Gay Erotic Stories

Totally Unexpected

by Bogglefreak20

I woke up in the middle of the night, naturally because of my bladder that gives me problems every time I travel. I figure it must really be small, since I have to use the bathroom every five bloody minutes. I was on yet another tour for my company, representing yet another best-of-the-best products they so smartly develop every now and then, making me leave my home and bust my ass around the globe for a lousy salary...then again, I've got absolutely no one waiting for me at home – my cat ran away 2 years ago and my boyfriend followed it’s lead a year later. Some life for a gay man at 28 years of age! Anyway, at the moment I woke up I didn’t quite realise where I was at but it soon occurred to me and the whole excruciating day flashed before my eyes again!

You see, the company I work for, sends me off to wherever they please to find new customers and usually these trips are quite pleasant – never 1st class flights and 5-star hotels, the boss is simply too cheap for that, even when it comes to his own vacation – but always on acceptable terms. Until this time that is! When I came to this village, it really can’t be called a town, let alone a city, though every local brochures tries to convince an unsuspecting guest otherwise, I tried to find a hotel where my reservation was supposed to be held. Fat chance! Though the place is small in size, the buildings here are built relatively far apart, especially if you’re on foot with loads of luggage like I was. So turning the “city” upside down I tried to find the blasted hotel. After a tiresome search and even more tiresome locals with their local stories, trying to impress me even though I explained to them I was NOT a tourist, I finally got to a building with a sign stuck in the ground in front of it saying, “Letterby hostel – the cheapest hostel in the city”. Imagine my surprise when I saw that tiny curved letter squeezed between “o” and “t”. An “s” that made my life even more miserable then it already was. Not a hotel, a freaking hostel.

I know what word convinced my boss to send me here – “CHEAPEST”! He put me in a hostel like I was some kind of a student on his student vacation looking for some real-life entertainment with a bear in one hand and his cock in the other, hoping to get laid every ten minutes. Don’t get me wrong – I surely wouldn’t mind getting laid, it’s been a while since my boyfriend and I broke up and I haven’t gotten lucky since. Not that I was too eager to find any sex, since my job was taking all of my energy. I was disappointed at the situation but at the same time simply too tired to be angry at anyone, so I decided to get my room, hoping I wouldn’t be forced to share it with some drunk college boys, snoring all through the night.

I got to the reception desk, told the lady there who I was and that I would like a room and the woman started explaining to me that giving me a room would be a violation of the company policy, since they are a hostel not a hotel (like I didn’t notice already) and that I was over some kind of an age limit they have and blah, blah, blah... Tired as I was I stopped her and asked, rather rudely I admit, whether or not I will get a room I asked for. And then she said yes, but only because she knows my boss from their high-school years. “Lucky you,” I thought to myself, grabbed the key and went up the stairs to find the door it unlocks.

“The second on the right and a good night, young man!”

And so they were, the second on the right. I opened the door, turned the light on and found myself in a room that was actually quite nicely furnished – a double bed in the middle of the room, a single bed by the wall to the right and some closets by the wall opposite. Even a small fridge was set by the large bed, I guess it was meant to cool drinks and stuff. Quite impressive for a hostel. By the closets were another door, I figured they had to lead to the bathroom. There was obviously no one else inhabiting the room! “Thank you, Lord!” I said to myself. I quickly unpacked and put some stuff in the closets, left some in the suitcases, since I was only staying for a couple of days. I got out of all my clothes – I really enjoy being naked whenever I can, because the feeling of air touching my skin is so overwhelming – grabbed a towel and the stuff I need for shaving and went to have a nice relaxing shower. Soon I was standing in the shower, letting the cool water hit me and wash down all the grieves and pains of a long summer’s day, then I took my shower gel and started to massage my body all over. The feeling was incredible, I was really starting to feel better, relaxed, even managed to find some humour in the things that happened to me in the past days. I was also sorry for my rudeness to the nice lady that owned the hostel.

