Gay Erotic Stories

A Drunk Surfer & A Drunk Cowboy

by Bobby_24

This is a true story. Last names were changed protect identities.

This is memory is about my boyfriend and I of 2 years. This is how we first met. My Name is Robert but every one calls me Bobby, the year was 1997, I was 22 years old, and I lived in Palm Springs, FL. with my Father. We shared a two-bedroom and one bathroom apartment a real bachelor’s pad. I was going to school for freelance photography and I worked at a 1-Hour Photo Mat. My Father was in the National Guard and he was hardly ever home. I had lots of privacy to have buddies over. I like older guys even though I’m a surfer twink. I have dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. I’m 5’11 and I weigh 115lbs I love to surfer so I have lean muscular physique. My friends say I look like a young Leonardo Dicaprio but I hate that guy. I’ve known I was gay since was 11years old and my father has known since I was 16 years old. He caught me giving a hand job to our neighbor and he was furious. At first things were very tense, but we sat down and talked about it. We came to an agreement and acceptance. He was really jittery around for the first couple of years but it made our relationship much stronger. Our relationship now is a lot like the movie The Sum Of Us with Russell Crowe he was hot in that movie. Back to the story… My father had this weekend planned since he had some off time. That morning he was telling me all about his friend that was coming down from Dallas, TX.

“Alright... All right, see you when you get in town.”... “Got the address... Great! Goodbye”

“Hey dad, who was that on the phone?”

“That was my old friend, Roger Hutchens”

“He’s the guy in the pictures on your shelf, Next to the trophy and stuff?” “Yeah that’s him, Man did we have some good times in growing up together.” “Wait dad, I thought you were Straight?” (Laughing)

“Ha Ha Ha Hey, Look a gay comedian.” (Said sarcastically) “Very funny dad.” <> “What’s so special about this guy anyway?”

“He was like a brother to me.” <> “A real best friend.”

“Okay, Now I really can’t wait to meet the guy that befriended you.” “Oh Yeah, that’s another thing <> Son you know I’ve accepted you being gay but...”

“Say no more dad, I understand not everyone is comfortable around a gay guy.” <> “It’s our secret.”

“Great, I.... mean, Well Bobby you know I’m not ashamed or anything but.....” “Dad I get it he could be homophobic and that’s the last thing we need, <> Right.”

“Right, Well now that’s out of the way I wonder how Roger looks after twenty years.”

“You haven’t seen this guy in twenty years?” <> “How old is this guy?”

“Well, I’m forty so he’s forty-two.”

“Why has it been so long since last time you’ve seen each other?”

“He joined the Marines right after high school and it was my sophomore year in high school.”

“I know the story after that, Mom got pregnant with after the two of you graduated from high school.” “We wrote and sent pictures, We both moved around. <> “In-between all that we lost touch.”

“So why now, Why’s he contacting you now, after all this time?”

“His Marine contacts helped him track me down and he called a couple of months ago...” “Now he’s coming to see his little brother.” <> “So, what time should he be here?”

“Well it’s 12:43p.m. His plane should arrive about 4:30p.m.” He left Dallas a 1day & 1/2 ago.” “Sorry, I won’t be here to greet him.” <> “I going to meet some friends downtown at 5:00p.m.”

“You’re going out with all those guys again?”

“Dad I don’t need a lecture because I practice safe sex.”

“Just wash you’d clam down your sexual encounters.” “I’m look for a relationship dad, but I haven’t found any that can keep up with me.” “Okay, but you know in worry... {Pager} = beep-beep-beep-beep. <> “I have to take this.”

(Phone) = dialing. Hello................Yes Sir....... Yes Sir...... I’ll be there ASAP.” <> “bye.”

“Hey, Wait I now that look on your face.” <> “I’ve seen that look on your face so many times.”

“There’s an emergency on the coast and they need me to deploy.” <> “Need a favor.“ “No way, dad I have plans for this afternoon.”

“Come on Bobby, Do me this favor I’ll have your car detailed.”

“I don’t have a car.” “Not yet, but we can negotiate we I get back.”

“Okay dad, I won’t live you hanging.”

“Great, now show him a good know what I mean.” <> “Bye Son.”

“Okay Dad, see you later.”

I thought my day was shot because I had to blow off my friends and not in a good way. My weekend plans were up in smoke to because my when dad deploys and he’s always gone for a week or more. I sat around and waited, and waited, and waited. About 4:54 p.m. the phone rang. It was Roger he was at the car rental place and he’d be here in 20 minutes. His voice on the phone was husky but his accent was sexy as hell. He sounded like a cross between Clint Black (Country Music Singer) and Stone Cold Steve Austin (Professional Wrestler). I didn’t get my hopes up because I fell in love with mature men’s voice all the time and in person they look like Uncle Fester. At 5:37p.m. there was a buzz at the main door of the apartment building.

