Gay Erotic Stories

Second Chances

by ArtisticBiGuy

I hadn't seen Drew in almost ten years. He'd been my best friend in high school. We'd gone to different colleges and after graduation we ended up on the opposite ends of the country. I honestly hadn't thought much of Drew in years. I suppose I didn't want to think about him, it brought up too many emotions.

"Hey, dufuss." Ten years had passed and I could still recognize Drew's voice in a heartbeat.

"Drew?" Images of the dark haired main character of most of my adolescent fantasies came back instantly.

"Same butt ugly boy, yeah." He never understood just how hot he was. He'd lived his life in the shadow of his older 'perfect brother'; Chad could do no wrong. Though Drew had maintained good grades and been the captain of both the junior varsity and varsity wrestling teams, he'd always felt second best. "What are you up to later this month?"

That was an odd question. We'd kept up through Christmas cards and occasional snippets from our parents, but between the distance and our struggles in our respective careers we were never able to hook up. "Nothing important, why?"

He went on to explain he'd been "down sized" with a great severance package and was hoping to see more of the country before he started hunting for a new job. I'd moved to San Diego with my last career change and had a modest apartment with a good view. He'd never been to California so I jumped at the chance to see him again and invited him to stay at my place.

I'd hung up with an uneasy feeling in my stomach. What if we had nothing in common? What if he'd turned out to be a homophobe? I chastised myself for my stupidity. We were old friends catching up; we weren't old lovers trying again.


I was shifting from foot to foot with anxiety the afternoon he arrived. How does a guy keep calm when he's going to meet his first secret crush after a decade? I nearly pissed myself when the doorbell rang.

Looking great in a sweatshirt and faded jeans, Drew smiled at me as I opened the door. He had a suitcase beside him and a daypack over his shoulder. I think he was surprised at how much I'd changed. "Long time no see, dufuss!"

Laughing, I reached for his suitcase. "Get your unemployed ass in here, you vagabond." He smiled and followed me in. As I set his suitcase down behind the couch I caught him looking at me. After a few moments I checked the back of my pants and gave him a funny look in return. "What? Is my underwear showing or something?"

He smirked. "No, but other than your face you don't look anything like you did in high school." Dropping his daypack on the couch he shook his head. "Where's the geeky, book worm I used to protect from getting his ass beat every week?"

I laughed. "I confess, I developed an annoying habit while in college that I just can't seem to shake."

Drew lifted an eyebrow. "What's that?"

"The Gym. I try but I just can't seem to break myself of it." I had also been a late bloomer and though I'd been an inch or two shorter than Drew in school, I was now about an inch taller. Forming imitation glasses with my fingers I brought them up to my face. "I could take out my contacts and pull out my spare glasses if that'd make you feel better."

He laughed. "Save it for later. I'm not going anywhere for a while."

He gave me a quick hug and I wrinkled my nose. "Well, you're going into the shower at some point. You're ripe!"

He laughed. "Well some things never change." He was right; I was never one to skip a bath.


We spent the afternoon and evening catching up. While I ordered delivery, Drew had showered and changed into another pair of jeans and a t-shirt. He didn't have the nearly perfect wrestler's body he'd had in high school but there was certainly nothing to complain about. I kind of liked the fact that he was a bit softer; it took the harshness from his features. His smile still made some small part of me tremble and I knew I'd have to be careful. My inability to admit I was gay and my fear of losing him as a friend had kept my feelings for him platonic when we were teens. That was my story at least, and I was sticking to it.

As a well-adjusted, experienced, single gay thirty year old, I had no such restraints to keep me from making a fool out of myself. My only restraint was his answer to my question about any hot dates he was missing. He'd laughed and said he was "woman free" at the moment, and that the last girlfriend had been a controlling bitch so he was going cold turkey for a while.

Grabbing the pizza box and empty beer cans, I headed for the kitchen. "Want to toss in a DVD?" I seldom ever used the thing but I had a pretty good collection of shoot-em-ups and boom movies. I couldn't actually remember the last movie I'd watched on it. I prefer books.

"Sure, that your collection over the TV?"

"Yeah. Pick anything up there." I dumped the box and cans in the trash. "You want another brew?"


