Gay Erotic Stories

Dreams Do Come True

by YogalBeara

My office overlooking the construction site next door proved to be a mild to moderate distraction. Several times most days I found myself staring at the men and machines erecting the skeleton of a building. Seemingly overnight the girders had reached the level of my third floor office. The chill of the early spring kept the men clothed in flannel shirts and jackets and I was wishing for the arrival of warm weather to see them bare their torsos. One man in particular had caught my eye; the man was about 6 feet of muscled masculinity. His curly black hair was cut short and he sported a full salt and pepper beard that was neatly trimmed. Dark, Italian eyes hooded by bushy brows seemed to stare through me as I stood mesmerized in my office window. The man moved deftly over the girders, as sure of his footing as obviously he was of his masculinity. On those days when I could get free for lunch I walked past the work site to the pub on the corner for a sandwich and Coke. I had been eating lunch at the pub since I began working in the Educational Resource Center some nine months earlier. Since I spied the Man of the girders, the walks to and from the pub had taken on their own purpose; I hoped to get a really good, close-up look at the man to verify my distant impression of a strong, handsome, masculine stud. While I continued to watch the man through my window, I had not seen him on any of my lunchtime walks. The young apprentice electrician who had an infatuation for me frequently accompanied me to lunch. Danny is certainly a handsome young stud by any measure; he has the most beautiful green eyes with long, dark lashes and his olive-tone complexion is as smooth as silk. Soft brown hair fills the always-open front of his shirt and he has a sweet personality that reminds one of that proverbial boy-man-next-door. We had met at the company picnic the previous summer and had made wild, passionate love on a blanket in the woods where Danny joyously gave up his 'cherry' to me. Since then, Danny couldn't get enough of my hirsute love-making; he often expressed his image of heaven as being wrapped up in my hairiness with his tit in my mouth and his rectum filled with my thick cock fucking butch, creamy cum deep inside him. Lately, his attention was drawn to his handsome, butch supervisor, who was new on the job and turned heads everywhere he went. Finally that fateful day arrived as I, walking alone to lunch, followed an urge to stop and watch the workingmen. Leaning against the fence, I slowly scanned the site and there HE was! He carried planks on his shoulder to a destination within six feet of where I stood. Dropping the planks, he looked right at me and his bearded face held the warmest, most handsome, sensuous smile I had ever seen. I wanted to check out all of this unbelievably gorgeous man but I was locked in an entrancing stare. The man's facial features were ruggedly handsome and classically beautiful; his dark eyes sparkled with life and personality. Then suddenly he turned and walked away leaving me drained and trembling. It was two weeks later on a Friday before my daily trips to the site again were rewarded. The weather had warmed sufficiently that most of the men were working in short-sleeves or T-shirts. He was sitting alone on a pile of bricks eating a sandwich and appeared oblivious of my presence some twenty feet away leaning against the fence watching him intently. He was wearing a muscle T-shirt and jeans. I took advantage of my unacknowledged presence to check out the man's sensuality more completely than I'd had opportunity previously.

He had a deep tan and was of obvious Italian heritage. His forearms were covered with luxurious black hair that continued up over his muscular triceps. Thick tufts of fur curled over the crewneck of his shirt. As he lowered a leg in adjustment of his sitting position, his bulging basket was presented for my appreciation... no lack of that! A massive, hairy hand adjusted the mass between his legs and interrupted my inventory. I looked up to find the man smiling from under his dense, curly beard, looking directly at me. I returned his smile and then allowed my gaze to slide slowly down over his muscular torso to where his hand continued rubbing the bulging mass. The arrival of a young, muscular blonde on the scene distracted the man from me. The young man was shirtless and was obviously displaying himself to the embodiment of masculinity on the brick pile. It was apparent that they were not strangers as the young man took every liberty to touch the stud while fondling his own prominent, muscular breasts as they talked. Then the kid sat beside him and slipped a hand up under the back of the man's shirt. When the butch stud reached for an erect nipple amid the blond hair of the kid’s chest, I felt pangs of jealousy and decided to take my leave and go on to lunch.

