Gay Erotic Stories

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part13

by Rusty

Author’s note: The characters involved in sex in this series are of legal age.

Caution: The content of this chapter may disgust even the more perverted readers. Skip this chapter unless you have a strong stomach.


The two naked boys beside me were still asleep when I awoke. They were cuddled in the spoon position, just like they were when Raul fucked Tommy the night before. I leaned up and looked – no, Raul’s dick was not still inserted in the boy’s butt -- it was relaxed and dangling, the foreskin covering the glans. I went into the bathroom to do my morning thing. When I came out, the boys were stirring.

“Rusty, I think I might have hurt Tommy. Check this out.”

I had Tommy lie on his stomach and spread his legs so that I could look at his anus. It was quite swollen and pooched out.

“Is he okay? Does he need to go to the doctor?”

“I don’t think so, Raul. He will be all right. Tommy, how do you feel?”

“It’s sore, but doesn’t hurt too much. It sorta feels like a dick is still stuck in there.”

“Feels pretty good then, huh?” said Raul.

“Fuck you,” said Tommy. Tommy felt behind, “Wow! It really is swollen!”

I said, “That’s a normal reaction, Tommy, considering that it was your first time. Here, let me put some arnica gel on it.”

“Let me do it,” said Raul, taking the tube of gel and applying it to Tommy’s anus.

I got dressed for my morning coffee. When I looked back at the boys, Raul was still gently rubbing and massaging Tommy’s butt-hole. Raul had a hard-on.

“Better let me do that, Raul – you should shower and get dressed for work. It’s late.”

As I massaged the gel around Tommy’s ass-hole, I started feeling a reaction in my own penis. Tommy has such a wonderful little bubble-butt from all of that soccer he plays, completely smooth too, except for the tiniest amount of blond fuzz. Even his thighs are bare down to his knees. I started massaging his butt cheeks and felt his muscles tighten hard like a man’s, and then relax and be soft and giving like a girl’s. I love those little concave places on his butt cheeks. Yes, this is a very fuckable little guy!

Tommy rolled over. He had an erection. “Shit! I lost my virginity last night! I never thought I would let a guy do that to me. I feel like a girl!”

“Nonsense, you haven’t lost anything,” I said, touching Tommy’s stiff dick. “You still have this, don’t you? Actually, you have gained something – another sex organ!” I reached between Tommy’s legs and touched his swollen anus. “You’re lucky!”

“Well, I don’t know about that, but thanks for trying to make me feel better.”

“Here, I’ll make you feel a lot better.” I pulled Tommy down to the foot of the bed so that his feet were on the floor. I spread his legs wide and knelt down between them. “I’ll make you feel like a man again!”

Tommy writhed on the bed as I gave his young man-hood pleasure with my mouth. At the same time, I felt all over the naked kid’s smooth body with both hands. That was my pleasure.

Afterwards, Tommy and I left to go to breakfast. Tommy was walking funny, sort of bow-legged.

“Are you okay, Tommy? We can take a cab if you want.”

“No, I’m all right. Feels like Raul’s dick is still in me though.”

“It hurts?”

“No, not any more. Feels kinda good, actually.”

We were eating our huevos rancheros when a middle-aged white man entered the restaurant. I invited him to sit with us. I introduced myself and Tommy. His name was Bill.

The waiter brought him a glass of water. Bill inspected it and then sent it back for a clean one and a bottle of mineral water.

“Can’t be too careful about avoiding germs down here,” he said. “Is Tommy your son?”

“No, he is just my young buddy.”

“I wish I had a young buddy – gets a bit lonely traveling alone.”

“Well, you can probably make some friends here,” I said. “Do you speak Spanish?”

“Yeah, barely, the little that I remember from high school. This is my first trip to Mexico. Where do you go to meet people here?”

“Anywhere – on the street, in a restaurant, anywhere people go.”

“Well, actually, I think I need a special place – you see, I’m gay. Are there any gay bars in town?”

“Gay bars? No, not in a little town like this. You’d have to go to a city for that. By the way, I am gay too.”

“Yeah? How can you stand it here, then? No gay bars! What do you do for sex?”

“Well, for me it’s easy. You see, I have a rather peculiar preference – I like to have sex with straight Mexicans.”

“Straight Mexicans? What can you do with straight Mexicans?”

“Basically, you suck their dicks.”

“They will let you do that?”

