Gay Erotic Stories

A Greek's Kebab

by Jonty69

I was 23, and I had just been dumped by my girl friend, so I was pretty fed up with life. We had shared a tiny flat in the west of town in a pretty run down area, and I was leaving it now. She had given me until five o’clock today to get my things out, and in a small case were my “things”. I had no idea where to go, but at least I had made the deadline. Just. I know what she would have done if I hadn’t. Not only would I not have anywhere to go, but I wouldn’t have any clothes either, just a pile of ashes. Added to which if she had caught me there the least I could have expected would be a kick up the backside. The only reason I had stayed with her was because of her forcefulness. I liked to be ordered around, mainly due to my upbringing. I had been orphaned at the age of five, and been brought up by my aunt. She lived in a secluded cottage in the country, was very dominant, and particularly hated male children. She wasted nothing on me, and in order to save money and washing, during the summer I went much of the time naked, even in front of visitors, while during the winter I was given an old woolen dress of hers, cut off to fit me. That was until I was about 11 when she realised puberty was on its way, and I was going to have to be covered up. It was soon after that I had my first sexual experience, but back to the present.

I had wandered to the common, and as it was now nearly 8 o’clock and I was hungry I decided to cross over to the row of shops on the other side. At one end, separated by a service road, was a little café, run by a short, fat Greek. It wasn’t the most salubrious of places, but I could get a kebab there, and I probably make a coffee last. The money she had given me would run to that, but as for sleeping, I think the park benches beckoned. I went in, ordered, and sat down at one of the tables. Dimitrios brought my order over, and I proceeded to take as much time as possible. By the time I had drunk a second cup of coffee, and watched others come and go, it was 9.30 and trade seemed to have come to a halt. Other than weekends the place always quieted down early; it was time for me to find somewhere, so I got up, picked up my bag, and started towards the door.

Suddenly Dimitrios spoke, “Hey, you look a bit down; anything wrong?” I had never spoken much to him before, and it didn’t seem right to tell him of my problems; but suddenly I had an overwhelming desire to talk, and explained the predicament I was in. After he had listened to my story, he offered to put me up, as long as I helped him out, put his arm around my shoulders, and said we were going to be good friends.

I had had gay affairs before, but this man I did not fancy. He was greasy and dirty, but it was now obvious what he had in mind. I tried to pull away from his arm, but he was much stronger than me. His left hand grabbed my shoulder length hair, and pulled my mouth down on his. He forced his tongue into my mouth as I wriggled to get free. I hoped someone might come in the café, and then saw he had bolted it before he had started talking to me. I felt quite sick, what with the strong garlic smell, grease and sweat coming from his body, and must have part fainted. He lifted me up and took me through the bead curtain behind the counter. Despite the fact that I must have been 9” taller than him he carried me as if I was a baby.

When I came to I was in what I assumed was a back room. There was a bulb in the socket, and from the dim light it gave out I could see round it. The window was securely barred, the floorboards were rotten, and non-existent in places, and there was a metal cot-bed in the corner, with a filthy, thin cloth covering an equally filthy mattress, with a rickety table by it.

I heard the door open, and in walked Dimitrios. “Get undressed” he said. I refused. Stupid. He pulled my jacket over my arms, and pushed me back on to the bed. My head hit the wall, and I lay stunned. I felt him undo my shoes, remove them and then my jeans. My jacket and shirt were next, followed by my socks, and then my pants. His hands pawed my body, and he was almost purring. “So smooth. So smooth.” My body hair consisted of a small tuft of pubic hair over my penis, and even smaller tufts in my armpits. He lifted me up and straightened me on the bed, picked up my clothes and walked out. Once again the door was locked, and this time the light was turned off. The room was now pitch black, with no light coming from outside. It was also cold, so I slipped under the stinking cover and shivered myself to sleep. I slept fitfully, and woke to the rattle of the doorknob. I could see now why the room got very little natural light. It was below ground level, and the only light came via the outside skylight, which appeared to be mainly covered. Dimitrios brought in a mug of tea, and put it on the table.

