Gay Erotic Stories

Big Bear Cab

by Tnhawkman

It’s 1:30 am, I’m horny in a town that I don’t know, and in a bar filled with guys that I don’t really care to know. My type? I really get into the big, burley men. The hairier and huskier the better. Facial hair is a must and a bulge in the pants is a plus. I’ve never been in this town before so I don’t really know the bars here, but I do know that this is not the bar for me. After a very short time here, I decide to head for the door and catch a cab to my next stop.

This is one of the things that I really like about larger cities: Cabs are everywhere--especially around gay bars. I’m not really sure why, but it just always seems to be true. If there isn’t a cab sitting outside, one will come by shortly.

I finally made it through the crowd to the exit. Once in the parking lot, I saw a cab sitting about 20 feet in front of me. I couldn’t make out the driver, but the arm that was rested on the open window was thick and covered in black hair. A long stream of cigarette smoke came from inside the cab and dispersed into the outside air.

My dick in my pants began to twitch. After seeing nothing interesting in the bar, I was beginning to give up on getting some hot sex for the night. Seeing this, gave my dick a lift and my balls a jumpstart.

I opened the back door of the cab and scooted into the center of the back seat.

“Where ya headin’?” the cab driver said in a low, deep voice.

I looked at the cab driver who was looking at me through the rear view mirror. Damn, he was hot. A thick goatee surrounded a cigarette that was hanging out of his mouth and his eyes were a deep brown. I couldn’t tell how tall he was sitting in the cab, but he had to be well over 6 feet tall.

“Can you take me to The Eagle?” I finally replied. I decided on The Eagle because I was ready for some hot action. It was late enough that the bar would be packed and the backroom would be sloppy. I’m glad that no matter what city you are in, The Eagle always stands up to its reputation.

“The Eagle it is,” the cab driver said without hesitation. “Car 178 in route!” the driver bellowed into the hand piece of his radio and started out onto the road.

“How far is the Eagle from here?” I asked the driver.

“It’s about 20 minutes, but I’m sure you’ll have a good time.” he replied.

“Have you been there?” I said in disbelief.

“I’ve been there a few times. I always have to work on the weekends so I don’t get to go out much. I like the Eagle though; you can always get a good blowjob.” he said as he smirked at me through the mirror.

I couldn’t believe it. I would never have thought this man could have a gay bone in his body. I can usually tell, but I would never have guessed about this guy. I could feel my heart start to beat a little faster as I sat up and leaned on the back of the seat in front of me. From here, I could see much more of the driver. He was wearing a pair of sweat pants and a button up shirt. The sleeves had been cut off and revealed his hairy, muscular arms; a pair of huge hands were wrapped around the steering wheel at 10 and 2 o’clock.

My eyes directed back onto his crotch. The sweats were loose in the groin, but were stretched tight over his thighs. My adrenaline started flowing and my blood started filling my dick. I had to see those sweats around his ankles. “Have you ever had a blowjob in your cab?” I asked after gathering up enough courage from the alcohol and my growing hard on.

He was quiet for what felt like forever as he drove down the road. I was getting a bit nervous when his eyes caught mine in the rear view mirror and he gave me an evil grin.

“No; had a hand job once.” he finally replied. He looked back at the road and my eyes made it back to his crotch. His sweats were no longer loose between his legs, but where sticking straight up. I could see the outline of his dick-head through the cotton.

“Pull over for a sec. I’m gonna hop in the front seat.” It was hardly out of my mouth before he whipped the cab into a gas station. I quickly hopped into the front seat of the cab and he pulled back onto the main road.

“Where do you want me to go?” he asked.

“It doesn’t matter, just drive.” I replied as I grasped the bulge through his sweats.

His cock was thick in my hand and it seemed to keep growing as I stoked it. I slowly moved my hand up and down his dick and he began to moan. I unbuttoned his shirt completely and let it fall open to each side of his body. His pecs where muscular and he had a small beer belly. Both were covered in a thick carpet of hair. I sunk my face in between his pecs and felt his hair rub on my cheeks as I made my way down his stomach.

A wet spot had developed on his sweats from his leaking dick inside. I knew that I had to taste it. In one motion, I pulled his sweats below his balls and swallowed all 8” of his leaking dick.

“Oohhhhhh!” The driver let as I swallowed his whole dick. I started sliding up his cock with my tongue and he pulled me up by my shoulders saying, “You’ve gotta stop; I’m gonna wreck. I’ve got to pull over.”

Within minutes he had driven to a dark parking lot and stopped in the middle of the lot. If anyone pulled in, we could see them coming. Without saying a word, the hairy bear leaned his seat all the way back and lifted his ass up to allow me to pull his sweats down. I pulled his sweats down to rest on his boots in the floorboard. He was wearing no underwear.

I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled out my own aching dick. His dick was standing straight up and he spread his knees apart as far as he could with his ankles bound with his sweats. I leaned over the middle console and buried my face between his legs. I started licking and sucking his unshaven balls as I stroked his shaft.

A breathy, “Aaaahhhh” came from his mouth as I moved up his dick and swallowed the shaft as I did when he was driving. I knew he wouldn’t stop me this time. Instead, he grabbed the back of my head and started arching his hips up to plunge his dick further down my throat. By the sounds he was making, I knew that his load was not far away.

After only a few more thrusts, the hot as hell driver started announcing, “Oh yes, OH Yes! I’m gonna cum… I’m gonna cum… Aaaawwwww!!!”

His cum filled my mouth as I was bobbing up and down on his throbbing dick. My only option and desire was to swallow it all, and I did. After what must have been 4 or 5 strong squirts he started to relax back into the driver’s seat and let out a heavy sigh. I just sat and looked at his hair-covered chest, dripping dick, and muscular thighs as I started stroking my own dick.

After a few strokes, he opened his eyes and watched me. “Lay back,” he said as he pushed me back in my seat.

To my complete surprise, he leaned over and swallowed my dick to my balls and started pumping it with his mouth. His suction was incredible and within seconds I was shooting my load down the throat of my dream man.

After my explosion subsided, he sat up and we looked at each other breathing heavily. He threw his arm around my neck and gave me a deep kiss. I could taste my own cum in his mouth and I’m sure he could taste his. It was an experience that I had never had before.

We caught our breath and collected our clothes. He drove me back to my hotel and I glanced at the meter. It said $46.30. When I tried to pay; he wouldn’t accept it.

“Next time, it’s on you.” He said as he smiled and handed me his business card.

Check out over 50 of my stories at my website: Masculine Gay Men Stories


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Tnhawkman

Big Bear Cab

It’s 1:30 am, I’m horny in a town that I don’t know, and in a bar filled with guys that I don’t really care to know. My type? I really get into the big, burley men. The hairier and huskier the better. Facial hair is a must and a bulge in the pants is a plus. I’ve never been in this town before so I don’t really know the bars here, but I do know that this is not the bar for me. After a very


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