Gay Erotic Stories

After Work Affair

by Daddy60hard

Disclaimer: This story contains intercourse between two consenting adult males. Leave if you are offended, under 18, or if this is illegal for you to read in your community. Constructive criticism is appreciated.

Friday nights always got Martin into trouble. After having worked the entire week thinking of nothing but being able to get fucked before returning to work the following week was more than he could bear. He knew from the moment he left his office that he would be cruising the streets and bars for that special person to get his legs up on their shoulders and ram their cock deep into his hungry asshole. Martin was leaving the office when he thought he saw this handsome guy checking him out. He remembered having seen him on a couple of occasions in the lunch area but had not given it too much thought. The one thing that he did remembered about him was that he looked liked he was hiding a really big cock inside of his suit pants. Martin had a bad habit of mentally undressing men especially the ones that caught his attention. There was something about this guy that really made Martin think twice. When he reached the parking lot of the building the guy was getting into his car. He smiled and gave him a nod but his eyes never left his. That was a sure sign to Martin that this guy wanted more.

Martin found himself following the guy down 28th Avenue to Pine then along the back road to Weaver Avenue right in the middle of the gay district of town. Was he so lucky as to have made a hit so early in the weekend? The guy turned and the traffic light caught Martin. When he was able to proceed the guy was nowhere in sight. Martin did not like going to the gay bars in his work clothes but since he was in the area he decided to go to “Boots” for a quick drink then go home change clothes and hit the streets to see what the evening had in store for him. “Boots” was a really hot after works hang out for gay men. He had never met anybody out of the bar but had heard that most of the men who went there were into all types of sex; the majority of them looking for men they could fuck and that was all Martin had in mind.

Martin sat at the bar and ordered a gin and tonic. The bartender was hot; had on tight blue jeans and was showing off the outline of a nice size cock. Martin had a thing about never sleeping with bartenders; if they were not into a relationship then they were fucking everything on two legs and he did had no desire to be just another hot fuck. Martin wanted so very much to meet the right person, settle down and do what most of his friends were doing with their lives. They had all met the person that they thought that they were going to spend the rest of their lives with and did things like inviting couples over for dinner, going to the movies, playing board games at home and not hitting the bars looking to get laid. Martin laughed to himself when he thought about normal gay things, was there such a thing as normal gay things?

Martin felt the guy next to him rub against his leg and when he turned he was looking directly into the eyes of the guy from the office building and parking lot. The guy reached over took his hand and placed it on the bulge down the front of his pants. He then leaned over and kissed him full and hard causing him to open his lips allowing the guy to stick his tongue inside of his mouth. Martin’s head was spinning. Who the hell was this man and why did he take such liberties? The one thing that Martin did know was who ever he was he did not waste time with small talk. The guy said, “Hey why don’t we get out of here and this time don’t get lost in traffic. My place is not to far from here and I have wanted to fuck you from the first day I ever saw you. Are you up to it”? Martin had two reactions at the same time; the first being his cock began to get hard and the second was his asshole twitched. Martin had never seen such blue eyes in his life in addition to a smile with such prefer white teeth. This guy should have been a model from the way his clothes fitted his five foot eleven frame. Nice shoulders; tight waist; strong looking hands and blond hair cut very short showing off a very chiseled face.

Chuck Connors got up from the seat next to Martin and headed for the door. Martin finished his drink and found himself in his car following this stranger to his house. Just as Chuck had told him his house was not far from the bar. They drove up parked in the driveway and Chuck lead him inside. No sooner than the door closed he pulled him into his arms. Martin felt the hardness of his body pressing against him but the area of most pressure was Chuck’s cock digging into him below the waist. Chuck picked him up and carried him though the house to the master bedroom and placed him on the bed. He removed Martin’s clothing with speed and before he knew what was happening he had placed his rock hard eight-inch cock deep inside of his mouth. The heat from Chuck’s throat caused Martin to cum fast and hard. Chuck never removed his cock but drank his cum and licked the head of his cock until he was hard once more. This man had never removed his clothes but had caused him to climax once and had brought him back to full attention all in the matter of seconds. Martin lay there thinking that what ever he wanted to do to him had already been planned because he felt that this man was capable of causing his body to react any way he wanted.

