Gay Erotic Stories

Street Fight, Part 4

by Jaycruz

We practically ran the two blocks to my apartment. My heart raced from the night's activities. Having come three times already, the adrenaline was really flowing, and I couldn't wait to get home to have Mark all to myself. He jogged along close to my back, his hand brushing my bare back, my shoulder, the back of my neck--so I knew he was keyed up as well.

We took the two flights of stairs three at a time. Younger and taller, Mark beat me to the landing. As he flew over the last few steps, he wobbled a bit. I put out my free hand to catch him in case he toppled backward. The hard, smooth flesh of his lower back tensed as he regained balance. As I joined him on the landing, I let my hand glide up the broad muscles of his back.

He stopped me and pointed. The door to my apartment hung open. Someone had broken into in! Incensed, I leapt toward the door. A strong hand on my shoulder held me back. Mark whispered wetly in my ear. "I'm right behind you, lover."

With his muscles guarding my rear, I peeked around the door frame and into my apartment. I saw a few open drawers, couch cushions up-ended--but no people. Perhaps they had already left, I thought, when I heard voices coming from the bedroom. Too soft to hear clearly, the two voices were obviously masculine.

I pointed to the bedroom. Mark, my valiant, 21-year-old defender, responded by squeezing my shoulder and sliding his other hand along the curve of my ass. He kept so close to me as we approached the bedroom, I could feel his cold zipper and hard nipples pressing into my back.

I stopped outside the bedroom door. The voices were clearer now. One said, "What the fuck?" Another answered, "Fags'll stick anything up their asses!"

I saw no one, but I heard the rustling of paper. I leaned forward a little. I could see in the mirror hanging on my wall two men who had broken in. I could see only the upper parts of their bodies. They sat on the floor. Suddenly one held up one of my porn magazines! They must have found them in my closet. They laughed at something they saw inside.

I could see only one of the burglars in the mirror.--just the upper parts of him. The line of his jet-black hair had receded, leaving a huge forehead above tiny, dark eyes. His skin was dark, probably Mediterranean. Of his body, I could see only his shoulders. He had freckles beneath his black tank top. The muscles there were thick and looked hard to the touch. The man's arms seemed to be moving in a page-flipping motion. He had a snarl-toothed grin on his lined face. His cohort jabbered something like, "This looks like it hurts."

The black-haired man tilted his head back and laughed, a deep, throaty gurgle. "Some people get off on bein' hurt. ‘Specially homos."

"Heh, heh. Yeah."

They continued flipping through the pages. Mark whispered, "Should we call 911?"

The wall creaked as I leaned on it. The reflected burglar looked up and saw me standing there. Before I knew what was happening, both men bolted for the door. Mark rushed past me into the room and tackled the dark-haired man. I sensed a blob, the other burglar, rushing right at me. Bones slammed into my chest, and we fell to the carpet in a tangle of limbs . In the hallway our rasps of breath echoed. From the bedroom came sounds of tumbling. The second burglar was to my side; I still didn't know what he looked like. I knotted my fist in his shirt and yanked. The material stretched, and he jerked his body around, trying to escape my grasp. I caught writhing glimpses of white flesh. The man slid against my hip and fell to the carpet. He grunted--or was it me? Muscle wiggled beneath me. He was slipping away, so I pressed my body down harder. I smelled hours-old sweat.

He began to crawl away. Out from under my body. His feet scrambled. His hard heels pushed off my thighs, my groin, further up. His shirt stretched in my hand but didn't stop him. Unfortunately for this dude, my muscles were loose and primed by all the night's activities. I clawed at his shoulders.

With my body on top of his, he bucked his hips. I fell backward, losing my breath against the wall. His rigid back pressed against my bare front. My hand shot out. I grabbed his hip as he tried to stand. Smooth track pants. I grabbed a fistful and yanked. The material bunched up in his crotch, and the guy gave a squeak of discomfort. I pulled with all my strength, and the writhing body tumbled back through the doorway into the bedroom. I quickly followed the floppy mop of auburn-colored hair. As the burglar was still trying to stand, I got behind him, crouching, and wrapped my arms around his torso. He was fairly slim, and I got a good grip on my own forearms. I sat, leaning against the wall, pulling him down in between my outstretched legs.

He squirmed, but he couldn't break free from my grip. "Let me go, you queer," he hissed. Then he hung his head in defeat. I examined the smooth curve of his jaw. This auburn- haired man seemed fairly young, much younger than the other burglar. My captive looked up as heads appeared on the other side of the bed.

Mark's bared muscles shone with moisture as he stood. The black-haired guy pulled himself up onto my bed. Mark grabbed the man's tank top and lifted him fully onto the mattress. The material tugged and bared the man's hairy pec before Mark slammed his body down. His craggy face grimaced as he swore at Mark. "Let go of me, you cocksucker. I'll make you pay for this!"

Mark held the guy's leg and climbed up on the mattress. My newfound lover wrapped a big arm around the burglar's waist and thrust the man up against the headboard. The whole bed shook; even the floor where I sat holding the younger burglar vibrated. I felt the shockwave in my nuts, tingling and massaging. My half-hard dick enjoyed the show: the two muscular men wrestling on top of my bed!

My captive stank of sweat. I breathed him in--just to screw with his mind. He watched the two men wrestling, too, but he squirmed as I inhaled. I exhaled slowly into his auburn hair. "Please let me go," he whispered. And I think I realized why.

Over his slender shoulders, down his flat chest, I saw his pants tented in front. Was it Mark's 21-year-old, sweaty body that was turning this boy on? Or what is the more mature, granite-chiseled body of his partner in crime?

I couldn't wait to find out . For that moment, though, we just sat and watched the two men struggle. My dick began to throb painfully. I had already cum three times that night. Now, the pressure of the sandy- haired dude's back was almost too much.

They had their arms wrapped around each other in bear hugs. They rolled one way, then back the other, across the bed. For a brief second the dark-haired man's eyes fixed on his partner. He scowled, as if saying, "How could you get your ass beaten by a gay guy?" With his fist he pushed up at Mark's handsome face. Mark pushed back. They tumbled to the carpet with a loud thud. Mark landed on all fours with the other man underneath him. In his tight jeans every sinew in Mark's buttocks and thighs pressed through.

The dark-haired burglar rolled onto his stomach, propped himself on his elbows. He pushed his butt up. Mark pushed back down, his full crotch pressed against the other man's wriggling ass. They stumbled toward us in the hallway. First the burglar on the ground crawled a few inches forward, and then Mark, on his knees, fell behind him, reaching for the man's hands with his own.

