Gay Erotic Stories

A Marine Called Jason, Part 2A

by Jock161

Chapter Five

I went to Toby’s several times, with no hope that Jason would be there, but just to be where we had been together. Mostly, though, I took on extra duty so I could be around to monitor the phone, and I hung around the barracks. Then I got a call from an orderly at the hospital.

“Corporal Jason Seaborn asked me to call you.”

“He’s there?” I asked, barely able to work up the air to get the words out.


“Tell him I’ll be there as soon as I can,” I said. My voice got weaker with each word as the air went out of me. I got dressed, grabbed a pass…by now, there were passes already made out and all I had to do was pick one up…and headed for the hospital. I was half-numb, with no clear thoughts in my head. I think I was afraid to think of what might have happened. I rushed down the hallway but slowed as I approached his room; as he had down when he came to see me.

“We gotta stop meeting like this,” I joked as I went in. I couldn’t tell how bad he was hurt but he had both hands bandaged. The sheet was pulled down to his waist revealing his massive chest and ripped abs and nothing looked damaged there. He moved his leg and I saw a cast under the sheet. He laughed and squirmed in the bed.

“How’d you get a two-bed room?” I asked.

“They’re a bit crowded so they’re having to use the rooms usually reserved for officers,” he said.

“You got a room-mate?”

“Nope, not yet.”

“So, what happened?” I asked.

He laughed, shaking his head. “Would you believe the goddamned Humvy turned over and tumbled down a ravine? I got a busted leg and some burns out of it--nothing serious.”

“How busted?” I asked.

“I didn’t see any bone. It’ll be okay in a couple of weeks.”

“A couple?”

“A few weeks…I don’t know,” he said.

“Are your hands the only thing that got burned?”

He smiled. “Everything else is in great shape and working fine,” he assured me.

I couldn’t help laughing when I noticed the huge lump under the sheet. “Well, I can see you didn’t get it blown off,” I joked. “Looks like you’ve got a problem there. Or are you just glad to see me?”

“You know it. Fuck, it’s worse than the injuries. If I don’t get it taken care of it feels like it’s gonna explode.”

“I thought they give you something for that when you’re in the hospital,” I said.

“Did they give you anything?”

“No, but I was only in a few days.”

“That’s all I’m going to be in,” he said. “The only thing they give me is a hard thump with the nurse’s thumb. Damn, it hurts.”

“That’s sadistic. Does it work?”

“Not for long,” he said.

An orderly walked by and I went out to talk to him. “My buddy’s got a problem,” I told him.

“Oh, the big guy,” he said when I nodded to the door of the room. “He needs some relief.” “Relief from what?”

“You know.”

“What would you suggest?” he asked.

“I’m not suggesting anything. I just happen to know he’s a very highly sexed and horny guy and he’s going nuts.”

“We do have a problem keeping him down.” He shook his head. “I never seen anything like it. Hell, I can barely get it stuffed into the urinal for him to take a piss and that’s when he’s soft. He’s got the biggest damned cock I ever seen, and I’ve seen a lot of them. Once he had a big boner and had to piss and it wouldn’t go in the urinal. I had to get him a bucket.” “Anything you can do?” I asked.

“What do you want me to do, go jack him off? He’s your buddy, you jack him off.”

“I didn’t mean that. But if nobody’s going to do anything about it I’m going to,” I said.

“Meaning what? There are a lot of women who I know would gladly give him some relief but they’re all officers.”

“I’m going to bring him a hooker,” I said.

“We’re not running a whorehouse here,” the orderly said.

“I’m not asking you to do anything except tell me a time frame when he won’t be bothered by any of the staff.”

The orderly looked at his chart. “Last medication is around 0800 hours. They’ll probably wake him up around midnight to give him a sleeping pill.”


“Look, if it goes wrong, I didn’t have anything to do with it,” he said.

“Right, I’ll take full responsibility,” I assured him. I went to The Dragon which fronted as a bar for a whorehouse. The madam approached me at the bar before I’d taken my first sip of beer.

“How’re you doing tonight?” she greeted me.


“Looking for some company?”

“Could be,” I said.

She looked around the bar at her girls circulating through the place. “How about that one over there by the door?” she asked nodding to the door leading back to the rest rooms.

“Red dress?”


“Okay, but I need to take her with me,” I said.

“Oh, I don’t let my girls go out of the bar,” she said.

“It’s for a buddy, he’s in the hospital. She would have to go to the hospital and pose as his girlfriend.”

“In hospital, how is he able to do anything?” she asked.

“Trust me, that part wasn’t damaged,” I assured her.

She went over to talk to the girl. I saw the girl shaking her head. Madame said something to another girl standing close by then came back. “She not want to go. But the other girl will go.”

“Okay, if they’ll change dresses,” I said.


“I want her to wear the red dress that the other one’s got on,” I said.

She went back and after some discussion they got it settled among themselves. The two girls went back to the rest room and changed dresses. I paid the madam and me and the girl, Ling, headed for the hospital. We made an attempt at conversation but I wasn’t much into conversing with prostitutes, especially one that I was hiring to take my place. I mean, what do you say to a whore…hey, what’s the biggest cock you ever took?

I winked at the orderly as we walked by the desk. His eyes bugged out when he saw the girl in the sleek red dress. Jason was lying with his eyes closed but he wasn’t asleep. “Hey, man,” he said as he opened his eyes. He blinked when he saws the girl.

“This is Ling. She came to visit you,” I said.

“Ling. Hello,” he said, his eyes raking up and down her shapely body encased in the sleek red dress. She was a knockout. Vietnamese came in two ages; old and young. A thirty-year-old man could look seventeen; a forty year old woman could look eighty. Ling looked like a teenager. I couldn’t tell how old she was. Right then it didn’t matter.

“I don’t know how much time we’ve got,” I told Jason. His confused scowl turned into a wide grin as he realized why I’d brought Ling to see him. I handed him a condom.

“I can’t put that on,” he said.

“She will,” I said.

“Or you could,” he said with a leering grin.

I walked over to the door. “Sorry about this, but I have to guard the door,” I said. I turned to face the door with my toe against it. Looking at a door is boring as shit, especially when you know what’s going on behind you. I stole a glance over my shoulder to see Ling taking off her clothes--the dress, to be more exact. I watched her. She stepped out of the dress and she was naked! She wasn’t wearing anything under the dress. God she was stunning; her body was flawless. I turned back to the door.

“Oh, my!” she exclaimed and I knew she’d gotten a look at Jason’s cock. “Ohh Myyy!” I knew he must be hard, or getting that way.

“OOohhhhhhhh,” Jason moaned, and I could only imagine what she was doing to him.

“You have such soft delicate hands.” She was probably putting the condom on.

“Will I hurt you if I get up on the bed?” she asked.

“Not so I would notice,” he said. I heard the bed creak softly as she climbed up on the bed. I could picture her straddling him, lowering her smooth, olive-tone butt to his cock, taking his huge cock up her pussy. “Ohhhhk, Yeahhhhh,” Jason groaned. He was no doubt in her, part way at least. “OOohhhh, Yesss.” Maybe all the way in her now.

“Oh My Godd, you are so big!” Ling exclaimed.

“Yeah, but you like it,” Jason said.

“Oh, yes, I like. I never had one so big, though,” she said. The bed began to creak softly, announcing that she was fucking him. He confirmed it.

“Oh, yeahhhhh, honey, do it! Ride that big cock. Oh, fuck man.” I was breaking out in a sweat. “Hey you don’t have to stand with your nose in the door,” Jason told me. “You can watch if you want to. Ling doesn’t care if you watch, do you?”

“I don’t care if you don’t.”

I took them up on it. I turned around and put my back to the door to hold it shut. Ling was seated all the way on his cock, twisting her butt around in circles. It was hard to imagine her tiny body had his huge cock up inside her. Jason had a big goofy smile on his face. “Awhh, I don’t believe you did this for me,” he said.

“What are buddies for?”

It was the most exciting thing I’d ever seen. The tiny girl sitting on top of his massively muscled body, riding her flawlessly smooth butt up and down on Jason’s huge cock. He groaned in agony with every stroking inch. I was amazed how her body accepted his tall, thick manhood. It was like she was fucking an arm, or a baseball bat. Her beauty matched his, or his matched hers; they were a perfect couple and I had the weirdest thought that they would be ideal to make sex-marriage videos. I had to get closer. I shoved a big chair against the door. It wouldn’t block it but it would give me enough time to stop anyone from coming in. I moved over to the bed where I could get a better view from the front. Ling’s pussy was smooth as a baby’s butt, the pouting lips distended around the thick girth of his cock. I was close enough that Jason reached out and squeezed my arm.

“Man, I don’t know how I’m every gong to repay you for this. I’m gonna owe you big time,” he said.

“I’ll think of something,” I said.

“Ohhh… Ohhh… Ohhh…ease up, honey, I don’t want to come yet,” he told her, gritting his teeth. I wished I had a camera to capture the absolute beauty of the two engaged in such a sensual act. They were absolute male and female perfection. After a few minutes he suddenly let out another gasp but choked on it. He gritted his teeth but I couldn’t tell if he was trying to hold off again or if he was working it up or losing it. His body lurched, his hips jolted his loins hard against her and the bed shook and banged against the wall. He was coming. She rode it out till he settled still then she continued to ride up and down his cock for a couple more minutes. “You want me to stop?” she asked as she sat on his thighs.

“Not unless you want to. I could do this all night,” Jason said.

“You still hard,” she said.

“Very hard.”