“Yeah, the younger, unmarried ones will. Sometimes older ones too. But they won’t do anything to you, unless fuck you, maybe.”

“Wow! I didn’t know that! I could get off on that, myself – sucking young Mexicans! And what about your cute, American friend here – do you suck him too?”

“Sure, I’m not prejudiced. Do you like him? Want to try him?”

“Maybe. Let me see your hands, Tommy.”

Tommy gave me a curious look and then held his hands out to Bill for inspection. Bill turned them palm down and looked at them.

“No,” Bill said, “I’m afraid I can’t do it.”

“Why not?” I asked. “What did you read in his hands?”

“Just that his fingernails are too clean. You see, I have a peculiar preference too – I like to suck flavorful cocks, unwashed, raw, and straight out of the pants. You can usually tell if a guy’s dick is clean by looking at his fingernails. Tommy is probably circumcised too, right?”

Tommy nodded yes.

“Yeah,” Bill said, “that makes it worse. You wouldn’t know where I could connect with a guy with a nice smelly cock, would you?”

Just then, Raul came pedaling up on his delivery trike. He had a big, live hog tied up in the front of it.

“Hey, Tommy!” Raul yelled in Spanish, “help me push the trike up the hill.”

“I think I’ve found just what the doctor ordered,” said Tommy as he ran over to Raul.

The boys conversed. Raul glanced back at us and then nodded to Tommy.

Tommy gave us the thumbs-up sign and yelled, “We’ll meet you back at the hotel after work.”

“What do you think about that muchacho, Bill? Did he look dirty enough for you?”

“Yeah, pretty dirty – and cuter than fuck! But what about his cock – is it nice and smelly? Have you tried it?”

“Sure have – nice and stinky, you will love it.” I knew that Raul’s dick would be pretty sweaty and rank after pedaling that heavy trike around all day.

“Wow! You think he would really let me suck him? I can’t wait! How much do I have to pay him?”

“Nothing, Bill, he isn’t a prostitute, just a horny kid who likes to get blown. Of course I treat him to dinner in a restaurant or give him a little gift once in a while – after all, he gives me something that I really like too.”

Bill and I got to know each other while we waited for the boys in my hotel room. He talked about his lover who he has been with 17 years. Bill loves him a lot but is bored with him sexually. They have an “open relationship,” meaning that sex with others is permitted, although that hardly ever happens. Bill said that ever since he had gone “over the hill” he has not had much luck in the gay bars, and when he finally does connect, it isn’t with a cute, young guy like he would prefer.

Finally, the boys showed up, sweaty and dirty from work.

“Why don’t you guys get comfortable? Don’t worry about Bill here —I’m sure he won’t mind seeing you naked.”

Bill stared, stupefied, as the boys peeled off their clothes, revealing their trim, healthy bodies. I have them pretty used to being naked in the hotel room, so they moved around freely, giving us a good show. They helped themselves to sodas from the ice chest and chatted about their experiences of the day. The pig had gotten loose and the boys had to chase it down the street and wrestle it back into the delivery trike. As they were telling the story, they were animating the actions, and Bill looked totally entertained, even though he didn’t understand Spanish. He was especially enthralled with that brown thing that dangled between Raul’s legs.

Tommy sat down on the bed beside me, so Raul sat beside Bill on the other bed. Raul was fiddling with his Walkman and Bill was pretending to be interested in it.

“Hey, that’s a cool walkman,” said Bill. “Where did you get it?”

“Rusty gave it to me. Here, listen.”

Raul sat the Walkman down on his naked thigh and put the earphones on Bill’s head. Bill winced as the loud, obnoxious, Mexican rap blasted his ears.

“Yeah, sounds great!” said Bill, taking the earphones off.

“This is the bass boost button and this is the eject button…” explained Raul as Bill stared, not at the Walkman, but at the more interesting device right next to it. Bill was drooling in anticipation.

“Raul,” I said, “there is something Bill would like to do to you.”

“Yeah, Tommy told me. No problem.”

Raul removed the Walkman from his thigh and leaned back on his elbows. He opened his legs a little so that his naked thigh was in contact with Bill’s leg.

Bill glanced at me. I was caressing Tommy’s smooth thigh and flat tummy. I nodded at Bill.

Bill timidly placed his hand on the brown boy’s leg and felt it, the smoothness of his young skin, the hard, strong muscles.

“You really have strong legs,” Bill said. Tommy translated for him.

“Yeah, because of my job. Also I play soccer.”