Near the doorway Mark got a good grip on the tall, broad-shouldered man's right bicep. Mark tugged and flipped the guy onto his side. The burglar grunted. He flexed the bicep that Mark held; a vein popped out. The burglar's lips twisted, but all the effort was to no avail. Mark soon had him pinned, my lover's hands holding both the dark-haired man's hands stretched over his head, his shoulder blades on the floor. Sweat appeared above the man's tank top, running through the hairs on his chest. Mark had some sweat on his brow and down his neck but was barely breathing hard. Sitting on the man's abdomen, Mark looked up at me.

Mark said, "What should we do with these guys?" He smiled crookedly.

After all the evening's sex actions, I wasn't sure I could do what Mark obviously wanted. There was a grotesque bulge in his tight jeans. My own hard dick ached, resting against the sandy-haired man's back. He squirmed in my grasp. I answered Mark, "I think I know what this guy wants to do."

Mark looked down at the man's spread legs. His smile grew wider. He looked the young man in the face; the burglar looked away. Mark said, "You liked what you were looking at, huh?"

No answer.

Mark kept on teasing the young, auburn-haired burglar. "How long have you had the hots for your buddy here?"

The guy I held turned his embarrassed face away, looking down at the carpet. The dark- haired man pinned face-up beneath Mark squirmed. He said, "What the fuck is he talking about, Roy?" He couldn't see his partner's crotch like Mark and I could. The young man had a fairly nice lump.

"You ain't no queer, Roy. Tell ‘em. Tell these faggots they're in big trouble if they don't let us go."

The younger burglar's arms hung limply. So, his name was "Roy", huh? I said, "I think Roy here wants to stay. Don't you, Roy?"

"Yeah," Mark said. He smiled crookedly down on Dark Hair. "I think Roy wants to try some of those things in the pictures you two were lookin' at."

Roy whimpered, like he was about to cry. I almost felt sorry for him. Then I remembered he had broken into my home. I squeezed his slender chest. He yelped. I said, "Answer him, Roy, honey. How long have you been staring at your friend's dick?"

Dark Hair twisted and wrenched beneath Mark, but Mark had the upper hand and was way stronger anyway. Mark pinned him tightly with his arms above his head. Only now Darkie was on his side. From his position he could definitely see the tented track pants of his partner in crime. Dark Hair's face was red.

Roy's body shook. He tried to speak. I gave his body a shake and in my sternest voice told him to speak up. Finally he stammered out, "Not my friend. He's my cousin."

Mark let out a hoot of laughter. Then he slammed Dark Hair's head against the ground. "You asshole. Bringing family out here!"

I told Mark to calm down. "Just call the police."

The younger man begged us not to. "Please, don't. My dad'll kill me," he pleaded. . Dark Hair told him to shut up . Roy spat back at him, "You shut up, Frankie! This'd be your third strike, asshole!"

So we had Roy, the auburn-haired, slender youth, and Frankie, the hairy-chested, hairline-receded career criminal, both with reasons to fear the police being called in. Well, well.

"Well, well," I said. "What a dilemma for Frankie and his horny little cousin here. What will you do for us not to call the cops?"

Roy immediately caved in, "Anything, mister. Anything."

"Shut the hell up, Roy," black-haired Frankie shouted. "I'll tell your dad anyway, you little shit hole!"

Roy looked away from his cousin and whimpered again. I loosened my grip. I whispered in his ear, "Tell you what, Roy, my friend. Do you know the expression, ‘life imitates art'?" He nodded slowly. His big, hazel-tinted eyes turned backward toward me. His lower lip puffed out. I said, "You see that picture right there?"

I motioned with my face to one of the magazines lying open on the floor. A full-page photo of a man's face looked back at us. His blue eyes wide, he stared yearningly upward. The man's small nose shone on the glossy page--his wide mouth was framed by luscious, full lips stretched wide. Just at the gaping entrance to his hungry mouth sat the ashy brown bulb of a black man's lengthy cock, forever poised to enter the yearning blond's hot mouth.

"Is that what you want to do to your cousin there?" I said.

Ever so slowly, the boy nodded his head. He couldn't look any of us in the eye.

Frankie swore. Mark said, "Tell you what, Roy. We're gonna give you your wish. Give us a good show, and we won't call the cops."

Frankie burbled, "What the fuck are you talking about? Roy, you little shit--don't even tell me you're thinkin' about it!"

Roy obviously was thinking about it. His eyes trailed up and down his cousin's muscular body. The man beneath Mark fought and strained, his chest and shoulders flexing, but he couldn't break free of Mark's grip. Mark held him with his hands on the floor, above his head. Mark's heaving, broad chest hung right over the man's face.

Mark commanded, "Get over here, Roy."

I let go of the slim young man. He slid from my grip and crawled across the carpet, slinking on his belly like a wary panther. He stopped right at Frankie's head. Roy's legs stretched out gracefully toward me across the floor. Leaning against the wall in the hall, I reached into my jeans to adjust my throbbing boner. I waited to see if Roy would go through with it.

The older burglar gave his younger cousin one last warning. "If you touch me, Roy, you'll regret it!"

I had to chime in. "He can't hurt you, Roy. Do whatever you want."

Mark said, "Do what you know you've wanted to do."

Roy glanced down at his cousin's crotch like a boy in a toy store. He looked up at Mark and said, "Are you sure he won't…you know?"

Mark motioned me over. Together we hoisted Frankie onto my bed. Mark wound his veiny forearms through Frankie's armpit, then intertwined his fingers behind the burglar's neck. Frankie's arms jutted out like a voodoo doll's. Mark sat on his ankles, comfy between my pillows. I sat on their left, on the edge of the bed.

Frankie's legs were spread wide open in a ‘V’. He tried to close his legs, but Roy bolted up onto the bed and knelt between them. Frankie swore. Mark yanked on his arm and ordered him to watch his mouth.

Roy kept on staring at the older man's groin. The tight black jeans showed an ample mound.

Mark said, "Go on, Roy. Suck him off, and we won't call the cops."

I thought of the two cops who had just twenty minutes ago fucked Mark and me inside a convenience store. Damn! How could my dick be so hard again? I said, "Come on, Frankie baby. You going to tell us you've never thought about your cute, tender young cousin here?"

Even Roy waited for an answer. All Frankie said was, "I ain't no faggot!"

"But, Frankie," I said in a cutesy voice. "Look at Roy's smooth, creamy skin and that sexy mop of light brown hair--and those lips. Man, you can't tell me you've never thought about having those puffy, pink lips around your cock."

Frankie said, "Well..."

Mark said to Roy, "You ever suck anybody off, kid?"

Roy looked up from his cousin's crotch. He had a hard edge in his pretty face as he held Mark's gaze. "Don't call me ‘kid,'" he said. "I'm nineteen. And no, I haven't. Maybe you should suck me off first, faggot, so I know how it's done."