“If you let me go now, I won’t tell anyone,” I said.

“I want you; and I want you to do everything I say. Ever since you first came in with that stuck up bitch that walked all over you, I have wanted you. And I am going to have you; by the time I’ve finished you’ll beg me to have you.”

“You can’t keep me here; I’ll shout…”

“You can shout as loud as you like, nobody will hear you out here. While you were out cold I drove you to this little country cottage. The nearest neighbours are ten miles away, and the cottage is surrounded by trees. Oh, and by the way, I hope you didn’t feel any after effects from your second cup of coffee”. He laughed, and walked out the room. That explained my “faint”. He had drugged me. I shifted on the bed, and picked up the mug; I was glad to feel the warm liquid in my throat. He had left the door open when he had gone, so I guessed that he wasn’t far away. Sure enough, he came back in, this time with some bread and cheese on a tray, which he put on the table, and length of rope.

“Right. Stand up, with your back to me.” I didn’t know what he had in mind, but already I was beginning to feel subservient. He tied my hands behind me, and then spoke again, “I am going back to the café now, and won’t be back until late. If you need a crap or pee, now is your chance. Out you go.”

I walked through the door of the room, into a hallway. The rest of the house was in little better condition than the room I was in. “Which way is the toilet?” I asked.

“You can go outside, like a dog. Now get a move on it’s time I was going.”

I realised that what ever I did I was going to have to do on the “lead”, with him watching. As I walked out the front door I could see the layout of the building better. It was single storey, and built into the hillside, which explained my window. I walked into a thicket and squatted down on the ground. I hadn’t crapped for hours, so even with an audience I could soon feel my bowels moving; unfortunately I started peeing at the same time, and most of the warm urine trickled down my leg. I finished, stood up and asked him if I could wash myself somewhere. His reply really hit me. “You sneer at me, and think I smell. Now you can go without washing, and we will see how sweet you smell at the end of it.” I trudged back into my room. He told me to lie down on the bed again, and then tied my hands to the top of the bed, and my feet to the bottom, so I was spread-eagled. This time I was lying on the top of the cover, and he placed the bread and cheese by my head.

“There you are. If you feel hungry, and if you’re careful, you can have a nibble. Mind you, perhaps the mice might beat you to it.” I shivered, this time not so much from the cold, but that thought made my blood cold. I loathed mice, and I could almost feel them running over my body. “OK.” I cried, “I’ll do what ever you want. Just let me free.”

“Not yet” was his reply, and walked out of the room, this time locking it. I heard the bang of the front door, and knew I was on my own. I lay there for hours. It could have been days, but there had been no darkness, just that constant twilight which permeated the room. I had tried to eat something, but had only succeeded in pushing, first the bread, and then the cheese out of my reach. Later on I wanted to pee, but told myself I didn’t really need it; but the more I thought about it the more I needed to go. Eventually I could hold off no longer, and could only lie there whilst I urinated. The fluid landed on my belly, and then flowed between my buttocks and soaked into the mattress. I sobbed gently. I had always been soft, but I by the time D had finished with me I would be putty.

It was then that I heard a rustle from the corner, where the floorboards were missing. It was behind my line of vision, but I could guess what it was. What I had dreaded; mice! I heard them scuttle towards the bed, towards me; I started shaking. The noise hadn’t put them off; no doubt the smell of the cheese was too good. I screamed, and then screamed louder. I had just felt one run across my belly. I had closed my eyes, and kept them closed. It was bad enough feeling them, I didn’t want to see them, nor did I want to know how many there were.

By now I was rigid; I couldn’t move a muscle, and my voice had stopped. They were running all over me, in my hair and everywhere. And then they all went. For ages I just lay there. A corpse would have had more movement. Eventually feeling began to return to my body, I relaxed, and my bowels voided themselves. I couldn’t stop them; I just lay there while the runny crap poured out. I was filthy. At long last the light went on, and the key turned in the lock. “You filthy piece of shit” Dimitrios greeted me with, “What are you?” “A filthy piece of shit, sir” I replied.