There I was, just getting out of the shower, standing naked in front of a mirror, getting ready to shave my two-day old beard, when suddenly another door open into the bathroom opposite of the door that lead to my room and a man, wearing only shorts, steps in! In that moment I simply froze not knowing what to do or say, all I managed to do was to try and hide my “belongings” with my hands. We stood there for a moment in silence, both surprised and after some time he managed to come to his senses first and apologised kindly for disturbing my intimacy. He turned around slowly and left but not before he took another relatively long look at my naked body. I could swear he smiled just as he closed the door behind him. I was totally dumbfounded and I already finished shaving still thinking of my stupidity of not checking for another door. But then every room usually has its own bathroom and nobody warned me about shared bathrooms.

Later on when I was already sitting on my bed, relaxing and waiting for the summer evening to cool off I couldn’t loose the thought of that man smiling when he looked at me. The whole moment went through my head over and over again. I figured he must have been around 19, 20 years old, certainly not older, around 6 feet tall with light brown hair, cut rather short, his face actually good looking and his upper body quite well built too. His voice was rather soft, not at all manly. I was surprised at how much detail I actually remembered since I was that shocked by what had happened. Thinking about him this way led my mind in somewhat another direction. I started asking myself whether his smile and the way he hesitated to leave the bathroom meant that he was gay like me. After a while I decided to get to know him and find out one way or another. As I was really deprived of sex in the past months my horniness (as usually) got the best of me and my mind started to make up hot scenes including me and my newly acquainted friend. Fantasising like this I fell asleep.

Now, as mentioned, my bladder took control over the rest of my body and made me get up to take a leak. As I got half way to the bathroom I remembered what had happened to me before and thought to myself I had better put something on in case it happens again. But the hour was late, about two in the morning, so I figured I was safe. I proceeded to the bathroom, naked, turned the light on, checked if it was vacant and then relieved myself. After that I washed my hands and splashed my face with cool water to refresh myself, since the nights were relatively warm in these parts. Sometimes even too warm to sleep.

Then I closed the tap and went back towards the room, when I heard a kind of a muffled noise from the room of that guy. His image came to mind again and with it all the images my mind created out of boredom and sex-deprivation. That was reason enough for me not to return to my room just yet. I waited to hear if the sound would be heard again. After half a minute or so it was! This time a loud gasp and a couple of muffled words. I couldn’t understand the meaning but there must have been two different voices, which meant the guy had company. Company at two in the morning...I may not be the brightest but I got the clue of what could be going on in that room. This was my chance to see if he’s gay or not. I decided to wait long enough to find out if the second person was male or female. That would be the answer to my question. So I listened some more and soon my ears adapted to the silent sounds and when I leaned my left ear against the door that lead to the room they became more and more understandable. I soon heard a man’s voice saying something about how hot the air is in the room.

“I can’t stand it anymore. Do you mind if I take my shirt off?”

“No, of course not! Make yourself at home!”

I recognised this voice from before. This was the gentle voice of the guy apologising to me. So there were definitely two guys in the room. Maybe they’re only friends but still – at two in the morning?! I stayed a bit longer to find out the truth. Actually I was getting hard just by thinking about two young guys, walking around half naked.

“Do you want a beer or something?” said the well-known voice.

“Sure, if it’s cold...the heat is killing me!” said the other guy, with a much manlier voice.

“Well, you know what to do if you’re hot. As I said, make yourself at home and I’ll get us something to drink.”

“I like guys that don’t beat around the bush too long,” said the other man and a sound was heard like he had just opened his zipper.

“Let me help you with that. I’m an expert in taking pants off men.”

“Thanks, much obliged. I wonder how I can repay you.”

“Why don’t you return the favour?” again said that sweet voice.


Again a zipper opening and a swishing sound – he must have been in some really tight pants. I could imagine his ass all caught up in those tight pants and my cock got harder every second, thinking of it.

“Well now,” said the other guy, “not wearing any underwear today, huh. You’re a naughty boy, aren’t you, not at all an angel you seem to be!”

“I never wear underwear. I like it better when my cock rubs against my jeans the whole day so I’m all worked up when I come home to jerk-off!”