Mark laughed. "No way, sonny. You learn by doing." With my right hand, I lifted Frankie's tank top, baring the burglar's defined, hairy stomach. Frankie fidgeted a little, but didn't really fight. His face was red, probably from embarrassment at basically admitting he'd thought of his cousin's sweet, red lips wrapped around his fat rod.

Roy moved in. He tentatively placed his hands on his cousin's thighs. Frankie was in really good shape. I shouldn't have been surprised. The guy was only a couple of years older than I was. His receding hairline made him look older. Up close, I could see how silky his skin was, even beneath a couple of days' worth of stubble.

Roy put his hands on Frankie's fly. Frankie whispered, "No, Roy, no." But he didn't sound like he meant it anymore.

The downing of Frankie's zipper was as loud as the rumbling of a train. When he was finished, Roy laughed nervously. I let my hand trail along among the coarse hairs on Frankie's hard stomach as Roy stared. I think he was drooling.

"Come on, kid," I said, slapping flesh. "Let's get these pants off."

Roy gripped his cousin's jeans on either side and slowly slid them down. I helped lift Frankie's ass off the mattress, but Frankie did most of the work himself. Roy bared pubic hairs and giggled again. Soon we could all see the fat, pink base of Frankie's dick.

Slowly Roy pulled down the black jeans. Two, three, four inches of red root came into view. Finally a cut six inches popped out and flopped against Frankie's hairy thigh. Roy got his pants off his cousin's ankles. Frankie sat in his black tank top and black sneakers, his semi- aroused dick rubbing against his leg, squirming like a worm.

Roy quickly got back between Frankie's legs. His pale, skinny hand cupped Frankie's fuzzy balls, the size of a peach. The masculine Frankie let out a small squeak at the tickling touch. When Roy gripped the thick shaft by its base, his young hand barely made it all the way around. His open mouth hovered over it. He seemed a little shy, or nervous.

"Come on, Roy, you little shit," Frankie said. "Just do it and get it over with."

"It's easy, Roy," I said. I moved closer. My side pressed firmly against Frankie's waist. I brushed my hand lightly across Roy's smooth cheek. He looked up at me and smiled radiantly. I tugged on his soggy, pouting lip and pulled his face closer to the mostly flaccid dick resting on Frankie's thigh. "Just pretend it's you. Do what you'd want someone to do to you."

"You damn pussy!" Frankie said. Mark's grip had loosened when it had become obvious Frankie wasn't going to fight, so he could move his arms enough to reach his thick cock. He grabbed Roy's hand holding his tool and flung it upward. It smacked Roy's face with an audible slap.

Six inches and still growing.--thick at the base, much slimmer as it reached its end. It looked like a snake, ready to burrow into a nice, warm crevice. My asshole twitched as I watched Roy unhesitatingly wrap his inexperienced lips around it and go down as far as he could, which was only three inches, at first. He moaned, like he had put something yummy in his mouth. Frankie's muscles jumped. Under his breath he said, "Shit, cousin. That's nice."

They both held Frankie's stiffening prick upright as Roy bobbed up and down. He made a lot of slurping noises. Each time he went down, he got another half inch or so into his hungry mouth.

I was getting even more turned on watching this. I looked to Mark, still holding Frankie in a nelson. Mark winked back. He had a nice bulge, from what I could see. I'm sure Frankie could feel it.

Suddenly a hand was on my upper thigh. It was Roy. He had found the tip of my cock as it pointed downward in my tight jeans. He stroked the sensitive skin there. Frankie and I moaned at the same time.

Frankie's dick had grown to eight inches. After about six inches, it grew too thick around for Roy to swallow. He sucked and bobbed, with no finesse, but Frankie didn't seem to care about finesse. He said, "Sweet, cousin, sweet. Shit, slow down."

As Roy noisily sucked, I stretched over Frankie's body and rubbed Mark's chest. My new lover's body was like the firm, leather seat in a luxury car.

My left hand rested on Frankie's body, equally as hard though not as muscular.

We watched Roy give his first blowjob. Frankie moaned the whole time. I felt Frankie's body begin to quiver. It had only been five minutes, but his young cousin's mouth was proving to be too much for him. "Fuck!" he cried out. "Look out, Roy, you little fag. Here I cum!"

Frankie lifted his hips and ass off the bed. Roy locked his luscious lips around the dickhead and jerked the firm shaft with both hands. Frankie placed his fists on his hips and beat a rhythm as he climaxed.

"Unh! Unh, oh yeah, baby. Shit! That's it, cousin, swallow my seed, you fuckin' perv!"

Roy's inexperienced mouth couldn't handle the volume of Frankie's juices. After a few spurts, Roy gasped and opened his mouth. Thick, milky fluid dribbled out. Frankie's rigid column shot a few more times on Roy's thick lip and smooth chin. His jacking fingers were sticky as well.

After about eight spurts of quite a lot of gooey cum, Frankie lay back exhausted. Mark even let go of him. Roy licked his fingers clean, even shoveled the cum on his face into his mouth. His eyes were closed in ecstasy as he ate his creamy dessert.

Mark and I were both really hard. I reached into my jeans and stroked, letting it stand up to ease the pressure. I guessed Mark and I would just let the two go now.

But Frankie said, a little breathlessly, "Now you got these guys all worked up, cousin. What're you gonna do about that?"

Roy was facing down, so when he opened his eyes and looked up, I could only see the bottom halves of his big, brown eyeballs. He still had his fingers in his mouth. Roy's eyes focused on my slightly hairy chest. I glanced down at the young man's crotch. His track pants seemed uncomfortable tight.

I looked to Mark. His bright eyes lit up mischievously. I shrugged, figuring, "What the hell?" I said to Roy, "Get those sweet lips of yours over here, boy."

The auburn-haired beauty slid over his cousin's leg. He stretched out along the very edge of the bed. I felt his warm breath on my thigh as he brought his hands to the waist of my pants. I undid the button as he hurriedly pulled down the zipper. I wanted to laugh, not believing this young thief was so eager to suck my swollen cock.

I was just going to let him take my dick out, but Roy was intent on yanking my pants clean off. It actually felt good to be rid of them--even though I was the only naked one in the room. Roy scanned my five-foot-eight, slender body and grinned. He said nothing, but I guessed he liked me. He immediately dropped his head into my lap and lapped at my hairy balls.

I leaned back with my hands on the pillow behind me. Roy ran a hand along my spine. The other hand held my knee. He kept licking and then sucking on my nuts. Good. He was in no hurry.