“Who is it.”

“Roger Hutchens, We talked on the phone.”

“Yeah, Come on up I‘ll buzz you in.”

Not even a minute later there was a knock at the door. When I opened the door I was floored. Roger looked like Bill Goldberg (Professional Wrestler) with a pony. I couldn’t help but look him up and down. He was dressed in some tight blue jeans that cover his long dusty brown cowboy boots. The jeans showed off every muscle in his thighs and huge bulge in his jeans resembled single wrapped smoked sausage. He had on a dirty white T-shirt that hugged his barrel chest and massive biceps. His hands were huge; his forearms were hairy and muscular. He gripped a duffel bag in one hand that hung over his sexy shoulders. In his other hand was a suitcase in it.

He looked 6’5” and probably weighed over 250 lbs. Don’t get me wrong it was all beefy muscle. He had grayish blue eyes and brown hair. He had some separate little gray hairs in his goatee and his 5 o’clock was so sexy rugged. I stared until he spoke.

“Howdy, My name is Roger Hutch...” “Hutchens...Roger Hutchens my Dad’s old friend.”

“Yeah, Nice to meet you Ah...”

“Robert Jr. but everyone call me Bobby.”

“Well, Where can a tried cowboy like myself take off his boots. “You can get rested in my dad’s room and I’ll put your things in my closet.”

“Just point me in the direction.”

“Down the hall and to the left.”

I stared at him as he walked away and his slightly bow legged walk turned me on. His butt was perfect and the jeans were so tight that they showed off the dimples in his on each ass cheeks. I went to my room a put his duffel bag and suitcase in my closet. His duffel bag had the aroma of smoked cigar and old spice with just a hint of sweat.

“So, Where is old Robert.” (He yelled from the my dad’s room.) “He had an emergency deployment.” (I said as I walk to my father room.)

When I got to my father room, Roger had taken his boots off and so was his T-shirt. He chiseled chest had light brown hair all over it. The trail of hair went right down his muscular abs and into a patch of hair that was barely covered by his tight jeans. His thick bulge was impressive then before. His biceps were big and well defined. He had physique that would make Tom Katt (Professional Gay Porn-star) jealous. He turned around and asked me a question that I’ll never forget.

“Do you know where a fella’ could get a good workout?”

(“In my bed.” I thought silently) “Yeah there’s a gym across town with great equipment. I workout there occasionally.”

“Maybe we could hit the gym together later this week.”

“Ah...Sure Great whenever.”

“So, Bobby where your room.” “Back that way and to right. You need some thing out of my closet?”

“I want to take a long cold...I mean hot shower.”

The bathroom is at the end of the hall down from my bedroom.”

“Thanks. I showed him to my room. His walk was very masculine as I followed him I got really good look at him in motion. He opened the closet door and unzipped his suitcase and pulled out some boxers. Then some navy blue shorts with U.S. Marine emblem on it.

“My dad told me you’re in the Marines.”

“I was in the Marines. I’m retired now.” <> “Been traveling for the last fours.”

“Why did you retire? You’re still in great shape.” “I like to workout it helps me concentrate and The Marines was a great experience. I’ve had a decorated career but I’m was just ready to do something else.”

“Sounds good to me I guess that’s why you travel.”

“Yeah, I’ve been some of everywhere but my home is my ranch in Dallas, Texas.”

“You own a ranch?”

“Sure do.”

“I guess your wife takes care of it well you’re away.” (I was fishing).

“I‘ve...Ah...never been married.”

“Haven’t found that special person yet?”

“I reckon you could say that...”

My curiosity was now peeked this sexy handsome cowboy with no women in his life. I couldn’t believe it but I still needed more info. Just as I was about to ask some more probing questions the phone rang.

“Hold that thought.” <> (I picked up the receiver quickly) “Hello? Oh, hey dad, Roger...”

“Son I sorry but I don’t have much time to talk.”

“What’s going on dad?”

“It’s a full deployment I’ll be gone for six weeks.”

“Six weeks, Wow.”

“I know son, but tell Roger he’s welcome to stay as long as he wants.”

“Son, be hospitable and no funny business with your friends.” <> “Promise Me.”

“I promise no funny business with friends.”

“All right, see you six weeks, Goodbye son be good.”

“Bye dad.

When I turned around Roger was standing right behind me. He must have heard the whole conversation. I know he heard it all because his next questions threw me for a loop.

“That was Robert right.”

“Yeah, he won’t be back in town for six weeks, but he said you could stay as long as you want.” “What did he funny business?”

“Just a little roommate- father and son joke.” (said nervously)

“Yeah, Okay I’m going to take shower now.”

