Gay Erotic Stories

Harry, Ron, Seamus, and Malfoy

by Thefirstevil

Just after potions class, Seamus approached Ron and Harry.

"You two wanna go at it again, eh?" Asked Seamus

"Sure," Harry said, “but we'll have to go somewhere else, Filch almost caught us last night in the grand hall."

With this, Draco's attention suddenly focused in. Any chance to get Potter and his friends in trouble was a treasure for Malfoy.

"What about the trophy room, at 1:30?" asked Ron.

"That sounds good," Seamus, said, "Good with you Harry?"

"No problems for me."

"And remember," Ron added quickly, "just robes, no clothing underneath."

Draco's face suddenly became puzzled "what were they doing," he asked himself silently. The only way to know was he would have to track after them tonight. And follow them he would.

Later that night, around midnight, Ron and Seamus were up in the dormitory waiting for Neville to fall asleep and for Harry to come back. Just then they heard Neville snoring.

"Where's Harry?" asked Seamus.

"Quidditch practice," muttered Ron. "Let's take off without him, I don't want to be late and he might meet us there."

Seamus and Ron took off quietly through the common room and out the portrait hole. They hurried to the trophy room and waited patiently for Harry to arrive.

Harry Strolled in through the portrait to the common room about a half hour after the others left. He was all battered up and worn out from the long practice session. Wood was driving them hard. Of the four years that Harry had been on the team, this was the most intense year yet. Harry barely had time to change out of his clothes and into his robes before he would be late. He found his father's cloak and took off to the trophy room to join the others.

The door to the trophy room slowly opened. Ron and Seamus scurried for cover and realized no one came through.

"Harry" whispered Ron, "is that you?"

Just then, Ron's robes came untied exposing his 8.5 inch semi hard cock to Seamus.

"Very funny Harry," said Seamus. Just then Harry let the cloak drop to the floor.

"Got you guys, didn't I?" Harry said as he ran back for the door. He quietly closed the heavy door and untied his own robes. Seamus followed suit. Little did the three know, that Malfoy, under and invisibility spell, followed Harry into the room. Malfoy stood in a corner near the boys, just to see what would unfold.

Soon, the three fourth year boys were standing with their robes gaping and their cocks exposed. Harry and Seamus had nice smooth 8 inchers with nicely trimmed dark brown hair. Seamus' was slightly thicker around while Harry's was more slender. Ron was the odd one out. His plump prick measured out to be a full 9 inches when hard and with a decent diameter. His fiery red hair was growing wild in an all over sense, untidy and untrimmed.

The three started kissing each other instantly. Seamus was softly groping Harry's chest while Ron reached for his dick. Harry, in the middle, grasped for both boys at once and started to stroke each of them softly, cupping their balls every now and then.

Between kisses, Harry gasped to Ron, "Fuck me, Ron. Fuck me like Fred and George do."

The though of Fred and George fucking Harry turned Ron even more and his 9 inch cock hardened even more as he went around back of Harry. Harry dropped his robes so Ron could have a good entry. Seamus followed, letting his black robes fall to the ground.

Malfoy could hardly believe his eyes as Ron took his hard cock and slowly started pressing it into Harry's ass. The whole scene had gotten Draco excitedly aroused and soon, he was stroking himself to keep the pressure on.

"Oooooh," Harry moaned as Ron entered his ass. "Keep it going, Ron. Harder" Ron soon had his entire dick up to the hairs in Harry's ass, slowly pumping away. Seamus was getting even hotter. He had taken his attention away from Harry's dick and started to stoke his own.

Malfoy couldn't take it any more. He went over to Seamus and lowered his invisible self to Seamus' dick. Carefully, he had put just the tip into his mouth and started to lick it wild with his tongue. Seamus, unaware that Malfoy was behind this, thought that Harry had put a sucking spell on his dick. Seamus let go and allowed Malfoy to fully enjoy his cock. Seamus had begun to play with Harry's dick again, lightly stroking it and fondling the balls when he realized he was about to orgasm. Seamus stopped to enjoy his own orgasm and Malfoy enjoyed too, taking every bit of the 18 year old's cum. With a quiver, Seamus' dick went limp and Malfoy was enjoying his tasty treat.

Ron, seeing Seamus finish, felt butterflies in his stomach.

"I'm gonna cum," cried Ron.