Beside me, Mark held Frankie, not as a prisoner, but more like a lover. He had his hand under the burglar's tank top and was stroking the meat beneath. Frankie leaned against Mark's hard torso. He looked very comfortable for a man who had been completely homophobic just ten minutes before. It's amazing what one blowjob will do for a man!

I told the two "lovers" that I was a little self-conscious being the only naked one in the room. Mark grinned from ear to ear. So, as Roy continued to orally examine my scrotum, Mark began to strip.

He came to my side of the bed and stood so I could stare at his tanned, solidly built body. My dick grew harder, standing straight up between my stomach and Roy's face as it wagged there. As if on cue, the young man tickled my pole with his tongue, licking it all the way up and down like a Popsicle. Mark thrust his hips as he lowered his pants. His massive, footlong prong danced as it raised itself from half-mast.

Frankie leaned on my shoulder as he made comments about how fucking huge my lover's dick was. I smiled and told him I knew all about it. Roy tried to look behind him, but he was too intent on getting the tip of my penis nice and wet. He swirled his mouth around my glans and slobbered like a Saint Bernard.

Mark leaned over Roy's slender body. He grabbed the 19-year-old by the waist and began sliding Roy's workout pants down his slim legs. Roy helped by wriggling out of them. I gasped as the pale, tiny glutes came into view. Such virgin skin! Such firm, young flesh! Longer than they were wide, Roy's buttocks were white mounds of gorgeous, fit youth. Even Mark couldn't help but say, "Shit, man. That's fuckin' awesome."

Roy allowed us all the pleasure of staring at his perfect, teenage ass. He tensed his muscles and dimples formed on the sides of each globe. I stared and stared as the young man began sucking on my cockhead in earnest . Mark threw Roy's pants across the room. The auburn-haired youth wouldn't be needing them for a while! My tan, brawny lover said, "We gotta get that shirt off you, Roy." Roy kept on sucking my dick. So Mark gripped the boy's collar and tore the T-shirt right down the middle. With a few more loud rips, Roy's shirt was a tattered rag. Mark yanked it off the pale, slender body and threw it across the floor as well. Roy lay on the side of my bed, the very tip of my swollen tool in his locked jaws. He wore only his socks and shoes.

At my command, my naked lover with his big, brown nipples helped me roll Roy over onto his back. The young man was very slim, with a nearly flat chest and narrow shoulders. He let us maneuver him, not taking his tongue off my hot cock. He lay beneath me, slurping on my nutsac again . I leaned over him until his teen dick was in my face. It had grown long and hard, yet it still rested across his thigh. The young man was gorgeously endowed, with at least eight inches of tube and two smooth, massive balls between his milky white legs. I gripped his rod at the base and held it upright. It bucked as more and more blood poured into it. He was cut, with a fat mushroom at the top and a soft ridge running all the way down the bottom half of his circular shaft. I licked the impressive piece of boymeat up and down, like Roy had done to mine just a few minutes ago.

I felt Roy take half my root into his mouth. It was shocking for a second, and I gasped. The young man put his hands on my ass as he pushed me further into his hot throat. I had one knee on the bed and the other foot down on the floor. My muscles were pretty tense as Roy's fingers explored the contours of my butt . As I licked his long rod, I jacked it, getting my spit all over it. By now it had grown to almost ten inches, ten wonderful inches of slender, youthful manhood. He smelled a little stale, but he tasted fresh and a tad musky. When I tongued the base of his long prick, the top fell backward onto my hair and face. The skin felt smooth and sensual as I ran my mouth back up.

Roy and I 69'ed and eventually we both deep-throated the other. It was much more difficult for me, but I had more experience. The nineteen-year-old stud's ten inches easily fit down my throat.

Besides Roy's hands, I felt something else on my ass. Frankie was licking in my asscrack! It had to be him. Mark was in front of me, watching me take the long monster and jacking his own huge one. Frankie's stubble scratched as he explored. I moaned to let him know I wanted it.

As I concentrated on just the last six inches of Roy, Frankie's fat tongue found my slightly expanded hole. He tentatively licked around it, reminding me happily of all the fucking I had had during the evening. Soon his curiosity got the better of Frankie: his tongue bludgeoned its way into my asshole.

I heard Mark say, "This is so hot!" as he watched me with the two burglars. As Roy squirmed and moaned beneath me, Mark knelt. He drew up Roy's legs, exposing the boy's ass at the edge of the bed. Roy's legs splayed out to either side of his pale, slender body, with my head in the middle bobbing on his tool. I felt the young man groaning around my own schlong as Mark massaged his teen balls. I watched as Mark mashed the golf ball-sized nuts in his palm. Roy's sac was almost completely hairless.

When Mark's tongue shot onto Roy's smooth asshole, I felt the nineteen-year-old's muscles freeze. Mark didn't seem to notice. He held the slender legs far apart and dive-bombed his tongue into the crevasse. I took my dripping mouth off Roy's gorgeous fatty and said, "Don't worry, Roy. We won't do anything you don't want to do."

Roy was silent for a moment, breathing heavily. Then he said, "It's okay. It feels good."

It was Frankie who asked if we had any condoms.

As I returned my greedy mouth to Roy's long prong, I pointed. The bag from the convenience store lay in the doorway. Frankie left his post rimming my ass and walked around the bed to get it. He still wore his black tank top, and his half-hard, hairy cock wagged out in front of him. For a moment I felt self-conscious about having the smallest dick in the room (six inches, fully imbedded in Roy's mouth), but the feeling quickly passed. I sucked on the young man's soft tip and watched Mark slipping his tongue into Roy's hairless anus.

Frankie bent to pick up the bag. I got a nice look at his fuzzy ass crack. Both Roy and I moaned at the sight as we sucked each other. Roy was doing a nice job, not spectacular, but decent. He took me all the way down his throat then let me get almost all the way back out before slurping me back in. His young mouth drew in with a lot of pressure. He was trying to literally suck the manjuice out of me.

Frankie placed the bag on the bed stand. He ran his hand over my left butt cheek. Roy followed his cousin's lead. Soon, there were four hot hands feeling up my lightly hairy ass and nutsac.

Meanwhile, Mark had gotten two fingers into Roy's hot little hole. He thrust them in and out as the young man's body quivered with pleasure. His dick was very hard now, so I knew Mark's fingers and my mouth were really doing a number on him. I'm sure he was feeling things he had never felt before. And his dick-sucking had grown frantic, fast and enthusiastic.

The hands on my ass found my well-used asshole. A thick one, probably Frankie's, and a more slender one, Roy's, slid right in and started forcefully finger-fucking me. I arched my back and slid back to meet them. Even with this attention, and Roy's wet lips all over my aching dick, I knew I was far off from blasting a load.