I rooted around in the fridge for a minute and pulled out some salsa as well. Drew was looking at a DVD case when I got back with the munchies. He looked up and held out the DVD. "What's this?"

I came over and blanched. He'd been about to put the Fifth Element DVD in and had to put away what was in the drawer. I suddenly remembered that the last time I'd used the thing was a few weeks ago. I was feeling extremely lonely, probably as a result of hearing from Drew again. My only other solid collection of DVDs was a wide variety of gay porn. I stored it in a different place but apparently I hadn't put the last view away. That certainly let the cat out of the bag unexpectedly. I swallowed and gave him a nervous smile. "Um…a gay porn DVD?"

He blinked for a few moments and put the DVD back on top of the player. His eyes were avoiding mine and I sighed. "I'm gay, Drew."

I didn't see the punch coming. All I knew was my jaw was aching, I could taste the metallic flavor of blood, and I was sitting on my ass looking up at him. My pants and the carpet were soaked in spilled beer. I couldn't help but think the crushed chips and spilt salsa would be a bitch to clean up. I couldn't believe my first thoughts after being knocked on my ass was what I was going to do to clean up the mess. Yeah, I really am that anal.

Drew's fists were balled and his teeth were clenched. He glared at me, his eyes burning. "You can't be gay!"

I stuttered for a moment before I could answer. "I am, Drew. I wouldn't lie about something like that."

He snarled as he bent down to grab the front of my shirt. I thought for a moment he would hit me again. "You fucking lied about it when we were kids!" His eyes were moist and his voice quavered. "I defended you! I told everyone we were best friends. I told them you were straight. I said 'Chris would tell me if he was gay.'"

My gaze dropped to the floor. "I didn't want to be gay, Drew. What was I supposed to do; lose my best friend because I was something I didn't want to be?"

He jerked back as if I'd burned him. "You weren't the one who got pushed away when we were fifteen, Chris. Don't blame that on me." I stared in stunned silence as he turned, grabbed his cigarettes off the coffee table and stalked out onto the balcony.


We were on a skiing trip in the Pocono's. It had been a great weekend spending time with my best friend. He never treated me like the other guys. He was my hero. He could do no wrong. I wanted to be just like him. I was fifteen.

The tiles were cool under my knees. My hands were trembling as I stroked his thighs. He tasted so good. Drew was lying back, propped up on his elbows, his eyes closed, and he was whimpering as I lapped at his cock.

All guys get curious, I tried to convince myself as I took his cock in my mouth again and strove to suck it past my tonsils. This isn't gay.

I was in such denial. I was swallowing the captain of the wrestling team's cock to the root and loving every inch of it. Apparently, so was he. Drew kept encouraging me with soft whispers of how good it felt and how much he wanted it. He was my best friend. I'd do anything for him. If he wanted to know what a blowjob felt like, I was willing to help out.

He didn't last long. Who does when you're fifteen and being sucked off by your best friend in a hotel bathroom? I grabbed his hips and held on as he began to buck off the floor. With a strangled cry he shot his hot, lusty load down my throat. I'd never tasted cum before. I always thought it was too gay to try. But I sucked down every tangy, salty drop and licked him clean before what we'd done hit me.

Sitting back, shell shocked, I watched as he trembled through the afterglow. It was ok. He was my friend and we were just curious. I'd heard about other guys who'd jacked off together and such, and they weren't gay. I didn't notice Drew sit up till his face was inches from mine, his eyes were closed, and his lips sought mine out.

Straight guys don't kiss. They do mutual masturbation and may try a blow once or twice. Straight guys definitely didn't kiss, but he was kissing me. I opened my mouth to protest. I felt sick as his tongue flicked into my mouth and he moaned into me. This wasn't happening. Drew was straight. We were just curious. Even in the midst of denial I leaned in and melted as he pulled me to him. God I wanted it.

That broke the spell. I wanted it. I wasn't curious. I wanted him to do all those things the guys in school taunted me about. I wanted him to fuck me, suck me, and make me his. I wanted him to love me the way I loved him.

I pushed him away and scrambled back. Drew was the captain of the wrestling team. He was straight; he had to be. I lived in a safe little pigeonhole universe and Dew being gay wasn't a part of that. "My parents might be back any minute."