"Me too," said Harry excitedly, "Seamus, keep sucking."

But Seamus wasn't sucking Harry's cock. Malfoy had moved on to Harry when he heard that he was getting close. Seamus, having already finished and in a daze from the orgasm, started to caress Harry's chest and nipples instead, not knowing what Harry was talking about.

Harry could feel Ron's dick swelling up inside him. Harry, in ecstasy from Malfoy's sucking, began panting harder and harder. Ron, started pumping hard into Harry's ass, pulling his cock its entire length and letting Harry's ass hairs caress his cock's head, increasing the sensation.

Ron couldn't hold off anymore, he took one final pull and then pushed deep into Harry and let his monstrous load go. Ron moaned with pleasure and felt Harry's ass tighten up around his own cock.

"Seamus, I'm cumming," Harry said out loud. "Oh Harry, let it come." Seamus said. Harry was a bit confused, but it didn't matter. His boy prick tightened up and released the best load he's ever felt. Malfoy enjoyed it all.

Harry opened his eyes to see that Seamus was standing beside him, still caressing his chest. Ron pulled out of Harry with a slow motion and Harry's face fell into ecstasy.

"Seamus, were you sucking me off?" asked Harry.

"No, after I finished, I was stroking your chest the entire time."

"Then who was sucking my cock?" asked a confused Harry.

"I think I know," said Ron as he walk out from behind Harry with his 8.5 inch semi hanging between his legs heavly. "Reveal yourself," Said Ron with his wand pointing at Harry's dick.

Just then, Malfoy faded into view, totally naked, he himself sporting an 8.5 inch hard on.

"I'm going to report you to Professor Snape," said Draco smugly, "unless one of you lets me fuck you, right now."

"Like this story would go over well, Malfoy," said Ron, "You're here too ya know."

"Quiet, Ron," said Harry. "I'll let him fuck me." As Harry winked at the naked Ron and Seamus.

"What an honor," said Malfoy. "Fucking the Harry Potter. Wait til my friends hear about this." Malfoy started to strut towards Potter. "Lie down and turn over Potter, I want to see your face as I fuck you."

Harry did as he was told, waiting for Ron and Seamus to come up with the spell he wanted them to. Malfoy just started to slide his 8.5 incher on into Harry's already worked ass. The blonde hair of Malfoy's floating over his eyes prevented him form seeing what Ron and Seamus were up to.

"Patrificus totalus!" both boys uttered at the same time. The full body bind apparently worked as Malfoy was stuck, his dick buried in Harry's ass up to the pretty blonde hairs.

"Thanks," said Harry. "Now we can have our way with him.

No sooner said, Seamus was hard and ready, sticking his freshly rejuvenated cock into Malfoy's ass. Harry stood up and let Ron have Malfoy's dick enter his ass. Ron enjoyed it so much that he continued to rock back and forth until Malfoy came inside him.

Harry, first satisfying his need to relieve his horniness again, climbed on top of Seamus and buried his cock into Seamus' ass. After everyone was done for the second time, Harry got a wonderful idea. He ran to a secret cupboard that he stored many things in, and came back with a razor and some shaving cream.

"Tonight, we show Malfoy a lesson," Harry said.

"Wicked," chimed in Ron.

Seamus was already lathered up Malfoy's pubic hairs. Then the two of them took turns shaving off Malfoy's beautifully blond hairs.

"Well, he certainly will be surprised when he gets out of this bind," Seamus said. With that, the three boys climbed under the invisibility cloak, still naked and went back to the common room, holding each other's dicks.


10 Gay Erotic Stories from Thefirstevil

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Harry, Ron, Seamus, and Malfoy

Just after potions class, Seamus approached Ron and Harry. "You two wanna go at it again, eh?" Asked Seamus "Sure," Harry said, “but we'll have to go somewhere else, Filch almost caught us last night in the grand hall." With this, Draco's attention suddenly focused in. Any chance to get Potter and his friends in trouble was a treasure for Malfoy. "What about the trophy room, at

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All references to celebrities are purely fictional and have no truth or validity in real life. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all characters are copyright and trademarks of WB, David Greenwalt, Joss Whedon, 20th Century Fox, and others. Angel, currently known as Angelus: Vampire cursed with a soul by a gypsy clan, real name Liam, currently evil due to experiencing a moment of bliss, that being


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