Gay Erotic Stories

Joyriders: A Night Out

by Jaycruz


What am I doing here? Kirk thought. I should be with Tony right now.

"I need you on Saturday night," Charlie had said. And what choice did Kirk have? Charlie didn't need to threaten to show the videotape to Coach Staffly. Kirk knew the quarterback still had it--the tape showing Kirk stripping, then sucking, then getting fucked, at Charlie's gay brother's bachelor party. Coach would burst a blood vessel before kicking Kirk off the team.

Which Charlie knew, of course. That's how Kirk had become the quarterback's sex slave for the last few weeks . So, here it was, Saturday night, and Kirk had most of his football uniform on. As Charlie had explained it, "My brother's husband, Terry, loves jocks. So you and I are gonna do a little stripping, and then I'm going to fuck you. That's his birthday present--a live sex show. Cool, huh?"

As Kirk waited, with a stone of dread weighing down his stomach, he tried to peer through the crack of the door. The outer room was mostly dark, and Kirk could see about ten people, two of them female, all at least in their mid-twenties.

Charlie came up beside him in the darkened kitchen. He groped Kirk's crotch, making sure the wide receiver was mostly aroused before the show started. He whispered in Kirk's ear, "Remember, Kirky. As soon as the music starts, you're on. I'll come in later, and you'll take off my clothes, and then suck my cock a little. You should be used to it, so just pretend the other people aren't there. Oh, wait, that's right. Having an audience turns you on, right, perv?" He squeezed Kirk's nuts painfully. "And remember. Terry's the Korean guy who looks like he lives in a gym. Got that?"

"Yeah. Okay. And after this 'show' I can go home."

"Sure, buddy, whatever you want."

Kirk's dick was hard--he hated to admit it. Charlie's musky smell and the hard-bodied presence right behind him aroused him, to the point that he was distracted when the music came on. Charlie grunted and pushed Kirk through the swinging door.

The condo had a small living room, and the twelve or so guests at this birthday party were crammed onto the sofa and a few folding chairs. Some stood against that wall, which left Kirk a small rectangle in which to dance. A light had been turned so that it shone toward him like a spotlight, so Kirk could not see his audience very well. He did manage to find Terry.

As Kirk writhed his lean legs and small hips, letting the satiny contours of his football pants slide and shimmy, he took in the Korean birthday boy. His dark eyes twinkled even in the dim light, and he was clearly smiling. He brought a pint glass of beer to his lips, momentarily covering his huge, very white teeth. At 6' 4" Terry had the shoulders of a beast of burden. His chest and biceps pushed at the material of his polo shirt. His trunk-like legs were spread wide, but his crotch was in shadow. One hand rested lazily over his thigh.

Behind Terry, with just as large a smile on his full lips, was Craig, Charlie's brother who had been the first man to fuck Kirk. He appeared to be as handsome as ever, with smart, rectangular glasses and closely shorn sandy hair. Kirk locked eyes with the 5' 8" bodybuilder. His asshole twitched at the thought of Craig's humongous cockhead that had been such a painful pleasure ramming into his teen fuck chute. Craig tipped his glass in Kirk's direction. His other hand massaged his lover's massive shoulder.

Kirk swivelled his way through a half-circle, ending with his butt facing the audience. The football pants hugged his ass, clinging like plastic wrap. Two sharp whistles pierced the air. Kirk slid his football pants down just enough to show his jockstrap underneath.

"Oh, man! Stop teasing us!"

"Take it off!" a woman yelled.

Kirk teased them a little more. He bent at the waist, still with his butt facing the audience. The sinews of his leg muscles popped out as he bent so far. He began untying each shoe, slowly; letting the partygoers get a good, long look at his sculpted glutes.

"Damn, is that ass hard!"

"Shit! Not as hard as me!"

There was some laughing as Kirk loosened each shoe but left them on. Then he stood, keeping his back straight and his bum thrust out. Then he ran his hands over his ass a few times and turned around, letting his hands stay down there. He rubbed his crotch. As he made eye contact with Charlie, who peeked from the kitchen, he rubbed the ridges of his stomach, lifting his mesh jersey to expose the muscles. Charlie grinned from ear to ear. Kirk let his eyes scope the guests, trying to make eye contact with them as well, as he undulated his pelvis. He flexed his gut before letting the shirt fall back down.

Now it was time for the lap dance.


Tony kept looking out the window. Part of him thought that Kirk would show up at any moment to surprise him. The other part of him knew that Kirk's excuse for not coming over had been total horseshit.

It was a fairly warm night, and moonlit. The treetops glowed like faces in a movie theater. Tony watched the trees sway in a slight breeze while stroking his crotch. Like most 18-year-olds, the blond runner was horny.