“We do again,” she said and began riding up and down his cock again. He fucked her again, or she fucked him, for a long time. I was getting uneasy, though, thought we might be pressing our luck. I went back to the door but stood with my back to it so I could watch. Ling was indeed getting as much out of it as Jason was, fucking his big cock for him. She bounced up and down on it, her head flung back on her shoulders as she fingered her clit at the same time. I went back over to the bed and in a sudden urge of lust I put my hand down at her pussy and replaced her finger with my own. She squealed with delight as I rubbed and flicked her clit with my fingertip. “Suck her tits, too,” Jason urged. I leaned in and clamped my mouth over her nearest tit. She whinnied softly as I flicked her nipple and applied suction to her firm breast. “Oh, yeah, fuck, this is hot, all three of us,” Jason said.

Jason shot off again but remained up to the task of finishing her off. Between the three of us, she had a volcanic orgasm. She really had a big “O” and I was excited that I was a part of it with Jason. Her body glistened with sweat and she wavered unsteadily. I helped her down off the bed and steadied her while she put the dress back on. I pulled out another twenty and gave it to her. She kissed me on the cheek then stepped over and kissed Jason and left.

Jason lay with his chest heaving, his abs rippling with each breath. He could barely talk. “Fuck…I…needed…that. Thanks,” he managed.

“Don’t mention it,” I said. His cock lay stretched up across his stomach, still encased in the come-filled condom. “I guess I’m going to have to take care of that,” I said. I put the chair back in front of the door. I didn’t want anyone walking in to see me touching his cock. I carefully pulled and milked the condom off his rubbery shaft, trying not to spill any of the come. I got it off and his cock lay wet and sticky across his hip. Then I did the most foolish thing. I leaned down and sucked his cock all the way down my throat and sucked him dry and cleaned the come off. “Ohh, Geezuss, you’re going to get it started again,” he groaned.

I held the condom up. “I know you cum a lot but this is unbelievable!”

“It’s two loads,” he said. “And it’s been quite a while.”

“It’s enough cum for a whole damn squad.” It was nearly a third full. I swung it around. “I’ve got the most awful urge to drape this over your face and leave.”

“No, please, don’t do that,” he begged, laughing. I laughed and tied off the end of the condom. “Come on man, don’t…you wouldn’t do that to a buddy.”

“What if I turn it up and empty it all over your face?” I said.

“No! Shit, no, don’t do that!”

I put it carefully I my pocket. “What are you going to do with it?” he asked. “I’ll think of something.”

“Thanks again, buddy, I really needed that. It was terrific--even more so that you joined in.”

“Just don’t get to liking it too much,” I said.

“You’ve got nothing to worry about there,” he assured me. I patted his thigh and slipped the condom in my pocket. “What’re you going to do with it?” he asked again.

“I don’t know. Have it for a midnight snack, maybe.”

“Fuck, I don’t know if that’s hot or sick,” he said, laughing.

I left and walked down the hall to the nurse’s station. “Get everything taken care of?” the orderly asked.

“For tonight,” I said. “But he’s going to be in that same condition by morning. You’ll have to take care of it.”

“What do you want me to do about it?”

“I don’t know, jack him off, give him a blow job or something,” I said.

I walked along the street holding the condom in my pocket, wondering what do to with it. I couldn’t take a come-filled condom back to the barracks but I hated to get rid of it. I couldn’t let the stuff go to waste. I turned down a dim alley to be alone and took the condom out. I squeezed it a few times, tingling at the sheer power of him that I was holding in my hand. I looked around as I untied the knot then brought the condom up to my face and turned it upside down over my mouth. The come literally flooded in one hard gush into my mouth. I leaned back against the wall as I stripped the condom with two fingers and swirled the still warm semen around in my mouth. Then I swallowed. I had to take several gulps to get it all down. I still didn’t want to throw the condom away. I held it, marveling at the size of it. It was an extra-large size to begin with and he had stretched it all out of shape. I left the alley carrying the taste of him with me, still with the condom in my pocket. About a block from the main gate I stopped in the shadows and carefully hung the condom from a tiny tree limb. I thought it needed to be on display.

I visited Jason every night he was in the hospital but I didn’t bring him any more prostitutes. I kidded the orderly about jacking Jason off and he shot back jokingly that he was my buddy, I could jack him off.

“Will you guard the door?” I asked.

He didn’t know if I was serious or joking and that’s the way I intended it. “Can I watch?” he asked, trying to pin me down to being serious or kidding around. We both let it go. It was too touchy a subject to even approach.

The day Jason was released from the hospital for duty I made arrangements for us to meet at the hotel. We skipped Toby’s altogether. He was ready for me and I was ready for him. He fucked me like crazy the whole damned night. I managed to work in a couple of suck sessions but he was so hot for my ass. He never understood the pleasure I got from sucking his cock, or how I developed such a taste for his come; he only knew that I loved it. Twice that night he pulled out and shot it in my mouth.

We were leaving the next morning to part ways and return to our units. A vender was selling newspaper, sounding almost hysterical. I bought one to see what was going on. Hell, maybe the war was over. I must’ve gone pale when I saw the headline. “Shit, look at this! Dhin has been assassinated!” I handed the paper to Jason.

Jason took the paper to read the story. He looked pale. We didn’t know what impact it would have but of course it was big. “Geezuss!” he swore softly and dropped the paper like it was suddenly hot.

“What?” I asked.

“Qui Nhon,” he said in a whisper. “I was at Qui Nhon.”

I looked at him confused. He leaned against the side of the building for support. “Jason, what’s the matter?”

“I took him out,” he said, staring blankly at me. “What?”

“I shot the fuckin’ president of Viet Nam!”

Now I was numb. A politician being blown away wasn’t particularly devastating to me or even news for more than a day or two, but this was the president of the country, and Jason had done it.

“What’re you talking about? You said you were going to Qui Nhon to take care of some mischief makers.”

“And they just happened to have another assignment for me…another target… something that just came up, and since I was there. They set me up. They used me as their assassin.”

“You didn’t know?”

“No. They told me he was very big…a VC general…and I shouldn’t miss.”

“How do you know it was Dhin?”

“They had my position already picked out, down to the precise spot. A sniper always picks out his location. His entourage came down this narrow road and stopped in a small clearing and this guy I thought was the general got out of his vehicle…”

“But how do you know it was Dhin and not the VC general like they said.”

“I use a high power scope,” he reminded me. “I had his face right here,” he said, holding his hand a few inches from his face. He looked down at the paper, “It was that man’s face.”

“Hey, if somebody decided the needed to be taken out…”

“Don’t you understand? I killed the president of a country! That makes me a political assassin. My next payday, I will be a paid political assassin.”

“Okay, you pulled the trigger. It was your steady finger, you sharp eye, your steel nerves, your brass balls but you didn’t pick the target. Somebody at the top did that. It makes you a Navy Seal doing your job, following orders. What if you’d known? Would you have refused to do it?’

“I don’t know. No…if somebody decided he needed to go…I couldn’t refuse to follow the order.” He started walking. I caught up and threw my arm across his shoulder.

“You gotta deal with this, Jason.”

“They used me, dammit!”

“Okay, you’re going to take out the President Dhim. You know it; they tell you up front. What’s different?”

“I probably would’ve missed,” he said, half laughing.

“Shit, if there was any chance of that they wouldn’t have sent for you. Shit, you’ll probably get a medal.”

“Didn’t you read the story? He was shot, ambushed by unknown assailants. They don’t give medals to unknown assailants.”

We were at the intersection where we had to part ways. I almost offered to walk him a little further in his direction but it wasn’t an appropriate thing to do for a Seal. “Get some sleep,” I told him.


“When will I see you again?” I asked.

“I’ll call you when I get back in,” he said.

“You’re going out again, right away?”

“It’s what I do,” he said.

“You know sometimes I think I gotta feel your balls just to see how big and hard they are.”

“Not here,” he said, laughing.

Chapter Six

Too much time passed and Jason didn’t show up at Toby’s and I never heard from him. Night after night I went to Toby’s to see if he was there or if he’d been there. One night Toby handed me an envelope along with my beer.

“What’s this?” I asked.

“I was supposed to give this to you after three weeks.”

“It’s from…?”

Toby nodded. I took a long drink of beer then tried to open the envelope. Toby finally took it and opened it for me. My hands shook as I took the paper out of the envelope.

Hey, Buddy:

Don’t Panic! This doesn’t mean I bought the farm or anything. It only means I’m not back yet and there’re some personal details I want you to take care of and be aware of. You know that we always have to leave a letter behind when we go out on a mission, sort of a last will and testament--a final letter to be given to next of kin or a buddy or somebody who gives a shit. I’ve designated that that letter, if it comes to that, will be given to you, because you give a shit about me. There are instructions in it. Among other things you’ll have to collect my personal shit.

Do whatever you want with it; there’s nobody back home who would want it. Also my GI life insurance is made out to you. No strings--do whatever you want with it. Except, I want you to buy Ling something. Man, she was the best damned piece of ass I ever had! So, having said that, I guess you deserve the rest. This is not good-bye; it’s a “hey” to tell you shit I should have told you a long time ago, but we never got around to talking much about serious shit.

If anybody asks, I’m damned proud to be Navy Seal. I am damned proud of who I am and what I do. Okay, they’ll let you know if and when the time comes. Meanwhile, there’s the chance I might have been relocated somewhere and I just can’t tell you.. I’ll see you when I can. When I get back I want us to both go see Ling together. But hey, you don’t have to wait on me! I love you, Brother-Buddy, Jason

My hand was still shaking as I gazed at the letter, the words now a blur on the page. “Do you need something stronger?” Toby asked as he shoved a beer glass in front of me and poured it half full of Jack Daniels. I handed him the letter. He held it down to read it by the light under the bar.

“I didn’t know he had to leave a final letter behind when he went out,” I said.

“It stands to reason,” Toby said. He finished reading the letter then folded it and put it back in the envelope. He slid it across the bar. “He’s just telling you stuff he put off telling you before,” he said.