**** On the first hot, sultry day of the summer, I had seen my Adonis, my man-god remove his shirt and bare a torso of rippling muscles, entirely covered by a dense, thick, sensuous carpet of black hair. The man's back was to me and I was blown away by the deep, thick expanse of luxurious fur that covered him from his broad shoulders down to where it disappeared into the top of his jeans. He was no more than twenty feet from my window! Tie discarded and shirt open, I was rubbing my fingers through the thick wooliness of my own chest and pinching my tits as I watched the muscles bulging from the work strain under the man's exquisite hairiness.

When the man put down his workload and turned, my cock began twitching and oozing pre cum into the hair of my abdomen; I witnessed a tower of muscular, hirsute masculine sensuality. Pulling fingers through the great thick mat on his body, his eyes met mine and he smiled. We stood watching each other for several seconds before someone must have called to him because he turned, looked back over his hairy shoulder and [I swear!] he winked at me and then was gone.

I went to lunch alone; according to Danny, his supervisor and he were spending their lunch-hours at Danny’s apartment. At the pub I ordered my usual and sat back to check out the other patrons. Most I recognized as regulars but there was a table of men who looked like they were part of the construction crew. My heart raced when I recognized my demigod in their company and I felt a tingle all the way to my balls when the man looked over at me and smiled!

We traded looks time and again for the duration of our lunch period. Just as I realized the time and knew I had to get back, the group of men stood to leave. I stayed put and noted that all the men were leaving except the Butch Hunk who was walking toward the men's room.

After running through all the reasons I shouldn't, I walked to the closed door with my heart pounding relentlessly in my chest. Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door and went to the urinal next to Him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the most gorgeous male organ I had ever seen. He had completely opened his jeans, lifted his T-shirt and was rubbing his hairy abdomen as he pissed. I gave in to the temptation and took a good look at the thick monster cock and pendulous balls hanging from his magnificent black pubic bush.

The man closed his hand around his cock shaft and pulled the loose skin back from the bulbous corona as the last of his proficient stream slowed and dribbled to a stop. "Damn, I held that about as long as I could have." He was smiling that melting smile at me again. He didn't put it away but slowly ran his hand up and down the shaft while lifting his shirt with the other hand combing though the deep, thick rug on his broad, muscular chest. He dropped his gaze to the formidable meat that was growing in my hand. "You're going to have a time explaining that back at the office." I looked at the erection I had achieved. "Yes, I might have." After finally getting his beautiful genitals stuffed back into his pants, he introduced himself as 'David Lupo.' I stuttered my name as we shook hands. "Assenza is an Italian name like Lupo, isn't it? We Italians have to stick together you know." My cock twitched reflexively as I pictured David and me 'stuck together.' David playfully cupped my ass as he moved behind me to the sink. Drying his hands, he flashed that melting smile at me. "You take care, Paul Assenza. I'll see you around."

I waited at the urinal for the floor to find my feet and spent the rest of the day trying to hide my persistent erection. *************

I had bolted from the office several minutes early and was having my first drink alone in the near empty pub. A hand on my shoulder caused me to turn, but David was already on my other side and the hand was rubbing across my back and down my bare arm to clasp my hand on the bar. That smile again was lighting up David's handsome, butch, bearded face. "Hey! How about buying me a drink? Or are you waiting for someone?" I motioned for the bartender. “I was waiting for a drinking partner.”