He could hear his parents talking downstairs. He could hear whatever news show they were watching on TV. The clock read 8:45. He had to get out of there.

Tony put on a green tank top and a pair of green running shorts and sneakers. His parents looked at him funny when he told them he was going for a run. He didn't explain. He just bolted out the door.

A warm wind whipped at his loose, short shorts. It ruffled his hair and caused a lulling susurration in the surrounding trees. Tony ran toward the nearby park and jogged around the dirt paths there. He waved at his neighbors and their two small children. An elderly couple glared at him as he passed. Two power walking 30ish women craned their necks to watch the blond twinkie run past them.

The moon had risen fully by the time he left the park. He had already run two miles, but he did not wish to return to his empty bedroom. He ran east.

Tony really did not know where he was heading until he found himself on a residential street. It looked vaguely familiar. Then he saw the small house with the falling shutter. It was the house in which Darius lived--the house in which Tony had been the center of a black gangbang.

He unconsciously slowed as he neared it. Darius and another young man were shooting hoops in the dark driveway. He could not make them out until he was very close to the house, and by then, of course, it was too late.

"Yo, Tony!"


Kirk ground his crotch into Terry's huge chest. Kirk felt small next to the bodybuilding Korean guy. His narrow waist was half as wide as the man's pecs. Terry's huge hands held Kirk's ass firmly as it flexed. His erection tented out in front of him, barely held back by the unlaced football pants. Terry watched Kirk's bulge as he writhed. The birthday celebrant hadn't stopped smiling broadly--although he had handed his beer to his husband before letting Kirk climb onto his massive legs.

Craig, standing behind his seated lover, leaned over and pulled Kirk's face to his. Their mouths met in a meshing of lust. Terry looked up at their dancing tongues. As they kissed, Terry slipped his fingertips beneath Kirk's pants and slowly lowered them and his jockstrap until; finally, Kirk's eight-inch dangle emerged, like the groundhog on his special day. Terry tucked the pants behind Kirk's hefty scrotum, jutting all Kirk's equipment out obscenely. Terry took it in his palm and stroked it gently with his thumb. Kirk moaned into Craig's hungry mouth.

"Jesus! Where'd they find this kid?"

"That's some nice kind of cock, ain't it?"

"Hot ass too!"

Kirk had kicked his shoes off on the way over to give Terry this lap dance. It was moving too quickly now. With Terry's meaty hands on him, Kirk knew he was losing control. The tip of his wet cock caressed the cotton of Terry's shirt. It left a trail of fluid. With each gentle glide, Kirk felt every nerve in his groin ignite.

Craig continued to swallow Kirk's tongue. Craig tugged on the football jersey, lifting it up, exposing Kirk's back and the sharp line delineating his spine. The roundness of jutting ass became even more prominent. Several of the men watching slipped their hands into their pants.

Craig broke the sloppy kiss and yanked Kirk's shirt over his head. The tan teen body shone with sweat in the dim light. Terry's hands felt up the mounded pecs, tugged on the boy's nipples. Kirk's nutsac rubbed all over Terry's crotch.

A guest reached out and slapped Kirk's butt cheek. "Damn!" he exclaimed. "Nice and hard!"

Terry chomped down on Kirk's right nipple. It hurt a little, but Kirk moaned anyway. Kirk ran his fingers through the man's silky hair as Terry chewed and sucked hard, then moved to the left nip and repeated the treatment.

That's when Charlie strolled out of the kitchen.


The guy playing ball with Darius had needed no introduction. He was a cousin of Darius, about 25 years old. He had met Tony before--at the family gangbang; he'd fucked Tony twice and dumped another load down the blond twink's throat. Tony didn't remember his name, which was Show. Right then, Show intertwined his long fingers with Tony's hair and thrust his crotch upward, into Tony's waiting mouth.

Bent over, Tony's body shook with the force of Darius fucking him.

They were in the driveway, but the lack of any light made them barely visible blurs in the dark. There was no one on the street anyway. Not that Tony cared. It had taken no coaxing for Darius to strip the boy of his running shorts.

Even Tony could barely see the two black men in the autumn air. He felt them--the chubby, uncut six inches tickling his tonsils, and the slender, pointed nine inches invading his rectum. He groaned around Show's cock as Darius stabbed him deeply, in one rapid motion. Darius stripped his shirt off and rubbed his flat chest. He didn't need to hold Tony's body; Tony rocked back to meet the fucking all on his own.

"That's it, cocksucker. Do that thing with your tongue again. Ah, shit!"

Darius listened as his cousin talked dirty to the blond twink. He never stopped being amazed at how Tony's tissue clung to his long, slim cock, even as he pulled it out and jammed it back in. Tony's asshole sucked and grabbed at his manhood, rubbing gently but firmly, coaxing the milk out of him.