“Is he?”

“Well, yeah. He gets relocated all the time.”

“I’m going to try to believe that.”

“Promise me something,” Toby said.


“I want you to come in here every night you can get a pass, just so I know you’re okay, and to be here when he walks through the door.”

I choked up, realizing that Toby cared about me, but more because I was scared to even wonder if Jason would ever come through the door again. I choked up because it was the first I realized that I truly loved the guy. I know, I’d said it to him--but it hit me full force now. My life crumbled around me. I couldn’t concentrate on my job and I got called into the CO’s office for a gentle ass-chewing. The first one was always gentle. Watch out for the second one! “You having girl problems?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I lied.

“It’s not one of the whores down on Bailey Street, is it?”

“No, my girl back home.”

“Well, hell, that’s worse,” he said. “I can’t give you any advice, all I can tell you is to get your head on straight, we’ve got work to do. Very important work and you are one of the best I’ve got. I can’t afford for you to go haywire on me. I’m issuing you a three-day pass to Bailey Street. Sometimes all it takes to clear a man’s head is to clear his balls.”

“Yes, sir.”

I took the pass and headed for Toby’s. I had to see if Jason had been in, then I would go to Bailey Street. No word from Jason. I didn’t hand around. I headed for the Dragon on Bailey Street where I found Ling. She was happy to see me but she was busy. I told the madam very emphatically that I wanted Ling. She was taken aback by my tone and said she would try to arrange it. She sent me upstairs to Ling’s room to wait. I wasn’t thinking straight. I didn’t know what the hell I was going to do with a prostitute. I hadn’t been with a woman for so long; I didn’t know if I even remembered how to fuck…if I could even get a hardon for Ling. But there was a sense of obligation or something, to myself and to the marines, and to Jason. I had to be a man, for him. I had to be the man he left, for when he came back.

Ling came through the door and my breath tightened in my throat at the sight of her in that red dress. God, she filled it out! I felt the stirring in my loins and knew I wasn’t going to have any trouble. “How is your friend?” she asked.

“He’s fine. Great,” I said.

“Where is he? Why he not come?”

“He’s tied up. He’ll come next time.”

She turned for me to unzip the dress and I helped her out of it. Again, she was naked underneath. “I do this for you?” she said as she began unbuttoning my shirt.

I dropped my hands to my sides and let her take my clothes off. I tried to close my eyes and imagine that it was Jason taking them off of me but her hands were too soft and gentle. I gasped when she took my cock in her mouth and longed for even the image of Jason on his knees sucking my cock into his mouth, but even the image wouldn’t come. I looked down and saw Ling’s tiny mouth distended around my cock like her pussy had been stretched so around Jason’s thick meat. I got hard in no time and all my fears vanished.

Ling urged me back on the bed and crawled up between my legs. I closed my eyes and let it happen. I’d told the madam, in an attempt to bolster my own confidence that I wanted Ling for the whole night. She dam near killed me. I didn’t bother to count how many times I fucked her, or she fucked me, or how many loads I shot. I just knew my balls ached from being drained so dry and the backs of my thighs hurt and even my butt was sore from the exercise. I wasn’t accustomed to being the fucker.

When I left mid-morning the next day I got a room at the hotel where I sacked out for most of the day, except to get something to eat. Late in the afternoon I showered and stretched out on the bed and gazed up at the ceiling fan while I waited for time to go over to Toby’s.

“Did you get word?” Toby asked with a smile as I walked up to the bar.

“No. Did you?”

“No, but I thought you might have, from the look on your face and the bounce in your step,” he said.I laughed and took a sip of the beer he put in front of me. Just then the young sailor I’d run into a couple of times before came up to me. The cute one--Steve. “Hey, do you have a room at the Trent Hotel?” he asked in a hushed tone.

“Yeah,” I said with a frown. “Why?”

“I’ve got this…this guy, and we don’t have anyplace to go.”

“Go get a room,” I said.

“I’ve spent all of my money. I don’t even have cab fare back. I’m not asking you for money, I’d just like to use your room for a little bit.”

It was weird but I was thinking it over. The poor kid sounded desperate and I didn’t have any specific plans for the room except to go back there and sleep after I got done at Toby’s and wherever else I decided to go.

“Okay, but I’ll have to take you there. They don’t give out keys, you know, and I’ll have to let you in the room.”

“Okay! We’ll meet the guy outside,” he said. “No rush,” he added quickly. “Finish your beer, stay as long as you like. We’re on your time and he’s not here yet.”

“You want a beer?” I asked him.

“Sure.” He slid up on the stool next to me and I happened to glance down at the way his thighs spread out wide on the stool and the dim light under the edge of the bar revealed a bulge down the inside of his right leg. We chatted aimlessly and Toby put in his two cents worth from time to time, till me and Steve had gone through two beers apiece.

“Well, I guess you’re probably getting antsy,” I said as I set one leg off the bar stool.

“Whenever you’re ready,” he said.

“I’m not leaving with you,” I said. “You go on out, I’ll be out in a few minutes. I’ll head for the hotel; you and your guy follow me, at a respectable distance.”

“I understand.”

I watched the boy’s slim, tight butt sticking out in back of his uniform and the sexy swivel-walk. I didn’t know what the situation was between Steve and the other guy, but I knew what it would be if I was the one going with him. We would finish our lessons. I waited a few minutes then left. I didn’t look for them so I didn’t get a good look at the other guy but I saw out of the corner of my eye that they were following me. Inside the hotel I picked up my key and went upstairs.

“I’ve got a couple of guys coming up for a few minutes,” I told the desk clerk.

“Very long?” he asked with a scowl.

“If they stay too long, I’ll pay you,” I said.

I went upstairs and as I approached the top I heard them coming up behind me. I let myself in and they came down the hall to my room. I did a double-take as I held the door open to let them come in. I closed the door behind us and turned to get a better look at the guy before I left them alone. He was just a kid! Typically small stature of the Vietnamese, flawlessly smooth, tanned skin, with the absolute beauty of their race. He was drop-dead cute and innocent-looking, slender but nicely built.

“How old is he?” I asked Steve. “Nineteen,” he said.

“Nineteen, your ass,” I said. “He’s more like fourteen.”

“No, he’s got papers,” Steve said.

“I’ve got a pass,” the kid said.

“He’s in the army,” Steve explained. I didn’t question them further. I started to leave. “Do you want to stay?” Steve asked.

I hesitated at the door. Damn, what an invitation! Steve was cute in his true American way, and the kid was cute in his Vietnamese way and the two of them made a perfect pair. They were made for sex, although I didn’t know what kind of sex it was going to be, except that there wasn’t a woman in the room. “Are you sure it’s okay?” I asked.

“Sure. He don’t mind,” said Steve.

“Stay,” the kid said.

I stepped over and bolted the door. They were already taking off their clothes. The solder… Dwang was his name…was naked first. He seemed in a real big hurry. He was slim but very nicely put together. Nice pecs and incredible abs and an unbelievable little butt. I was surprised how big his cock was. From what I’d seen and a lot I’d heard, the Vietnamese males were pretty small, which was the reason that Vietnamese women loved American GI’s and their big cocks. Then it hit me. Dwang’s looks were more chiseled and square-featured than most and it dawned on me that he was AmerAsian. His father was an American! I guess that explained his big cock. He got on the bed to wait while Steve and I got naked. Steve was next. I watched his compact body as he stripped. I wanted to bury my face in his wash-board abs. Then I wanted to bury my face in his buns when I caught a glimpse of his tight, round ass. Steve was well-hung, too. Not as big as me…neither of them were…but on his stature, his cock looked plenty big. I didn’t know how it was going to go down but these two guys were hot, and I got the impression that they were both hot for me. I was down to my briefs and they were on the bed watching intently, expectantly, for me to take them off. I did it slowly, like a strip, but casual as hell. I straightened and tossed my shorts aside and stood with my much bigger cock hanging out proudly.

“Holy Shit!” Dwang said. “Bring that thing over here.”

I started to but stopped in mid-step. I was suddenly awash with guilt as I thought of Jason and wherever he was, whatever he was going through, or maybe even dead and suddenly I couldn’t do it. “I like to watch,” I said as I backed up to the chair and sat down.

“Oh, no, you’re going to torture us, with that beautiful cock and we can’t touch,” Steve said moaned.

“I’ll leave if it’s too much for you,” I said.

“No! No, don’t leave. Stay and watch. It’ll make things hotter if we can watch you at the same time. You’re gonna jack off, at least, aren’t you?”

“Depends if you guys make me hot enough,” I said.

They did. It was weird. They watched me sitting there slowly jacking my cock more than they paid attention to each other. It was like I was the source of their lust. But Jason was the source of mine. Even as I watched the two young, smooth males cavorting and writhing on the bed, I was wishing it would end. I wanted to be alone with my cock and my thoughts and conjure up images of Jason from my past and jack off for him and drop a load for him.

Steve didn’t need fuck lessons from me. Dwang was insatiable, and wild. I think he could’ve taken on an entire platoon and left them for dead. He couldn’t get enough cock and Steve was more than up to the challenge. Dwang begged me to let him suck my cock while Steve fucked him. I was tempted. The kid shot off three times before Steve finally came and he was still ready for more. “Fuck, you’re a machine, give me a minute to rest up,” Steve told him. “Or, you’re going to have to come over here and take my place,” he told me.

“No, thanks, you guys need to leave,” I said as I stood up, looking at my watch. If I’d let them stay I wasn’t sure I could stay out of the bed. They were disappointed but thankful for letting them use my hotel room. I relented and let Dwang give my cock a few slurps but didn’t let him get right down to seriously sucking it. When they were gone, I stretched out and gazed up at the ceiling fan. I was lying in come but I didn’t mind. I thought of Jason; he would’ve jumped right in the middle of it. But that’s the way he was; it was what made him Jason. I had different feelings for him than he did for me.