Roy, however, was another story. With my cheeks engulfing his big root and Mark getting a third finger into his virgin ass, tickling his young prostate, Roy's pale, lean body was aquiver. His nerves jangled like loose change. I wanted everyone to watch his massive boycock explode, so I reluctantly took my mouth off it. With one hand I jerked just the last few inches. His young balls had drawn far up against his body. I took one into my mouth and tugged with my teeth. His dick was like the friggin' Washington Monument next to my face.

The sinews in his thin legs got tighter and tighter. Mark rammed his fingers into the boy's hole and held them there, wiggling around until he found the spot. The huge dong in my hand shook and pulsed. Roy took his mouth off my dick and screamed, "Oh, Jesus Christ! I'm cumming! Shit! Oh, oh!"

I gave the slippery cockhead one last stroke. And then Roy let loose a flood of spunk. Huge globs of fluid flew straight up. I couldn't see from my position, but I felt the first three slam onto my back. Still his young dick pulsed and spit far into the air. As he came, he tightened the finger inside my butthole, clamping my buttcheek tightly and spreading my loosened asshole open. A hot shot of his spunk landed right at the top of my crack and slowly dribbled down toward my open hole.

Roy continued to spooge. I pointed his dick toward his own face, so he would know the pleasure of bathing in his own boyjuices. He throbbed and flooded his smooth chest and stomach with a liberal coating of sticky white mixing with all the sweat. Finally his hard dick rested, his body lay limply on the bed, and he breathed heavily onto my rockhard cock.

Frankie applauded his teenaged cousin by slapping my ass loudly. His other hand, along with Roy's now relaxed one, still tugged at my asshole. My back and ass, and Roy's lean chest and abs, wore his goo like cologne. Mark barely noticed, saying, "Great, kid, just great," before going back to work, with his tongue and fingers, on Roy's fuckhole.

Roy muttered, "Oh, shit. This is so fuckin' great, man. Oh, fuck!" I continued stroking his long rod. My fingers were a little bit sticky.

Frankie kept on slapping my ass. He said, "How's this look to you, cousin?"

Roy answered, "It's a nice fuckin' ass. Tight as shit."

"Mm-hm." With that, Frankie jammed four fingers hard into me. I sat up and grunted. Roy's hand slid out, replaced by his eager tongue. Now I had Frankie's thick digits and Roy's muscular tongue groping into my well-fucked asshole.

I squatted over Roy's face and watched Mark as he rammed his tongue and fingers into the young man's slick hole. After a few more thrusts, which made Roy grunt, Mark looked up at Frankie and said, "Hand me one of those condoms, Frankie." Then Mark looked at me with his pale, blue eyes and said, "I think this baby's ready for a test drive."

Frankie left my ass to Roy's probing tongue. He quickly retrieved a condom, tearing open the pack and spilling them all over the floor. I think he couldn't wait to see his younger cousin get fucked by Mark's twelve-inch cock.

Roy didn't know what was happening. He wiggled his ass and spread his legs even wider, hoping to get Mark's mouth to return. The auburn-haired cutie couldn't see Mark slowly unraveling the condom over his rigid serpent. Even from where I sat over Roy's face I could see the blood pulsing through its veins, feel the heat I knew so intimately well it produced.

Frankie put his arm around my shoulder. He was whispering, "Shit, this is gonna be somethin', ain't it? That thing's fuckin' HUGE. I can't imagine it'll fit in my cousin's tight little asshole."

I said, "Oh, it'll fit. Believe me!"

"My God!" Frankie kneaded my right deltoid. His other hand I could see stroking his naked dick. "You had that thing in your pussy?"

"Hell yeah," I said, moaning as I remembered the hot fuck I'd received in the alley. "I can't wait to do it again."

"Shit, you're one horny fag, you know that? I oughta fuck your twat right now."

"What's stopping you?"

"Ha ha. My cousin'll bite off my prick if I try to right now."

It was true. Roy had his lips planted firmly on my anus. His mouth sucked and his tongue stretched several inches into my fuck-pipe. He groaned and groaned as he kicked his legs in the air, waiting for something to go up his own chute.

Mark was ready. The condom looked impossibly small and snug on his throbbing, footlong monster. He shoved Roy's knees toward the boy's chest. I gripped Roy's feet, lifting the young man's ass off the edge of the bed. Mark had a clear view of an upturned, slightly stretched, hairless bum, ready to be used the way a man's pussy is meant to be used. Mark had a huge grin on his face as he took his rod in both hands and pointed it menacingly at Roy's virgin hole.

I thrust my own ass down on Roy's tautly stretched tongue. He didn't know he was about to be invaded by a cock so thick even its owner couldn't even get both his hands around it. I held the boy's feet as Mark pressed the massive head of his dong against the smooth skin of Roy's anus.

The horny teen didn't miss a beat. He kept on sucking on my slick butthole as Mark pushed his asslips aside and forced his way into taut muscle. Mark's lips formed a silent "O" as he bucked his hips and shoved the whole bulbous end of his dick into the virgin hole. Roy yelled into my ass, but not too loudly. Mark stretched his hole an inch at a time.

Mark had about four inches in when he pulled out. Roy's dick was still hard, resting on his hairless gut. I could see his asshole pucker again as Mark withdrew. Just as quickly, Mark rammed himself back inside the cum-covered boy. About half his twelve inches twisted and forced their way back into the tight tunnel.

Now Roy screamed. I pulled my ass away from his face and let him shriek. "Goddamn! Oh, shit! What the fuck is that?"

Mark, for his part, asked Roy if he wanted him to stop. Mark was sensitive enough to mean it, but Roy said, "Fuck, no, faggot. Just go slowly, okay? I'm new to this shit."

I interjected, "You like it, buddy?"

Roy cried out, "Yes! Goddamn, yes! Fuck me, man! But slow. Take it slow!"

Mark did. He slid out a little, and then slowly eased back inside. For about twenty minutes he moved in small increments. Roy moaned loudly the whole time, as his tender, young body grew accustomed to the big bone in his butt. Finally Mark had his whole twelve inches implanted up to his sweaty, swaying balls.

During the twenty minutes I relinquished Roy's feet to Mark. I climbed off the bed and bent over Roy's sweet face. I kissed his hot mouth, his neck, his cum-soaked chest, as he got comfortable in his first fuck. As I leaned over the young man's face, I heard Frankie snap open a condom wrapper.

As Roy and I swapped saliva, Mark said, "You gonna fuck my boyfriend, Frankie?"

Frankie rubbed my butt cheek. "You got my cousin. Seems fair."

"You're in for a sweet ride."

Frankie said, "I hope it's as tight inside as it is outside." He slapped me.