“I hope I’ll do.” David had discarded his T-shirt for a button front that was unbuttoned almost to his belt. The thick, black wool curled out, completely filling the opening and nearly merging with his beard at the top. He was reaching inside his shirt to rub his shoulder and I was fighting a pounding urge to bury my face in the plush, dark hairiness. "So, Paul, why don't you take that tie off and get comfortable?" "You’ll do just fine; guess I'm so used to wearing ties that I forget I still have them on sometimes." I removed the tie and opened the top two buttons of my shirt. "That is better. So, what are you drinking?" David ordered a beer and I thought, 'of course,' and took another sip of my gin and tonic. Taking a swig of beer, David turned on his bar stool to face me. "Good Italian genes, I see... nobody grows body hair better than we Italians." He opened another of my buttons and reached into the hairiness to lift my gold chain. "St. Christopher medal ... I'm holding onto that myth, too," he was lifting his own medal out of the hairiness that was hiding it. David was openly friendly and proved to be a good conversationalist, knowledgeable about a variety of subjects from sports to nature to computers. He has a master's degree in education and had taught physical education and computer science at a high school in Boston for five years, leaving the profession to work in construction (perhaps temporarily) because he felt he was burning out. He revealed that he had been married and after the marriage break-up had felt freed to experiment with his life; initially, this included changing jobs. He also seemed genuinely interested in hearing about my accomplishments and was obviously pleased to learn that we shared many interests. Having concluded early in the conversation that David was probably straight! I was enthused by the fact that David apparently lacked any trace of homophobia. He touched me freely, put his arm over my shoulders and didn't pull away when our legs were resting against each other. For my part, David's touching sent tingling sensations racing from my groin to my brain and back and elicited a boner that threatened to rip open my pants.

As we talked, I developed a sincere fondness for my newly found "Italian soul-mate" (David's words) and was enjoying our camaraderie apart and beyond my total sexual attraction for David's sensual masculinity.

Into our third drink, David announced that he was feeling a need for dinner. He invited me to be his guest at his favorite Italian restaurant in the North End. We finished our drinks and piled into David's waiting Corvette. Before starting the car, David reached over and squeezed my thigh. "I'm really glad we met, Paul. I think we may become really good friends, don't you agree?" I covered David's hairy hand with my own and squeezed. "Yes, I would like that very much, David." Oh, god, there was that butch, beautiful smile of his again! I could feel my cock sliding through the hair down my leg toward full erection and changed the subject. "So where is this gastronomical experience you're promising me?"

Our dinner was exceptional and our conversation intense. We were seated at a rather small table that had our legs in perpetual contact. At one point, David adjusted his position and ended with both his legs between my knees. As we talked his legs gently pushed my knees apart suggestively [at least to me].

In the flow of conversation David asked if I had a lover. Since he had asked so nonchalantly, it seemed like a natural thing to inquire and I responded that I was unattached at the moment. David went on to reveal that while he had never made it in bed with another man, he had fantasized what it would be like. He admitted freely that he had engaged in adolescent mutual masturbation and, several days ago, had given in to the persistence of his blonde friend and received his first 'head' from a guy. He seemed surprised that not only had he enjoyed the blowjob but had been turned on by the fact that another man was getting such obvious pleasure from his cock and body. I was stimulated to anticipation by David's admissions and squeezed my legs tightly against David's. David smiled at me and returned the pressure. He asked if I enjoyed dancing and upon receiving an affirmative nod asked if I knew of a dance bar close by. I replied that there was a gay dance bar just a few blocks away. "That would be the preferable kind if I'm going to ask you to dance with me! Let's get out of here."