"Fuck!" Darius screamed. The sound echoed down the empty street. "Take it, baby! Take it, fucker! Make me cum!"

It had only been about five minutes since Tony had shown up, rid himself of his shorts, and bent over. Now, Darius clung to the 5-foot-7 blond's hips and rammed the boy down on his saber. Tony felt Darius's swinging nuts scrape his own as they rose. Then the black hose swelled inside the white boy's rectum and spewed.

"Nnh! Oh, sweet! Nnh, oh, yeah, fuck! Bitch!"

The hot sperm formed a pool in the middle of Tony's guts. He felt it growing like a burning lust within him.

"Shit! Damn, Tony, you are one fine-ass pussy, you know that?" Darius stroked Tony's ass as his cock remained fully hard inside the cum-coated ass.

"Come on," Show said huskily. "Let's switch."


Charlie sidled up behind Kirk's mostly naked body with all the confidence the cocky jock possessed. He too wore his football jersey and tight-fitting pants and cleats. Charlie had even painted large, black stripes beneath his beady, evil eyes.

Charlie pulled on Kirk's waist. With Kirk more bent over, Charlie did a mockery of fucking the athlete in the ass. Charlie even waved his arm over his head as if riding a bucking bronco. The audience clapped their approval as Charlie whooped.

Content to let Charlie take over, the obviously erect Terry pushed Kirk away from him. Charlie yanked Kirk backward. Kirk lost his balance and fell onto his butt. He kept rolling on his back until his legs were in the air. That's when Charlie stepped over his body and snatched his ankles from thin air.

Charlie held Kirk's legs open in a V. He told the audience that this was the slut's favorite position.

Charlie pulled Kirk's pants up and off his feet. With Kirk naked, the partygoers gawked at the boy's butt, the lack of a tan line, the barely visible dark spot that was Kirk's constricted fuckhole. Kirk lay beneath Charlie's legs, embarrassed now but with his rod pulsing with heat.

Charlie shoved his butt down on Kirk’s face. “Lick me, Kirk,” he shouted. “Kiss my ass!”

Kirk began to lather Charlie’s dirty football pants with spit. His tongue caressed the quarterback’s rolling nut sac underneath the fibers. Charlie said, “Ooh, yeah, baby,” as he reached down and stroked the other boy’s scrotum. Charlie rolled the walnuts in his fingers. “Look at these sperm factories, folks. Nice, huh?” Both the birthday boy and his lover agreed that the round, shaved sac was a thing of beauty.

Charlie tugged on the balls, yanking them six inches from Kirk’s spread-eagled body. Kirk groaned a little, but the sound was muffled by Charlie’s ass in his face.

Pulling Kirk by the nuts, Charlie lifted his butt even more off the ground. Kirk felt his spine curving up from the carpet as his tongue continued its search for Charlie’s asshole. A few of the guys watching openly stroked themselves as they watched Kirk’s long tongue dart about over the surface of Charlie’s pants. The quarterback’s bulge and nut sac were grossly prominent in the tight pants, and Kirk’s mouth was obviously hungry for them. As was Kirk’s dick. It flopped about, full of blood, as Charlie dove down and began a public rim job.

Charlie pulled Kirk’s anus onto his outstretched tongue. The strong athlete had no trouble controlling Kirk’s body. He just grabbed those two gorgeous mounds of glute and rocked Kirk back and forth on his shoulders. The hairless ass crack slid back and forth over the flat, scratchy tongue.

Craig reached down and rubbed his lover’s broad chest as the two watched the show with eyes that bulged as much as their swollen groins. Craig nibbled on Terry’s neck as the birthday celebrant unzipped his slacks. Unabashed, Terry hoisted out his cock, a deep brown, thick six inches. The deep valley at the flared tip spewed fluid like a lava cone. Charlie watched his brother’s husband slowly jerk himself. Charlie kept eye contact with the Korean stud as his tongue waggled over Kirk’s hole. Charlie gripped the gloriously tight buttocks and, with his fingertips a fraction of an inch from the manhole, spread them. One man whistled as Kirk’s pucker winked at the audience. Charlie tasted soap as he let his tongue tease the taut entranceway. Those watching held their breaths, waiting for that wonderful second when tongue breached boyhole.


In the grass beside Darius's house, Tony lay on his side. With his outstretched right arm, he reached behind Darius and massaged the black boy's butt as Darius thrust wildly into Tony's lips. Down further, Tony's left leg hung high in the air, hoisted by Show, who slammed his dick into the slender blond. Show still had his shirt on, although Tony could barely see that far in the pitch black. His body slid in the dewy grass each time Show pitched his black cock forward.

