Gay Erotic Stories

Fucking The Enemy

by Hotriptjock

My junior year started with the news that my roommate wasn’t returning to school. Not even a heads-up to me so I could get another buddy to fill his spot, just some new guy in his place who must have been a real loser if he didn’t even have enough friends to find someone to room with.

It was a campus that attracted mostly spoiled rich kids; I was there on scholarship and would easily have been considered white trash if they knew what kind of background I came from. I was blue collar all the way. I chose to live in the jock dorm because I got along best with other scholarship guys who didn’t have rich parents paying their way, and because it was right next door to the gym and as a former high school wrestler, I like to keep in shape. I’m a short guy, only 5’6” and about 146, single-digit body fat, and between wrestling, lifting weights, and a lifetime of farm work I’ve developed a classic athlete’s physique that usually you associate with Greek statues and underwear ads. Dark hair, hazel eyes, perpetual five o’clock shadow, and a cocky, no-bullshit attitude that—I’m told—is my one of my most endearing qualities.

The new roommate, Dan, was everything I hated about that school. He was a blond-haired, blue-eyed pretty boy from a wealthy suburb, had an arrogant upper-class attitude, always talking about sailing, skiing, all the things I could never afford to do. Pretended to be some kind of a jock but seemed completely phony to me. He was in pretty good shape—worked as a pool lifeguard during the summer, and looked like he’d spent some time in the gym—but I knew the guy was a total pussy. He wouldn’t last a day doing the kind of manual labor I’d been putting in on the farm since, well, forever. We rubbed each other the wrong way from Day One. It bugged the hell out of me just seeing him sitting around the room, the clothes he wore, his pretty-boy face, the tight, colored briefs he always wore… and it was even worse in the mornings when we were both showering up before class, his perfect tan smooth skin… his round white ass cheeks that somehow I couldn’t stop looking at…

Jesus Christ! The realization hit me like a brick. I was attracted to the guy. I was accustomed to being the odd man out with all the rich girls on campus, but now I was really in uncharted territory. I’d never even considered sex with a guy before; wrestling in high school it was always all business on the mat, and I never gave a second thought to all the cocks and asses surrounding me in the locker room. But I wasn’t turned off by the idea. In fact I’d always bragged to myself that if I was ever attracted to a guy I’d go right ahead and do it, although honestly I didn’t figure that would ever be the case. Now, I decided that since I wanted him I’d have to find a way to get him. If nothing else it would be great revenge for a low-rent guy like me to fuck that spoiled rich ass.

There were just a few problems to deal with. First, I had no idea how to seduce a guy. Second, I didn’t have a clue if he’d be even remotely interested. I knew he had a girlfriend; it was all he ever whined about. He’d been with her since junior high and she was very religious and wouldn’t even kiss with tongues for Christ’s sake. I knew he’d never fucked a girl, but did that mean he could be gay? And finally, there was the little matter of him hating my guts. But if I felt such animosity toward him only because subconsciously I wanted to jump his bones, could it be the same with him? Or did he really just flat-out hate me? Either way, I had to find a way to have that boy’s ass. And I knew the only way to get there was to take it nice and slow.

I invited Dan out for beers that very night, surprised the hell out of him but told him I thought we got off on the wrong foot and wanted to try being friends. I’d even buy. He surprised me by accepting eagerly; I figured he’d had it pretty rough since all the jocks in the dorm had been on my side in our little cold war—I admit I’d been a real dick to him lately—and was glad for any chance to improve his standing. We got good and drunk, and I actually listened to him for probably the first time ever, nodding and agreeing with everything he said. It was easier than I imagined, looking into his eyes and smiling and just being friendly. We ended up staggering home, I had one hand on his shoulder to steady myself, he was laughing and elbowing me in the ribs, and it was obvious that we were finally getting along well.

For the next three weeks I worked on getting closer to the boy. I made sure I touched him at every opportunity, mostly just the kind of light jock stuff you see all the time, a pat on the shoulder or a quick muss of his hair, a squeeze of his triceps while we talked a playful poke in the ribs. One time I came home to find him studying at his desk and I stood behind his chair and lightly massaged his shoulders and neck while I asked about his day. Dan responded to all this better than I could have hoped for. He still didn’t give me any indication of sexual attraction—believe me, I was on the lookout for a bulge in the crotch—but he was always warm and friendly and seemed truly appreciative of my attention.

He loved having the opportunity to be “one of the guys”, and he loved it when I would spend an hour just looking into his eyes and listening to him talk. Meanwhile I was sneaking looks at his lean, tanned body whenever I could, admiring the way his package filled out the tight briefs he always slept in, and of course spying on that beautiful bare ass in the shower. It may have started out as a ploy, but after pretending to like the guy for so long I felt myself becoming more and more infatuated with everything about him. His killer smile with the perfect white teeth, the deep blue eyes, the way his jaw flexed when he was studying hard, his voice when he said my name, everything just made me hotter and hotter for a piece of him.

