Gay Erotic Stories

A Night With Dad, Part 2

by Sonic

We were both lost in the passion. As the spasms racking our bodies subsided and our cock yielded up the last jets of cum, we collapsed upon each other, dad's body pressing upon mine. Neither one of us was willing to surrender the softening cock that filled our mouths, so we rolled onto our sides to lie beside one another to experience the feeling of our cocks as they softened and shortened. Dad's foreskin was beginning to reclaim and cover his cock head.

We slowly recovered from our heavy breathing as our cocks still wilted in our warm mouths. I let my tongue glide under dad's foreskin, making his cock twitch at the contact with his now sensitive cock head. I then sucked his foreskin forward, sucking at the overhang of skin that hid his cock head. Our cocks continued to soften and shrink, returning to their normal state. I gave dad's foreskin a final suck as dad sat up on the couch, pulling his soft cock away from my lips. Dad then reached his left hand down to my cock and gathered my cock and balls into his grasp, lightly squeezing the tender organs in his fist.

I moaned softly, "Aaahhh…Yeah… Dad. Ooohhh…" Dad let my balls loose, and lightly stroked my cock, with his thumb swirling around my red cock head that still covered with saliva and cum.

I sat up next to dad, and put my arm around his broad, strong shoulders. My hand caressed the bulge of the arm that was slowly jacking on my soft cock. I then reached to feel his chest, lightly running my fingertips through his pecs and ridged abdomen. The hair from his belly button made a column down to his pubic bush, becoming the dense mass of pubic hair that surrounded his uncut cock. I moved my hand slowly down the trail of hair till I took dad's cock again into my hand. I lightly squeezed the soft cock, making a small drop of pre-cum begin to trickle out of the knot of skin at the tip of his cock. I put my finger into the skin and retrieved the clear fluid, then brought it to my lips to lick off. He sighed again, "Uuummm…. Great. Aaahhh…"

Dad looked into me. He brought his hand up to my chin and brought his face up to look in my eyes. He leaned forward and kissed me. I put both arms around his torso and kissed him back, deeply. Dad responded by pushing his tongue into my mouth. I took dad's tongue like it was dad's cock and sucked on the probing organ. Dad's cock even got a bit hard when I did that.

We separated and looked at each other. "Oh God, Dad, do you know how much I love you?" I shouted. "I love you, dad."

Dad kissed Jake again, a long, tender kiss. I held his body tightly as we kissed. I reached out my hand and began to play with his soft cock until it was hard again.

"Dad, I want you to fuck me. Fuck me, please." I begged.

"A man shouldn't have sex with his son. But…here's what you want."

Dad then grabbed hold of my ankles and lifted them up, and brought my knees to my chest. He then put his hand on my cheeks, spreading them, exposing my ass hole. He moved his face closer to my hole. To my surprise, he ran his tongue around my crack with his spit-covered tongue. When he found my hole, he probed into the hole with his tongue. This unexpected move sent a wave of excitement and eagerness through my body. I griped my ass and tried to pull my cheeks further apart, stretching the hole wider, allowing more of his tongue into my gasping hole. He tensed his tongue and shoved it in and pulled it out, going faster and faster. I moaned loudly, "Ooowww… Uummmm… Aaaahhh…. Keep it on, dad."

He ran his tongue around the opening of my hole, then pulled away and licked the cleft and cheeks. That was turning me on. After my hole was completely wet from his spit, he lowered my legs, but kept a grip on them, getting off the couch he moved to the end and pulled me along with him. Here he pulled me upwards until my lower back rested on the arm of the couch. Again I found my knees being pushed to my chest, He let go of them, and brought his thumbs into my ass crack, forcing the edges of his thumb into my opening. I felt the pressure increased. "Aaaahhh… Dad, fuck me. Please… Uummm…" I begged again.

"You lovely boy" he reminded me, "With a lovely ass." he added. He the leaned down and kissed me, shortly and said, "You really like my cock up your ass. Well, I'm going to give you a fucking that you'll never forget. At least until the next time."

Dad positioned himself behind me and grabbed my hips higher in the air. Then he wrapped my legs around his strong arms and my legs falling over his shoulders. With his left hand placed his cock head at the opening of my waiting hole, rubbing the cock head around my hole.

He slowly pushed his head into me. The head went in and dad moaned in pleasure as he pushed his whole cock inside of me, "Uuummm… Ouchhh… Aaahhh…" Once he was all the way in, he shoved it from side to side as if to widen my ass hole more and more. He began to fuck me harder and faster, thrusting his cock in and out my hole.