On the way to the bar, David related that while he is not especially good, he really enjoys fast dancing. When we arrived, we didn't even stop for drinks on the way to the floor. David practically dragged me through the crowd as the music of George Michael blared through the choreographed light show trained on the gyrating dancers. David proved to have an excellent sense of rhythm although he hadn't kept up with the latest dances. I was near exhaustion after the fifth song and fe1t saved by the sudden change of pace with a Michael McDonald ballad. David stopped and looked at me for a few moments and then shrugged his shoulders and extended his arms with a 'what the hell.' I could feel my heart move suddenly into my throat and I swallowed hard as I entered the embrace offered by his strong, hairy arms. I rested my arms on David's shoulders and David closed his around my waist. Pulling me into a tight embrace, David's solid, masculine body guided mine slowly, sensuously around our little corner of the floor. I ran my hand up through the coarse hair on the back of David's head and then slowly down inside his collar to the thick growth at the base of his neck. David's hands had slipped to cup my ass mounds and both our cocks had grown into full erections as we pressed and rubbed our bulging baskets together. David began nibbling my neck as his hands squeezed my ass. Michael's song of love caressed our movements and my spirit soared in ecstasy. I leaned back to look at David's handsome, bearded face... my eyes were glistening with tears and longing as David looked back at me. Then, as natural as the rain, our lips touched in the tenderest kiss I had ever known. I felt David's tongue touch my lips and I parted them to receive the beginning of a deeply passionate kiss which stopped all perception of time and focused all my sensations on the magnificent, powerful, masculine stud who's hands had found their way under my clothing and were roughly massaging my ass and back. Fingers pulled gently at the hair on my back as others dipped into the deep crevice between my hairy mounds. I responded to David's unexpected (and unquestioned!) sexual advances by pressing into the embrace and hugging the marvelously masculine stud more tightly. But when the music was renewed to a fast beat, the spell was broken. David released his embrace and looked at me for a moment before rubbing his face with both hands. "Let's get out of here," David's voice broke and he grabbed me by the hand and pulled me through the crowd and out the door. Without speaking again, he unlocked the car door for me before moving to the driver's side to open his own. I sat quietly for what seemed an eternity as David started the car and pulled into the traffic flow. David finally looked at me, "Hope I didn't blow our chance for a friendship, Paul. I've never made a move on another man before ... don't know what…got caught up in the moment…. I guess." "My god, I hope you're not apologizing!"

David looked at me and smiled from ear to ear. "It was pretty exciting, wasn't it? You are a damn good kisser; better than any woman I've kissed in recent memory." We were stopped at a light and David leaned over to peck my cheek and whisper, "You're damn nearly as hairy as I am, too. That really intrigues me!" He slipped his hand inside my open shirt pushing and pulling his fingers through my chest hair until he found my right nipple. "Damn! Paul, your tit has a fuckin' erection! Shit, that's great'" The light changed and David turned reluctantly to attend to his driving, but his right hand didn't move from my breast and his fingers were torturing my nub exquisitely. My cock was growing and I needed to adjust my position and rearrange myself. He didn't lose his grip on my nipple and kept flashing me his 'to die' smile as I rearranged my basket and settled down a little closer to him. I pulled his shirtfront open and buried my hand in his dense, plush, black pelt, slowly examining his beautifully muscled torso from his rippled abdomen to his thick neck. I kept thinking that I must be dreaming… the most handsome, masculine, hirsute man I had ever seen (possibly who ever walked the face of the earth!) was turned on to me and was obviously very much sexually aroused!

When he pulled up in front of my house, I was surprised until I remembered that we had discussed where I lived earlier in the evening. He begged off my invitation to come in explaining that he had to be at work by 5:30 in the morning and needed to get some sleep. I thanked him for the evening and started to open the door when he grabbed my shoulders and told me that he wasn't about to let me go with just a 'thank you.'