“I like that. You will always call me sir. Now, you had better eat.” “Not in this mess, surely”, I protested.

“You are responsible for it, and call me sir, you revolting slut”. As he spoke he slapped my testicles hard. I screamed and could feel my throat gagging. He released my arms from the bed, and told me to sit up. I did as I was told, and he placed the tray on my lap. More bread and cheese, and a glass of water. I picked up the chunks and hungrily wolfed them; I was sickened by my own smell, but it seemed so long since I had last eaten.

In fact I suddenly realised that it was just twenty-four hours ago; I had descended a long way in that time, and wondered how much further I was going to go. “Thank you, sir” I whined. Perhaps if I cringed enough my ordeal would be shorter.

“Don’t think you can fool me; I’ll know when you’re ready. Now, put your arms back and I will secure you. Since you seem to like lying in your own filth, I won’t bother taking you out tonight.” He snarled.

I groaned, and immediately regretted it. He was still tying up my arms, and suddenly pulled them tighter. “So you still have something to learn.” He walked out the door, and returned a few minutes later wearing rubber gloves and carrying a roll of fine wire, a flannel, and a cloth. What was he going to do now? He pushed the cloth under my balls, and then washed them. My first thought was that perhaps he wasn’t so bad, and then I saw what he had in mind. He started winding the wire tightly around the top of my sac; it was doubly agonising, as my balls were still sore from him hitting them earlier. I yelled as he pulled the wire, but I could do nothing.

“There we are. That should sort you out. Now, I’m off. I’ll see you sometime tomorrow. Sweet dreams.” I couldn’t speak as my head was spinning from the pain in my testicles; I just watched him walk out the door, and then the light went out. I was on my own again!

I sobbed, in pain and fright. I knew the effects the wire would have on my balls if left on; gradually all blood would cease to flow, and then they would become defunct, dead, and my sac could be cut off; I would be castrated. I shook as the tears of disgust flowed down my cheeks. He had tied the rope so tight I could barely move more than a centimetre in any direction. I just lay there thinking, crying, and listening.

When I woke up the room was no longer completely dark; that twilight glow was coming through the window and I knew it must be daytime again, although what time I had no idea. I was shivering from the cold as I hadn’t even had the benefit of the covering, and there was a dull throbbing pain coming from between my legs. How I had managed to sleep so long I didn’t know, but I was glad. I assumed that Dimitrios would be calling soon, and waited. Although I had had little in the way of food and drink my bladder needed emptying, and so did my bowels, and I was determined not to soil the bed any more.

I was also hungry, and my mouth dry. I waited and waited until I could wait no more. I relaxed my muscles, and urine and crap flowed, and I just had to lie there in the mess. Eventually once more the light went on and D walked in. I immediately started to whine, but he said nothing. As he came closer I could see he was wearing a mask; I could guess why. The smell in this room must be appalling. He stood by my side, and put a chunk of bread to my mouth… “Eat” was his command. I did so, but trying to eat lying down is not easy, especially when the food is being thrust down your throat. I managed to swallow, not knowing when my next “meal” would be, and then water was poured over my head. I don’t think he made much attempt to aim for my mouth, but at least some of the fluid had gone the right way. Before I knew it the room was in darkness again and I was on my own.

And then the next day, and the next, and I grew weaker, until I had no idea what was going on, and passed out. I suddenly came to when I was drenched under a shower of water. Dimitrios had an empty bucket in one hand, and a sharp knife in the other. He dropped the bucket and moved forward. He picked up my penis between his thumb and finger, emphasising its lack of size, and cut through the dead skin below the wire; I had long since felt any feeling from that area, and anyway I was far to weak to do anything. He cut through the bonds on my arms and legs, and then pulled the covering. It came off the bed, with me on it, and I landed on the floor with a thud, my arms and legs still outstretched, as I couldn’t move them. He dragged his load down the hallway, and we were outside; it was good to see daylight again, but that impression was mixed, as feeling began to return to my limbs.