My cock got totally hard when I heard that. I go to work without underwear sometimes and it gives me a certain thrill. But just imagine seeing a guy every day, meeting him on the street, at work, at the pub, knowing his cock and balls enjoy full freedom in his pants. It’s a sexy feeling, I tell you. The situation I was in at the moment didn’t satisfy me anymore – I wanted to SEE what was happening in the room. I was always a bit of a voyeur (and an exhibitionist I might add) so I decided to try and open the door just so I could watch the two enjoying themselves.

“Still, you can’t expect to simply get away with that! I won’t allow such naughty behaviour. Come here!”

“OK, but don’t hurt me, please!” said the sweet voice in a way you knew was only half-serious. They were obviously putting on a little show. A show I certainly wanted to see from front-row seats if possible. So I grabbed the door-knob, turned it gently and pulled the door slowly...

“I know exactly what to do to boys that aren’t on their best manners. Turn around and bend over!”

“I’ll do as you say, just be gentle.”

“I’ll do as I please! Shut up and do it!”

The door finally opened enough to provide me with a marvellous view of the scene that the two were setting. As I got the two of them in my sight, my eye caught the view of my previous acquaintant, as he was standing naked by the bed, leaning on the bed supporting himself with his rather muscular arms. He was turned with his back almost directly towards me; I saw mainly his tight bubble butt and the left side of his body, glistening in the light – he was a bit sweaty due to the heat. The other guy stood behind him taking a sip of bear out of the bottle. As he leaned his head back to drink, I had a chance to see his torso... He was definitely more tanned of them both, also had darker, almost black hair, must have been an inch or two taller and with very distinctly shaped muscles on his abdomen and chest. I’d say he was about 25, 26 years old. He too was a bit sweaty and still wore loose boxers but anyone could see his semi-erect cock, trying to get in action.

Next thing he did was kneel behind the younger guy, grabbed his ass and without saying a word, pushed his tongue out and hit his face in the soft cheeks before him. The younger guy felt the shock and moaned out loud, then gasped and his cock twitched between his legs. As the older guy continued to lick the other one’s ass, the latter got completely hard and began to jerk off slowly with his left hand while the other kept pushing his tongue in his ass. My own cock was completely hard by now and naturally I couldn’t resist from stroking it. God, I was soooo horny the scene before me alone could have been enough to make me cum. From time to time the guy went a bit lower with his mouth and sucked on the younger guy’s balls that were hanging there, waiting for more. He teased him some more and then suddenly stopped, stood up and got his boxers off. He ordered the younger guy to turn around and kneel before him.

“Yes, sir! Anything you say.”

“Lick the precum off my cock! Taste the salty cock-juice!”

“Oh, yeah...I love precum, I love cum, I love it!”

“Stop this chit-chat and get to work! I’m losing my patience with you!”

“OK, sorry, sir,” said the younger and quickly grabbed the 9-incher that was standing to attention right in front of his face. I could see it glistening in the mild light, especially the must have been really covered in precum. The guy looked at it for a while, admiring the view and then slowly but surely stuck out his tongue and licked just the tip of the cock-head.


“I told you it would be!”

The guy got a bit braver so he opened his mouth and slowly sucked the head in, allowing it to get even wetter with saliva before pulling it out again. Again he opened his mouth and sucked the cock in, now going deeper...

“Aaahhhh...feels cool, all wet and cool...keep going man, don’t you dare stop!”

After these words the guy obviously lost his mind and I could see him sucking the cock in, further and further, trying hard to swallow it all. I couldn’t believe my eyes but he managed to relax his throat and get all of that hard 9 inches in his mouth. I could see the both of them with their eyes rolled back and mouth wide open, one’s being stuffed with a hard rod and the other just gasping for air. After some time the older guy pulled back a bit, grabbed the other by his head and started fucking him in the mouth with a rather fast tempo and almost all the way in. The guy on his knees tried to follow the lead – it wasn’t really like he had any choice – so he used his left hand to stop the cock from making him gag while jerking off his own tool with his right. They were both moaning and sighing and I was breathing faster and faster. I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing. No porn flick or even live striptease could ever be better than this – my own private seat to a hot fuck session.