Mark said nothing as he began a slow, delicate rhythm inside Roy's tunnel. I continued kissing Roy's pouty lips, our tongues dancing, as he moaned and winced. My left hand played with his belly button. He seemed to like that. I felt Frankie grip my hips firmly. He made sure I wasn't going anywhere as the tip of his sheathed cock quivered and groped for my elastic hole. Holding my waist, he surged forward. My well-traveled asshole slurped him right in.

God, how I groaned! Before this night I had been a top, normally. And now my third butt-fucking of the night! How had I lived so long without this particular, peculiar pleasure?

"Fuck, Frankie!" I said. "Don't take it easy."

"I won't, you greedy little asshole." He began a quick, slamming fuck, even as I watched Mark go just as slowly on Roy's newly pierced bunghole. Frankie had just cum a few minutes ago. I knew he could keep up this pace for a long time. So I rammed my butt back onto his eight-inch prong, kissing his cousin deeply the whole time. We moaned into each other's greedy mouths.

We stayed in this set-up for a good long time, just four horny guys slapping hard flesh and grunting and groaning. Mark's huge fuck stick fully inside Roy, laying on the bed on his back, me leaning over to shove my tongue in his mouth, my body stretched out from the bed, arching to take Frankie's Italian sausage. We were all so into it, of course, that we didn't hear the newcomers until one of them said, "All right! Nobody move!"

In the doorway stood my neighbor, Mr. Dresher, and the building super, Mr. Walsh. They looked as surprised to see us as we did to see them. Mr. Dresher stammered an apology. "I saw someone had broken in, so I went to get Mr. Walsh."

Mr. Walsh, who is a very good super, loomed in the doorway, holding a flashlight as if it were a club. I had met the man on a couple of occasions, and I knew he was gentle as a bear, despite his dark, menacing expression. A hefty black man, Mr. Walsh had the softened muscles of a former football player. He also had the deep voice of an opera singer. He said, "The door was open. Is everything all right here?" He seemed confused.

Since it was my apartment, I spoke. "Nnh! Yeah, Walshie. Everything's--Fuck!--under control."

"YOU certainly are, neighbor," Mr. Dresher said. Frankie's fingers held my hips firmly as he dove deeply into my hole.

Neither man moved to leave. In fact, both could not take their eyes off the action. Walsh, the big black guy, seemed especially interested in the rocking of Roy's thin, pale body as Mark continued to slam his huge cock home with slow, forceful strokes. My neighbor, Mr. Dresher had his eyes on the pistoning of my asshole.

I rarely ever saw my neighbor. I watched him now as he stared at my firm body getting slammed. I guessed him to be about fifty. At least, his hair was a dark shade of gray. But it was long and thick, tumbling down to his shoulders. He wore a tweed jacket, like a history professor, and he wore skinny glasses atop his puny, upturned nose. Light, cotton slacks hung from his slender waist. He looked a little thin, but in good shape for a man his age.

None of the sex had stopped. It was Frankie who said, "Why don't you guys make yourself at home?"

Dresher licked his lips and put his hand on his crotch. Walsh still looked confused.

I introduced everyone. Mr. Dresher said, "Call me Pete." He took a step into the room. Mark said, "Don't be shy, fellas. This boy loves cock, don't you, Roy?"

The 19-year-old burglar shouted, "Fuck me hard!"

Dresher--Pete--stood right in front of me. My head lurched toward him as Frankie shoved his rod into me. Pete smiled down. He said, "I've had my eye on you for two years."

I didn't know what to say. Mark, however, politely informed Pete that I was spoken for and that this was a one-time deal. Pete said, "I can live with that."

Pete got down on his knees and shucked my throbbing dick into his mouth. He immediately shed the tweed jacket, leaving a blue button-down. Pete steadied himself on the bed, letting his fingertips slide along Roy's smooth skin. Pete was a hungry man. He nearly sucked my balls out through my shaft.

Frankie was a maniac. He fucked me good, with short, rapid strokes now. His breath came in wet rasps. His sweaty flesh slammed against mine. Our hairs tugged at each other. His fingers dug painfully into my hips. He was close.

As I got sucked and fucked, I watched with erotic fascination as Mark's 12-inch love muscle worked over Roy's virgin ass. Make that "lust" muscle. There was nothing gentle or tender about the crushing force with which Mark fucked the slender young man. And Roy took it like a pro, his body grunting and shaking as the strong body screwed his ass without mercy. Mark looked up at me and smiled wolfishly.

There was nothing gentle about Frankie's impaling of my ass. He dove into me without coming out now--rapid-fire assault on my ass. His sweat dripped onto my back, where Roy's sperm had dried. Frankie's breath became little squeaks. He pushed his fat pecker into me as far as it would reach.

"Fuckin' A! This is it. Get ready to take my cum, you little slut! Oh oh oh! Take it! Aaah!" He clawed my waist as I felt his manhood erupt inside me. I tightened around him. "Shit, yeah!" he screamed as the condom ballooned. He ground my body down on his shooting root.

I felt the condom fill inside my gut. When Frankie finished spasming, he slapped the bottom of my back, hard, over and over. He muttered, "Damn! Damn fine piece of ass!"

Pete sucked hungrily on my dick. Frankie eased his fuck stick out of me. As he plopped out, he slapped my butt. I stood upright, still watching Mark's big muscles drive his hammer into Roy. The young man's long cock twitched without anyone touching it, depositing another massive load of cream all over his smooth body.

I got Pete to relinquish my dick and stand. He looked at me nervously, and I bent and rammed my lips into his. Without hesitation, the fifty-ish man sucked my tongue into his mouth. I began unbuttoning his shirt. I threw it open and mashed my hands against his hairy chest. I found his tiny nipples and tugged. Pete moaned.

I let my mouth explore his body. He was in good shape. The dark hairs on his chest covered a hard, healthy musculature. I licked down the trail of follicles on his slightly paunchy stomach as I undid his pants. I pulled the zipper down with my teeth. Pete whispered, "Oh God!"

In a second Pete was as naked as the rest of us--except my black super, who still stood in the doorway. I glanced at Pete's uncut five inches, waving like a flagpole in a breeze. Squatting, I forcefully turned him around. I gripped his buttocks and yanked them apart. My tongue dove into his crack.

"Oh, yeah, that's what I want. Eat me out before you fuck me."

I got started. My tongue found the hard ring and lapped at it. Pete tasted clean, with just a tiny bit of sweat. The mattress creaked under Mark's staccato fucking of Roy. Roy moaned like he had the flu and couldn't get out of bed. His hairless body glowed with wet cum. Suddenly Mark tore himself from the boy's asshole. Roy whimpered, but Mark walked away from him. My muscular new beau ripped the condom off and jerked himself. He stood in front of Pete grinning. My neighbor stared at the gorgeous foot long cock. Mark jacked his pulsing organ quickly.