Bill’s hand wandered over to Raul’s stomach. “And good abs – do you do sit-ups?”

“No, I just wrestle pigs.” Everybody laughed.

Bill started feeling the Mexican boy’s chest, shoulders and strong arms, and then slowly back down over the rippling stomach, toward the goal between the kid’s legs. Raul was getting aroused, his dark penis swelling and the foreskin pulling back, revealing the maroon-pink glans. A pungent odor permeated the air of the room.

Raul stood up. “I better take a shower first.”

“No, no!” said Bill. “It’s okay – just like you are.”

“Are you sure? I’m pretty dirty.”

“Let me smell it,” said Bill.

Raul stood right in front of Bill, his prick sticking out toward the Gringo’s face. Bill leaned forward.

Tommy picked Raul’s bikini off the floor, sniffed it, and with a comical, disgusted look on his face, passed it to me. It was rank with sweat, piss and male glandular excretions.

Bill sniffed the end of Raul’s slimy dick, wrinkled up his nose and backed off.

“I can’t do it,” he said. When was the last time you bathed?”

“This morning, but I’ve been working. I’ll take a shower now.”

“No, no,” said Bill, “it’s not that.”

“What is it then?”

“You are too clean.”

It took us a while to recover from our shock, and then Raul spoke.

“I know a guy who is real dirty. His name is Alberto and he is a mechanic’s helper. He would probably let you suck him.”

“Is he cute?”

“I don’t know – I’m not into guys, so I wouldn’t know.”

“I know him,” I said. “He worked on my pickup once, and is very cute. I would have sucked him myself if he hadn’t been so dirty.”

We walked a few blocks to the edge of town. We found Alberto under an old Ford, on his back in the dirt. Raul went over and knelt down to talk to him. Alberto looked over at us.

Raul came back and said, “Yeah, he’ll do it but he wants money.”

“How much?” said Bill.

“Fifty pesos (about five dollars), he wanted a hundred but I talked him down.”

Bill and I went up to the car and knelt down. The boy was wearing an old cotton bikini that once had been white but now was grey and dirty. That’s all he wore. You see that sometimes in Mexico – the mechanics’ helpers, the younger ones that get the dirty work, strip down to their underwear to avoid getting their street clothes dirty. I love it!

“Alberto, remember me? I am Rusty – you fixed my truck once. This is my friend Bill.”

Alberto passed his dirty hand to Bill, who glanced at his fingernails before shaking it with his clean, manicured hand.

“He’ll do,” said Bill in English.

“Bill wants to do something with you, something that will make you feel real good.”

“Yeah, but why me?”

“Because Bill only does it with real cute guys, and I knew that you are one of the best-looking young men in town.”

“Really? Okay, no problem. But first I need to go home and get cleaned up.”

“No, that’s not necessary. Bill wants you just like you are.”

“All right, but let me tighten up this nut first. Pass me that wrench, please.”

Bill handed him the wrench, and then withdrawing his hand over the dirty kid’s smooth, flat stomach and the bulge in his bikini, the boy involuntarily jerked and banged his head on the muffler!

Raul and Tommy about died laughing!

“Sorry, Bill said. I didn’t mean to startle you. Where can we go so that I can suck you?”

“Right here,” Alberto said. Probably nobody’s going to come back here.”

Raul and Tommy each grabbed a leg and drug the boy out from under the car. Then they pulled his bikini off and left the dirty Mexican kid naked at our feet. He grinned up at us. He looked so cute there, all covered with dirt and grease, but so incredibly cute! The cleanest part of his body was that which had been covered by his bikini, but the penis itself was smudged with black grease where he had held it while urinating. It was starting to swell right before our eyes.

“He’s beautiful!” Bill exclaimed.

Bill knelt down between the kid’s legs and grasped the dark boy-dick at mid shaft. He slid the skin back, and the shiny, wet glans came out from under the foreskin. Bill licked his lips and lowered his head toward the boy’s crotch. The prick was stiffening with each beat of the boy’s heart, rising upward toward Bill’s appreciative nostrils.

Bill sniffed the slimy end of the dirty, Mexican cock, and then backed off, shaking his head with a disgusted look on his face.

“I can’t do it! Damn! I thought we had a good one that time! This kid smells like dirt, gasoline, grease and soap! No smegma at all!” He stood up.

“What’s smegma?” asked Tommy.

