwhile, Steve moved to Mike's chest, and very sloppily, licked his chest hair away in every direction from his nipples, leaving them clean and open; and then, wickedly teased first the one, and then the other with his lips, and tongue, and, gently, with his teeth.

Eventually, I had completed the thirtieth stroke, each very firm, very slippery, one designed to get the most mileage, starting at the root and pulling up, and at the same time pulling the cock away from the belly (and generally in the direction of his knees), and often enough, giving a bit of a swirl or slight twist, too, on approaching the cockhead, and it looked as if my sturdy, studly uncle was in good shape, and so the next eighteen strokes I administered in groups of three, with 15-second intervals between the sets. He probably thought that he was headed, finally, toward release, but he was wrong. On the 48th stroke, without explanation, without apology, without mercy, I left him to deal by himself with his great massive erection, unable to touch or rub anything, and Steve abandoned his tits.

It was now time finally, for supper. When Mike had entered the room, he'd been carrying a big bag of fried chicken. It had fallen on the floor in the first second of our surprise attack and there it had lain for the last hour and a half. By now it was somewhere between barely tepid and room temperature, but it was still aromatic. I brought a piece and moved it near to Mike's face and he immediately reacted with a deep sniff.

I held a piece to his lips and he took a large bite out of it, chewed it well, and swallowed. Steve had popped the tab on one of the cans of coke Mike'd brought, and he put a straw into it and let Mike sip. Then with my teeth I ripped off another piece of the chicken, and held it in my fingers over Mike's mouth, and slowly lowered, as he took it in. Realizing that he had gotten to my fingers, he licked them, and opened his mouth for more. I ripped off another piece of the chicken flesh, and this time held it in my mouth, and again slowly lowered it. In something reminiscent of the famous scene in "Lady and the Tramp" when he got to the end of the chicken strip he found my lips, and we kissed.

Again I ripped off a piece of chicken with my teeth to feed him. This time I mangled it a bit with my teeth, and again lowered it to him, and fed him mouth to mouth, and again, we kissed. Steve again offered him the straw from the coke and he greedily sucked. And now I pulled still yet another strip off a chicken part, and this time didn't merely mangle it along the way, I actually chewed my end of it, and as before, fed my helpless uncle mouth to mouth, and again, I was rewarded with a kiss.

The next strip I ripped from the chicken I fairly masticated, and deposited it directly from my lips into his, again receiving a kiss. And in the next iteration it was only an aromatic mash that I exchange with Mike in the course of a deep kiss.

And the next time, there was no chicken at all, but, holding his helpless head in my hands I explored every secret part of his mouth with my hungry tongue. Of course even blindfolded he had known it was me, from the first time our lips met, and his lips had wandered to my now four-day old beard. (Steve was of course cleanshaven.)

Then it was a matter of my holding the chicken right to his mouth as he chewed directly off the bone, until he signaled he wanted no more. During the feeding by kiss, his cock had remained at the highest state of tension. During the feeding off the bone, however, he softened somewhat as his attention was distracted.

That was no problem: All it took was Steve kneeling between his legs and working his magic, that gift of fellation wherein it's not clear whether or not he's actually fellating you, it's so gentle and yet so real. In less than sixty seconds, Mike was as intensely, ragingly erect as ever, virtually on the brink, it seemed of culmination. But it was not to be so, even though Mike had already been submitted to our wills for more than two hours.

Steve and hauled on the ropes securing Mike's powerful legs, and pulled the duffle bags close to the bed, and then we actually lifted them onto the bed, so that in effect there was so much slack in the ropes that Mike's legs were effectively free to move for the first time, though his arms were as secure as ever.

I crept to the head of the bed and stroked Mike's hair, above the blindfold. Steve knelt between Mike's legs, and stroked his belly, but avoided his cock and balls. I reached over and poured lube into his hand and he slicked his cock, and Mike's butt, and then, suddenly hauled Mike's hairy legs up and onto his big square shoulders, and shifted to position himself just right and pushed his cockhead directly into my uncle's hairy butthole. The introduction was the work of but a moment, and although the preparations were obvious enough, Mike still gave out a gasp, and then he said, "Mike, is that y--," before I, at his head, quickly stopped his mouth quite firmly with my hand.