"That's it, cousin," Darius said, tweaking his nipples. His hips thrust in an awkward, jerky motion. "Fuck that bitch ass good."

"Yo," Show said. "I am. Shit, I'm gonna unload in this white boy."

"Do it. Come on."

Show stabbed fast and hard. Tony felt a little pain as the wide six-incher plunged at an angle into his body. His lifted left leg cramped, but his own cock remained erect and pulsing, leaning down into the grass. Darius gripped Tony's head and held him. "Come on, Tony. Deepthroat me, you cunt."

Tony lay limply and allowed the two young men to dominate him. He felt full; with one delicious dong tickling his throat and another thick thumper stretching open his bowels. Show breathed quickly and loudly enough to be heard by a passerby. A fortyish white couple ambled by the yard. Their eyes searched the darkness for the source of the raspy breathing, but they could find nothing in the darkness. They walked on, whispering. Tony felt the darkness filling him.

Show pushed Tony's leg down, bending the knee. He shoved his shoulder underneath and leaned in over Tony's body as his hips continued to pound away at the snug cavern of boypussy. He grunted in time with his thrusts.

"You close, cousin?" Darius said.

Show clenched his eyes shut. "Fuck, yeah. This nut's comin' soon."

"Come on, Show, flood his guts with black man's spunk."

"Unh! Unh! A-ah!" Show wailed into the night like a howling animal. He plunged deep into Tony's bowels, stabbing almost painfully, until his sweaty balls struck the blond's skin. His fat cock spread further, pushing the walls of Tony's rectum out of the way of the huge, creamy load about to be delivered.

Tony's body jerked as each jet splashed inside him. Jolts of liquid electricity overcharged his nervous system, threatening overload. As Show came, Tony came, ejecting one huge rope of spooge onto the grass, followed by several smaller, thick shots. Show kept on creaming into Tony's ass as every muscle in Tony's lower abdomen shook and pulsed.

"Dang, Show! You made the faggot cum!"

"I know how to fuck pussy, man."

Darius slurped his dick out of Tony's gaping mouth and jerked out a second large explosion, spitting his cum onto Tony's tank top. As Show and Tony died down, Show opened his eyes again to see his cousin's pole losing a load for the second time that night.

"Nice one, cuz," Show said, still holding Tony's leg up. "Give him something to remember us by."

"Besides the pain in his gut," Darius said. He squeezed a few more drops onto Tony's outstretched tongue. The blond's rock hard nipples pushed out his tank top, one covered in a thick slick of Darius' cum.

Show quickly pulled out of Tony's sperm-filled asshole. Then the two black boys simply walked away, laughing, back into the house, leaving Tony reeking of cum in the grass.


Kirk was glad he could not see the dozen or so guests at the party. His face burned red with humiliation--yet he groaned, and his cock was rock hard, and he arched his back as the fingers groped open his hole. Charlie, who grinned like a lunatic, bent over Kirk, who was on all fours facing away from the crowd. As Charlie spread the boy's pussyhole, his own cock was dangling from his open football pants. Kirk lapped at it.

Kirk pushed his lips out. Like a duck's bill he slid himself luxuriously over Charlie's soft cockskin. Charlie put his hands on Kirk's brown hair and jammed the jock down. Kirk gripped Charlie's hips and gagged, a high-pitched sound like a balloon being squeezed empty.

"Yeah, baby, suck that cock!"

"You know what to do!"

"Don't choke him, Charlie!"

Kirk pressed his nose into Charlie's sweaty pubes. Charlie ground his balls into his chin. On Kirk's thigh, Terry's toe pressed deeply into his crevice, nearly piercing Kirk's anus.

Now that he was between Charlie and the others, Kirk realized just how close they were. He could hear their hot breathing. While Terry's foot massaged his left buttock, another foot rubbed against Kirk's right ankle. He could feel their gazes like lasers on the shape of his stretched lips, wrapping so lovingly around Charlie's slim cock as it slowly fucked his face.

"That's it, Kirk, my boy," Charlie said. "Get my dick all nice and wet. I don't want to hurt your ass when I fuck you."

"Come on, Charlie. Hurt him."

"I think he'll like it."

Charlie laughed. "Oh, he'll like it."


Tony had not found his shorts. Probably, he thought, Darius had taken them inside, just to fuck with him. So Tony tried to find the darkest route home, avoiding streetlights and busy areas. His half-hard howitzer bounded in front of him as he ran. He could smell the cum, feel it sloshing around inside his rectum.

And still he thought of Kirk, wherever he was, doing God knew what. He was angry, lonely, and sexually revved up. He wanted to get home in a hurry, to jack off his cum-slick cock, to finger his violated hole and taste the black man's semen that trickled onto his fingertips. His erection slowed him down.