"You want my load, Petey?" Mark said.

Pete answered by nodding as he bent at the waist. Now I really dove into his clenching butt hole as the other guys watched Mark disappear into the older man's mouth. I felt Pete's wiry body shaking and I heard his throat gagging as a sticky load was pumped into his face.

Mark sighed, "Whew!" He stepped back.

Roy lay on the bed, sticky and whining for more. That's when Walsh, my big black super, called out, "You want some cock, boy? Then get your pussy over here."

Roy leaped off the bed. His long legs got across the room in two strides. He looked at Walsh hungrily, but Walsh simply pawed the boy's shoulder and spun his 180 degrees. Walsh stroked his groin with one hand and roughly bent the auburn-haired twink over with the other. Frankie chucked the black man a condom. Walsh unzipped and whipped out his dick.

Like everything else about Walsh's former football player's body, his rod was thick and rounded. He pulled the foreskin back to expose the ashy, bullet-shaped head. The condom stretched to fit over the thick tube. I guessed it to be about ten inches, before I went back to slurping Pete's relaxing asshole.

All the heavy breathing was interrupted by Roy's shriek of surprise as the black cock battered his hole. Then, his scream became a low groan of brutal pleasure as Walsh began slapping flesh to flesh in a fast fuck of the nineteen-year-old's flexible asshole . I lapped some more at Pete's pucker. I slid my hands toward his crack. As I eased my index finger into his soft flesh, Pete said, "Ooh, yeah. Give me more."

In the corner of my eye, I saw Mark and Frankie, side by side on my bed. Their bare legs pressed against each other, but their focus was on the action in front of them. Mark slowly stroked his huge erection--still hard even after all he'd done tonight! Frankie stroked his shaft as well, his eyes glued to his cousin taking another thick dong up his twink ass.

I could hear nothing but Roy's moaning and Walsh's massive thighs slapping the pale boy. Looking over, I saw Roy bent over, with his gangly arms dangling uselessly as his ass was assaulted. He had a huge smile on his face, and his spent cock valiantly tried to retain its maximum hardness.

As I used three fingers to pry open my neighbor's manhole, with my other hand I reached behind me, groping on the carpet, and grabbed a condom. I slid my fingers out of Pete's slick hole and lightly patted his butt. "You ready, Pete?" I said before ripping the condom open with my teeth.

My gray-haired neighbor said, "Hell, yes. Give it to me." He placed his hands on his thighs, bracing himself. As I unrolled the condom, I thought of the tight, virgin asshole I had fucked earlier in the evening. No doubt Pete's hole was a little more used to being penetrated, but from what I had felt, it was still deliciously taut. I got the condom on my rigid tool quickly, and then slid my aching cock between Pete's flat butt cheeks.

"Ooh, baby. Don't keep daddy waiting, you young tease."

I did. I rocked my hardness back and forth in his small crack. He ooh-ed and aah-ed as I teased him. I ran my hands along his wiry back. I looked up at Mark. As he rubbed his bloated cockhead, he raised his eyebrows, as if to say, "What the hell are you waiting for? Fuck that man's hole already!"

I smiled at my new lover as I gripped tired penis. My other hand rested on Pete's slender hip as I caressed myself into his wet asshole. Pete tensed, and his sphincter closed around me.

"I thought you wanted this, daddy," I said to him. I gave a gentle push, and his anus popped around my glans. He was nearly as hot and tight as the virgin punk I had screwed in the alley. "Oh, yeah," I said. "You're gonna make me cum already."

"No, please, don't. I want you to fuck my ass all night."

Since I had cum so much already that night, I knew it would take a long time. I eased my cock out and rocked back into the slowly stretching hole. When my hairy nuts pressed against Pete's hard buttocks, I began furiously humping. I tried matching Walsh's brutal pace on Roy, but I knew I didn't have the physical strength. Walsh's legs were like tree trunks.

Soon Walsh and I had the same pace, both of us fully removing our dicks then slamming them all the way back inside two squirming assholes. Roy yelped his pleasure, and Pete moaned. Pete knew what he was doing, clenching and squeezing his man-cunt, firmly milking my cock.

Frankie and Mark suddenly stood from the bed. Frankie headed over to his cousin and wagged his boner in the boy's face. Though his body quaked under Walsh's assault, Roy didn't hesitate to slurp his cousin into his throat. Still wearing his black tank top, Frankie pinched his nipples as Roy bobbed on his cock.

Mark kept his eyes connected to mine. He stood beside Pete and motioned downward. I grinned back. Still pummeling Pete's willing hole, I bent down and kissed the fat bulb of Mark's twelve-incher. The delicious taste of his cum was unmistakable. I licked all around the thick end before sucking it into my mouth. I concentrated on Mark, letting my pelvis go on its own accord.

There we were, six guys, all moaning or grunting or shrieking in pleasure. I grabbed Mark's sweaty ass as he slowly pumped more of his cock into my mouth. Roy gripped his cousin's rod with both hands as he sucked the cum out of it. The teenager had really taken a shine to the role of bottomboy. I watched Frankie's ass clench as he pumped another load down his younger cousin's throat. Walsh impaled the pale butt with such force that only Frankie in front of him kept Roy from falling forward.

Mark was in no hurry to orgasm. Very nonchalantly, he rocked his hips so that his dick slid up into my wet mouth. My fingers traced his butt crack and tickled him just below his anus, just above his balls. He gasped when I did that and said, "Holy shit! That feels so good, lover."

The sweat-covered hairs on Pete's and my legs stuck together as our bodies merged. His tiny hole stayed chokingly tight as I thrust into him. I was a robot, a fucking machine. My artistic work was being done on Mark's thick prong. I swirled the knob around in my mouth like a piece of fruity candy. He played with my hair and groaned as I worked my magic.

Pete came, violently. His spasming body gripped my dick and pulled it deep inside him. I felt his organs swell and let loose their seed. He gave throaty little squeaks as his balls emptied. I pushed my body against his ass, feeling my own nuts rise. His tunnel squeezed the length of my shaft.

When Walsh came, we all heard him. He started with a soft growl, which slowly built into a hissing scream. We all watched as he gripped Roy by the hips and pulled the boy down on his meaty, black cock. Walsh's face contorted and he screamed like a man who hadn't cum in a week (which I later found out was the case!). Roy clenched his eyes, in shock or pain, and let his mouth hang open. Walsh ground the pale white flesh against his muscles as he came and came (and came some more!) into Roy.