I tightened my sphincter muscle around his shaft. He grunted, "Ooohhh… That's nice. Do it again. Aaahhh…" I tightened my sphincter muscle again and again, tighter and tighter each time, and with each contraction, dad groaned louder and louder.

He pulled my head up and whispered in my ear, "Now you're my pussy boy." He then asked, "Are you ready, pussy boy? Are you ready to get fucked like that?"

I wiggled my butt a little and said, "Fuck me, dad." His hands were roaming all around my body, and then he grabbed my hips onto his tool while shoving it in at the same time. We both moaned real loud as he thrust his cock faster and faster inside. Our moans filled the room. He stood on his knees and fucked. I heard his balls slapping my butt cheeks as he pounded my ass faster and harder, harder and faster, then slower for a while until he stopped all together. I felt him shuddering, only the head inside of me, and dad said, "I'm not ready yet."

I turned my head and said, "Go ahead and cum inside me."

Slowly he pushed his cock into my waiting hole again until I felt the length of his cock all inside me. "Lovely boy." He whispered. He pushed his cock further into my excited and enthusiastic hole. He had slowed his rigorous fucking in my ass to a slow careful pumping action, pausing on the down stroke to hear me pled for him to go faster.

"Fuck me." I pleaded, "Shoot your cum into me, please…" I screamed.

His speed continued its slow, unhurried and rhythmic assault of my submissive hole. He lower his lips to mine, he planted a loving and tender kiss on my lips. Then he began to fuck my ass, faster. I was taking his weight as he repeatedly slammed his cock into my ass, he was liked an animal as the speed and forced pushed me further into the couch, bouncing in time to his urgent, thrusting cock.

"Oowww... I'm Cumming. Aaahhh…" I felt him pause for a second, than felt his cock explode in my hole as his cock unleashed a torrent of cum. He had the longest orgasm; he just kept shooting and shooting, filling my ass hole with his hot load.

Once he was done, he lifted my upright, and with his cock softening inside my butt, he reached around, grabbed my dick hard and pumped it like a madman. Dad must have liked the feel of my cock, because I also felt his dick harden again deep inside me. And with dad's cock up my ass, and his fist around my cock, I too had a wild orgasm. I could feel the muscles contract around dad's cock as I came, and I heard dad between my own noises reacting to my sphincter muscles tighten around his shaft. Without letting up on his thrusts on my cock, dad started to fuck me and jack me at the same time. I pushed his fist away to beat myself off for him. Then I told him, "Talk dirty to me. Tell me what your big hard cock feels like up inside my butt." "It's all squishy right now from all of the cum I shot. "Ooohhh… God, it feels so good. I love fucking you so much." He pounded my ass for a while, and then asked, "Tell me how it feels for you. Do you love this as much as I am?" Between gasps, I said, "Dad. I love your cock. I love getting fucked by you. Ooohhh… Uummm…" I felt another orgasm coming on and told dad, "I'm gonna cum. Get ready. I'm gonna cum hard with your huge cock up my ass."

Dad's thrusts shortened as the wave hit me like a bullet. I was screaming loud when I heard dad doing the same. We had both cum together, my ass muscles milking the white cum from his cock shaft as my balls spattered my own cum all over my body. We came hard and then dad collapsed on top of me. We both breathed heavily.

As I felt him withdraw his now deflating cock, I felt his warm cum oozing out from my grateful but empty hole, down my crack, my exhausted body was allowed to unroll, finally laying flat on the couch. He moved up to once again look into my eyes. He held me tight for a while before standing, heading to the shower.

Mail me at if interest to know more…


28 Gay Erotic Stories from Sonic

A Night With Dad, Part 1

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A Night With Dad, Part 2

We were both lost in the passion. As the spasms racking our bodies subsided and our cock yielded up the last jets of cum, we collapsed upon each other, dad's body pressing upon mine. Neither one of us was willing to surrender the softening cock that filled our mouths, so we rolled onto our sides to lie beside one another to experience the feeling of our cocks as they softened and shortened.

A Night With Matt

It was a Saturday night; my friends and I decided to go to the disco to have a few beers, and relax after the exam. I strolled through the club, checking out all the men as I walked, while my friends danced on the dance floor. Some of the men on the dance floor had removed their shirts, and their muscular chests were shining with sweat, their cocks bulging under their jeans as they did slow bump

A Visit To The Doctor

I had been having some burning sensation when I pissed; I was too scared to tell anybody about it, including my family. Being 18 years old, I think I'm "adult" enough so I then decided to visit the doctor by myself to check out what was wrong. The next day after school, wearing the school uniform I went to a clinic nearby the school. Once I got there, I filled up a register form and then I

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