The hurt look he gave me before he looked at the floor didn't register. "Yeah, Chris. Ok." It was like I'd just kicked a puppy.

I was fifteen. I was a closet gay boy in angst. How the hell was I expected to think about someone else's feelings?


Drew was taking a deep drag when I stepped out on the balcony. I suppose the fact I hadn't even tried to clean up the floor or my pants which was the sure sign of how conflicted I was. Someone once told me that I was such a neat freak that I'd be pouring hydrogen peroxide on the carpet while I was bleeding to death.

He didn't say anything. He didn't even look at me. I waited for him to say something but all he did was take another drag and stare out at the park.

"I'm sorry, Drew." I looked out at the park as well and hoped he wouldn't hit me again. "I was fifteen. I was scared. I couldn't deal with being gay." I swallowed. "You were the only guy who treated me like a person. How could I tell you I was all those horrible things they were calling me? How could I admit I really was 'Faggot Ferrans'?"

He snorted. "Yeah, your life was tough. A little bookish fag boy in the closet."

I flinched. The one person I never thought would call me 'fag' was Drew.

He grunted. "Well, you're not little any more and I bet you aren't in the closet."

I shook my head. "No, I admitted who I was in college. I came out to my parents after graduation. That sucked but at least they still love me." I looked at him again. I took a really hard look. Somewhere inside that twenty-nine year old body had been a fifteen-year-old kid who'd loved me. "Do you hate me, Drew, or are you just angry?"

Drew took another drag of his cigarette and then crushed it. "I don't hate you, Chris. I never could." He looked at me, his eyes hard and unreadable. "I tried, but I couldn't."

I remembered the week after the ski trip. It was the worst week of my life. Drew had all but ignored me that entire week at school. I'd never felt so alone. By the weekend I was crying myself to sleep. I promised myself I'd never be gay again if only he'd still be my friend. He did come back. I kept my promise till I turned twenty-one.

I pulled out a Listerine packet and popped it open. Taking a strip for myself, I held it out to him. He took one and stared out at the park again. I studied his profile. Fifteen years ago I'd been too scared to follow through with something we'd started. It had nearly cost me his friendship. What I wanted now would possibly destroy it. The beer had numbed the little part of my brain that screamed at me that Drew was my best friend and this was wrong.


He turned to ask "what," but he never got the chance. I don't think he expected the kiss. I had my hands in his hair and was holding him in place before he could jerk back. Being taller had its advantages. I wasn't fifteen any more and I wasn't in angst. I felt him whimper against my lips and gasp. This time it was my tongue that ventured in first. That was all he needed to start responding. The heat generated from that kiss was causing us both to tremble. I was delighted to realize that he was still a moaner.

After a few mind-melting moments he jerked back and frowned. He had tasted some blood from my split lip. Yeah, the kissing had hurt but it was worth it. He seemed stunned. "I hit you."

I smirked. "Life's tough. I had it coming."

He looked down. "No you didn't."

I pulled his face back up. "Yeah, I did." I searched his eyes. "I've wanted to return that kiss for fifteen years." I saw the kid I'd rejected looking back at me from behind those dark brown eyes. He wasn't gone.

Drew brought his hands to my face and closed his eyes. He pulled me back into another kiss. This one was even better. It was soft, hot and wet. By the time he pulled from the kiss my legs were weak. His voice was just above a whisper, "So have I."

That was all it took to release the last of my restraints. Fifteen years of denial flooded me with a passion I didn't know I could feel. At that moment, he was mine. Drew wasn't going to get out of my apartment without having the best sex of his life. I was determined he would be fucking me delirious before the night was out. I should have expected it wouldn't be that simple. Anyone else would have been half way to my bed and mostly naked at that point. I cared about him too much to go on without knowing he wanted it too. "Drew, if you want to stop say so, because I don't think I'll be able to stop later."

He searched my eyes for a moment before answering. Taking my hand from behind his neck, he pressed it against his pants. His cock throbbed under my palm. His lips caressed my jaw and he began to nibble on my neck. "I've been with more girls than I can count, Chris," I could barely hear him as he chewed on my ear, "but I've never been with a guy." When he pulled back to look at me, he had tears in his eyes. "I didn't have the guts."