The sight of the auburn-haired young man wincing sent me over the edge as well. As Pete struggled for breath, and still sucking on Mark's man-tool, I felt my empty nuts ascend. With Pete's experienced fuck-canal stroking me, I easily filled the condom.

As Walsh and I pulled out and disposed of our full prophylactics (Walsh's was VERY full), Pete stood and turned to me. We kissed chastely on the lips. He smiled at me and said, "Thanks. I'll never forget this."

Mark sat and I knelt in front of him. His massive tower quivered in front of me, ready to go again. The 21-year-old with the brawny chest and suckable nipples had amazing stamina!

Behind me, people were getting dressed. Walsh nodded a silent thanks and snuck out. Pete dressed, winked at me and Mark, then quietly departed. Roy took longer to retrieve his clothing. He rubbed his ass as if it hurt. Mark asked if the not-so-virginal young man was okay.

Roy smiled as he pulled his shirt down over his cum-streaked body. "I'll be feeling those big cocks for a week, but yeah, I'm fine. Better than fine."

Frankie and Roy left, arms around each other. Frankie stopped at the door and turned to say, "Sorry about the breaking in, guys. Hope we weren't too much trouble."

Then it was quiet.--just me and my hunky new lover. I licked all up and down his dick. I looked up at him with my eyes wide. He laughed and said, "You know I want you again."

As I reached over for another condom, I said, "I think I could easily fall in love with you."

"I already did fall in love with you."

I took the rubber in my teeth and slowly unspooled it down his rigid column. So close, I imagined I could see the thick veins in it pulsing as yet more blood filled its foot long capacity.

As I stood I placed my palms on Mark's smooth chest and pushed him down to the bed. He stared right into my eyes. His icy blue orbs shone like diamonds. I straddled him and pointed his big stick at my waiting hole.

Breathily Mark said, "Are you still tight?"

Equally breathless, I retorted, "Are you still huge?"

I felt the fat purple bulb pressing hotly on my asshole. I thumbed his nipples. He moaned and arched his back, pushing his missile closer to penetration.

Keeping our eyes locked, I slowly sank onto his pole. The cop in the convenience store had fucked me since Mark had done so in the alley, and so had Pete, my neighbor. But nothing could compare to the feeling of having Mark's 12-inch love muscle sliding hotly into my rectum. Every nerve fiber in my body flared with pleasure. He filled every cubic centimeter of my passageway. He filled me, pushed against the walls of me. We fit together like a lock and a key.

When my ass rested on his body, we both said, "Holy shit." I rubbed his stomach, his hard obliques, as my taut legs began the journey. Slowly back up, all twelve inches about to pop out of my hungry ass, then just as slowly back down, letting gravity impale my body with this young man's incredible fuck stick.

I rode him, not in a hurry, letting my legs strain and my rectum flex. Mark teased my balls with some tickling, not quite touching my wagging shaft. My ass ring stretched around him, stroking him. Our breathing was soft, fast and hard.

My legs complained, so I brought my knees down. Kneeling on the sheets, I thrust my ass down on Mark. He rubbed my thighs as they worked. "Yeah," he said. "Oh, yeah! Come on, baby. Take me there. I leaned down and suckle his left nipple. He arched his back, shoving his dick hard up my hot tunnel. As I slowly sank onto his cock, he now slowly thrust upward each time. It was still a relaxed, loving fuck, though our bodies sweat with the exertion. He grabbed my head and stroked my hair. He pulled me up to his neck. I sucked hard. That would leave a mark. Then he brought my face to his. Looking deep into his cool blue eyes, I opened my mouth. His lips rose to meet mine. Our tongues danced a tango as our bodies slammed into each other. The moment was nearing. His veins pulsed within me. His muscles were shaking beneath me. I pulled out of the deep kiss. His mouth gaped at me, wanting more, wanting to taste me. I smiled and pulled his thick prong from my rear. I yanked the condom off.

I held both our dicks in my hands. His fingers laced among mine. We pumped together--four hands and two dicks. Our eyes kissed. A bead of sweat fell from my chin right into Mark's tiny navel. His warm hands and mine were like an oven, baking our cakes into one beating unit. I felt my balls rise, I felt his dick swell, I felt his fingers squeeze mine more tightly. I mouthed, "I love you" as our orgasm began.

We held the tips of our bursting cocks at the same point. My balls sat on his thick column as it throbbed and spit. The cream flew far from both our hoses, spreading in a sticky pool over Mark's tan chest and stomach. He shot further, and more, than I did. As our dicks kept on going, his mouth whispered, "You're wonderful."

When our orgasm quelled, we were suddenly out of breath. Sweat rolled down my neck. A bead of it slid from my belly button down to the base of my flagging erection. I noticed now how sore my dick was.

Perspiring and exhausted, I fell onto my muscled mate. The stream of cum squelched between our hard bodies. I kissed his lower lip. Resting my face in the crook of Mark's sweaty neck, I fell asleep with my new lover.


5 Gay Erotic Stories from Jaycruz

Body Czech

It's not easy for Rick Alvarez, being the only Latino at a prestigious New England prep school. Every day is a challenge to rein in his attitude and not to let the haughtiness of the white snobs get him down. Then, after a long day of restraining himself, Rick lets it all out at hockey practice. That's right. His last name is Alvarez, and he plays ice hockey. Not what people expect, but,

Joyriders 7: Scouting Around for a Threesome

The day started well for Kirk. With Kirk's parents gone, Tony had spent the night. Kirk awoke with the blond boy pressed snugly to him. It did not take long for Kirk's penis to swell and settle in the crevice of Tony's pert buttocks. As Tony slowly roused, Kirk had already been humping away. They groaned and grunted their way into the shower, with Kirk carrying the 5'7" track star. Kirk

Joyriders: A Night Out

KIRK What am I doing here? Kirk thought. I should be with Tony right now. "I need you on Saturday night," Charlie had said. And what choice did Kirk have? Charlie didn't need to threaten to show the videotape to Coach Staffly. Kirk knew the quarterback still had it--the tape showing Kirk stripping, then sucking, then getting fucked, at Charlie's gay brother's bachelor party. Coach

My Dong

I had never met someone named Dong before. That was all I knew about my roommate. Coming from a small town in farm country, I hadn't met much more than a Robert or even a Vince in high school. I sat around that first day here at university waiting to meet the man named Dong. I wasn't disappointed. Dong and I are complete opposites. He's hyper all the time; I'm calm and serene. He's

Street Fight, Part 4

We practically ran the two blocks to my apartment. My heart raced from the night's activities. Having come three times already, the adrenaline was really flowing, and I couldn't wait to get home to have Mark all to myself. He jogged along close to my back, his hand brushing my bare back, my shoulder, the back of my neck--so I knew he was keyed up as well. We took the two flights of stairs

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