Looking into my eyes, his fingers traced the line of my beard down my neck and disappeared into the thick mat of fur on my chest. His kiss was tender and loving and sensual. Sliding my hand into the thick, coarse hair under his shirt, I leaned into David's embrace and parted my lips to his probing tongue. His kisses were wet and sensual as his mouth caressed my face and neck, coming back time and again to my lips. Then he buried his beautiful face against my chest and gently pulled the hair between his teeth moving toward my right nipple. His mouth was masterful in sending ripple after ripple of ecstatic sensation coursing from my nub throughout my body. I dug my fingers through his thick, butch wool as my demigod nursed at my hairy breast and time and place dissipated into vapor. At some point, his mouth covered mine again and we were swallowing each other's moans of passion. My cock was throbbing unmercifully and painfully through all of this, begging for release physically and sexually. As our kisses grew in passion and urgency, I ventured for the first time to reach between his legs and found his massive, throbbing erection stretched out down his leg threatening to rip through the restraining fabric. David's moans became nearly screams reverberating in my throat as I slid down his thick, pulsating shaft toward the head. When finally my fingers reached the burgeoning corona, the force of David's guttural scream parted our mouths and I felt the rapidly spreading, sticky wetness of his ejaculation oozing through his pants leg. His hand shot down to my convulsing meat as I too released my balls' heavy load. David held my face in his hands and kissed me. He lightly combed his fingers through the hair on my shoulders, chest and abdomen as he examined my body in silence. “I won't be able to see you for a couple of days. I had arranged to take the woman I've been dating to the mountains for the weekend." He was arranging my shirt back onto my shoulders and buttoning the front, not looking in my face. "Paul, I never would have believed that I could be so lustfully excited for another man ... you are magnificent. I thought, was convinced that I was absolutely, unwaveringly straight. This is very different, very confusing to me; I want very much to see you again. " Now David looked into my eyes again... and smiled. Oh my god, that handsome, beautiful smile of his! I touched his bearded face and then put my hands on his hairy shoulders and pulled him into an embrace, allowing my hands to slide under his shirt and review the sexy, butch sensation of his profusely hairy bark. "Oh, David," I whispered, "I've never been so attracted to anyone before as I am to you. " "You know, my friend, we have both made a terrible mess in our pants. And I must go ... let's hope neither of us is asked to explain this tonight. I'll call you ... I will next week." I stood before the full-length mirror, brushing the thick growth covering my body and reliving the sensations of David's solid, hairy body and wondered if he would really call me.

My erection was reviving as I began to fantasize about being mounted and fucked by the very epitome of sensual masculinity. Putting aside the brush, I climbed into bed knowing that it would be a night of wet dreams. **********************


7 Gay Erotic Stories from YogalBeara

Body Hair

At fourteen, the soft black patch in the middle of my chest was expanding to encircle my large, flat nipples. By nineteen, black swirls covered my arms and legs; my beard was heavy and extended down my neck to merge with the thick tufts of hair curling up from my chest. Basking in the respect of the other boys because of these outwardly increasing signs of my masculinity, I had my shirt off as

Dreams Do Come True

My office overlooking the construction site next door proved to be a mild to moderate distraction. Several times most days I found myself staring at the men and machines erecting the skeleton of a building. Seemingly overnight the girders had reached the level of my third floor office. The chill of the early spring kept the men clothed in flannel shirts and jackets and I was wishing for the

Dreams Do Come True, Part 2

By YogalBeara David called the next morning... from the mountain cabin! The woman was showering, he explained, and he was thinking about me and the events of our evening. He just wanted to hear my voice and to confirm his promise to call ... To say that I was thrilled by his call cannot begin to describe my elation! And the three calls that followed that weekend (she must have showered

Just One More Time, Part 1

By YogalBeara Dale rolled over and licked his lips. The taste of the previous night’s partying had thickened all his senses and caused a bass drum beat in his head. The sight beside him on the bed softened those senses and brought a smile to his face. He’d known Paul since junior lifesaving, through high school, four years of college and varsity sports, and two additional years as roommates.

Just One More Time, Part 2

by Yogal Beara The knocking on his door sounded angry and a male voice was calling his name between the knocks. Dale put aside the book he was reading and, with some concern, went to the door. Waiting for the knocking to subside, he asked, “Who is it?” It took several seconds for the answer to come back, “It’s Paul! Open the damn door!” Dale was shaking as he began to undo the lock.

The Doctor Is In

Steve became a nurse, in part, as his ticket out of a small town where hiding his homosexuality was vital and a general big pain-in-the-ass! He had studied hard and had done well in nursing school and had stayed on for his Master of Science in Nursing. That accomplishment made his landing a job at Boston General fairly easy; his apartment in the Back Bay provided proximity to like-travelers in

The Doctor Is In, Part Too

The Doctor Is In, Part Too It had been a busy day in Ron's private practice. He was not positively expectant of the routine physical examination scheduled for the end of the day. These employment physicals usually involved examining some overweight, unkempt, boring executive or dockworker. He had them scheduled at the end of the day and performed the simpler of the lab tests himself as they


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