I got dressed and went back to Toby’s. He just smiled when I walked in and I smiled back. Nothing needed to be said. Jason wasn’t there, and I didn’t know if he ever would be. I returned from my three-day pass and immersed myself in my work. I was sometimes a little too exuberant in getting information out of the prisoners they brought in. I looked at each one of them as potentially the one who had taken Jason away from me; dead, wounded, a POW…whatever it was, each one of these guys was personally responsible. The colonel walked in on one session just as I was squeezing the life juice out of a guy’s balls. He was doubled over in pain and I wasn’t letting go. Finally he screamed and blurted out what I wanted to know. “You ever hear of the Geneva Conventions?” the colonel growled, out of ear shot of the prisoner.

“Fuck your Geneva Conventions, sir,” I snapped. “You heard him?”


“You got what you need?” I asked angrily.

“Yes.” He stepped to the door and called in two guards to take the prisoner away. Then he turned back to me. “Get back on track with your interrogation methods, soldier.”

“Yes, sir.”

“It starts out squeezing a guy’s balls, and advances to squeezing the life out of him. I’ve seen it happen.”

“Would that be so bad?” I said. “Sorry, sir, but once I get the information out of ‘em, I don’t much give a fuck what happens to them after that.” He glared at me and walked out. I spent a lot of nights in the barracks, reading, playing poker, bull-sessions, and the usual shit that goes on in a barracks. I was bothered and ashamed that a couple of the guys were looking good to me. Not that I would have the nerve to try anything but I’d never noticed before just how studly they were. I guess Jason’s absence was making me horny. But it didn’t last long any given time.

I spent a lot of nights at Toby’s, too, watching and waiting, hoping and praying, and going back to the barracks with the same empty, gnawing in my guts. I was surprised and bothered that sex had nearly drifted out of my psyche, something I remembered being great and wonderful, but the need wasn’t as strong anymore. Not without Jason. All the desire was channeled into my thoughts of Jason. Finally, in desperation, as is usually the case, I resorted to prayer--real prayer, not the casual quickie that’s uttered in passing. The church was like a shrine, with statues everywhere, candles flickering all over the place, the smell of incense heavy in the air. It was quiet and dark and there were only a half dozen other people in the place--one GI in combat uniform, another in civies, and some locals. I wondered if either of the GIs was there praying for the same reason I was. I shoved a folded dollar bill into the slot and lit one of the large candles, then knelt down on the kneeling bench. It was warm from the dozens of flickering candles. I looked up at the statue on the wall, unsure who it was. One of the saints. I didn’t care which one it was if he heard me.

I said the prayers without specifically stating what I wanted. I was born and raised Catholic and there was something about praying to a saint for the safe return of a guy you were having sex with that didn’t ring true with my upbringing. I couldn’t say it, but I prayed for it, half of the time praying that there was somebody listening and understanding. I was there for over an hour. When I left, I wasn’t sure if it’d been futile, hypocritical or even an abomination but I left with hope in my heart, and trust in whoever the saint was. Just maybe there really was a special saint for guys like me and maybe he was listening.

I was at the lowest ebb of my life. I did my job like a zombie, without feeling. I ate and slept and I drank beer at Toby’s--too much beer, sometimes. A couple of times I got a room at the Trent and just lay there watching the ceiling fan while I drank myself into a stupor. Those turned out to be the best times. I went back to Ling once but it was no good. Oh, it was good, but it left me yearning for the only thing that could satisfy me. I began to have panic attacks as I faced the realization that Jason might not come back. Toby was the guy I leaned on most. He didn’t have to say anything and most times he didn’t. It was enough to walk in to see him behind the bar, smiling. And have him shove a beer at me. Sometimes we talked, but it was usually about everything but Jason. I don’t know which of us was avoiding it.

I was making circles on the bar with the bottom of my beer, creating a pattern. “Look, the Olympic rings,” I said.

He laughed. Without looking up, I said, “What if he doesn’t come back, Toby?” I looked up when he didn’t say anything, and he was just looking at me.

“You can’t talk like that,” he said.

“What if he doesn’t?” I asked again.

“I don’t know.”

“When did you know?” I asked.

“About what?”

“Me. And Jason.”

“Pretty early on,” he said.

“Am I that easy to spot? I know he isn’t.”

“No. But with all the guys who come in here, I’ve got a trained eye. You would be surprised. Others would be surprised about you.”

“What about Jason? What do you see there?”

“I see him on a one-way street,” he said.

“You do have a good eye,” I said. “He’s straight as a ram-rod.”

“Ram-rods can be bent,” he said with a grin and a twinkle in his eye.

“Not this one,” I said. He laughed. “Do you see something I don’t see?” I asked.

“You know him better than I do.”

“Do you see something I don’t see?” I asked again.

“I see that he cares an awful lot about you. I don’t know if it’s like a brother on his part, or what, but wherever he is, I’ll bet you’re on his mind right now as much as he’s on yours. And I know, if there’s any way on God’s green earth, he will make it back…”

“You didn’t finish,” I said.

“I don’t think I have to…do I?”

I shook my head. The probabilities were waning but my hope stayed alive. I supposed I would maintain hope as long as I lived. I didn’t go back to the church right away. If the good saint hadn’t heard me, or chose not to do anything, I wasn’t going back to beg. But I did, finally. I knelt in the back of the church and prayed and cried and begged till it felt like my heart had been ripped out. I started at a hand on my shoulder. In a split second I imagined it would be Jason. But it wasn’t. It was a priest.

“Son, is there something I can help you with?” he asked in perfect English that the Vietnamese speak so beautifully. I shook my head. “Don’t try to handle it alone,” he said in a kindly tone as he knelt down behind me. “I’ll pray with you, for whatever it is.”

“It won’t do any good,” I said. “Then why are you here, praying?”

“I don’t know. It’s…it’s a place to be,” I replied. “I’ve prayed to the saints and nobody listened.”

“You don’t know that. Sometimes you have to give these things time.”

“How much time does it take for a saint? He’s up there with the powers that be. He should have an in.”

He laughed softly. “Would you like to tell me what I’m praying for?” he asked.

“You wouldn’t want to know,” I said. I laughed softly. “If I told you, you would want me to go to Confession.”

“Confession is your decision. Just as being here is your decision.” “If I told you what you were praying for, father, you couldn’t pray for it,” I said.

“Then I would pray for your wisdom and guidance,” he said. “Trust me, son, I’ve heard it all.”

“I’m not going to ask you to pray for it, father, but I’ll tell you why I’m here. I’m praying for a buddy. He’s a Navy Seal…a sniper…and he hasn’t come back.”

“That’s more common than you think, for one soldier to pray for another.”

“I’m a marine, father,” I said.

“Marines pray for each other, too,” he said. “It’s more common than they’ll admit. If all the prayers stopped, war really would be more a hell than it already is.”

“But I…I’m praying for his safe return, but for some of the wrong reasons.”

“What could possibly be a wrong reason, unless you wish to do him harm yourself, and I don’t believe that.”

“He’s more than just a buddy, father. He’s…I love him.” The words rolled off my tongue with such ease that it shocked me. I couldn’t believe I’d said it, especially to a priest. I tightened inside, waiting for the priest’s response.

“No greater love…”

“No, father,” I cut in. “Not that kind of love. I love him…as a man. We have sex together.” There was quiet for a long moment before the priest responded.

“I don’t know the true meaning behind “no greater love” but I will tell you something that should ease your mind. In the confessional, there is never a week goes by that I don’t have a soldier or sailor or marine or maybe even a Seal, telling me how they feel about a fellow GI.”

“And what do you do? What do you say?”

“I give them absolution, guidance, advice, encouragement; whatever I think they need.”

“I couldn’t confess, father, because when he comes back, we’re going to be together again. So, no absolution. What advice or encouragement would you give?”

“Officially, as a priest, I would advise you to get your life back on track and encourage you to refrain from all of this. Unofficially, as a priest and a man, I would remind you that God made you what you are. You are in His image.”

“You think God is gay?”

“No. I don’t think God is a sexual being at all. He has no need for it; he passed that on to man. Nobody knows what that image is, but we must know that God understands, because he created your emotions.”

“I don’t know whether to be confused or relieved,” I said. “You tell me, father.”

“You must decide that for yourself,” he said. “Just know that I believe this man…this Navy Seal…is extremely fortunate to have someone who cares about him so deeply.” I thought about that for a several minutes and when I half-turned to say some-thing else, the priest was gone. I sat alone with my thoughts for a long time. I prayed some more and I felt relief that I wasn’t ashamed of what I was praying for. In those moments I laid all my cards on the table; if it was the wrong thing to pray for, then Jason wouldn’t come back. Maybe I was signing his death warrant but that’s the way it was.

I was lying on my bunk after chow after having lost nearly all of my money in a poker game. Payday was four days away so I wouldn’t be going on pass . “Courson, there’s a phone call for you in the orderly room.”

Suddenly I couldn’t breath. I got up and walked…half stumbled…down to the orderly room, my legs like jelly. “Hello,” I said timidly. I was scared out of my wits who might be on the other end.




“Oh, My God,” I gasped. I couldn’t find my voice for a moment.

“Something wrong?” the orderly asked. The orderly was the same guy who was on guard duty the night Jason had showed up in his full combat gear and I told him Jason was my brother. “Your brother? You wanta take this privately?” he asked, pointing to the CO’s office. I went into the office and picked up the phone.

“You still there?” Jason asked.

“Yes. Where are you? What happened? Where have you been? Are you all right?”

“Whoa. Whoa. Slow down. One question at a time,” he said. “Can you get out?” “I…I…yes. Yeah, even if I have to go AWOL.”