Suddenly I felt the pressure of water from a hose on my body, freezing cold water. He rolled me over, and aimed the jet at my anus, washing the caked dung from around my hole. After a couple of minutes he stopped. “Right you little ponce, dry yourself.” He flung a towel at me, and I did my best, the brisk rubbing helping to restore my circulation, and the warm sun doing its bit.

“Thank you very much, sir. I feel a lot better now. What else would you like me to do?” The last time I had spoken in similar manner had been put on; an attempt to wheedle my way into his good books. This time I meant it. I was now his slave, and ready.

“Come here, and kiss me, slut!” I moved forward, and spread my lips over his, pushing my tongue into his mouth. I thought of that time, in a different era, when he had tried to kiss me, and the consequences. The stale sweat, the garlic, the grease. Then it had repulsed me, now it was my life. As my body pressed against his I could feel his big belly; it was soft and flabby; below it was his cock. I put my hand into the top of his trousers, and it immediately was enveloped in a forest of hair. I pushed on into his underpants, and could feel the top of his erect cock.

I knew what was wanted of me, and undressed him, and eventually the two of us were standing there, both totally naked, but him with his rampant penis, sticking out from beneath that huge belly, and me thin, and with flaccid cock. His balls were large, mine non-existent. His body was covered in hair from neckline to ankle; you would need a magnifying glass to find any on mine. Everything about him would have sickened me a few days ago, now I was his to do with as he wished. I knelt slowly, taking his cock into my mouth. My tongue gently explored his pee slit, and my lips slid over the ridge of his head. I could feel it on the roof of my mouth, sliding to the back of my throat, my nose buried deep in his hair.

His hands grasped my head and he started face fucking me. The pent up lust of all those days was suddenly unleashed, and he furiously drove his cock into and out of my mouth. Suddenly a creamy squirt covered my throat, and I tasted his slightly sour salty cum for the first time. I swallowed his load, and thanked him for it. He just lay there on the grass, the mound of his belly flopping down, almost obscuring his now soft penis. I ran my fingers through his body hair, still amazed at my change. I felt no urges now, either; my penis shrunk to the size of a little boy’s, and a strange-feeling gap between my legs. I fell asleep in the sun.

When I awoke I was back in the cottage, but in a different room. Although it was still dilapidated, it was a lot more comfortable, and there was a table and chair. What was more, on the table was some food! I slid off the bed and walked over to it, sat down, and started to eat. I ate gently, so as not to upset my system, but was soon full. It would no doubt take some days to get back to normal. One thing hadn’t changed; I was still naked. I walked over to the door; it was open! Dimitrios did not appear to be around, but obviously he no longer feared my running away. He was right. I knew that for as long as he wanted me I was his. Outside it was beginning to get dark, but I had lost all sense of time, and certainly had no idea how long I had been kept in the cottage.

I was ready for D’s return, but knew, because of the café; it wouldn’t be for some time yet. I wandered along the track, which appeared to be the only access to place, for about half a mile; it seemed to be never ending and I decided I had better return. I had no wish to be lost in the dark. I went back and lay on the bed; there were some magazines by it, and I browsed through them. At last I heard the sound of a car drawing up, and Dimitrios appeared in the bedroom door.

“Good evening, sir. I am very grateful for my new bed.” I got up walked over to him. There was an overwhelming smell of the night’s food, both in his clothes, and in his body. “Would you like me to undress you sir?”

He was grinning as he replied, “You are a changed person, little slave. I cannot call you a man, can I?”

“No, sir, because men have balls and I haven’t got any. I am very grateful to you for relieving me of them, sir.”

“Good. In that case, undress me.”