“Cock cheese. But how would you know? You are circumcised. It’s that white substance that accumulates under the foreskin. Smegma is absolutely delicious – I love it! Properly fermented and aged, it is comparable to a quality, ripe cheese like Gorganzola or Stilton – even better! Unfortunately, it’s damn hard to find these days. Shit! I thought Mexicans would be dirtier than this. How often do they bathe?”

“Most of them once or twice a day,” I answered, “at least where there is plenty of water.”

“I should never have come to the coast then, said Bill.”

Alberto looked confused, not understanding the English. “I could go home and bathe,” he said, apologetically.

Raul and Tommy explained the problem to him. Bill passed him a 50 peso note and thanked him.

“I know a real, real, dirty guy,” said Alberto. He never bathes! His name is Ignacio.”

“Oh, Dios!” said Raul, “you don’t mean that guy that hangs out behind the bus station!”

“That’s the one. Is he dirty or what?”

“Yeah, he’s dirty, but….”

“Is he cute?” asked Bill.

“Yeah, I guess, but…”

Bill drove us to the second-class bus station in his immaculate, white Lincoln. Before he let the boys in, he draped a white fabric over the back seat. I was honored by getting to sit in front without a seat protector. On the way, Bill gave us a lecture on smegma.

“Smegma is one of the most misunderstood substances in nature. If people talk about it at all, it’s in a negative way. Actually, it is very beneficial, wholesome and necessary. All mammals have it, except for humans who foolishly wash under their foreskins – or worse, remove the foreskin all-together.”

“What’s so good about it?” asked Tommy.

“Well, for one, it lubricates the penis. Ever wonder why animals don’t buy lubricants?”

“I thought it was because they didn’t have any money,” wisecracked Tommy.

“And, two, the secretions of the ectopic sebaceous glands of the prepuce, plus the seminal secretions of the prostate and Cowper’s glands, and even the mucin from the urethral glands ……”

“Cuidado!” Raul yelled. Bill swerved, barely missing a donkey-cart.

“…and, let’s not forget the contribution of the sloughed epithelial cells…”

“Turn right here,” said Alberto.

“…together form a natural ointment which not only lubricates but protects the delicate male genital organ from infection through its natural antibacterial properties.”

We parked a block from the second-class bus station. Bill continued our education as we threaded our way through the taco stands, CD hawkers and passengers burdened with luggage, chickens and everything imaginable.

“And then, and this is the best thing about smegma, it is rich in sexual pheromones.”

“What?” asked Tommy.

“That is a phenomenally charged scent which subliminally excites women and homosexual men like Rusty and me. The aroma is normally trapped within the foreskin cavity, but is released when erection takes place. That’s why when a guy gets horny, I get horny.”

We found Ignacio, washing an old, beat-up bus on the back lot. I recognized him at once, even though years had passed since he had stolen that tortilla off my plate and ran away with the waiter chasing him. Who could blame a starving street urchin for stealing food? He had grown up in the Mexican gutter, surviving however he could, and now was a healthy-looking teenager. When he saw us approaching, he looked scared and backed away from us.

“It wasn’t me!” he said. He looked around for an escape route.

“Who did it then?” demanded Raul.

“Celestino. He planned the whole thing.”

“Relax,” said Raul. “We’re not here about that. I’m sure you’re sorry anyway, so it’s okay. We just came to see if you could help us out. You see, Bill here needs a Mexican dick to suck real bad. You want to give him yours?”

Ignacio looked surprised, and then calmed down. His face assumed a defiant, thuggish look. “Si, mi verga se vende. Cuanto quiere gastar el joto?”

Tommy translated for Bill. “He says that he doesn’t have time. His grandmother is sick and he has to earn money for her operation.”

Bill looked the barefooted boy up and down. He wore a dirty, ragged T-shirt and jeans that he had outgrown and probably had never removed since he first put them on. His hair was a mess, his face was smudged, his ears, neck, arms and hands were dirty. His fingernails were black. He was absolutely filthy!

“He’s perfect!” said Bill. “Tell him I will give him 100 pesos ($10 dollars) if he will let me suck him off.”

Tommy translated, and the boy answered, “Dile al puto que me pague 200 pesos porque la mia es grande.”

Tommy translated, “He says that the operation costs 200 pesos.”

Bill said, “Let me see it first. If it’s big, I’ll give him the 200 pesos.”