He understood not to speak again - he knew we could replace the gag in a few seconds -- and he spoke no more words while Steve began the serious labor of reaming his butt. Steve was no newcomer to this line of work, and he knew every teasing way to make the experience pleasurable for both him and Mike, especially playing with Mike's sphincter with the well-lubed and very well defined ridge of his cockhead; and then alternating short strokes with deep, exploratory ones, and changing speeds. Despite Steve's obvious artistry, Mike still didn't know who was fucking him. After a series of very studly full strokes, so that Steve completely withdrew from Mike and then sent his shaft full home, Steve once, twice, thrice, stiffened and trembled and shot his load deep into the bound subject of our amorous attention. Mike moaned, but knew better than to beg for final release.

Steve withdrew and lowered Mike's legs, and retired from the bed, and I took his place, without delay other than to lube my own erection, and in a business-like fashion I hoisted Mike's big legs onto my own shoulders as Steve had done, and tried to follow Steve's lead as much as I could. But as soon as my big cock split his butt, Mike instantly knew this time it was me, just by the difference in girth of my phallus. And this time no one stopped him when he moaned, "Mikey, Mikey, Mikey! It's you, it's you!" I signaled to Steve to remove Mike's blindfold at last, after close to two and a half hours, and he looked up at me and I looked down at him, each holding the eyes of the other, as I was at last redeeming the promise I made back in Galena. I leaned down into his face, stretching a bit, and supporting myself with my hands, and virtually fucked his mouth with my tongue just as I was fucking his butt. It sounds a bit coarse to put it that way, but I was in a passion I could not control, being in this incredibly intimate and special relation with the man I had idolized since my earliest memories, and this time I was fucking him, it was my big dick up his ass and he was loving it, and every movement of mine, small or large he accepted and received and was obviously grateful.

Pulling back from his mouth so that I could view his face, so familiar to me, so long the object of my fantasies - just to stroke his cheek! And now I was fucking him. It made me feel as though I were a giant bestriding the earth, and things would never be the same again. Odd as it sounds now to think about it, at that moment I was thinking that no matter what happened in the future, no one, no thing could ever take this moment away from me, that I was permanently changed, a different kind of man, a bigger, more serious and more joyful person, more a man of substance, more a man to be reckoned with by everybody, from now on.

I took my time, and like Steve I alternated small and subtle movements in series with several series of large and masterful, deep, exploratory plunges, such that sank my shaft right to its root. I wasn't experienced enough to know for sure what kind of difference, if any, the presence of Steve's spunk within Mike made. Of course it represented a new kind of bond with Steve, but all that seemed subsidiary, even insignificant, compared to the kind of bonding that I was undergoing with my young uncle. More than ever, I felt, more like a brother to him instead of a nephew, more of a potential partner, at least a junior partner, than just a disciple or admirer.

As all this went through my mind, something far more primal was operating. I too had had a constant boner for more than two and a half hours, and careful as I was trying to be, I could not resist any longer, and I gushed to the biggest orgasm of the entire trip, probably ever in my life.

Mike, of course, knew exactly what was happening as I was seized by my overwhelming passion and its inevitable sequelae. But when at last I withdrew my now softening penis, Mike was still of course rigid as ever, still after all this time unrelieved. I lowered his legs, but spread them wide apart again, so that once again I was kneeling between them.

I was spent. I no longer had any interest in further exploring Mike's capacity for frustration, and it was evident that Steve too was finished. So I signaled to Steve to cut the ropes fastening his wrists to the bed, and I immediately went down on Mike's big, trembling cock. As soon as his hands were free, Mike put them gently upon my head, threading his big, strong fingers through my floppy golden hair, as my head bobbed up and down on his dick. I would have wanted to have brought Mike still more exquisite pleasure, but even more I wanted him to join Steve and me in repose after relief, and in a matter of seconds really, the deed was done, and my mouth was fairly flooded with his cum, now as familiar in its texture and smell and taste as it was welcome. I swallowed his seed, and, exhausted, lay my head upon his fuzzy belly.