When I had taken all his clothes off, he led me into the bathroom, told me to stand in the bath and then bend over. I watched him take the showerhead off, and then run the water. “Um. That should be just about right.” He pushed the hose into my anus, and I could feel my bowels filling with water. As he pulled the hose out, I expelled the water and shit. After doing it twice more he was satisfied, and told me to dry off, and go back to the bedroom. I waited for him to return, and knew he was going to fuck me. It was a long time since I had been fucked, but my hole was still ready for it. When Dimitrios came back he lay on the bed and told me to kneel between his legs. I did as he said, and then he continued, “Now suck my balls.” This was easier said than done. The balls themselves were big enough, without all the hair surrounding them. I managed. And then it was his cock. After a bit he told me to go and kneel on the floor, legs apart. I felt his fat finger enter me roughly, and then two. He was satisfied I was ready, and pushed the head of his cock against my hole. It entered, and without any hesitation he rammed the full length into me. I yelled and screamed, and he just kept on screwing me. He grabbed my hair and rode me faster and faster, his flabby belly flopping on my back. Then I felt the warm rush of his cum, and he threw me forward, his penis releasing itself from my raging hole, the remainder of his sperm landing on my back. With a whack on my buttocks, he said, “Good pussy. Now bed.”

Here my expectations were dashed. My bed was to be a cushion and cover on the floor. I slept soundly, and awoke with a kick in the ribs; my master was awake. “You may use the bathroom after I have finished. Then give the place a clean, we’ll go back to the café now I think you’re housetrained.”

“Yes, sir, thank you, sir.” When he came out of the bathroom, I went and closed the door. A mistake.

“Don’t ever close the door on me, you have nothing to hide, understand? Now sit and shit, you miserable little hole.”

“Sorry sir, I wasn’t thinking, sir,” I stammered as I sat on the toilet. He waited until I had finished, just to show what I could expect, and then went back to the bedroom and dressed. He sat out in the sun while I cleaned up, and then I went to tell him I had done. He took hold of my ear, and marched me into the bathroom.

"Right, this is clean is it?” He lifted the toilet seat, pushed my head towards it, and continued, “In that case you won’t mind licking it. Get on with it and then come out to the car. If I find it’s not perfect next time I see it you’ll clean it with your tongue after I’ve used it.” I did as he said, and stood by the door. “Get in then,” he shouted.

“But sir, I haven’t got any clothes on.”

“Do you think I’m blind, or something? Your days of clothes are finished. Who heard of slaves with clothes?” Now this was something I hadn’t dreamt of. When he said we were returning to the café, I was excited, but I didn’t see how this was going to work.

“But sir, people will see me.”

“Look, if you don’t get in immediately, you will go back into that room for another spell. Now, in!”

“Yes, sir.” I was in that car before he had finished speaking. When I thought about it I really didn’t care if I was seen naked, I was merely a part of Dimitrios now, and when he tired of me no doubt someone else would come along. The first part of the journey was in the country, and we only saw a few other cars, but then I saw we were approaching the outskirts of Walford. It was still broad daylight, and while the car was moving I had no fears, but I was nervous of when we would inevitably slow down or stop. The first traffic lights were at go, but as we approached the second they changed to red, and I could feel myself doing the same. Thinking about being seen naked, and the actual thing, were two different things.

Eventually Dimitrios pulled into the alleyway by the café, and parked up behind it. “Out you get, then, and quickly. Having you sitting next to me, naked, has made me very randy.” I hopped out the car, and strolled towards the back entrance. I need have no fears of being seen here, as it was only overlooked by D’s building. Mind you I didn’t realise how randy he was. “Lie down and spread your legs, I’m having you right here.” As he spoke he was taking his clothes off, and before I knew it that great mound of hairy flesh was on top of me, and his rigid cock was in my mouth.

For a couple of minutes he let me suck it, then he moved back, pushed my legs onto my chest, exposing my still sore hole, and in one go pushed his fat cock right into me. I roared, and he just continued fucking me hard. He pulled out before he came, stood up and wanked for the final few seconds, then his cum sprayed over me, my chest, my face and hair. He stood there panting, and then moved to the back door, “Bring my clothes in you fucking tart, and then come and suck my cock clean.”

“Yes, sir,” I replied as he disappeared inside.