I kissed him again. "I've been with about a dozen guys since I came out. I've never been with a guy I loved; I guess we'll both be in virgin territory." I couldn't believe I said that. I looked away and tried to figure out why I was so stupid.

Drew turned my face to him and traced his thumb along the bruise that was rising on my cheek. "I should have hit you years ago."

I smirked. "I hope you won't make a habit of it. I was getting used to the way I look."

"I'd like to make a habit of this." He savored me again; pulling me into another deep kiss. I realized right then that I could spend the rest of my life kissing him. Smiling he pulled up to my ear. "Let's make up for lost time."

The trip to the bedroom was a tangle of lips, hands and garments. It is amazing how complicated walking is when you're stripping and you don't want to separate your lips from someone else's. We stopped at the bed and Drew pulled back. For a moment I was afraid he was having second thoughts. That would have killed me. Instead he looked at me with a heat that had me panting. "You weren't kidding." His hands roamed over my chest and abs. "Damn, Chris. You're so cut."

That much was true. Where Drew was a bit thicker and not as ripped as he had been in school, I'd put on a good 20 pounds of muscle. I'm one of those guys who have a thin frame and long, wiry muscle. I can't put on size but I can put on density and detail. Also unlike him, I'm nearly hairless. Being gay, into fitness, and lacking in any respectable body hair I chose to shave the uncooperative shit off.

He smirked as his fingers traced down to my hairless balls. "Please don't tell me being gay requires you to shave yourself clean."

I laughed. "God I hope not, I like my guys furry." I shrugged. "I never had much anyway. I like being smooth."

He smiled and pressed himself against me. I'd found that my shaved skin was a bit more sensitive than unshaved skin. His ample chest and belly hair sent shocks through me. He pulled me back into a kiss. After a moment, he looked at me nervously. "Can I touch you, Chris?"

I think that was the sweetest thing any guy had ever asked me. When you're naked and your dick is pointing at the ceiling with lust, most guys don't worry about things like permission. "I'm yours, Drew. You can do whatever you want."

Drew pressed me back onto the bed and began touching and kissing me. He explored me like a starving man at an all-you-can-eat buffet. He lavished, tasted and savored me from my fingertips to my toes. No one had ever spent so much time getting to know my body. If I hadn't been ready to do anything for him before, I would have done it then. When he was satisfied licking my tortured shaft to the point I was gritting my teeth, he suddenly opened his mouth and tried to dive down to my balls. Like my body, my cock is long, straight and narrow. I slammed into the back of his throat and didn't flex. He choked and pulled back, tears in his eyes.

I laughed. "Whoa, damn Drew, take it easy." I pulled him up while he was gagging and kissed the side of his neck. "We aren't on the tiles this time, bud. No chaperones for this trip. We can take our time."

He gave me a teasing smile, but his eyes were still a little moist from his near gag experience. "That hadn't been a line?"

My smile wavered. "Drew. I was terrified to admit I wanted it. I was fifteen." My eyes pleaded with him. "I never meant to hurt you."

He kissed me again. This one was something different. It felt desperate and shaky. He dropped his head to my shoulder and trembled. I felt tears wetting my skin. I held him as he cried. My heart was breaking as I realized the pain I'd caused him. Finally he stopped and he looked at me. "I'm sorry, Chris. I never thought about why you'd stopped me. I thought I wasn't good enough."

I choked. He always had had trouble believing he was worthy of things. "You were everything, Drew. I wouldn't have survived without you." I kissed him softly, turning us slowly so that I had him on his back. I wanted him to know what it was to be wanted. I wanted to leave him no doubt that this wasn't just sex for me. His eyes were glazed when I pulled back to look at him. "Drew, do you trust me?"

He swallowed and nodded.

"I want to touch you. I want you to know how long I've dreamed about this." My voice cracked. His eyes were so full of emotion that I had to break away from them. I reached to the nightstand and pulled out a small bottle of massage oil. My voice was just above a whisper as I looked back at him. "Turn over."

He did and I straddled him, the soft fuzz on his buns tickled my clean balls. Popping the bottle top I warmed the oil in my hands and spread it over his shoulders and back. As my fingers began to work into his muscles, Drew moaned and his body seemed to sink against the mattress. He hadn't let his body go at all. As soon as my hands dug in I found that his muscles were still quite firm and responsive. All he had was a comfortable layer of softness that made him more real and sexy as I touched more and more of him.