And, curiously, after now close to three hours of ars amatoria, involving three very virile young men, except for a few drops leaking from my uncle's anus, there wasn't a speck of spunk anywhere to be seen, quite a different situation than in most of our earlier interludes, where cum wound up dripping from body parts, walls, floors, beds, car panels and showers and seeping into desert dirt. I took a position alongside Mike, and lay my head upon his right pec; Steve did likewise, with his cheek upon Mike's left, and we each had a hand on his belly, our fingers touching. Mike raised his head, and leaned down and briefly kissed first my nose, and then Steve's. Now in repose, we quietly recapped the whole evening. As it turns out we each had a favorite part, but Mike had the last word when he said, "Guys, of all the nights of my life, this may the very last I'll ever forget."

And we sank into a deep sleep, and so ended the fourth night of my trip with my uncle.

To be continued.


30 Gay Erotic Stories from Acton

Alice, My Uncle And Me

This is the account of the first of five nights that studly 18 year old Mikey spends together with Mike, the 24-year old uncle he idolizes, and Mike's fascinating and beautiful 22-year old fiancé Alice. The room was completely dark. But my senses had never been so alert! I was sitting in an chair upholstered in a rather nubby fabric and with any tiny motion, any slight shifting, my naked arms

Alice, My Uncle And Me, Day 2

This is the account of the second of five nights that studly 18 year old Mikey spends together with Mike, the 24-year old uncle he idolizes, and Mike’s fascinating and beautiful 22-year old fiancé Alice. The next morning I awoke with a boner. I was in a puddle of sun on the floor beside Alice’s bed. Someone had thrown a comforter over me, and I had had a deep and restful night. Lying

Alice, My Uncle And Me, Day 3, Part 1

This continues the account of the third of five days and nights that studly 18 year old Mikey spends together with Mike, the 24-year old uncle he idolizes, and Mike's fascinating and beautiful 22-year old fiancée Alice. The beginning of their story is told in "Cross-Country with My Uncle," and continued by "Alice, My Uncle, and Me," day 1 and day 2. I woke up in a pool of bright morning

Alice, My Uncle And Me, Day 3, Part 2

This continues the account of the third of five days and nights that studly 18 year old Mikey spends together with Mike, the 24-year old uncle he idolizes, and Mike's fascinating and beautiful 22-year old fiancée Alice. The beginning of their story is told in "Cross-Country with My Uncle," and continued by "Alice, My Uncle, and Me," day 1 and day 2. The only way that Mike, as a key

Alice, My Uncle And Me, Day 3: The Bachelor Party, Part 1

This continues the account of the third of five days and nights that studly 18 year old Mikey spends together with Mike, the 24-year old uncle he idolizes, and Mike's fascinating and beautiful 22-year old fiancée Alice. The beginning of their story is told in "Cross-Country with My Uncle," and continued by "Alice, My Uncle, and Me," day 1 and day 2, and Day 3, parts 1 and 2. You might think

Alice, My Uncle And Me, Day 3: The Bachelor Party, Part 2

This continues the account of the third of five days and nights that studly 18 year old Mikey spends together with Mike, the 24-year old uncle he idolizes, and Mike's fascinating and beautiful 22-year old fiancée Alice. The beginning of their story is told in "Cross-Country with My Uncle," and continued by "Alice, My Uncle, and Me," day 1 and day 2, and Day 3, parts 1 and 2, and "My Uncle's

Alice, My Uncle and Me, Day 4: Jeff tells Mikey his sexual history

This continues the account of the five days and nights that studly 18 year old Mikey spends together with Mike, the 24-year old uncle he idolizes, and Mike's fascinating and beautiful 22-year old fiancée Alice. The beginning of their story is told in "Cross-Country with My Uncle," and continued by "Alice, My Uncle, and Me," day 1 and day 2, and Day 3, parts 1 and 2, and "My Uncle's Bachelor

Alice, My Uncle and Me, Day 4: Mike and Jeff's Reunion, Part 1

This continues the account of the five days and nights that studly 18 year old Mikey spends together with Mike, the 24-year old uncle he idolizes, and Mike's fascinating and beautiful 22-year old fiancée Alice. The beginning of their story is told in "Cross-Country with My Uncle," and continued by "Alice, My Uncle, and Me," day 1 and day 2, and Day 3, parts 1 and 2, and "My Uncle's Bachelor

Alice, My Uncle and Me, Day 4: Mike and Jeff's Reunion, Part 2

This continues the account of the of five days and nights that studly 18 year old Mikey spends together with Mike, the 24-year old uncle he idolizes, and Mike's fascinating and beautiful 22-year old fiancée Alice. The beginning of their story is told in "Cross-Country with My Uncle," and continued by "Alice, My Uncle, and Me," day 1 and day 2, and Day 3, parts 1 and 2, and "My Uncle's Bachelor