“Well, stop laying there beating your meat, get some clothes on and get your sorry ass down to Toby’s.”

“You’re there?”

“Yeah. Waiting on you, buddy!”

My hand trembled so bad that the phone rattled when I hung it up. I couldn’t function for a moment. I stood there in a daze till the orderly came in. “I’m sorry but I listened in. I’m glad your brother is all right.”

“Can you get me a pass?” I asked.

“Fuckin’ A,” he said. “Shit, I can’t let you go AWOL.” The unlimited passes had been curtailed because of too many guys being gone at one time. He came back with a pass signed by Sgt. Brown…two passes, actually…but I wasn’t sure if Brown had actually signed either of them. I half expected that the orderly signed them himself.

“No three-days, colonel’s orders,” he said. “But here’s an overnight for the rest of tonight, and another one for tomorrow night.”


“No problem. Tell your brother I said hey.”

I showered and shaved and got ready--very ready. It’d been months since I’d seen Jason and I wanted to be perfect for him. I was dressed and checking my back pocket for my wallet. “Shit!”

“What’s the matter?” one of the guys asked.

“I got a pass and I just realized I’m flat broke.”

Without a word, two guys dug money out of the pockets and handed it to me. Shit, I wanted to cry. I headed out of the gate with a new bounce to my step, like a great weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I reminded myself to go back to the church and thank saint what’s-his-name for listening and taking some action. I was nervous as hell as I walked into Toby’s. I went to the bar, looking for Jason but he was nowhere to be seen. “He left,” Toby said.

My heart sank, and I even felt a surge of anger. Why would he leave? “He just called me. Did he say where he was going?” I asked.

“Yes. He went to the Trent. He said to meet him there. He didn’t want to stick around in full uniform. Room two-thirty-eight. You want a beer first?” Toby asked.

“No, thanks.”

“Good enough, he took a six pack with him,” he said.

I stepped away from the bar but my hand was still on it. “Toby, is he…okay?” I asked.

“He’s great,” Toby assured me.

I half ran the distance to the hotel. I took the back stairs because I didn’t want to appear so anxious going in the front. I walked down the hallway to room two-thirty-eight. I paused, my stomach in knots, my hand raised to knock. But I tried the door instead. It wasn’t locked. I opened it a crack, half afraid to go in, afraid it might be all a dream that could suddenly turn into a nightmare if he wasn’t really there and maybe my imagination was playing tricks on me. It was dark inside except for the soft light coming in the windows. I could hear the soft whirring of the ceiling fan. I opened the door a little more.

“Hey.” It was Jason’s voice.

I went inside and closed the door. “Better bolt it,” he said. He was sitting slouched down in the chair, still in full combat uniform. He looked so damned handsome and sexy in the dim light, truly like a hero warrior returned from battle. I bolted the door. I couldn’t move. He got up and came toward me. We went into each other’s arms; for him, it was buddy-meeting-buddy, a bear-hug. I hugged him tight, drawing on the feel of his hard body beneath the uniform.

“Sorry I came like this but they just released me and I didn’t want to take time to change. I reported in then had them drop me off,” he said.

“You look…great…as always,” I said. I wanted to know what had happened, where he’d been, but I was afraid to ask. I imagined that it had been so horrible that I would wait till he wanted to talk about.

“Well, you said you like to see me dressed like this,” he said.

“Yes, I do. I like to see you dressed in anything…or not in anything.”

“We’ll get to that,” he said with a chuckle. “But first…” He dug into a pack lying beside the chair and brought out a camera. “You said you wanted pictures. I bought you this.”

“Thanks.” I was still so nervous I was breathless.

“Hey, you’re so nervous.” he said.

“I’ve been so afraid you wouldn’t come back,” I choked.

“I’m back,” he said, as he pulled me into his arms again. “I’m afraid to believe it.”

He crooked his finger under my chin and tilted my face up. “Do you need some proof?” he asked. Then he tilted his head and touched his lips to mine. We both whimpered as the touch quickly turned to a hard, passionate kiss. Even his lips were strong; I knew I was being kissed by a man. It was a long kiss that left us breathless.

“I’m back, okay?” he declared again.

“Yes, are you ever,” I gasped.

“So, do you want to take pictures first?” he asked. “I’m going to be taking this uniform off anyway, you could get all the pictures you want while I’m doing it.”

“Can I keep on taking pictures, after you’ve taken it all off?” I asked.

“I told you before; take all the pictures you want. Take pictures till the film runs out.” I could barely hold the camera as he took off his combat gear. It was such a sensual thing to see. He was shirtless, still wearing his pants and boots and his web equipment belt and I told him to pose for me. He was awkward at it but that only added to the pose. I took pictures of him in his briefs. By the time he pulled them off I was mesmerized to weakness.

“Don’t you want any of me like this?” Jason asked, standing there naked.

“Oh, yes,” I said and quickly snapped some more pictures. That’s when I noticed the marks and bruises. “What are those marks?”

“I got detained for awhile and they thought I ought know something,” he said. “You were captured?” I gasped.

“It was nothing serious,” he said, shrugging it off. “Hell, I got away--bunch of dumb-asses!”

I wanted to ask more questions…how long he’d been a prison, what they did to him…but it would’ve been a waste of time. I knew he wouldn’t talk about it. To him, it truly was nothing serious. “Now you,” he said as he took the camera from my hand.

“You want pictures of me?” I asked.

“I don’t need pictures of you. I’ve got those burned in my mind. I meant it’s your turn to get naked.”

I started to tug my shirt out of my jeans but he stopped me with his powerful grip around my wrist. “Huh-uh. I’ll do it.” I couldn’t believe he was undressing me and it made me light-headed. By the time I was naked we were both hard.

“Now I definitely want some pictures of that,” I said as I picked up the camera again. He laughed and began posing, making sure each one showed off his huge cock to its best advantage.

“Shit, I need a wide-angle lens,” I joked.

“Something to show your grandchildren,” he joked back. For a couple of shots he wrapped his hand around his cock as if he was stroking it. I also got pictures of him from the back. His last pose, he was sitting on the chair, legs spread out wide, and his heavy balls hanging low. He pressed his thumb against the base of his cock to make it stand straight and tall. I took the last shot on the roll. Jason didn’t get up. He stayed in the chair, stroking his cock. “Why don’t you come over and have a seat?” he said.

I trembled inside as I laid the camera down and approached him. He slouched down so his butt was on the edge of the chair. I straddled his hips but couldn’t raise up high enough to sit on his cock. I had to hunker forward and take it at an angle. The time we’d been apart, my ass had tightened up and it was a hard, slow entry. But even the pain felt good, because it was Jason’s pain. When I finally sat on his thighs, it felt like he was up inside me deeper than he’d ever been. We both held still till I got used to his size then I began to squirm around. He put his hands around my waist and urged me up so I had only about half of his cock in me. My legs weren’t long enough for me to raise all the way up. He urged me back down.

“Oh, fuck, that feels so good!” he moaned. “It’s been so fuckin’ long.” I laid my head back, my eyes closed, and sucked in deep breaths of air as he began fucking me. I fucked him back, but he was in charge. “How do you like having the best seat in the house?” he asked.

“Aw, fuck, I can’t describe it,” I said.

“You wanta keep doing it this way? Let me know if you want to get on the bed,” he said. “Any way you want it,” I told him. He fucked me sitting on the chair for awhile but he kept slipping down and the chair was pretty rickety. “We’d better move to the bed, this thing’s going to collapse under us,” he said. I started to rise up but he brought me down tight against his loins and locked one arm around my waist. He stood up and I locked my legs around his hips. He walked us to the bed.

“Ohhh….Ohhhhh…Ohhhh….Ohhhhh,” I cried softly with each step.

“That feel good?” he asked.

“Awww, Yes, it feels great when you walk,” I said.

“Well, then, let’s go for a walk,” he said, laughing. He walked around the room, his big cock lobbing back and forth with each step. At the edge of the bed he bounced up and down on the balls of his feet.

“AWwwhhh…..Awwhhh….Ohhhh…..Ohhhh, Fuck!” I moaned.

“I think I could make you come this way,” he said.

“You know it.”

“Damn, how come we never thought of this before?”

After awhile he laid me down across the bed and began fucking me for his own pleasure. Unlike most other times he didn’t get off and keep going. He kept holding off. When he did let go it was a hard come. He needed it desperately and I was glad that he could intensify his pleasure using me. I didn’t think he would ever stop coming. He filled me up so that his come was gushing back and running out around his cock. It was so intense that his arms were too weak to hold him up and he let his muscular weight down on top of me.

“Goddamn, I don’t think I ever came like that before in my life!” he said. “Thanks, man.”

I cocked my head aside. “Thanks? Where’d that come from?”

“Thanks, that’s all,” he said. “It was unbelievable; I just wanted you to know that.”

“Okay, but don’t ever thank me again,” I said.

“Okay, if you’re gonna get testy about it,” he said.

“I just want you to understand that I get as much out of it as you--probably more.”

“No, you couldn’t,” he said.

“You don’t know what a stud you are,” I said. “Just like what you do, it’s nothing to you.”

“Oh, that’s not true,” he said. “That sure as hell wasn’t nothing.”

“You know what I mean; you don’t realize what effect you have.”

“I’m getting heavy,” he said as he pushed himself up and rolled off and laid beside me.

“Shit, that was great!”

“Welcome back,” I said.

We lay side by side for a moment then he shoved his arm under my head and pulled me to him. “I need to feel you up against me,” he said. He was on his back; I lay on my side with my leg across his thighs, my knee pressed against his balls and my arm across his chest. He put his hand on my arm and squeezed my bicep. “Nice fuckin arm,” he said. I laughed.