Ignacio led us between some battered, broken-down busses to a hidden space, which looked to be his home. An old bus seat with a dirty blanket was probably his bed. Soda bottles and other trash littered the ground.

He loosened his belt, opened his fly, reached in and pulled out his cock, letting it hang out for Bill’s inspection. It wasn’t that big, just an ordinary size, but that didn’t really matter. It was plenty dirty!

“Tell him to take off his clothes.”

Ignacio said he wouldn’t take off his clothes – he never took off his clothes.

Bill said that if he didn’t get naked, then the deal was off.

The boy said it would cost him another 100 pesos if he had to get naked.

Bill was staring at the kid’s penis. It was starting to swell up, the point of the glans pushing through the preputial band.

“Ahh!” said Bill. “Can you smell it? Here come the pheromones!”

I sure could -- everybody could. Raul held his nose. I felt my dick hardening in my pants. Maybe Bill was right about the subliminal effect of the pheromones on women and gay men.

“Trescientos pesos o nada,” said the muchacho.

“That’s too much,” said Raul. “Nobody pays that much for dick.”

“That’s more than I make in a week!” said Alberto.

“How much is 300 pesos in dollars?” asked Bill.

“About $30 U.S.” answered Tommy.”

“Tell him I’ll give him 250. Tell him I suck real good – he will love it.”

Tommy translated.

Ignacio answered, “Dile al maricon que si quiere mamarme la verga y tambien tengo que desnudarme, pues, es 300, nada menos.”

“He said to tell the gentleman that if you want to suck his dick and if he also has to get naked then its 300 pesos or forget it.”

Bill was staring at the boy’s prick. His foreskin was retracting, revealing the end of the slimy glans.

“Look! He has cheese!” exclaimed Bill.

Sure enough, we could see some white crud clinging to the glans.

“Tell him okay, I will give him 300 pesos.”

Ignacio wanted the money up-front. He stuffed it into a pocket of his dirty pants. Then he pulled his T-shirt off over his head, revealing a nice slender body. He would have been beautiful if he hadn’t been so dirty.

“Wow! He’s beautiful!” said Bill.

Bill approached the boy and reaching out, placed his hand on the kid’s dirty chest. Ignacio stiffened and clinched his fists -- for a moment it looked like he was going to strike Bill. Obviously, Ignacio wasn’t used to being touched.

Bill spit in his hand and rubbed it on the boy’s chest, leaving streaks of lighter skin showing under the filth. Bill showed us his muddy palm.

“He’s going to be good,” Bill said.

Bill undid the boy’s pants and pulled them down. Ignacio stepped out of them. He stood there in his dirty bikini with his dick hanging over the band. Bill started to pull down his bikini but the boy stopped him.

“Mire que no venga nadie,” he told Alberto.

Alberto looked out and then reported that nobody was coming.

Bill pulled the bikini down and the boy was naked except for the dirt he wore. His dick was getting stiff, and more white crud was appearing as the foreskin retracted.

“Es grande, no? Te gusta?”

“Si,” answered Bill, licking his chops, “Yo gostar mucho.”

Bill turned the boy around, inspecting him from all angles, feeling the smooth, dirty skin of his upper body and squeezing his muscles. He held up one of the kid’s arms, leaned forward and sniffed the little patch of teen-age armpit hair. Bill wanted to get his money’s worth. Ignacio had a cute, tight butt with dimpled cheeks like Tommy’s. Bill reached down and felt the kid’s ass, sliding his fingers up between the cheeks.

“No!” said Ignacio, yanking Bill’s hand away from his butt, “Esa parte no se vende!” He turned around, glaring angrily at Bill, and grasping his erect penis, waved it and pointed it at Bill. “Esta es tuya, puto, mamamela!”

Bill was looking at the boy with a crazed, hypnotic look on his face. He was holding his manicured fingers to his nose, taking in the delicious aroma of the Mexican kid’s filthy ass. And even though he didn’t understand the boy’s words, he did get the message.

Bill knelt down and the boy stepped forward.

“Oh, gross!” said Tommy.

Ignacio’s foreskin had withdrawn almost to the ridge of the glans, revealing the build-up of years of yellow-white glandular excretions.

Ignacio waved his dirty prick under Bill’s nose. “Chupala, pinche maricon!”

“Ah!” said Bill, breathing in the phenomenal pheromones.

“Huacala!” said Raul.

Slimy pre-cum was hanging from the disgusting thing.

“Chingao!” said Alberto.