Alice, My Uncle and Me, Day 4: Mike and Jeff's Reunion, Part 3

This continues the account of the of five days and nights that studly 18 year old Mikey spends together with Mike, the 24-year old uncle he idolizes, and Mike's fascinating and beautiful 22-year old fiancée Alice. The beginning of their story is told in "Cross-Country with My Uncle," and continued by "Alice, My Uncle, and Me," day 1 and day 2, and Day 3, parts 1 and 2, and "My Uncle's Bachelor

Alice, My Uncle and Me: Day 4: Jeff & Mikey

Part 11 This continues the account of the five days and nights that studly 18 year old Mikey spends together with Mike, the 24-year old uncle he idolizes, and Mike's fascinating and beautiful 22-year old fiancée Alice. The beginning of their story is told in "Cross-Country with My Uncle," and continued by "Alice, My Uncle, and Me," day 1 and day 2, and Day 3, parts 1 and 2, and "My Uncle's

Alice, My Uncle and Me: Day 4: The Rehearsal Party

Part 12 This continues the account of the five days and nights that studly 18 year old Mikey spends together with Mike, the 24-year old uncle he idolizes, and Mike's fascinating and beautiful 22-year old fiancée Alice. The beginning of their story is told in "Cross-Country with My Uncle," and continued by "Alice, My Uncle, and Me," day 1 and day 2, and Day 3, parts 1 and 2, and "My Uncle's

Alice, My Uncle and Me: Day 4: The team shower

Part 10 This continues the account of the five days and nights that studly 18 year old Mikey spends together with Mike, the 24-year old uncle he idolizes, and Mike's fascinating and beautiful 22-year old fiancée Alice. The beginning of their story is told in "Cross-Country with My Uncle," and continued by "Alice, My Uncle, and Me," day 1 and day 2, and Day 3, parts 1 and 2, and "My Uncle's

Cross-Country With My Uncle, Part 1

My mother married young; I was born when she was only 18. Her younger brother was only 6 when I was born. We lived only three doors away from mom's folks, and my uncle was like a god to me. When I was 9, he was 15, and kayaking in the Pennsylvania mountains, and shooting rats at the Doylestown borough dump. He was the star on his high school baseball team, an enormously talented second

Cross-Country With My Uncle, Part 2

This wasn't the typical 'motel,' but a 'motor hotel,' and our room was on the third floor, and its easterly windows faced a large pasture; we had not pulled the drapes closed and morning sun filled the room and slanted across the bed--and across me, still safely in the arms of my dear uncle, my face buried in his fuzzy chest. The raking rays brightly picked out his manly, but angelic face, and

Cross-Country With My Uncle, Part 3

Off a small road in north-central Indiana, we pulled into an obviously little used lane between a wood lot and a pasture. And 500 feet down the lane there was a turnout to a rutted drive into the wood lot, where we turned in. We got from the cooler the last of the egg salad sandwiches and carrot sticks my mom had packed for us, and had a pleasant little picnic parked in the shady grove, with

Cross-Country With My Uncle, Part 4

We stopped in Galena, Illinois that night; early enough to check into a motel, and quickly getting some directions from the desk clerk, went out for a brisk four-mile run around the pretty old town. We ran in just the same shorts we’d being “wearing” all day. My uncle was a regular jogger, and in great shape, but since I’d been in training for three sports all the year round, I found it was no

Cross-Country With My Uncle, Part 5

Mike dialed Alice’s number, and getting her machine, left a message. We went out to grab some supper, and, getting back to the room, we stripped down for bed, planning to get up early the next day: We had a long haul, planning to make it all the way to Cheyenne. We crawled into the queen bed, leg to leg, shoulder to shoulder, and divided up this morning’s New York Times. The phone rang. Mike

Cross-Country With My Uncle, Part 6

The next morning, I awoke spooned with my uncle, my back and rear tight against his firm but plush chest and belly, one of his wonderful arms draped around my waist; and my head lay upon the bicep of his other, folded arm. Leaving his left arm on my stomach where it was, he pulled the other one away, and leaned upon his elbow, and tenderly kissed my ear, and whispered, “Good morning, Little