He was quiet, but it was a different kind of quiet. A deafening silence, that needed to be broken but I thought Jason should break it. I thought it was he who had the most on his mind and I just wished he would share it with me. I wanted him to stop being a Seal and just be a man; an ordinary man like the rest of us.--except he was no ordinary man. I don’t think any Navy Seal is.

“I lay like this every night,” he said in a soft, hoarse tone.

“Holding somebody against you?”

“Yes…You,” he said. I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t without choking up and I wasn’t going to do that. I waited for him to go on. He didn’t say anything for a long while. “After I graduated up to the barracks I actually slept on a cot. Of course, I shared it with a lot of little critters, but it was better than…” He stopped short and took a breath. “I could lay there and watch the moon and pretend and play mind games with myself.” He laughed softly. “If they’d known the moon shining in the windows brought even that little speck of comfort, they would’ve boarded up the windows. I thought about you, buddy--a lot! I didn’t have anybody else to think about; no girlfriend back home, and you don’t think about your mom or dad in a situation like that. It’s like you don’t want to bring them into it. So I thought about you. It wasn’t all thoughts about all the stuff we’ve done…the sex…most of it was about after the sex, like we are now.”

I couldn’t believe he was opening up like this and I hung on to his every word. “Better than what?” I asked. “The barracks was better than what?”

He heaved a big sigh. “The, uh…Well, you have to understand, they don’t like us Navy Seals too much,” he said. “So we get special treatment.”

“Better than what?” I asked again.

“Let’s just say I lived in the water for awhile.”

“Oh, Christ!” I trembled with emotions.

“Hey, I’m here,” he said, squeezing me tight.

“How did you get out?”

“My cock,” he replied.


He laughed. “I guess the damn thing’s good for something,” he said. “The guards who’d seen me made jokes about how big my cock was. The chief honcho overheard and had me brought up. They took me to his quarters and made me strip down so he could see for himself. His eyes bugged out and he just sat there and stared for a minute.”

I was afraid of where the story was going and I didn’t want to hear it. I almost asked him to stop, but I didn’t dare.

“He had to feel it to make sure it was real. Well, even after all I’d been through, you know how my cock is, when it gets a little attention. I got hard and he sat there and gaped. They called in the other guards to have a look at me hard, and I caused quite a stir. In the back of my mind I was scared out of my head of what they might be dreaming up to do to me. Suddenly the chief ordered everybody out of the room. Then he told me to jack off.”

“Did you?” I asked.

“Yeah, hell, I had to. It felt real good but he got a little impatient because I was taking so long. I worked it up as fast as I could. I tried to tell him to move out of the way but he just stood there, and I wasn’t allowed to move back, or move at all. I don’t think he believed I would shoot that far. Well, I went off, and it’d been awhile, so it was a gusher. He was standing four or five feet away and I shot all over his uniform. His mouth fell when I started coming and he looked down at his uniform like he didn’t believe what had just happened. I was fuckin’ scared out of my head. I thought he might get pissed because I’d ruined his uniform and cut my dick off or something. But all of a sudden he broke out in a big smile. To make it short, I got moved into the barracks and they started treating me better. All I had to do was show off my cock and jack off every day or so. The chief liked to invite others to watch. I think he might have been gay but he didn’t dare let it be known so he never did anything.”

I was okay with the story, as much as he told me, but I didn’t want to know any more. “What about the marks and bruises?” I asked softly.

“They’ll go away,” he said.

“You shouldn’t have told me,” I said.

He raised his head and looked at me with a confused frown. “The next gook I interrogate…well, the colonel better be there,” I said, seething with anger. “Hey, you do your job, just like always,” he said firmly.

“I’m glad you told me,” I said.

“Thanks for being there for me,” he said.

I gave him a bewildered look. “I said I played mind games with myself. Maybe it wasn’t all mind games. Those nights when I was thinking about you…it was real. You were lying right there with me, up tight against me. You were there.”

“I tried to be,” I said. “With everything in me, I tried to be.”

“But not like you are right now,” he said, hugging me tighter. Then he turned over on his side, facing me. His cock extended up over his belly was like lying on a log. He wrapped his powerful arms around me and hugged me tight against his thick chest. My own cock wedged between his into the crevice of his thighs. I fully expected to rise up and straddle his cock and ride it again but instead he spread his thighs so my cock fell between them. He squeezed his thighs tightly against my cock. I was totally surprised at his reciprocation, although some wouldn’t have described it so. I clenched my butt which drove my cock between his thighs. “This is as close as you’re ever going to get,” he said as he sort of humped up against me. “I’ll take it,” I said as I began moving my cock back and forth between his thighs. He let me dry-fuck him for awhile then told me he wanted to turn over.

“Maybe you can get a little closer,” he said as he turned over on his stomach and spread his legs out, propped up on his elbows.

I was taken aback, breathless. God was he going to let me…there was no way! I knelt there beside him, totally bewildered. I didn’t dare believe what I was thinking.

“Y-you….y-you’re not…”

“No, you can’t fuck me, but you can use my butt to get off,” he said.

I got between his legs and let some spit fall into the crack of his butt. I aimed straight then lifted my cock so it lay in the crack and began sliding it back and forth. I was delirious with lust as I imagined I was fucking the big stud. On the forward thrust my cock stood up at a sharp angle out over his hard butt muscles, dripping precum. Drawing back, I was careful that the head of my cock didn’t thrust between his buns to find his asshole. I closed my eyes and I was fucking him.

“You can cum on my butt,” he told me again. He hunkered his shoulders and tossed his head back and humped his butt up for me. I fought to hold back at first. I wanted it to go on and on but I knew that even though he was acting like he was enjoying it, he was doing it for me, and he would soon tire of it. So I let it build up till I was humping his butt so hard the bed shook.

“I’m…gonna…cum,” I hissed.

“Yeah, do it, buddy…shoot it…give it to me…shoot it all over my butt.”

I overshot his butt by a long way. With my cock at a sharp upward angle, the first several shots sailed up and landed on his shoulders and the back of his neck and in his hair. One shot clear up over his head and hit the wall. I pulled back so the last of my load spurted onto his butt. I watched the stuff slide down into the crack of his ass. “Damn, Buddy! You exploded,” he said. “That stuff’s hot on my ass.”

I was gasping and weak. I kept my weight up off of him but I didn’t have the strength to move off. My arms were numb and trembling. “Lay down,” he said. God, I thought, why is he doing this for me? I let my weight down on top of him and my cum-slick cock slipped down into the apex of his thighs. My cum was the lotion between our muscles. I laid my face on his shoulder in a pool of my own cum.

“I’m sorry I made such a mess,” I said.

“Feels like body lotion,” he said.


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63 Gay Erotic Stories from Jock161

A Marine Called Jason, Part 1A

Chapter One I waited at the bar, waiting and praying that he would show up, afraid he wouldn’t. There was always that fear that gripped my guts when we were to meet up. Toby’s Bar was typical of GI hangouts in Saigon; dark, not very fancy, smoky, with hookers, the whole package, except for one thing. Toby’s also catered to gays. Not openly. He didn’t advertise it but word got around that it

A Marine Called Jason, Part 1B

“Well you wanted to see me in this getup,” he said. “Yes. You look awesome--so damned studly. If I saw you stalking me I think I would lay down my weapon and surrender.” “No you wouldn’t. Besides, the point is for you not to see me.” He started taking his gear and uniform off, laying everything neatly on the chair and floor. “I don’t know how you maneuver with all of that equipment,”

A Marine Called Jason, Part 2A

Chapter Five I went to Toby’s several times, with no hope that Jason would be there, but just to be where we had been together. Mostly, though, I took on extra duty so I could be around to monitor the phone, and I hung around the barracks. Then I got a call from an orderly at the hospital. “Corporal Jason Seaborn asked me to call you.” “He’s there?” I asked, barely able to work up the

A Marine Called Jason, Part 2B

I was in my own little heaven. I was so happy I wanted to cry but like a good, tough marine, I didn’t. I felt Jason’s muscles flex under me but he let me lay on top of him for a long time. Be never made any move to get up. I finally had the strength and the will to shove myself up off his body. My cum clung to our skin, stretched between us like liquid cob webs. I stood off the bed. “Do

A Marine Called Jason, Part 3

Chapter Eight Toby looked like he wasn’t feeling good. “What’ll you have?” he asked rather quietly. I gave him a blank look. It was the first time he’d ever asked me what I wanted to drink. He knew. “The same,” I said with a curious look. He got my beer and instead of sliding it across the bar like he always did he reached over and set it squarely in front of me. I gave him

A Marine Named Justin, Part 1

For the first time I was nervous about seeing my best friend. We started first grade and went all through high school together. After graduation I went to college and Justin joined the marines. It was what he always wanted to do; maybe the only thing he ever wanted to do. He still had his GI Joe doll. He always said, “Someday I’m going to look like that.” He modeled himself after that

A Marine Named Justin, Part 2

His words trailed off as he put his hand around my waist and pulled to him. He pressed his naked chest against me and wrapped both hands round my waist. One hand moved up to my shoulders, the other down to my butt. He kissed me with the same passion as when we’d been having sex, but it wasn’t a sexual kiss. It was gentle and hard, languid and desperate, like no kiss I’d ever experienced. We

Boarding House

The Boarding House By: Jock161 Email: Clare’s Boarding House was a throwback to the forties. She was the third generation to operate the place. That bit of information was on her sign out front, as well as “Men Only.” Clare herself was a handsome, well-preserved woman in her mid to late forties. Nobody really knew her age but everybody agreed she must’ve been a

Boy WIthout A Name

The Boy Without A Name By: Jock161 Email: It was a nice motel, more a resort, which I just happened onto. It had a big swimming pool with a diving board and even a life guard. She was pretty but not my type. I was lying beside the pool, soaking up the last of the sun’s rays when this guy came out to the pool looking like a young god….a boy, really, maybe