I admit I wasn’t very comfortable in my position (I wasn’t standing, but rather squatting on the floor, because I thought there was less chance of them seeing me like this). My mind was getting out of control due to the heat and the show I was watching, I was covered in sweat already. Suddenly while they were busy with jerking, sucking and mouth fucking I felt a sharp pain in my left calf and in all my stupidity I made a muffled yet very distinct shriek. Obviously my leg cramped. Realising what I did I panicked and wasn’t sure what to do. I was hoping the guys didn’t hear anything and my plan was to try and get back to my room pretending that I had just used the toilet in case one of them came to inquire of what the noise was. But just as I got up on my feet and turned around toward the door to my room, the door behind me opened wide and the guy I “met” before almost shouted to me:

“Hey, what do you think you’re doing?!”

I thought of my plan and began explaining, trying to find the words and the tone that would give me some credibility...

“I woke up and needed to use the bathroom, what else?!”

I was now turned half ways toward my room and just turned my head around to the guy behind me. I was so embarrassed by the situation I wanted to get lost a.s.a.p. but no...

“I don’t buy that! I remember closing my door to the bathroom and now they were opened. It’s obvious you opened them. What the hell for is what I want to know!”

By now the other guy got to the bathroom and started making remarks of his own... “Maybe he likes seeing young guys fucking so he decided to watch. Am I right or not? You like to watch hard cock, don’t you? Is that your game? Well?!”

His tone got more and more demanding and I wasn’t sure whether he was really mad or was just trying to humiliate me to leave. And another thing, which surprised me, was that his words were making me hard again, despite my awkward situation. Now it was really time to make a decision either to back down and leave embarrassed or to say something back, trying to improve my position. My horniness and the sight of two naked guys standing in front of me still half hard made me lose it totally.

“You bet I love to watch! And not just watch, I suck cock too, I suck it hard and mighty, you can’t even imagine what I can do to a hard throbbing dick. First I suck it ‘till it gets hard and then I sit on it and ride it like a cowboy!”

The words were just flowing out of my mouth, my head was dizzy and I couldn’t even stop blabbing. The expression on their faces changed dramatically after hearing what I said, they were totally dumbfounded. Neither of the two expected such a response. Then the younger of the two slowly smiled and said: “Well then...I see no other way than to let you put your money where your mouth is. Or better still put your cock where my mouth is.”

Who in his right mind would turn down such an invitation, tell me. Besides I wasn’t in my right mind anyway. He grabbed my head and pulled me towards his face and we kissed hard, our tongues were flickering in our mouth, jutting in and out. The other guy seeing us kissing decided he wanted some action too so he grabbed us both by our hard cocks and led us to the bed, while we were still kissing each other. They made me lay back across the bed so my head was over one end and my legs over the other. Then the younger guy grabbed my legs, pulled them apart, grabbed my cock and started sucking it, making me feel incredibly good. The other meanwhile came to the other side of the bed and held his dick in front of my face. I held it with my hand and got it closer to my mouth. I was cock-hungry for so long I couldn’t wait to taste it again. And so I did, not waiting another second before pulling it deeper in my mouth and started sucking the guy. While I was still getting one of the best blowjobs ever I was sucking cock, licking and sucking balls and swallowing precum - I must say the guy was loaded with it. I adore the feeling of precum on my lips and tongue; it’s taste and moisture...

Getting his cock all wet and shiny the older guy pulled it out of my mouth and went to the other side of the bed. He knelt behind the other guy and started licking his ass just like he did before while I was still watching.

“I want some ass too,” said the younger and turned me around on the bed. I was now laying on my belly with my legs spread apart, my precum soaking the sheets on the bed. He grabbed my buttocks and pulled them apart, then pushing out his tongue and making an oral assault on my long-since-fucked ass.

“Oooohhhhhh....god, yeah, lick my ass, lick it, push your tongue in, fuck me with your tongue, make it all wet, spit on’re soo good!”

He obliged me in everything I demanded, it seemed my words turned him on even more. “Push your steel tongue in man, eat my ass like you never did before!”