I had leaned forward to put more body weight into my efforts and I felt my shaft sliding in his hairy cleft. His ass clenched for a moment as I reflexively rocked, allowing my shaft to slide up and down through his private hair. I felt him stiffen.

"Chris," his voice was just above a whisper, "I don't think I can do that."

I lay completely down on him and purred into his ear. "I'm not going there, Drew. I'm just letting you know how hot you're making me." I chewed on his ear and he moaned. "I won't do anything to hurt you."

He bit his lip and nodded again. His eyes were closed but I could tell by his breathing that I probably could have done it anyways. He was scared and feeling vulnerable. I remembered my first time. If I really were his first, I would never let him go through what I had.

I slid down his body and began to kiss his ass. Slowly I licked and kissed my way to his thighs and he spread them reflexively. The aroma of heat met my nose and I was drunk with it. There are certain signs that a man is sexually receptive. The surest one I know of is the aroma of a man's musk as he's getting exactly what works. Drew's musk was an aphrodisiac and I was hooked. I licked his perineum and he shuddered. He hadn't felt anything yet. My tongue lapped upward as I slowly pulled his cheeks apart. His moans went to gasps and soft cries as I circled his ring with the tip of my tongue. I silently thanked a couple of my previous lovers for teaching me so well.

He was moaning my name and whimpering alternatively as I lathed him open. He wanted this. His ass was flexing up against me, trying to stimulate him more. I hooked my hands around his hips and pulled him back into a supplicant position. His hands were gripping into the pillows above his head, his cheek was pressed against the mattress, and his succulent ass was up for full feasting. I ran my hands up his sides as my tongue pressed in again. I licked him and stroked his chest till he was pushing back against me. I went for gold. My fingers latched onto his bullet nipples and twisted fiercely as I thrust my tongue past his trembling ring. Drew squealed and bucked and I felt the first hot ropes of cum hit my forearms as I worked his nipples.

His legs gave out and he collapsed against the mattress with his body shaking from release. I crawled back up him and kissed his ear. "You ok?"

He sort of groan-laughed, and then nodded. I must have done well because he couldn't form words yet. I rolled him over and straddled his hips again, letting my hands wander over his sweaty, fur matted chest. He was so much broader than I was. Where I had the long, narrow frame, he had the wide, lateral build. I could hardly get enough mass on without eating constantly and working out like a maniac. He had to fight not to have too much mass and struggled to keep from being soft. We were Yin and Yang.

He was still gasping for air as I used my oiled hand to stroke him back to full hardness. The boy was horny as hell and ready for me to take my pleasure from him. I leaned forward and kissed him again, rubbing my ass back and forth across his slick shaft. He was moaning again and kneading my chest as I tipped his cock back to press against my hole. His eyes went wide with wonder as I sat back and he slid into me. I knew I was clean and at that moment I was willing to take the risk on him.

"Chris?!?" His voice warred with awe, lust and concern.

I closed my eyes and focused on taking him in. When I felt his balls tickling my ass, I took a deep breath and looked back at him. "I'm clean, Drew. If we'd been fifteen doing this, would you have had protection?"

He shook his head; beads of sweat collecting on his brow. "God, Chris…am I hurting you?"

I shook my head and rose up. He was doing anything but hurting me. I'd had thicker guys and longer guys but as I pressed back down again I realized he was perfect. He fit me like a piece to a puzzle. I wasn't too stretched and his length was just enough to fill me without fear of pushing too far. The best part was that his cock head was just the right size to brush firmly against my prostate as I rose up and back. Each stroke had me trembling and I knew this was going to be an amazing ride.

"Do me, Chris." He gasped as I pulled almost completely off and then dropped back down again. "Ride me." I bent forward and shut him up with another kiss before hunkering down and bracing myself on his chest. I began to ride him with abandon. He bucked up against me as I tried to piston him to nirvana. I have no idea how long we grunted and groaned; the bed creaking like a dying old car as we took a trip to the moon.