Cross-Country With My Uncle, Part 7

We had been in the truck for hours and hours and were ready for some stretching. We stopped at a big rest stop, and after answering the call of nature, Mike went to the back of the truck and rummaged through the cardboard box of miscellaneous stuff he’d cleaned out of his closet back home and grabbed his old football. The three of us (in just our running shorts) ran a few laps around the picnic

Cross-Country With My Uncle, Part 8

Upstairs, Mike and I climbed into the big king bed in the guest room, frankly exhausted. And moments later, just as Mike was getting ready to click off the bedside lamp, Steve, like us totally nude, entered the room and said, “Guys, can I sleep with you?” With the brightest of smiles we kicked back the covers and reached out and pulled him in. Three things I already knew about Steve, who was

Cross-Country With My Uncle, Part 9

As he lay between my legs, Steve and I were still grasping each other’s arms. His arms were extended over his head to meet mine, as I reached down to hold his. He let loose of my left arm and reached over and took Mike’s right hand in his, and squeezed both Mike’s hand and my right arm. He said, “The other thing I want is that I can’t stand to part from you guys yet. I want to stay with you

Cross-Country With My Uncle, Part10

Steve had emptied out his backpack and put in a clean tee shirt and shorts, his little toilet kit, and he was ready to roll, almost. He also stuck in a big envelope. Outside, he asked Mike to back the truck up to the garage, and he gestured to a large outbuilding close by. It had a conventional door on one end, and four overhead doors on each long side of the building. Steve and I entered

Cross-Country With My Uncle, Part11

“So what about this ranch?” I asked, changing the conversation’s direction. “Well,” Steve said, “I’d better start at the beginning. My mom’s folks own a ranch. Technically, I suppose, you’d have to say they own two ranches, but they are side by side and these days operated as one. They located in Carbon County. Rawlins is the county seat; we went through there about two hours after we

Cross-Country With My Uncle, Part12

During a cross-country drive together, Mikey, a studly 18-year old finds himself intimate for the first time with Mike, his namesake 24-year old uncle whom he's idolized all his life. Steve is the 20-year old collegiate gymnast who hitches a ride with them. As I-80 threaded its way through the Rockies and made its descent into the basin of the Great Salt Lake, we were totally engrossed in the

Cross-Country With My Uncle, Part13

During a cross-country drive together, Mikey, a studly 18-year old finds himself intimate for the first time with Mike, his namesake 24-year old uncle whom he's idolized all his life. Steve is the 20-year old collegiate gymnast who hitches a ride with them. "So," Steve asked, "Mikey, tell me what do you know about this dude ranch? And what kinda experience do you have with horses?"

Cross-Country With My Uncle, Part14

Part 14. During a cross-country drive together, Mikey, a studly 18-year old finds himself intimate for the first time with Mike, his namesake 24-year old uncle whom he's idolized all his life. Steve is the 20-year old collegiate gymnast who hitches a ride with them. We all awoke as the bright, early morning sun stole into the room. Mike and I were in each others' arms, and Steve's front

Cross-Country With My Uncle, Part15 (conclusion & epilogue)

After Mike and Steve had their shower, and they dressed, this time in tee shirts and shorts, it was at last time to part. Steve drew a big envelope from his backpack, and handed it to Mike. "It's a set of photos of me, and a some of me and Mark together. I have your addresses, and as soon as I have developed and printed the pix I shot back home, I'll mail you copies." He and Mike embraced

My Young Uncle Mike and English Crafty Hands, Part 1

This is the account of an incident that occurred to my then 24-year-old uncle, Mike, late in May, in London. Mike and his fiancée, Alice, are principals in the series Alice, My Uncle and Me, and Cross-Country with My Uncle. He got on at the Knightsbridge tube station. He was remarkably good looking, after the English fashion. Trim, close to six feet, probably about 25, with light brown hair

My Young Uncle Mike and English Crafty Hands, Part 2

Piers fixed the right ankle restraint, and then the left, and Mike was fully displayed in all his glory and beauty. In Piers’ earphones, he heard the familiar disembodied voice giving the reading, averaging the current inputs from the spectators moving their dials, but what the voice was saying was, in Piers’ experience, almost never heard: “Nine point five. [pause] Nine point six. [pause].

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