While he was still eating my ass I heard him moaning, he stopped licking for a moment and I turned to see what was going on. I saw the older guy trying to push his fat wet cock in the other one’s ass.

“Relax, you can take it. Yeah, slowly, good boy, I know you want it bad.”

“Wait...OK, go on, push it in...aaaahhhhh....yes, yes, give it to me...aaaahhh...”

“It’s all in, I knew you could do it.”

“Fuck me slowly, that goddam log of yours is’ll rip me apart.”

He slowly started fucking him, moving in and out all the way, slowly and intensely. The expression on the younger guy’s face was changing from a bit distressed to a smile. He was jerking off at the same time to make it feel even better. It took a minute or two before he got totally accustomed to the hard cock in his ass, after that it was a piece of cake. “Fuck me man, fuck me harder!” he soon started begging.

“Oh, I’ll fuck you all right! Don’t you worry. Just relax and enjoy the ride.”

The pace got a lot quicker now, I could hear the sound of the two bodies hitting against each other, the sweaty ass slapping against thighs, balls hitting against the ass... While receiving a hard fuck to his behind, the guy returned to my ass and started licking again. I laid my head back down and enjoyed the sensations. Then after a couple of minutes he stopped and said to the guy that was fucking him:

“He’s all set for you.”

“Good! He’ll get what he wanted!”

I wondered what they were talking about but I soon got the idea. The guy pulled his rock hard erection from the other one’s ass, spat in his hand and jerked his dick making it wetter and got to the side of the bed. He turned me around without saying a word, grabbed and pulled me by my legs toward him, held his cock at my ass hole and pushed hard against it.

“Wait, no, I can’t.”

“Shut up! You wanted it, you got it!”

“AAAAAA...wait, it’s too big, slow down!”

“I said shut up! I’m not gonna hear these excuses. I’m gonna fuck your ass whether you like it or not.”

He pushed in until he got it all the way in, refusing to hear my objections. I felt sharp pain but had no chance. He was holding me too tight to even move. The other one got on the bed, turned with his head to my cock and mounted me so I had his cock in front of my face. We were now caught in a kind of a 69 position with me being attacked with a canon up my behind. The younger one took my cock in his mouth and started giving me a blow job and soon the pain went away...all that was left was pleasure of a cock sliding in and out of my ass, pounding in me ever harder than he did with the other guy and a guy sucking my own dick. I myself got hold of the cock that was staring me in the face and started sucking it.

“Your ass is so tight, man! I never had my cock in such a tight ass before. You still a virgin-ass boy?”

The other one stopped sucking me and got off me and said: “Let’s turn him over.” Without asking the guy pulled his hard-on out of my ass, grabbed me by my legs and they turned me over on my knees. Now all of a sudden they changed their positions so the older guy got his throbbing dick before my face and the younger was already pushing in my ass. I was still gasping for air, taking a brake from all the excitement, when they were already taking me from both of my holes. I was nothing more to them than a toy, a fucking machine, a two-holed slave who wanted cock-meat. And they gave it to me. Hard! The older guy was ruthless, he grabbed my hair and started fucking my mouth with his own pace. I gagged a couple of times but he didn’t care, he kept on pushing and shoving that hard dick down my throat. Every jab he made, made me lose control even more, my head was spinning totally, I had no more strength in me to fight back.

Precum was flowing out of his cock all the time, paving the way for the hard rod. In the meantime the younger one was working me from behind. His cock was a bit smaller than the one I had in me minutes ago so it was almost a balm for my raped ass, the massage it gave me was great, my own cock was dribbling with precum because of it. My cock was tingling and I was on the verge of orgasm, a spasm now and then, provoked by the cock in my ass hitting my prostate... I never thought I would ever feel this good being abused. I loved it!

I lost track of time long ago but they must have been abusing me at least half an hour. Finally the older one starts moaning – a sound that was announcing a grand final. “I’m close...aaahhhh...I’ll fuck your mouth so you’ll remember me till the day you die! I’m cuming, man...I want you to swallow every fucking drop of my cum! YOU HEAR ME?!”