“Yuck!” I said, but with a boner in my pants.

Everybody was speechless as they watched Bill stick out his tongue and lick the underside of the boy’s filthy prick. Ignacio gasped and his mouth opened in shock. I am sure that this was the first time anything like this had happened to him – who else would even want to touch him, much less suck his cock.

“Umm, this is good!” exclaimed Bill.

Apparently, Ignacio was enjoying it too because his dick was continuing to expand and stiffen with each heartbeat. As his foreskin unfolded, more and more gunk was exposed. Bill had hit the jackpot!

Bill was savoring the taste – he didn’t want to gobble it up by taking the kid’s cock into his mouth right away. He was just giving the slimy glans little licks, softening the build-up of smegma.

Bill turned to me, “Rusty, you’ve got to try this! This kid is absolutely delicious! Come on, get down here and taste this!”

“Uh, thanks Bill, but I’ve already eaten.”

“You don’t know what you’re missing. This is better than Gorganzola!” He went back to dick licking.

The swelling and extending of the kid’s erection finally pushed the glans through the tight preputial band and the entire cheese-covered glans was exposed. The groove behind the ridge was caked with the stuff, and the inner surface of the foreskin, now inside-out, was slimy with crud.

Bill backed off to admire the beauty of the boy’s penis. It had grown to a respectable size, bigger than you would expect on a boy of that age and slender build. He hadn’t lied when he said his verga was a big one. But the best part for Bill about this delectable dick was that almost a third of it was covered with smegma. The stench, I mean ‘aroma,’ of it would almost knock you down!

“Lameme los huevos, joto!” the boy commanded in a disrespectful tone.

“He wants you to lick his balls,” said Tommy.

Bill complied, licking each of the kid’s bare balls. Ignacio grinned at us with an arrogant look on his face, clearly enjoying himself in humiliating the white man who knelt before him.

It was oddly exciting to watch this middle-aged, well-off and educated man, dressed in his clean, expensive clothes, kneeling in front of a dirty and naked Mexican street punk, honoring and worshiping the kid’s masculinity while humiliating himself in front of us.

Bill started licking the shaft of the boy’s brown penis from the balls to the tip, smearing the smegma all over it with his tongue. I was enjoying the changing expressions on Ignacio’s face as Bill pleasured him. I love to watch the face of a boy while he is getting a blowjob.

Bill was in a feeding frenzy, lapping up the gunk as it softened with his saliva.

“Mira como al maricon le gusta el cebo!” laughed Ignacio.” He backed up a step and Bill almost fell forward as he tried to keep the sloppy prick in his face. The boys all laughed.

“Te gusta mi verga (you like my cock)?” Ignacio teased, approaching Bill’s mouth with it and then backing away before the man could get it.

“Te gusta el olor de cebo, puto (you like the smell of my cheese, queer)?” Ignacio waved his filthy, drooling prick under Bill’s nostrils while Bill tried to catch it with his tongue.

“Te gusta el sabor de verga, maricon (you like the taste of dick, faggot)? insulted Ignacio. “Comatela, entonces!” Ignacio stepped up so that Bill could continue licking the white-yellow slime off his cock.

“Si, limpiamela, puto (clean it up for me, queer)!”

Ignacio shut up for a while and let Bill lick his brown dick. We watched as the years of buildup of smegma gradually disappeared into Bill’s mouth.

“Okay, puto, ya basta! Mamamela!”

Bill looked up into the boy’s eyes, not understanding. Ignacio started slapping the man’s face with his prick.

Myself, I would never have allowed anybody to treat me in such a disrespectful and humiliating manner. But Bill was so enslaved by his obsession to eat the boy’s cock cheese, that he could do nothing but kneel there and let the kid abuse him. To tell you the truth, I didn’t like Bill very much, so I was enjoying his humiliation.

“Mamamela!” the boy commanded. Bill looked confused. The boy kept whacking him hard with his dick. Bill’s face was getting covered with smegma and pre-lube. “Mamamela!”

“He wants you to suck his dick,” said Tommy.

Ignacio, holding his stiff dick with one hand, pointed it at the man’s mouth. Then with the other hand he pulled Bill’s head forward, and we watched the boy’s dirty cock slide deep between the white man’s lips.

Ignacio sighed as he felt for the first time in his life the exquisite pleasure of a hot, wet mouth around his virgin dick. He shut up again, too overwhelmed by the sensation of getting sucked to say anything more.