With remarkable speed Dimitrios had his café ready for opening on time. He had shown me various jobs I could do out the back, and if I needed him I was to put my head through the bead curtain. The thought of me being totally naked behind it turned him on, and there was almost no chance of any customer realising it. Although I could no longer cum in the accepted male sense, the twice D had fucked me had brought me to something similar, without quite reaching it. I began to look forward to his next entry. Then he appeared in the little back room. “There is a glory hole in the toilet. Go in and wait for a customer.” Knowing better than to argue now, I slipped through the side door into the toilets. There were two cubicles, both very battered, the doors only hid the bare essentials and had no locks. What is worse, they made do for both sexes. I slipped in to the left hand one and sat down on the porcelain. There were no luxuries like toilet seats, and it was cold on my buttocks. After about ten minutes I heard the door open and assumed it was my customer, but through the hole I saw a woman’s skirts, and went back to waiting. I had no idea if she knew I was there, but I was trying to be as quiet as possible. Further time passed, and then the door went again. I heard the sound of trousers dropping to the floor, and then this monster appeared through the hole. I knelt down on the floor and licked the tip of the cock. The response was a groan and thrust as yet more meat appeared. My mouth was full of saliva and I let the moisture drip onto that throbbing head, before sucking it into my mouth.

More and more disappeared into my mouth, until the tip was well down my throat. The man was thrusting hard, and I could taste his precum, when he suddenly ejaculated, and a jet of sperm, warm, salty and delicious hit the back of my throat. He was still cumming, now all over my face, when I saw a flash on my right. I looked round, and without me hearing, the door had been opened and a girl stood there with a camera. Not just any girl, but the one that had chucked me out days ago. “Hello, pansy. I’m glad you’ve met my new boyfriend; he’s got a real cock, and needs a little bit extra now and then. All that sperm covering your face suits you, I always knew there was something missing.

Mind you, Dimitrios tells me something else is missing now. Stand up, and let’s have a look; come on Pete.” I stood up and came out of the cubicle. The man I had just sucked off, now fully dressed, stood there holding the girl’s hand. “What a snivelling little drip,” he said.

“Yes sir,” I replied, “and thank you for letting me suck your cock, it was a great honour, sir.”

“I don’t believe it Pam, you could never have had that thing in your bed, and as for that miserable little digit between his legs…” As they both stood there laughing at me, D came through the door, “There you are worm, I thought you would like your “ex” to see how well you were getting on. Now wash that mess off your face, and get back to the scullery.” I moved towards the washbasin, when Dimitrios roared, “Not there, in there,” pointing to the right hand cubicle, “The lady left the chain specially for you. Now kneel down, put your hands in the bowl, and scrub.”

It was just gone midnight and I was lying on the couch in the backroom. Looking around, the place wasn’t in much better state than the room I had been kept in. Upstairs all the rooms were empty, bar one, which had a bed in it, and the bathroom. I was hoping that when my services weren’t required I could stay on this couch. Then I heard Dimitrios calling.

I ran through to the café, and put my head through the beads, “Yes sir, what would you like me to do?” I enquired.

“Come in here, and clear up. Make sure all the tables are clean, and then sweep the floor. And don’t worry, the door’s locked.” Although I was really not much bothered about being seen anymore, it was reassuring to know that it was not possible to see through the windows, as there were to shutters in front of them to give privacy inside. I got on with my allotted tasks, while D cleaned the cooking area. By the time I had finished, I think the café was cleaner than it had been for a long time. Dimitrios had finished first, and was sitting smoking the long cheroots he liked. “Come here, and suck me, faggot.” I walked over and pulled his trousers and pants down, and sat on the floor, the only position in which I could get to his cock, and while he sat there smoking, I sucked away.

The next few weeks passed along much the same lines, apart from the toilet episode. I had been allowed to sleep in the back room, only going up when ordered by D, when he wanted to fuck me, or to be sucked. Then one evening things changed. Pete returned, this time with three pals. Not that I was aware of his presence until later. I think Dimitrios had been beginning to tire of the set up anyway, and saw an opportunity. Anyway, he came through to me and said I must have made an impression on Pete, as he and his pals were coming through to join me. As D stood aside to let them through they handed him a large bunch of notes.