He couldn’t have set me on fire more than he did by saying that. I’m a total cum-freak, I always swallow my own cum when I jerk-off, I always swallow all the cum I can get. I moaned with pleasure to let him know I loved the idea. He kept fucking and his muscles were spasming, he was pounding himself in my face, still holding tight on my hair, his sweat was dripping all over me.

“’s cumming, fuck, oh, fuck, aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh....aaahhh.... aaaaaaahhhhh....aaahhhh...”

Spurt after spurt after spurt, hot cum shooting in my mouth, filling me just the way I loved it most, I was swallowing like mad, cum still shooting, the guy still fucking me, now a bit easier, my mouth was full of man-semen, it was oozing from the corners of my mouth... He kept on holding my head, pushing in and out of my mouth slowly and gently, I could feel his cock slowly softening and the last drops of his cum coming out. After a minute or so he pulled out, rising me from my kneeling position and bringing my face to his. He started licking what was left of his cum on my face and kissing me.

The other one was fucking my ass all this time and enjoying the show. The cum-sharing scene at the end must have triggered him to shout: “OH, god, here it cums...When I heard that I grabbed my cock that was wet and greasy and rock hard ad started jerking off. He started fucking me harder and harder, faster and faster and I kept jerking my hard-on. The feeling was too intense and I couldn’t wait any more so I started shooting my cum all over the bed.

“Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh, fuck....aaaahhh, yeah, yeah...”

It was cuming in powerful shots, the cock in my ass added to the feeling, sensation you can’t forget. The bed was soaked from my precum, cum and sweat. The tightening and relaxing of my ass while I was cuming was now too much for the poor boy to handle. He grabbed my hips and impaled me with his rod, which now felt a lot harder and bigger than before, and I could feel the first spurt far into my fuck-canyon, and the second shot with the guy moaning and pulling back an inch or two just to shove it in again all the way. And another cumshot. Exhausted from the hot fucking session, he collapsed on top of me, breathing heavily with his cock softening in my ass and his cum slowly dripping down my balls on the bed.

All three of us were spent and we fell asleep on the bed. When I woke up in the morning they were both gone. Beside me on the bed was a note saying “That will teach to spy on other people! ;-)” I got up and took a shower, rinsing away all the cum and sweat off my body. The scenes of the night kept flashing before my eyes and a smile kept coming to my face.

Let me know if you liked the story. Send an e-mail to


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Bogglefreak20

Arab Bottom

This happened last Friday night when I went out to a bar to meet some guy whose ad I found on My Gaydar. We exchanged some e-mails, two or three maybe, to define exactly what both of us were looking for. We were both after hot sexy adventures, so after we gave each other our detailed descriptions we decided to meet in person. This was supposed to be the day so as the evening was getting closer

Spomnim se

Spomnim se, ko nama je bilo prviê. Na prejšnjem zmenku sva se prviê poljubila, sedaj pa je bila v meni želja, da izkusim vse adute tvojega fiziênega telesa. Bila sva pri meni v sobi, poljubljala sva se, sprva nežno, nato strastno, tvoje ustnice so me vzburjale vedno bolj in bolj, tvoji dotiki so pošiljali mravljince od zatilja po hrbtu navzdol. Legla sva na mojo posteljo in se še naprej

Totally Unexpected

I woke up in the middle of the night, naturally because of my bladder that gives me problems every time I travel. I figure it must really be small, since I have to use the bathroom every five bloody minutes. I was on yet another tour for my company, representing yet another best-of-the-best products they so smartly develop every now and then, making me leave my home and bust my ass around the

Vroê poletni dan

Vroê poletni dan je bil, ura je bila nekaj êez tretjo popoldan, ko si prišel pome. Ustavil si pred hišo, vstopil sem v avto in nihêe od naju se ni mogel zadržati, da se ne bi takoj poljubila – po francosko, brez milosti. Kljub temu, da sva bila na oêeh vseh mimoidoêih, sosedov in firbênih tercijalk. »Kam, ljubi?ª si vprašal. »Pojdiva se izgubljat!ª sem predlagal z nagajivim nasmeškom na


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