Thankfully, there was a park up ahead. It was technically closed at night, but Tony could jog through it unseen, as there were no lights and plenty of trees covering the walking trail. There were stories that gangs gathered in this park at night, selling drugs mostly, but Tony had never seen anything going on.

The park was mostly quiet, hushed, with the limbs of trees moving of their own accord. They reached out, it seemed, trying to pull Tony into their dark depths. Tony felt his body chill from the spine outward. His swaying nutsac rose from the cold, but his half-hard prong bounded in front of him.

Coming around a corner, Tony stopped. About fifteen feet in front of him were three men. One, barely older than Tony, was on his knees, his face bobbing between the other two men's crotches. Tony felt his tumescence increase, making his dick feel tight. The men had heard him jogging on the dirt trail, of course, and the two standing men stared back at the blond teen. The grins of both grew to cover their entire faces when they saw a slim twink, sans pants, who was not turning away from the scene.

The older man spoke. He was about forty, with a salt-and-pepper beard. In the darkness, Tony could not be sure, but he thought the man resembled his math teacher from the year before. The man said, "Come on over, sexy. We've got plenty of cock for two boys to suck."

The other standing man said, "I like a man who comes prepared." He glanced down at Tony's bare legs and genitals. This man, of lighter-skinned African descent, had a high forehead and hair shaved real close. His wide, bright smile made him look younger than the receding hairline; Tony guessed him to be in his late 20's. He had hairy arms and just a few black hairs growing on his chest. Tony admired his lank, swimmer's body, as the man wore no shirt.

Before he realized what he was doing, Tony stepped toward the three. He had no thoughts of Kirk in his mind as he watched the sucking young man remove a very hard eight inches from his black jeans. He looked up. When he saw the pantsless teen, the man's blue eyes widened. He kissed the bearded man's chubbie, easily slid it between his lips, and reached for the approaching boy's throbbing boner.


Kirk kept his eyes closed. He couldn't make eye contact with any of the party guests or he knew he would cry. Here he was in a small, hot room with about a dozen people (adults even!) watching as he crouched down on Charlie's throbbing member. Kirk faced the audience, and the fact that they could all watch his own column quivering and leaking as he rode Charlie humiliated Kirk even more. Charlie lay on his back, his shirt still on, as his pole disappeared into the other jock's immeasurably tight ass lips. Charlie watched, the onlookers cheered.

"Ride that cock, gayboy!"

"Good show, good show, you little slut!"

"Damn! What a hottie. You wanna take my load next?"

Terry, the birthday boy, had the best seat in the house. He sat with his very thick cock in his hand (he wasn't alone in stroking himself as the hot sex action took place on the floor!). Terry was right in front of Kirk, so close that if Terry had decided to close his legs, his knee would have brushed the teen's cheek. A look of almost evil pleasure would not leave his face. The Korean muscleman wagged his bone. He made eye contact with Kirk, who winced.

No words were spoken, but the raised eyebrows and the upward-thrusting chin--and the waving of the cock--meant only one thing: "Suck my cock, Kirk."

Kirk leaned forward. Terry, with the help of his husband, scooted his chair up. The heat from the Asian man's black-brown dick struck Kirk like a slap in the face. When the blunt tip of Kirk's tongue tapped the tip of the cock, a whistling breath rose from the onlookers. Kirk licked the lollipop up and down. He flattened his tongue against the slab of meat for greater effect. Someone uttered, "Shit!" as a couple of zippers lowered. Kirk took one smooth testicle between his lips. "Oh, no, no…!" He gently sucked it in.

Kirk's thighs screamed in pain. He remained still, allowing Charlie to thrust upward. The eyes of the audience eagled in on the stretching of Kirk's ass lips as Charlie very slowly ground into his anus. Kirk felt his skin stretching as Charlie made a little circular motion with his cock. His ass ring made a motion like a top spinning.

Then Charlie shot his hips upward. He began slam-fucking Kirk. The penetrated teen held onto Terry's treelike thighs for support as he felt his rectum battered. To keep from crying out and embarrassing himself further, he went down on Terry's dick, letting it fill his mouth, which so desperately wanted to scream. The colliding of flesh echoed in the noisy room. Charlie exhaled loudly with each upward push of his pelvis. He put his palms flat on the floor and held himself steady as his penis powered its way into Kirk's pliable tissue.

"Slam that hole, Charlie!"

"Look at him go on Terry's cock!"

"His dick's hard. He likes it rough, Charlie."