Over the next couple of days I hardly saw Roger because he was out early and in late. I had school and work most of the week. Saturday I had the day all planned. First I’d hit the waves, second go shopping, third I was going to the gym, fourth take a shower & change clothes, and last I’d hit the clubs.

When I got home it was 10:34 p.m. Roger wasn’t there so I jumped in the shower and while was I getting out of the shower I heard the front door. It was Roger and I walked out to greet him with my towel on. He had a two six packs of beer pizza and movies.

“Hey Roger, what’s the party stuff for?”

“Well, I know I’ve been a might busy but I had some stuff to do.” “I looking at some racehorses and I kept missing you.”

“That’s Okay, I busy with school and work so....”

“I thought we’d throw a few back over some pizza and watch some movies.”

“That is if you don’t have any plans?

Thought “(Let me think go with my friends or try to get a taste of Roger’s wood.”) “No...No...I don’t have any plans.” <> “Let’s do this.”

I put on my some clean beach and a T-Shirt I sat down on the couch. He went to my father’s room to change and get more comfortable. He came back to the couch with some loose fitting basketball shorts on. They might have been loose but I saw fat limp cock swinging as he sat on the couch. “What, movies did you rent?”

“I rented Fargo, Swingers, and Jerry McGuire.”

“I've wanted to see Fargo for a long time.”

“You want a beer or something?”

“Sure, Why not.”

We popped in Fargo and the night had officially started. We drink and ate through Fargo. We talked and laughed through Jerry McGuire. When we popped in Swingers I was finishing my second beer. I also was finishing my second and a half slice of pizza. Roger drank like a sailor and ate horse. He was half way through sixth bottle of beer. I could tell he was a little tipsy because he started to stare at me.

“You Okay Roger?”

“I just can’t get over how much you look like your dad when he was around your age.”

“Really, I don’t see it.”

“I’ve always looked older then my age, Hell I’ve had a mustache since I was fifteen.”

“I still don’t have any facial hair and I’m almost twenty-three.”

“You don’t need any facial hair. You look...great...without it.”

“Thanks dude.”

After that was said there was an awkward silence between us. We sat there quietly watching the rest of Swingers and by the time the movie ended Roger was passed out drunk on the couch. I had to go to the bathroom and I was washing my hands at the sink. When Roger suddenly walked up close behind me. His cock was semi-erect I felt his fat dick wedging into the crack my ass.

“Turn around.”

I did as he said and turned around he looked deep into my eyes. He pulled my shorts down got on his knees and sucked my dick. My tool grew in his mouth. My 7inch hard cock was being worked over like never before. He sucked my cock and fondled my balls at the same time. After about fifteen minutes of intense sucking he stood up massaging his huge cock.

“Your turn.”

I kneeled down in front of him and pulled down his shorts his thick 10’ inch cock fell like a log. I took almost of it his long thick in my mouth and when got my rhythm I suck his dick like a wild man. He moan, grunted with pleasure. His muscular thighs were covered in hair. Gripping his tight hairy ass as I soak his fully erect dick in my saliva. He buried my face in his hairy crotch and I work his low hang ball. I could ignore his huge cock for long. This time I deep throated his large tool with no hesitation. I knew he loved every minute of it because he force fucked my mouth. He fucked my mouth so hard and deep I felt his pre-cum in the back of my throat. He suddenly stopped and a commanded me again.

“Stand up.” (He said breathing heavily) “Do you want me to fuck you Bobby?”

“Yes please fuck me.”

“I won’t you bareback can you handle that?”


I turned around and he bent me over the sink. He then spread my tight asshole apart with his fingers. After a little two-finger massage action he plunged his concrete erection into my tight hole. He put gripped my left shoulder with one hand and my right side with the other hand. He grinded my ass for a while making room for his enormous to move in and out. I felt the rough hairy bristles caress my inner crack.

“I goin’ fuck you real deep.”

“Ooooh...shit FUCK ME FUCK ME!”

“Ahh... Fuck...Damn.... Don’t fight me relax!”

“It hurts.” <> “Don’t stop--break me in!”

He gripped me tighter and my now loosened asshole. Endlessly over and over he fucked me so hard clinched sink to stand. My legs where and shaking my dick was still hard as a rock. He was growing harder with each entry.

“HELL YEAH! That’s what I’m talking about!” (He said with a grizzle tone in his voice.) “Ooh... Shit...I’m cumin’...I’m cumin’...AHHHHHHH!” (He yelled with Pleasure.)

About five minutes later my asshole was soaked with his cock juice.

“Oh Man, I’ve never been fucked like that before.”

“Turn around and give a Cowboy a kiss.”

I turned and we embraced my arms around his neck and his around my waist. We tongued each other for 5 minutes. His rough moved from my lower back to my ass. He picked me up off my feet and I wrapped my legs around his waist. My hard dick pointing straight up pressed between he and I. We stopped kissing for just a moment.