Brocker, Baseball Player Part 1

I felt comfortable going on the road with the team. It was minor league but I was playing baseball and that was all that was important. I didn’t have any great hopes of ever making it to the big leagues, but I was proud to wear the Colts uniform. All I had to do was keep my little secret and be on my guard around the guys. I’d done okay so far, but now we were going on the road and I would be

Brocker, Baseball Player Part 2

Suddenly he started squirming his butt around in the seat, then he was thrashing it, and he put his hand on my head to let me know he was coming. I braced myself. I couldn’t choke or gag. I had to quietly take his load and swallow every mouthful. If I didn’t there would be a mess that we would have to explain. I was up to the challenge. Not that I had any choice. He was humping his butt up

Cadet Firefighter, Part 1

Sean felt a sudden surge of pride as he heard his name called over the school’s PA system, “Sean Brady, you are requested to report to your post immediately! Repeat, Sean Brady, report to your post immediately!” He closed his history book and stood up, kicking his chair back. He looked at Mr. Brown, the homeroom teacher and got his nod to go. He strode out of the room with a feeling of

Cadet Firefighter, Part 2

Two marines made it a point of working up their climaxes so they would come at the same time. Sean welcomed the double climax. He could no longer feel the come shooting in his ass but he could tell by the sudden hardness and bucking of the guy’s cock that he was going off inside him. The other marine pulled his cock out at the last second and shot his load all over Sean’s face. Rivulets of

Cadet Firefighter, Part 3

One by one they deposited their hot loads in his asshole then stepped around to the other side of the bunk for him to suck their cocks clean. Then Johnson wrapped his arm around his waist and pulled him up to his feet, pulling him back against him. “That was fuckin’ awesome. Are you okay, kid?” “Yeah, I…I think so,” Sean said. “Except it feels like there’s about a gallon of cum running

Cadet Firefighter, Part 4

Although he had no immediate intentions of joining the marines…he was going to firefighter’s school. Sean signed up to go on maneuvers with the marine unit. It wasn’t a sign-up to join, but part of the recruiting program, to give a guy a close-up, hands-on idea of what being a marine was all about. He would be gone a week with the unit, leaving Sunday morning and arriving back on the following

Christmas On Campus, Part 1

It was Christmas and I and my roommate were staying back on campus. Neither of us could afford to go home. I offered to give Rich what money I had to put with his so one of us could go home but he wouldn’t take it. I sort of liked the quiet of Christmas on campus. It was as if Rich and I were the only two people in the world. I knew Rich was gay from day one. He was very up front about it.

Christmas On Campus, Part 2

“Listen, I’m not one to beg, but I’m asking you to take it easy at first. That thing’s going to be tough to take.” His tone was different, without the harsh edge and the bravado. He sounded almost scared. “Is this your first time?” I asked. He shook his head, eyeing my cock over his shoulder, “Yeah.” I didn’t know what I was feeling at that point, only that I felt heady. I was gonna

Construction Worker

THE CONSTRUCTION WORKER By Jock Email at Joe Deck returned from the construction site at the end of the day just in time to see the new kid coming out of the trailer. He hadn’t met him yet, but there was a lot of talk about him showing up for his interview wearing preppy jeans and a short-sleeved shirt with a button-down collar and new tennis shoes. The guys were

County Fair

By: Jock161 Email: Josh Benedict was taking his turn watching over the steers in the cattle barn. There were four boys each taking a turn through the night while the others got some sleep. All except Rudy Brown, who didn’t trust anyone to look after his Black Angus. What did he think; someone was going to poison the animal? It wasn’t really Rudy’s fault; his dad had

County Fair, Part 2

Josh walked off into the darkness, making his way to the back side of the fair grounds to the perimeter that had been assigned to the boys around the livestock barns. The night was quiet and he couldn’t imagine why anyone would want to harm one of the animals, but it happened once in awhile. The best animals were the most vulnerable, to put them out of the competition. Most guys stayed with

Dads and Sons, Part 1

They were lying in the back of the pickup on an old mattress, naked to the warm, autumn sun, with long ropes of come streaked across their muscular bodies. The boy, a muscular teenager of eighteen, had a streak of come on his face that ran from high on his cheekbone to dangerously close to his mouth. “I’m going to hate to see this trip end,” the older man said. “It’s been one of the best

Dads and Sons, Part 2

Very soon, Brian felt himself loosing complete control...letting Mike take total control over him, and he didn’t care. He wanted the big stud to take over, take him in every way. He wanted to be totally submissive to the man. Mike was expert at detecting when Brian was getting close and each time he would ease off till he had it under control then he would fuck him into madness again.

Dakota And His Dad

Dell Simon was taking his son, Dakota, camping. It was his eighteenth birthday and they were having this one last time together before the boy went off to college. Dakota drove the four hours to the sprawling wilderness park called Horsehead. The only way to get up to the primitive campground area was on foot and they hiked a mile beyond that to find the most secluded spot they could. They

Doug Brady, Marine, Part 1

By Jock Email It was one of those rare times when the day was over before the sun went down. Doug Brady finished drying off beside his bunk and slipped into a pair of briefs. Then he dug out the only letter he’d gotten at mail call from his locker. It was only the second letter he’d received from Scott, his best friend from high school. “Hey, Doug, mail was

Doug Brady, Marine, Part 3

By Jock Email: “No,” he said softly, shaking his head. “No, this opportunity won’t ever come again; I would never forgive myself, being this close to having my fantasy fulfilled.” “Okay.” They waited till there was a knock at the door. Scott jumped. Doug looked at him all the time he was walking to the door. “Are you sure you wanta do this? I can send

Garage Mechanic

The Garage Mechanic By Jock161 Email: I would like to say Jim forced me but he didn’t. He only made the suggestion that planted the seed and let me explore and discover my own feelings. Jim was older than me; he was nineteen and a half, and looked older. I was barely eighteen, still in high school, and I looked younger. He was bigger, too--a lot bigger. He

Garage Mechanic

The Garage Mechanic By Jock161 Email: I would like to say Jim forced me but he didn’t. He only made the suggestion that planted the seed and let me explore and discover my own feelings. Jim was older than me; he was nineteen and a half, and looked older. I was barely eighteen, still in high school, and I looked younger. He was bigger, too--a lot bigger. He

High School Wrestler, Part 1

I arrived about four o’clock. When I went inside there was a young man at the front desk, obviously distressed. He was more a boy, at least in the face, but his muscular body belied his youthful looks. “I’m sorry, young man, I can’t let you have a room. I’m afraid it would be against the law,” the elderly lady was saying in her best kindly tone. The boy looked like he was about to explode, or

High School Wrestler, Part 2

Jack: Well, I’m in college, using up that wrestling scholarship you helped me get. I promise to do you proud. I like it here. I’ve done and am doing what I promised. I’m dating girls, too. I enjoy their company but I feel just as comfortable with them platonically as I am screwing them. Meanwhile, I’ve met some really great guys at wrestling meets. Also a really neat guy at the

Lee Goddard, Jock, Part 1

It was a good life for Lee Goddard. As good as it gets for an eighteen-year-old high school senior. Having it good came natural for Lee. He was a jock; football, baseball, wrestling and boxing, and weightlifting to bring it all together. His hot drop-dead good looks were the crowning touch to his terrific body. He was getting head from the quarterback and fucking a guy on the gymnastics

Lee Goddard, Jock, Part 2

“I never thought about it, but it’s a damned good idea,” Lee said, laughing. “Okay, what’s up?” Brian said. Lee kept making circles on the table. Finally, he said, “You can’t breathe a word of this to a soul.” “You know I wouldn’t,” Brian said. Lee hesitated for a moment then said it. “I’m fucking my step-mom.” “What!!” Brian nearly dropped his water glass. He looked all

Lee Goddard, Jock, Part 3

Shit, he couldn’t start crying. He had to start talking or he was going to; or he had to leave. He took in a short breath. “You’ve always been easy to talk to, coach, because you always listened. You’re the only one in the world I could talk to about this.” “I would believe that if you were talking,” Coach said. “Coach, have you…have you ever…did anything…” He lifted his head to look

Lee Goddard, Jock, Part 4

“More than you know,” Lee said. He was half-angry for himself for being so gutless but it only served to incense his lust for the muscular gymnast. He set his cock firmly and shoved, pulling back on Todd’s hip bones. The opposite forces opened the tight asshole and sent his cock plunging into the hot cavern with one long, strong thrust. “AAAaahhhhhhhhhhhh!” Todd cried out, tossing his head

Marine Recruiter

Marine Recruiter By: Jock161 Email: Brian Kelly walked into the recruiter’s office with some trepidation. He wasn’t a timid sort of guy…he’d been a jock since he was six…but all the stories about the military naturally gave him pause for thought. He gained his courage from his natural tendency to look at such things in life as a challenge. The young, sharp

Muscle Mentor

Brady heard loud voices when he walked into the locker room, just as Ben Jamison was storming out. Obviously, Ben and Jake Wentworth were having words. Jake Wentworth was one of the biggest guys in the gym; THE biggest with muscles so ripped. Most of the big guys were bulky, with poor definition. Not Jake. He looked like he was carved out of rock. He was standing at his locker in his

My Brother-In-Law

I was sharing a room with my future brother-in-law at a bed and breakfast in the little town of Nashville where he and my younger sister would be married. Josh wasn’t just a nice enough guy---he was drop-dead gorgeous, something I’d had to deal with only for short periods of time; when Linda brought him home to meet the family, and now on leave from the marines for her wedding. It was more