The last man in closed the door, while Pete was saying, “Well there he is guys, a genuine whimpering pansy; put your legs apart and show them.” I did as he said. “See, no balls, and a dinky little digit.” By now there was no sign of my castration, apart from a little ridge of skin, and my penis was little bigger than my little finger. “Right, let’s get stripped,” he finished off. They quickly divested themselves of their clothing, and I studied their bodies. They were all powerful masculine types, with some body hair, and apart from Pete, average size cocks, at present in a semi rigid state.

“OK boy pussy, satisfy us, or we’ll whip you.” I had no idea where to start, so I got up from the couch and knelt in front of the nearest one to me; I cupped his balls in my hands and licked his now almost erect cock with my tongue. The other three were yelling in the background, but I could still hear the voice of the guy I was pleasuring, “Oh, man that is good. Hey Pete. I’ve never had a man do it to me before. This is better than a girl.”

I was moving my lips around the head, and under the ridge, my tongue constantly moving, as I absorbed the meat into my mouth. I could see that by now the other three were standing close by, their penis’ standing out in front. I took my hands away from the testicles and grabbed one of them, and then pointed at my anus. I had never had both holes filled at the same time; now was a good time.

“Hey, look, he wants me to fuck him,” I heard a voice say “but I’ve never done that before.” “Just get on with it” came back from all sides. I felt the inexperienced thrust of his penis at my hole, so put my hands back to pull my cheeks apart. He got the idea, and soon was riding me. With my hands I started wanking the remaining two, and the room was full of groaning. The guy in my mouth had just shot his load, and what I hadn’t swallowed was dribbling down the side of my mouth. His cock was quickly replaced by another, and the guy fucking my arsehole speeded up as his cum exploded into me. As he pulled his cock out the last guy took his place. I had no idea who was doing what, I was just there to provide pleasure, and I did my best. Finally they had all cum, and I lay on the floor while they got dressed. “He certainly is a slut, well worth the money. I never even dreamed of fucking a man before, but that was certainly something.” I heard various comments, and then they had gone. Eventually Dimitrios came through, told me the café was shut, and I was to clean up. Nowadays I even had to clean up the cooking area, and was frequently not finished until early morning. After the fucking I had had I was already feeling tired and it took me even longer than usual, and I just collapsed on to my couch exhausted when it was done. I was woken by D shaking me. “Hey you lazy whore, look how much those guys paid for you last night. If word gets around I could start making money out of you.” And so the next stage of my captivity began.

The following night he came through with two men, both black, one well over 6’6” tall, and broad to go with it, the other about my size. “There’s the slut, do what you want with him, and tell me if he doesn’t please you.” So saying, he walked out. “Undress me slowly, boy pussy, but leave my underpants on; then do the same to my friend here.” The big black spoke and I did as I was told. “Now take our pants off.” As I took the big man’s pants off, this huge cock rolled out of them, and it wasn’t even semi-erect; then the smaller one’s came off.

Once again a huge cock appeared. Their balls were in proportion, and the whole area was covered in thick black curls. I took one cock in each hand, and started to stroke and pull them. They increased in size; I knelt down and took the smaller man’s into my mouth while it was still flexible, and could feel it filling my mouth. The big man was pulling my legs apart and I could feel that gigantic cock at my hole. Suddenly the small man pushed, driving his cock further into my mouth and pushing me back onto his friend’s cock. The pain was intense as he forged into me, and screwed my hole. I could feel his cock moving up further and further into me, and with the small guy pushing down my throat, I began to think they would meet half way. I was totally powerless to move.

Abruptly I felt as if I was being attacked by a high-pressure hose at both ends as they came simultaneously; my mouth and throat seemed to be filled with gallons of cum seemed, which I swallowed greedily. It was rich and creamy, unlike any I had yet tasted, and my arse felt like a train had been driven through it. The big man pulled me up by my ear, “Cum slut, lick my cock clean, and I mean spotless.”

I took hold of the now soft black penis, and licked it clean, right into that forest of curly black pubes, savouring the musty taste of his sweat, mixed with my juices and his cum. Eventually, he just kicked me away, and I fell back to the floor. The two men stood either side of me and, taking their cocks in their hands, began to urinate on me. They started on my cock and moved up to my head, the warm golden liquid spreading over my body, and running off onto the floor. “Open your mouth,” the smaller man ordered, “and start to swallow!”