Two new muchachos showed up, gutter kids as dirty as Ignacio. Curious, they pushed their way into the circle to see what was happening. Their mouths fell open in surprise in seeing their buddy, naked, and what the white man who knelt before him was doing. Ignacio didn’t seem to notice their arrival – his eyes were glazed over in sexual trance.

Ignacio’s legs started shaking. A lot of kids can’t stand up and orgasm at the same time.

“Hold him up,” I told them.

With his arms draped over his amigos shoulders, Ignacio grunted and gave Bill his Mexican cream to go with the cheese.

When it was over, we left. Noticing that Bill hadn’t followed us, I turned to look. The boys had sat Ignacio down on the old bus seat; Bill was still kneeling down, and one of the boys stood in front of him, loosening his belt.

The other boy was slipping Bill’s wallet out of his rear pocket.

After seeing Ignacio getting sucked off, I was so horny I could die. I wanted a boy. A new boy. I wanted his dick in my mouth. I looked at Alberto who walked beside me with a stiffness in his pants. He would have been so cute if he hadn’t been so dirty.

I could smell his phenomenal pheromones.

“Hey, Alberto, you want to go up to the hotel room for a while?”

Alberto grinned, “Sure, but I better go home and get cleaned up first.”

“No, I don’t think that’s really necessary.”

Raul and Tommy winked at each other.


To be continued



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21 Gay Erotic Stories from Rusty

Amazon Adventure

The jungle of Peru, the Amazon port of Iquitos, I got off the riverboat and took a room in a "pension,” an economic boarding house. The bathroom was communal. I waited with soap and towel to use the shower. A young man came out dressed in a towel only. I immediately felt a rush of hormones, of excitement and desire, on beholding his beauty. He was a mixed-blood native of the

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 1

The following story took place in a town in southern Mexico. Raul and I were eating in a restaurant when a cute young tourist came in. As all of the tables were occupied, he looked around, and seeing me motion to him, came to sit at our table. He was the same age as Raul, 18 years old, and I was attracted to him immediately, although my usual preference is for dark-skinned

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 2

(All characters in the following story are 18 years of age or older) I awoke from my nap with a hard-on. I still had the taste of Raul's and Tommy's cum in my mouth and was tempted to jack-off but decided against it. I should conserve my juices for later, after all I am not a teenager any more. I took a stroll towards the park. Cute, young Mexican lads were everywhere. It

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 3

It was a beautiful-as-usual Mexican morning and I was sitting on a bench in the town square, enjoying the fresh air, beautiful flowers and cute Mexican boys. Tommy came walking up. "Buenos dias, Rusty." "Buenos dias, Tommy. I thought you were going to show up at the hotel last night." Tommy sat down beside me. "I couldn't go. Had to spend some time with my parents. They are

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 4

Tommy brought his things up to my room that night. I was thrilled that I would have this cute, young man as my roommate. "Here, Tommy, this is your bed. I will pay the main part of the rent -- you just pay the extra that they will charge for your staying here." "Yeah, that's cool. My parents left me a little money for my birthday but I have to be careful with it." "Your

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 5

He wanted his money first. I probably could have backed out at that point by not paying him. But with the intoxicating smell of his penis in my face, and the taste of his Mexican juices in my mouth, there was no way that I wasn't going to go through with this. I paid him. I pulled the loose skin of his brown dick back to completely expose the glans, then rolled a Magnum rubber

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 6

Jaime was a little guy, barely five feet tall. I offered him my hand, but instead of grabbing it firmly, he only touched his palm to mine, gently, Indian style. Indians, most of them, are not overtly macho like ordinary Mexicans. They consider machismo behavior to be rude. Jaime was a polite, respectful little guy. We started walking, Tommy, Jaime and I, toward the hotel. The other muchachos

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 7

It was chilly in the early morning and Tommy and I were cuddled in the spoon position, his naked back against my naked front, my hand on his smooth, flat stomach. I love cuddling, probably more than sex, especially with a cute boy like Tommy. I felt a dull throbbing in my butt and remembered the fucking that I had gotten the night before. I felt behind me -- my rectum was swollen and puckered out

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 8

Tommy went to the door, naked, cracked it open a bit, and seeing that it was Raul, let him in. Raul had his soccer ball in his hands. "Quihubole (whassup)?" he said. "Quihubole," we answered. "We have to hurry," Raul said. “We're playing the guys from across the river today." Then, speaking to Tommy, "Did you get sucked yet?" "Yeah," Tommy answered, "once." Raul started stripping