Charlie screamed out, "Hell, yeah!" as he picked up the pace even more. Kirk opened his legs more, his feet sliding away from Charlie's body. His hips sank lower onto the upward shooting root. Above it, his own nearly erect cock jiggled, his swollen nutsac glowed bright red.

"Fuck yeah!"


Tony was sure that the bearded guy in the park was indeed Mr. Spencer, his math teacher the year before. Even when Tony had been sucking the man's hairy cock, Mr. Spencer had shown no sign of recognizing him. Now, as the beard pricked at Tony's smooth ass muscles and the teacher's tongue scooped the cum out of his rectum, Tony could not care less who he was. He wiggled his ass over the exploring tongue, as his own tongue mingled with the black man's. Their faces met over the back of Blue Eyes, bent over and eagerly taking the older man's dick up his ass. Blue Eyes sucked deeply on Tony's prong--a difficult feat, considering the rapid, brutal pounding his young ass was taking.

Tony tried desperately not to cum when Mr. Spencer put two fingertips into his ruptured sphincter. High Forehead, his caramel skin shining with sweat in the syrupy moonlight, grunted loudly with each muscular stab of his long, uncut cock. Blue Eyes deep throated Tony and gurgled his delight all around him. Tony needed something.

"Fuck me, Mr. Spencer," he said. "Goddamn it! Get your dick inside me and pound my pussy!"

Tony had barely finished his emphatic statement before his old math teacher breached him in one swoop. A pulsing, veiny fuckstick plunged deep inside him. Tony roared out, his cries echoes off the trees. And his dick did its dance down the throat of Blue Eyes. The young man choked as teen spunk dribbled from his lip.

Exhausted, Tony collapsed onto the young man. He had no thoughts of what Kirk was doing right then. He luxuriated in the action of giving his body over to another, of letting a man take him and possess him and pop a load far inside him. He clenched his tired ass ring, stroking Mr. Spencer as the man pumped long and hard.

Tony watched as the black guy's face twisted. He bit his lip. He yanked his beautifully tapered cock from the guts of Blue Eyes and stroked the wet, shiny knob over the boy's pert ass. Tony pushed Blue Eyes down and scrambled to get the sticky glans in his mouth. As his lips fell over it, the nine-inch, uncut snake spit its venom onto Tony's tongue.

Now the forest reeked of sperm. Tony loved it. He rubbed the sides of Blue Eyes, doubled over as he was with Tony climbed half on top of him. Tony swallowed the last of High Forehead's delicious cream. The black guy tousled the twink's hair and said, "I'm here every Friday night, sweetie."

He walked off into the night, chuckling. Blue Eyes stood and offered his mounds to Tony. The blond rubbed each sweetly rounded buttock in his hands. There was a small line of black hairs down the crack. The follicles had trouble finding daylight, growing between such compacted, muscular orbs.

Tony found his dick was still hard. Amazing, he thought. It was also slightly painful. But the throbbing discomfort was overwhelmed by the slamming of Mr. Spencer's thighs against his own, and the steady stimulation of his prostate by the man's thick, hairy cock.

Tony pulled Blue Eyes by the hips. He got one quick glimpse of the distended ass lips before slipping his own cock between those gorgeous swells. Barely older than Tony, this young man was snug and warm, a kiln in which Tony intended to bake for a long time.


The blunt, rounded tip of Terry's dick rested lightly on the very edge of Kirk's lower lip. The contact was so faint as to tickle. Kirk had his head turned so that his chin was over his shoulder. His tongue cowered from his open mouth and haltingly touched Terry's tube. His eyes closed, he could feel Charlie's knuckles as they fisted his cock right beside Kirk's face.

"Blast a load, Charlie!"

"On his face, man, all over his face!"

"Fuck! Gonna…cum!"

Charlie clamped his eyes shut and looked up at the ceiling. His whirring hand slowed to a squeeze as the first rocket shot from his cock. A viscous volley of cream soared like a cannonball, over Kirk's face and shoulder and onto Terry's smooth thigh. Terry just grinned as the second shot flew and landed right on his dick! The third spurt was the one that finally creamed Kirk's face, landing in a yellowish, raindrop-shaped smudge from the corner of his left eye down to the edge of his cheekbone. The rapt audience cheered loudly as a fourth shot landed right on the tip of Kirk's tongue.

Terry took his cock like a basting brush and smeared Charlie's sauce all over the left side of Kirk's face and down onto the teen jock's chin. Kirk closed his eyes. He felt Charlie press his thigh against the back of his head. The quarterback's boner twitched beside Kirk's ear as it very slowly deflated.

Terry placed his semen-smeared rod on Kirk's lower lip. Kirk dangled his tongue and let the audience watch him lick all of Charlie's sperm off the thick, brown prong. Then he took it all into his mouth.