“Let’s take this to your room.”

“Sounds good to me.”

We walked to my room kissing and when we got to my room he laid me on the bed. He kissed my, then chest, he suck my nipples, ran his tongue down my stomach. After all that me I felt like I was ready to explode. He took my hard dick into his mouth and with a slurp of his tongue my creamy white load covered his face also soaking his goatee.

“I’m ready to go again.”

I looked down between his legs and his tool was ready for another round. I raised my legs in the air and he entered my battered asshole once again. I had nothing to brace myself I was completely helpless to his strong rhythmic stroke. He fuck my asshole gentler this taking his time with each motion. He gripped one ankle in each hand. He fucked me hard while I tried to grip the head broad but his strength was too much for my grip. I decide it was time for a position change.

“I want a ride Cowboy.”

“I thought you’d never asked.”

He lay flat on his back in the bed and I hopped on top of him. He penetrated my still cum juicy hole for the third time. Once everything was in place I rode his enormous dick like a bucking bronco. I rocked back and forth on top of his huge muscular physique. He pulled my down and we were face to face. He stuck his tongue down my throat. His wet goatee felt creamy as or tongues probed each other’s mouth. We stop kissing because I said he was about to cum again. I got off his cock get between his moist muscular thighs and gave him a blowjob he held on as long as he could. He put both hands on top my head forcing mouth deep his huge shaft.

“Aaaaah...shit ...suck my dick...suck the skin off dick...” (“He as he climaxed.”)

He moaned as he shot a heavy hot load of cum in my mouth and on my face. He rubbed the round head of his dick around my face. I lay there on his hairy bush and we both fell asleep. The next morning I woke up first and he was still out cold. The cum had dried and I was sticky so I went to take a shower. I look in the living room and realized something I didn’t think about last night. He was drunk and I was tipsy what if it was a mistake. I rushed to the shower to clean up. While I was bathing I heard heavy footsteps and then a large figure appeared behind the glass. The glass door is slid back and there’s Roger standing there with his semi-erect cock sticking to his inner thigh.

“Oooh....Whew..My head is hurtin'’. Good mornin'’ Bobby.”

“Good morning Roger.”

“Mind if I join you?”

“Yeah, I guess...why not?”

He got in the shower and right behind and then he took the soap & sponge out of my hand. He soaped the sponge and he began to wash me. I was baffled was he crazy or really gay I had to know.

“Roger, about last night.” (“I said jittery.”) “It was damn good wasn’t it?”

“It was great the best sex I’ve ever had but that’s beside the point my dad said...”)

“Yeah we gotta' thank Old’ Robbie for setting this up.”

“What!?” “You ain’t figured it out?”

“Figured what out!”

“Yo’ daddy thought that we’d hit it off.” <> “He set up this whole thing.” “No way, Me and you?”

“Wait, We didn’t hit it off!?

“Yeah of course we did, I’m just surprised dad would do something like this.”

“I’m surprised he knew what I liked in a man.” <> “Wait, how he’d know you were gay?” “I told him in a letter when he graduated he wasn’t okay with the idea but he accepted it.” “How did you guys come up with this?”

“I tracked him down and he was glad to here from me so we talked he told me all about his life.”

“Including his homosexual son.”

“He mailed me some picture of you & himself and I fell in love with you at first sight.”

“Mainly because I had a crush on your father in school.” <> “Young twinks do for this cowboy.”

“How did he know about my mature fetish.”

“He said your Tom Katts video collection was a dead give away. He also said that you were flamboyant or girly.” <> “And I love a masculine twink.”

“This is crazy.” <> “So where my dad really?”

“He’s staying with his girlfriend in Fort Lauderdale.” “Man this was the best surprise I’ve every had.”

“It almost didn’t happen.”

“What do you mean?”

‘I couldn’t find the right time to make my move.”

“That’s why you did the whole pizza and beer thing.”

“That was your daddy’s idea too.” <> “I called him up and told him how things were going.”

“That explains the movie selection.”

“Now that know everything; turn around and give a your Cowboy a kiss.”

We kissed passionately while the soap and water ran down or bodies we’ve been together ever since. We live together in Dallas now and we travel from time to time. We are in love with each other and we have a close monogamous relationship.

This is for my loving partner Roger I couldn’t have told this memory without him.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Bobby_24

A Drunk Surfer & A Drunk Cowboy

This is a true story. Last names were changed protect identities. This is memory is about my boyfriend and I of 2 years. This is how we first met. My Name is Robert but every one calls me Bobby, the year was 1997, I was 22 years old, and I lived in Palm Springs, FL. with my Father. We shared a two-bedroom and one bathroom apartment a real bachelor’s pad. I was going to school for freelance


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