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part 9

The muchachos stripped down to their bikinis before getting into the canoes. The small flotilla set off for the opposite bank of the river, to the soccer game at Boca Grande. The current was strong, sweeping us downstream, while the young men paddled furiously. I was sitting in the middle of our canoe watching Raul’s shoulder, arm, and back muscles working under his smooth, brown skin. Behind

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part10

(Author’s note: All of the characters in this series are of legal age.) I was sitting on the bank of the river watching the approaching storm when Tommy emerged from the shack and sat beside me. “Well, did you do it?” I asked. Tommy turned and opened his mouth to show me the big wad of Raul’s cum that was on his tongue. “I had him squirming all over the place – he loved it!” “What about

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part11

Like triplets, wet and naked in the womb, we cuddled on the muddy floor of the hut while the storm raged, at last falling asleep in the comfort of our intimate embrace. I was the first to awaken at dawn, and contented myself with the feel of Tommy’s naked backside against my front. My hand rested on his flat, smooth stomach--I let it slide down to cup his sleeping little member. My own cock,

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part12

Raul and his girlfriend were kissing on a park bench while the girl’s younger sister and aunt kept watch from another bench across the way. It was early evening and the town square was alive with kids running and laughing, and teenage boys and girls checking each other out. I was sipping a cold Margarita in a sidewalk cafe, enjoying the cool air, the scent of tropical flowers and the songs of

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part13

Author’s note: The characters involved in sex in this series are of legal age. Caution: The content of this chapter may disgust even the more perverted readers. Skip this chapter unless you have a strong stomach. ……………………… The two naked boys beside me were still asleep when I awoke. They were cuddled in the spoon position, just like they were when Raul fucked Tommy the night before.

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part14

I awoke in the early morning to the sounds of groaning and panting. I opened my eyes and gazed into the face of the beautiful Mexican boy beside me. His face was contorted in that weird expression that he gets when he is about to cum. Another wet dream, I thought. Then I heard slurping sounds. I looked down and saw Tommy, between Raul’s legs and about to take his orgasm in the mouth.

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part15

I filled the enema bag with warm water and had Tommy get on the floor. “Okay, kneel! Put your elbows on the floor and spread your knees wide. Tilt your butt up a little. So you never had an enema, huh? Well it won’t hurt--trust me. And it will get you nice and clean for Raul.” Marveling at the sight of the boy’s cute white butt, I felt my own penis swelling in my pants. Tommy’s ass

Bottomboy For Mexicans, Part16

Tommy came out of the bathroom naked and clean from his shower and enema. Raul was reclining naked on the bed, playing with his stiff brown cock while staring at the photo of Tommy’s girlfriend. Tommy stood at the mirror and fiddled with his little hair spikes, trying to make them stand up. “Man!” said Raul, “she looks like a good fuck! Does she give good head too?” “No. We haven’t

Mexican Jungle Boys, Part 1

Separate vacations: Mary to visit our grandkids and me to tropical Mexico! Beside me on the plane sat a middle-aged fat man named Bill, a friendly guy who told me about the interesting tourist sites that I would see. He, however, was not going there for the ruins of ancient cultures, but for the Mexican boys. He enjoyed telling me about how easy they were to pick up, take to the

Mexican Jungle Boys, Part 2

The village was nothing more than six mud and palm huts. Marcelo and I, surrounded by a crowd of happy children, went to meet his family. I was a big celebrity! Marcelo's father and mother received me cordially into their humble home where I was given a meal of fish, rice and bananas. Everybody was friendly and smiling; I felt grand. Marcelo and two of his brothers led me down

Wrong Side of the Tracks, Part 1

Author’s note: The characters involved in sexual activities in this series are 18 or older. The word boy refers to a young male 18 or older. ………………………………………. I know, I should have known better -- people warned me not to go over there. It was dangerous – I might get mugged if I did. During the day, though, it was okay to drive through there. I did that every day to get to work. Poor

Wrong Side of the Tracks, Part 2

Author’s note: All characters in this series that are involved in sex are 18 or older. … A number of weeks had gone by since I was forced to suck that Latino thug’s cock. I was more or less recuperated from the trauma of it, except for an occasional nightmare that I woke up out of with a thumping heart and a wad of semen in my boxers. I couldn’t keep him out of my masturbation


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