"Ah, shit, yeah, kid!" Terry cried out. "You're one hot cocksucker."

Craig said, "Why don't you fuck his ass, Terry?"

"I don't know. Does he want that?"

Charlie laughed derisively. "Hell, yeah. The show was your birthday present. But you're allowed to be part of the show, Terry. Only you."

A few groans rose, but mainly voices urged Terry to fuck the stud's tight ass. Kirk kept on sucking his dick, hoping to bring him to orgasm before he could get the wide tool into his asshole. A female guest called out, "Let's see some rough ass fucking!"

Charlie hooked his hands beneath Kirk's damp armpits. Kirk responded to the tugging. He stood; Terry grabbed his pulsing prong and stroked it a few times. A look of pure glee spread over Terry's face as Kirk straddled his lap.

"That's it, Kirk," Charlie said. "Give that fat cockhead a birthday present."

"That's one fine ass!" someone said as Kirk took hold of Terry's dick. He pressed the slimy wet organ against his open, puckered hole.

Bodies crowded around. Charlie pressed his chest into Kirk's back and supported him as Kirk began sliding down the thick slab of maleness. Kirk grunted as his anus stretched. Terry's squat cock was more of a challenge than Charlie's slim one.

Kirk felt his butt on Terry's massive thighs. He looked to the ceiling, letting the large piece settle within him. It throbbed with an electric current pressing against his prostate. Kirk leaned forward a bit and gripped Terry's shoulders. The older man licked Kirk's right nipple.

"Fuck him, Terry!"

"Give us a show!"

"Wish it was my birthday!"

Kirk slowly rode the cock. Charlie helped him, lifting him slightly and easing back down. Charlie whispered, "Does it hurt, Kirk? I bet it fuckin' hurts."

It didn't hurt, but Kirk grunted with the effort. His legs spread wide over Terry's muscular legs. He strained with every dip, every squat. A round mass plugged his hole, pulling his anal walls, filling him with heat. His dick stood firm against his gut, just as hard as the thicker tool piercing his asshole.

Two other men replaced Charlie behind Kirk. As the hot young athlete rode the pole in his ass, two dicks draped themselves over his shoulders. The one on the left drooped down, a large bell peeking from a taut foreskin. The very pink dick on his right was shorter and thicker and stood straight up while a softball-sized nutsac tickled Kirk's shoulder with its many hairs. Kirk crooked his neck and tongued at the foreskin as Terry pushed up to meet his falling ass.

"Feel good, Terry?"

"Oh, God. A hot young thing like this? What do you think?"

Charlie yelled out, "He likes it hard, Terry. Ram him!"

Kirk squatted and sucked. Terry did all the work. He slid down in the chair a little, so that his butt was off the side. His pants slid down to his ankles, and he stripped his shirt over his head. Huge muscles bound out, soft looking but obviously gym-built. Terry's pelvis was the only part of him moving, jamming his thick cock into Kirk's widely spread cheeks.

Kirk moaned, and the dick in his mouth spewed its juices. The shot flew from the cockhead and landed on Terry's bulging right pec. Quickly Kirk got his mouth around the tip and took the rest of the creamy load down his hungry throat.

Terry fucked. Kirk's legs shook with the effort of maintaining his squatting and taking this muscular, Korean stud's hard fuck. The two men behind him held him up. He leaned upon them as the sweat began to trickle down his back. Terry's eyes roamed all over the hot jock. The wall of watchers closed in, knowing from the look on Terry's wide face that he couldn't last too much longer while this gorgeous 18-year-old was on display in front of him.

The really pink cock poked into Kirk's right ear as Terry thumped and thumped. Clapping began, matching the pace of the slapping of Terry's body into Kirk's widely opened legs. Terry and Kirk both breathed loudly and quickly. Their bodies merged, oblivious to the clapping, hollering bodies around them. Kirk closed his eyes as hot shots of semen invaded his ear.

Kirk stood and released Terry. The Asian guy looked Kirk in the eye. As sperm swan down the side of his face, Kirk took his own and Terry's dicks in both his hands. He lifted them and showed them to the audience, the thick brown uncut slab of Terry and the nearly as thick, cut, fresh-looking teen piece of meat jutting from the athletes cut body. Kirk jerked them quickly, as Terry arched his back. His rising hips lifted Kirk as they both reached climax simultaneously.

Kirk's thick rope of cum flew straight into the air, while Terry's thick bullet sped toward the Korean's twisted face. It splattered on Terry's bronze skin, while Kirk watched his rise. He caught it in his mouth like a piece of popcorn.