And then came a Friday night when his girlfriend sent him home blue balled as usual. He was just climbing into his top bunk when I staggered in pretty lit up from slamming beers with my jock buddies. We talked about his evening while I tossed my wallet and keys on the desk, stripped down to my boxers, and then casually climbed into the top bunk with him.

“Hey, what are you doing? Get out!”

“No way man, I’m sleeping up here tonight.”

“Come on, quit fucking around. Get in your own bed.”

“No, Dan, that girl’s got you feeling all frustrated and lonely, and you need me to keep you company tonight.” I said it half-jokingly so he wouldn’t necessarily know anything was up, and the groundwork I’d laid allowed me to slide my arm around his shoulders and give him a squeeze without even making him flinch.

“Please, I want to go to sleep…”

“Come on, Dan--talk to your buddy a while. Tell me all about it.”

He heaved a sigh, and figuring there was no getting rid of me, started over telling me all about his night, his girlfriend, the whole relationship, really pouring his heart out. It amazed me to hear that once-arrogant jerk sounding so helpless and vulnerable. I felt a little guilty to be basically looking to take advantage of him but it felt so good lying there next to him, my boxers were tenting hugely. I wanted that kid so fucking bad. I listened to everything he had to say, offered sympathy and words of encouragement with actual sincerity; by that time I really did think of him as a friend. Meanwhile with my free hand I was playfully stroking his jawline, squeezing his biceps or pinching a nipple, just to “lighten the moment”; he brushed my hand away annoyed, but wasn’t offering any real resistance. I figured this had gone on long enough.

“Dan, listen to me. You don’t need to put up with her bullshit. You’re a really attractive guy. You can have anybody you want.” I laid my hand across his chest. “Anybody.”

“You don’t understand; she’s—“

“Dan, you can have me.”

He tensed and stared at me in the dark, but he wasn’t pushing me away. I figured he was shocked, and a little afraid, and whatever I said next I’d better make it good.

“I’ve seen the way you look at me,” I said, “and I’ve noticed you checking out my body in the shower.” All just conjecture on my part, but what the hell? “I’ve felt the bunk bed rocking late at night, and I know you’re not always thinking about your girlfriend. Dan, I want you to know I feel exactly the same way. I want to kiss you, Dan.” I ran my fingertips over his chest and his tense, rippled abs. “Do you want to kiss me?”

“Y-yes,” he said weakly. “Yes.”

I leaned over and pulled him toward me, met his lips with mine, our tongues found each other and we kissed like we were starving for it—my first ever guy kiss, so different than with a girl, it felt very masculine and much more physical and so fucking hot! I stroked his smooth, lean body while we kept our lips locked, our tongues mingling—with my beer buzz and the raw passion I was feeling I almost forgot who was seducing who, and would easily have done anything for him—and I chuckled to myself thinking I’d already given him more than that prissy bitch girlfriend ever had. I reached for his briefs while we still kissed and felt his cock through the soft cotton—it was stiff as a flagpole, and the head was swollen hugely, pushing out through the waistband. I rubbed gently up and down his shaft, felt his balls drawn up tight at the base, making him twitch and moan and gasp for breath. No need to hold back now. I slid my hand down his briefs and wrapped my fingers around his thick hot cock.

Dan instantly pushed away, yelped “Oh God!” His body stiffened, and his cock erupted in my hand! His whole body quaked as wave after wave of hot cream spurted over his chest and abs. “I’m sorry,” he blurted, “I’m sorry…”

“Dan,” I breathed into his ear, “it makes me so hot to see you cum for me…” I held him tight around the shoulders and jacked his throbbing cock dutifully to give him as much pleasure as I could; he moaned in desperate gratitude. When the orgasm subsided I pulled off his briefs, peeled down my own boxers and started to go to work. I guided his hand to my swollen rod—shivering at the way his strong fingers held me and then gently began stroking me—turned around and took his still-hard, cream-covered cock in my lips. The taste of his cum was so satisfying, and his hot member felt so good in my mouth, I was happy to indulge myself milking it and lapping up the last few drops of his load while I caressed his inner thighs and played with his balls.

When he started to soften I moved up his torso, nibbling and tasting as I went, giving long and undivided attention to licking and sucking each of his brown, hard nipples. Dan wrapped his arms around me, pleading, “Oh man, kiss me again!” and we held each other hard and fast, our bodies entwined from end to end, his cum slathered over both our chests and abs as our lips and tongues ravaged each other, and my hard, aching cock pressed into his stomach, leaking precum.

I cupped his ass cheek in my hand and ran my fingers along his sweaty crack until I found his soft, puckered anus. Dan was startled, but soon moaned with pleasure as I lightly fingered him. I tried gently probing him—his body stiffened and his asshole clenched so tight on my finger I thought he’d break it off! I held him close and whispered soothingly, “Relax buddy, relax…” and slowly he loosened up, allowing my finger full entry to stroke him in ways he’d never felt before. He gasped breathlessly, his ass responding to my touch gratefully as the dreamlike look on his face registered unbridled, unashamed enjoyment. When I felt his cock rising again I knew it was time.