Runners, Part 2

“How could I forget it?” He walked over and opened the drapes at a window looking out over the lake. “We don’t have to bar the doors and windows this time,” he said. “You know, thinking back on it, I think that was part of the excitement,” I said. “Maybe. But I want to enjoy it a little more relaxed this time.” And we did. I think we did more than have sex. I think we made love. I

The Architect's Son

By Jock Email: I was nearly out of town before I realized that I’d left my blueprints at the house. I swore under my breath as I turned around and headed back. That would be just great, showing up at the work site without the blueprints. I pulled into the alley and walked by the pool to let myself in the back door. The heavy tube was laying on the table right

The Architect's Son, Part 2

“Nobody can know,” I warned, “nobody except the three of us. Travis’ dad already suspects what’s going on. If he ever had solid proof, God only knows what he would to do Travis.” “Don’t worry, dad, nobody will find out,” he assured me. He stood up. “Is it all right if I tell Travis I know?” “I guess so. I didn’t make any promises not to tell. And he sort of wanted you to know anyway,

The Horny Groom, Part 1

By Jock Email... I was on a weekend retreat from the grueling summer, before the start of school at which time hundreds of boys would be coming in for their sports physicals. I was looking forward to it. I was now a certified PA, Physician’s Assistant so it would be a real hands-on experience for me. The bed and breakfast was my favorite get-away. It

The Horny Groom, Part 2

By Jock161 Email: “Yes, he thought you did. I told him it was a natural thing between younger and older boys…..freshmen and seniors. Senior boys can be pretty intimidating to freshmen.” “He was…that’s for sure. I worshipped all those muscles. I wanted to be just like him. I wanted to be him; that’s the reason I started lifting weights. It’s no wonder he caught

The Neighbor

My neighbor’s garage faces the alley, with a utility door facing my yard. He spends a lot of time in his workshop and I spend a lot of time in my yard, hoping for glimpse of him coming or going. He usually wears a pair of old, faded, ragged cut-off jeans and work boots, sometimes a T-shirt, sometimes a flannel shirt with the sleeve cut off in cooler weather. His name is Don Harris. He’s

The Runners

We were thirteen weeks into basic training and I was getting hornier by the day; almost by the hour if I let myself think about it, which was most of the time. The nights were the worst, lying in my bunk after a shower with time to let my thoughts drift. Sleeping naked was permitted but I couldn’t do it unless I slept on my stomach. I needed a pair of shorts to keep my hardon restrained. We

The Truck Driver

By Jock Email It was Saturday and we didn’t usually work on Saturdays but I always left my home phone number posted on the door in case of emergencies. I got a call from a trucker saying that he really needed to get his struck unloaded. He said he desperately needed to be back in St. Louis that night. The guy was practically begging, and I’m forever glad I took


The room was deathly quiet as Jim Conner faced his wife across the table. She sat in her robe, staring down into her cup of coffee which she held with both hands. “Why?” he asked quietly. When she didn’t answer right away he hit the table with his open palm. “WHY dammit!” he yelled. “I don’t deserve to come home to see some guy coming out of our bedroom. Not after eighteen years of


The room was deathly quiet as Jim Conner faced his wife across the table. She sat in her robe, staring down into her cup of coffee which she held with both hands. “Why?” he asked quietly. When she didn’t answer right away he hit the table with his open palm. “WHY dammit!” he yelled. “I don’t deserve to come home to see some guy coming out of our bedroom. Not after eighteen years of

Workin' (Danny And His Dad, Part 1)

Danny awoke in the night to the squalor of the tiny apartment he shared with his mom and dad and younger brother and sister, Adam and Lisa. Adam was eleven, Lisa was six. Danny had just turned eighteen. He took the cushions from the couch and quietly crawled out the window onto the fire escape landing. The night was warm but not hot--perfect for sleeping. But Danny wasn’t sleepy. He had too

Workin' (Danny And His Dad, Part 2)

“UUhhnnnnn,” Danny moaned softly, laying his head back on the seat. He hunkered his butt out on the edge of the seat to give the guy all the room he wanted, hoping he might go for his ass. Rich moved his mouth up and down the thick shaft, forcing the blunt heard hard against the opening of his throat. He slid his arm under Danny’s thighs and lifted his legs up on his shoulders, then took

Workin' (Danny And His Dad, Part 3)

The Hunt The hunt began at 6:00 a.m. There were four of the hunted, including Jim and Danny. There was also a muscular, cute college boy, about 20 and a well-built construction worker, about 35. They were out-numbered, by design, by eight wealthy hunters gathered from across the country with one who had come all the way from Germany. Jim and Danny were picked up well before daylight by

Workin' (Danny And His Dad, Part 4)

The Arnold Classic Danny had heard of the Arnold Classic, the biggest bodybuilding show in the world, but he never realized that it was held in Columbus. Besides the competition itself, it was three days of guys showing off their muscles, and it dawned on him that where there were muscles, there would be guys lusting after other guys with muscles. He couldn’t afford tickets to the

Workin' (Danny and His Dad, Part 5)

“You didn’t have any choice, remember?” Danny said. “If I didn’t know better, I would think you were raised by wolves,” Jim said. “Look, son, I just don’t want your mom finding out how we got the money for everything. She would be asking all kinds of questions of me. I thought we were going to put it behind us.” “I like doing it, dad,” he said. “I like sex with other guys; real men,

Workin' At The Gym

I went to work at the health for obvious reasons; the scenery, and with some luck, the action. I’m not obvious, at least to the uninitiated. I’ve been known to turn heads myself, female and male alike and I’m as studly as they come. But I joined the gym for other reasons. I needed a job. It all worked out. I had a job, a place to work out for free and I got discounts on workout gear and

Wrestling Team, Chapter 1

Chapter One The howling wind blew the snow against the windows so hard that it stuck like plaster. The wipers couldn’t handle the snow packing on the windshield. “We can’t get home in this,” Braden, the oldest of the team said quietly. No one responded. The flashing red lights up ahead were barely visible till they were right on the police car that was parked diagonally across the street.

Wrestling Team, Chapter 2

Chapter Two Sean shrugged off his jacket and hung it on the hook and began unbuttoning his shirt. “Are we gonna take off all our clothes?” Cody asked. “I don’t usually sleep in my clothes,” Sean said. “Why, you got a problem with that? It’s not like we’ve never seen each other naked before.” “Yeah, I know. It just seems different.” “It is different. We’re in a four-by-four box and

Wrestling Team, Chapter 3

Chapter Three Across the hall, Cody was waking up. He had to take a piss in the worst way. He rose up, startled that he was alone in the room. Where the hell was Sean! Maybe he went to the restroom. He stood down from the bunk and opened the door a crack. He stuck his head and looked up and down the hall. He didn’t have a room key; he couldn’t go piss without leaving the room unlocked.

Wrestling Team, Chapter 4

Chapter Four All the while Sean was fucking Rick, the other man was standing in close to watch as he stroked his cock with one hand and felt Rick’s and Sean’s muscles with the other. Suddenly he climbed up on the bed and stood astraddle Rick, facing Sean with his cock sticking out of his fist. “Suck it,” he said. Sean did a double-take and reared back like he’d been smacked in the face,

Wrestling Team, Chapter 5A

Chapter Five In the lounge there was one guy in a towel watching TV and another who was dozed off. Braden set his gym bag beside the couch and stretched out and covered up with the blanket. Sleep came pretty quick. He was tired and he was cold, a lethal combination for sleep. When he came awake some time later he could barely move. He tried to stretch his legs and shoved his feet against

Wrestling Team, Chapter 5B

Chapter Five (Con’t) “Yesss…..Yesss, There!” He probed again to find the spot that had made Rob cry out. It felt firm but spongy to the touch. He shoved against it, slid his cock across it, causing Rob to choke on his outcries. “There, I guess?” he asked. “Ohhh, you found it…..ohhh, fuck it,….move your cock back and forth across it…..Yesss, like that….OHhhh….OHhhhh.OHhhhhh, you

Wrestling Team, Chapter 6

Chapter Six “Man, it’ going to feel good, getting under a blanket,” Scott said as he was taking off his clothes. “Hey, coach, are we going to sleep naked? I do at home.” “If you’re more comfortable,” Coach said. Scott wasn’t long about getting out of his clothes. Coach’s throat went dry as he watched his tight, round, bare butt as he crawled into the bed. “Hey, let’s see what’s on,”

Wrestling Team, Chapter 7

Chapter Seven The sex with Rob was gut shattering, but it didn’t satisfy Braden’s suddenly insatiable desire for this new kind of sex. He walked around the first floor a couple of times to make sure none of the guys were out of their room; or worse, the coach. Then he went upstairs. He took the third hallway down to the end, avoiding room 230. Not that he believed coach would be wandering

Wrestling Team, Chapter 8

Chapter Eight “Well, well, what’s going on here?” Sean asked with a leering grin as he came into the room. “Where have you been?” Braden asked gruffly. “Question is, what’re you doing?” “Your job, obviously,” Braden said. “I found Cody alone.” “Well, he’s not alone anymore,” Sean said. “And I’m not sure what you thought my job was, but it didn’t include a stiff cock. Speaking

Wrestling Team, Chapter 9

Chapter 9 A Three guys dropped to their knees, their mouths open like young birds waiting to be fed by their mother. He worked his load up and let it go full force. The stuff shot out in long, thick, powerful spurts, hitting the men in the face. He hit their mouths with some of it and they moaned and squealed with delight. When he was done shooting two of the guys kissed each other, licking

Wrestling Team, Chapter10

Chapter 10 A The drive home was quiet. Too quiet. Coach began to wonder what might have happened last night. “Everybody get a good night’s sleep?” he asked. “Not really,” Sean said. “That couch was like sleeping on a torture bed of nails,” Braden said. “I did finally get a few ZZZs when Cody and Sean let me bunk with them.” “You guys all slept in the same bunk?” Scott asked,


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