Terry's thick and yellow fluid coated his own body. Kirk's flew into the air, landing mostly on himself, a little on Terry's pubic hairs and legs. Kirk's orgasm completely overwhelmed him, and as his cock spurted again and again, he fell forward onto Terry's sticky body. Terry wrapped his big arms around the boy as his own dick spit one last huge drop between their sweaty bodies.


Even Tony was surprised at how hard he fucked the blue-eyed man, who was barely older than he was. The sound of flesh colliding bounced off the rustling leaves. Tony long-poled, diving down with a twist into the compact little glutes that absorbed every thrust, every slap, every stab. The young man writhed in ecstasy as Tony fucked him hard.

Mr. Spencer had already cum, shot a hot load all over Tony's bare back. He did not know when he had lost his sweat-drenched tank top, but now he was naked except for his running shoes, here in the park, with his dick embedded in a young stud's ass and a middle-aged man's fingers pulling and probing at his asshole

Tony breathed hard and fast. His pounding grew frantic. Blue Eyes reached back and rubbed his dick and balls, letting his fingertips glide along the wet pole invading him. Tony slammed hard, crushing the man's balls. Blue Eyes moaned, "Oh, yeah, stud. Give it to me. Come on. Fuck me!"

Mr. Spencer whispered in Tony's ear, "That's it. Pound that boy's hole hard. Spunk all over his balls."

Tony felt his own nuts rising, again. Despite all the night's activities, they felt heavy, laden with sperm. Sweat fell from his belly button onto his jack hammering cock. The young man's fingertips pushed against him harder. Tony yanked out of the tight pipe.

"Nnh! Oh, God! Oh, shit! Aaah!" He didn't have to pump, he just pointed his dick at the tiny hole he'd just fucked and watched as a dome of thick yellow formed on his glans. It grew bigger and bigger until, after a second, flung itself at the boyhole. It splatted in a sticky mess on the gorgeous, round cheeks, not quite getting to the hole. Another shot soon followed, and another, as Mr. Spencer's fingers pushed on Tony's prostate. Tony jammed his cockhead onto the young man's smooth nuts and let loose another volley that completely coated the small walnuts. Soon the sticky fluid dripped onto the dirt below. Tony got a few more shots off, right on the man's left butt cheek. Tony wiped the rest of his hot cum all over that cheek as he and Blue Eyes tried to catch their breath. Tony's wasn't the only pool of semen on the park trail.

Mr. Spencer said, "That was great, Tony. You are one hot little number, you know that?"

Tony leaned against the man's hairy chest as he kept on stroking his flagging erection. The tight ass in front of him flexed. Tony rubbed his cum all over it.

"All right, faggots! What the hell is this!"

Before Tony even reacted, Blue Eyes ran off into the woods. Mr. Spencer's body pulled away from him. Tony turned to the voice. A flashlight blinded him.

A figure moved toward where Mr. Spencer must have run, but a voice said, "Never mind him. This one's not going anywhere."

Beside the intense circle of light, a stocky cop came into view. He looked at Tony, half with disgust, half with amusement. Tony held his hands in front of his red, sticky dick.

The voice laughed. "Now you're modest, little man, standing in the woods after a fucking?"

The other cop pointed the flashlight at the ground. As Tony's eyes readjusted, he realized he should have recognized the voice. It was Wolf, the black hunk of a cop who had introduced Tony to the joys of gay sex.

Wolf said, "I told you, Hart, this is where the queers cruise at night."

The other cop, younger, more muscular and blond, said, "So what do we do? Give him a ticket? Is he eighteen? Should we call his parents?"

"Oh, he's eighteen, right, Tony?" Wolf said mockingly. He walked up to Tony and held the blond's chin. "My new partner and I have had a busy day. How about we forget about your illegal activities here, and you give us a little stress relief, okay, little man?"

Tony melted at being called "little man". His dick was, impossible, as it seemed, growing again. The blond cop walked behind him and tickled his ass.

"Kid's been fucked. A lot." He held a fingertip of cum to Tony's face. Tony sucked it off.

"Get up, little man." Wolf began undoing his pants. "Jump. Hart, catch him."

Tony leapt, and fell onto the muscular blond officer's hands. They held his thighs. Tony leaned back against the stocky man. It was like a brick wall behind him. The cop turned Tony's ass up as Wolf grabbed his ankles and spread the boy's legs wide. A well-lubed ass pointed directly at Wolf's crotch.

Wolf looked into Tony's eyes. Tony looked up greedily, lustily, and Wolf returned the gaze with a lip-curling sneer. With no trouble at all, Wolf rammed his meaty twelve inches all the way inside the horny twink.

"Hart, let me show you what this boy can do."

Tony grunted. Then, his voice rang out in the night. "Oh, God, yes! Fuck me, fuck me, FUCK ME!"


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