“Dan,” I kissed him again, passionately, “Dan, I want to fuck you. I want you so bad…” He stared at me, not frightened anymore but a little bit lost, unsure what to do. “It’s okay,” I said, “we’ll be okay.” I gazed into his eyes for a moment and we melted into each other, and without a word I knew he’d given himself to me completely.

With my finger still probing his rectum I smeared a good supply of his warm cum on my cock for lube and turned him on his stomach—I didn’t even know there were other positions—slid over on top of him and pressed my glistening hard rod to his cheeks. I slipped my finger out and my swollen cock head in with one neat motion; Dan grunted in discomfort but soon was breathing easily again. I inched my cock slowly into him while he softly moaned, “mmmmmmmm…” and then suddenly he clenched tight again. My cock was caught in a vise grip; the pain was intense—for both of us—but I managed to regain composure, massaged his back and whispered as reassuringly as I could, “Dan, it’s okay. Relax now, buddy.”

When he loosened I seized the advantage and pushed in steadily, sliding my cock up his pipe until I was all the way in. He groaned with pain but his ass stayed relaxed, and I kept my cock buried in him a while, letting him get used to the sensation. When his breathing calmed down I leaned into him, rested my cheek against the tight muscles of his back and began to fuck him in slow, easy strokes. At first he cried out softly on every downbeat, in obvious discomfort but hanging tough for my sake—it made me appreciate him so much! Then his sounds changed, became hungry, and yearning; I knew I’d reached his pleasure center. I began to stroke faster, and harder, the sound of his grunts and moans goading me on; he didn’t speak a word but those primal sounds rising from deep in his gut left no doubt that he wanted more, more…

And for my part I was prepared to give him all I had. I was absolutely blown away by the feeling of being in a guy’s ass; all the more so because it was a guy I’d been teasing myself with for weeks. His rectum fitting so close around my stiff cock, my hips grinding into his beefy ass cheeks, the way his body tensed and flexed as I pumped and plunged into him—oh god, it was the best sex I’d ever had in my life! I savored every manly groan, every hard curve of his muscular body, every twitch of his hairy legs rubbing against mine.

The sounds he made, and the feeling of his tight, lean body pressed against me made me want to fuck him harder and harder until I was literally slamming into his ass, and he eagerly took all I had to give and seemed to want still more. His whole body began to stiffen and buck in rhythm, and then he shuddered hard and let out a long, guttural moan. I knew he was cumming again, and it made me so hot I couldn’t hold back any more. I let loose inside him with a huge shattering load, moaning along with him as my hot cream shot and splattered up his intestines in surge after surge. I never remembered having such a powerful orgasm.

Finally I collapsed on top of him, exhausted, and without a word we just wrapped our arms around each other and held on, catching our breath and letting the experience sink in. His bed was a disaster area. We wiped ourselves clean as best we could with his sheets, then retreated to my lower bunk and spent the night draped over each other, dog tired and absolutely satisfied.

Dan and I stayed together through the rest of college. He dumped the prude soon after we cemented our friendship. We each dated various girls, helped each other score whenever possible and managed a couple of great tag team sessions. And we spent many, many nights together, fucking our brains out in his bunk bed and then sleeping it off in mine.

A little before graduation we were out drinking with a buddy of mine who joked about those early days in the dorm. “When you two first moved in, you were like fire and gasoline,” he said. “We all thought you were gonna kill each other. Now look at you, you’re a goddamn couple of twin brothers.”

And I had to laugh when Dan came out with it; it sounded so much like a crack I’d make: “I guess we just rubbed off on each other.”


4 Gay Erotic Stories from Hotriptjock

A Friend of a Friend

This is the second chapter in the history of my sexual experiences with guys. The first one was called, Fucking the Enemy. If you want to know how I got started or if you just like really hot stories, you might want to read that one first. Dan, my roommate the last two years of college, was the only guy I had ever been with. After graduation we had gone our separate ways—he went to an East

Fucking The Enemy

My junior year started with the news that my roommate wasn’t returning to school. Not even a heads-up to me so I could get another buddy to fill his spot, just some new guy in his place who must have been a real loser if he didn’t even have enough friends to find someone to room with. It was a campus that attracted mostly spoiled rich kids; I was there on scholarship and would easily have

Hot Winter Night With A Buzzcut Marine

This is the third chapter in the history of my sexual experiences with guys. The first was called Fucking the Enemy. The second was A Friend of A Friend. Each one deals with a separate adventure that you’ll probably enjoy on its own, but if you’d like to follow along my life story, you might want to start at the beginning. Since that long weekend in September when my college roommate Dan

Winner Take All

This is the fourth chapter in the history of my sexual experiences with guys. In order, they go like this: 1) Fucking the Enemy 2) A Friend of a Friend 3) Hot Winter Night with a Buzzcut Marine. You don’t have to read them in order but you might like them better that way. Now on to the next one. I met Dave at the start line of a 5K race in Venice Beach. It was springtime, about


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