As I lay there they aimed the flow at my mouth, which soon began to fill. It was difficult swallowing lying down but I did my best. As they finished off the urine was directed on to my eyes, and into my hair. I was coated from head to cock. “Okay whore, we’ve finished with you now.” He threw down a coin onto my chest. It was a penny, all I was worth. I waited until they had left the room, and got up. Their urine was still running off me, and now I had stood up I could feel cum slipping out of my arse and down my legs. I ignored all that. I knew I would have to get the place cleaned up a bit before Dimitrios came through, and it was close to closing time now. I washed the floor, and straightened everything as best I could, managing to get it done before I was sent into the café for the nightly clear up. By this time Dimitrios had nothing sexual to do with me. I was merely there as a slave to clean the restaurant and service customers. Sometime there would only be one man, sometimes two but only when Pete and his pals came back were there more. That is, until one day D told me it was my first anniversary as a slut, and he was arranging something special that evening. Certain customers had been invited to a party that evening so the café would be shut, and I would do the serving. I was to wait in the back until everyone had arrived, and then he would lock the door, and I could come through.

Eventually I got the call, and walked through into the café. It was full, mainly men but with three girls, one of whom was Pam, and another I recognised as our one time neighbour, who I had argued with once. If every seat was taken, it meant there must have been 32 there. As I entered I was greeted with the words “Filthy anniversary, you slut”. I started to serve the food, and as I moved round the tables recognised that most of the men had screwed me during the past year. I had no idea who the third girl was. After they had all eaten the real reason for the gathering was revealed. I was to be used by them all, including the girls, who had brought big dildos.

I was given the choice of whom I wanted to start with, and picked someone. I was to undress him, and lick his crack, between his legs and then suck his balls. I would then lie down on my back, and he would face fuck me. After that it would be a free for all. As the first guy was cumming he pulled out of my mouth, and his cum sprayed all over my face, blinding me temporarily a huge roar and clapping ensued, while I lay there. I managed to wipe the cum out of my eyes, and saw that by now most of the company were in the nude.

The big black turned me round, and I was in a kneeling position, legs apart. Pam was in front of me with that big dildo strapped to her waist. She walked to behind me, grasped my buttocks apart, and rammed it into me. I screamed; even though I could take a big cock with no problem now, she had deliberately made it as painful as possible. As she drove the dildo in and out of me, my mouth was filled with cock; I felt a change on my arsehole, and then the first man in my mouth withdrew as his sperm overflowed on to my chin; as it continued, and one after another used me, I began to feel light headed. Then I felt rough hands on my arse, tearing my cheeks apart. Two men were trying to put their cocks in at the same time; with all the cum it was well lubricated, and they slid in. a big roar once more went up “Now lets make it two in the mouth.” They pulled my lips apart as the two chosen men stood in front of me and pushed their cocks into my mouth. When that foursome had cum they reverted to one in each hole at a time. By now I wasn’t really there, certainly not in mind, and just felt cock after cock using me. Cum was dripping out of my mouth, and out of my arse; they kept coming and cumming, until I blacked out. I thought it was raining, but it didn’t seem quite right. Then I thought I might be in a shower, but I was lying on gravel. As my eyes came back into focus I looked up, and saw one of the girls standing astride me, peeing straight into my face. Then I saw they were standing all around me, and urine was flowing down.

“He’s back with us, Pam”, I heard. Pam stood right over my face.

“Right, filth open your mouth.” As I did she let go with her jet stream.

“Hurray!” As she finished they all melted away, leaving me in the middle of Dimitrios’ yard. I was covered in urine and cum, and full of it as well. I was a real slut. I stood up, and walked to the door. “Not so fast, scum, you’re coming with us. Dimitrios has sold you. You’re now our property.”

I looked round to see the two black guys standing there. “Get into the back of that van.” I climbed into a small van standing there in the yard, and sat on the floor. The doors banged close, and the van moved off, into another phase of my life.


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