When we got there I realized there was no coming back. I'd never screamed from orgasm before, but I did when I clawed at his chest and struggled to keep hold of my sanity, as my body seemed to explode. The orgasm had nothing to do with my dick; that hot love pole was just a bonus; I let loose from the very depths of my being. The eruption came from the place I had locked down and hidden for fifteen years. A lifetime of emotion fueled me as I shot past Drew's head and drenched the pillow.

My ass must have practically crushed Drew's oversensitive cock as I came. His hands clutched at my hips and held me against him through his quaking. I felt his seed flood me and it boiled its way to my soul. Sweaty and spent, I collapsed against him and nuzzled his neck absently as I waited for my brain to reboot.

After several minutes of labored breathing, Drew pulled my face up and tried to say something. He couldn't seem to form words and I just lowered my lips to his and stopped him from trying. How do you express something that has no words in English? He just wrapped his arms around me and I fell asleep in the arms of my first and only real love.


I woke long before the sun came up. I was on my side and Drew was spooned against me with his arm holding me to him. The sense of deja vu was too strong for me to get back to sleep. I slipped from his embrace and moved silently from the room. I found myself on the balcony staring out at the late city lights. I couldn't help going back to the last time he'd held me that way.

It was the last time we'd slept in the same bed. We'd gone with my parents to a beach condo my uncle owned for a week at the ocean after graduation. Drew and I had gotten the couch-bed. It had never occurred to my parents that we were probably a bit old to be sleeping together on vacation trips. We'd slept together since we were kids. They also had no idea just how hard it was for me to be in bed with the guy I'd been in love with since I was twelve years old.

Our last night at the beach, Drew woke to find me crying. He'd snuggled up to me during the night and we'd ended up spooned with his arms around me. It was the most wonderful torture I'd ever known and the ache had finally gotten unbearable. I realized I was leaving him and that it was the last time I'd ever be with him. When he asked me what was wrong, I lied. I told him I was scared about school and leaving home. I had never been scared of either of those things. I was mourning the end of childhood and most of all I was mourning the end of our friendship.

He'd hugged me close and told me I was the smartest guy he knew and I would do great in college. He promised I would make a lot of friends and by the time Fall Semester started I would have totally forgotten about home and all my old friends. I'd wanted to tell him I'd never forget him. I wanted to tell him, but I'd sacrificed my being gay for his friendship and I kept my promise. I was such an idiot.

I stood on the balcony, crying over the realization that I'd never stopped loving him, when I felt his arms wrap around me. He rested his chin on my shoulder and looked out at the lights. "You ok?"

I nodded. "Just realizing how much I'd missed you." He didn't say anything but his hold on me tightened a little. After a few minutes of just standing like that, I shrugged him off and wiped my eyes. I gave him a brave smile. "What do you plan for next week?" We'd only planned his visit for the weekend. I didn't have much vacation time so this visit was only a laundry stop and reconnect before he continued his tour.

He shrugged. "I was thinking of checking into local job opportunities." He looked back at me and I could see the same look he'd given me so many times when we were teens. It was nervous and longing and unsure. "I don't think I could go through another fifteen years, Chris."

I reached out and pulled him into another kiss. I wasn't the only one crying. He hugged me hard and I choked. "I love you, Drew."

"I love you too."

I always look back on that night and thank God for giving us a second chance. Fifteen years was long enough to wait for love.


3 Gay Erotic Stories from ArtisticBiGuy

I Hate You

"I hate you," were the last words spit at me as Justin slammed the door closed on me and our friendship. To say I was stunned would have been an understatement. I didn't even notice when Tina slipped on her clothes, kissed me on the cheek and left, saying, "I'd better go." My best friend had just stormed out of my life, and I didn't know why. ********** Taking English 201 while the sun was

Moving On

Have you ever loved someone so much that the very thought of life without them incapacitates you? I have. I knew the total devastation of it as the doctors told us that Cheryl's cancer was too advanced; it was terminal; she had only a month or two to live. Fifteen years were ending in a few short days. The pain took me to my knees and the only thing that kept me from hitting the floor was Carlos.

Second Chances

I hadn't seen Drew in almost ten years. He'd been my best friend in high school. We'd gone to different colleges and after graduation we ended up on the opposite ends of the country. I honestly hadn't thought much of Drew in years. I suppose I didn't want to think about him, it brought up too many emotions. "Hey, dufuss." Ten years had passed and I could still recognize Drew's voice in a


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