Chuck began to remove his clothes; his tie, then his shirt revealing a chest and stomach with muscles leading to a two-handed size waist. He kicked off his loafers and stepped out of his pants showing a cock straining for release from inside of his white briefs. Martin had never seen such a huge cock in his life pressing up and to the right side of Chuck’s upper thigh. Pre-cum wet the entire front of his underwear and when he took it into his hand Martin was aware for the first time that it must have been ten inches and the size of a beer can. He pulled Martin’s pants down to his ankles lifted his legs up to his shoulders and his cock head hit his asshole like a dart hitting a bulls eye. He leaned into his body never removing his eyes from Martin’s stare.

Then Martin felt the pain of Chuck’s cock opening his asshole it felt like it was ripping him apart. Chuck continued to push deeper and deeper causing Martin to open more and more then Martin felt Chuck’s cock head popped inside his body. Chuck continued to push and more of his huge cock filled Martin tight clinging ass. Martin ass muscles began to pull Chuck deeper and deeper into him. Then he pressed down allowing his asshole to open more to let this man have full entry into his body. They both knew Chuck had penetrated him to the limits when his balls slapped against his butt.

Martin had been fucked before but never in his life had he been filled by so much cock. His breathing came in short burst; he felt as if his intestine were going to be pulled from his body each time Chuck moved in and out of him. This man touched parts of him that he never knew he had; so deep inside of him he thought that his cock had reached up into his stomach. He continued to fuck him with long hard strokes with a rhythm all his own. Martin relaxed and went along for the ride and then he began to feel another orgasm racing through the head of his cock hitting Chuck’s rock hard stomach at the same time Chuck let out a howl as his cum hit the lining of Martin’s ass and flowed out of his body onto the bed. Chuck fell forward placing his lips on Martin’s and pushed his tongue back into his mouth kissing him full and deep. Martin’s asshole and mouth were both filled with this man and he did not even know his name. The one thing he did know was that whoever he was he knew just what he was doing when it came to causing a hot horny man the necessity to cum twice and open up his body to the largest cock he had ever had. Chuck rested until his cock shrank while still deep inside of Martin. As he removed his cock it was covered with cum and fluids from the lining of Martin’s ass. Martin had no control over his asshole muscles; he took his hand and pressed against the opening and felt he could take a fist up his ass with no pain at all. He was wide open; open to allow Chuck to push his cock back inside of him with slow movements bring his cock once again to its full hardness.

Chuck fucked Martin for what seemed like hours. He had opened him; filled him to the point that he overflowed; kissed him and held him in his arms like no other man had ever done. Martin was an extension of Chuck’s enormous cock and he rode it to completion several times allowing him to cum never having touched his cock with his hands or Chuck’s hands. This man had done things to him that he never knew possible. Things that he knew he would dream about for days and weeks to come. Chuck had lowed his legs and rested on top of his body hours ago and because of the length of his cock he had not fallen out of his asshole. They were stuck together from cum and sweat. Martin noticed that the sun had gone down and the lights from the city were shinning through the bedroom windows. He had no idea what time it was of even where he was but he did know that the man on top of his body sleeping a restful and satisfied sleep with his cock still embedded in his ass was someone who was sure of himself and willing to allow himself to share in making love. Talk about an afternoon delight this had turned out to be more than anything Martin could have ever wished for.

Chuck body stirred and Martin knew he was awake when he pulled his cock from his ass leaving him with the feeling of a void deep from within his body. He kissed him saying, “man I have fucked many guys before but you were the first to make me feel so completely spent. You took me without complaining; you matched my every move; you gave of yourself like no other man has ever given in to me and you continue to rise as if you are able to continue for the rest of the night. I feel your cock getting hard against my stomach even as we speak.” Martin knew then and there that this man was special in more ways then one. He knew how to fuck but he also knew how to put you at ease causing you respond in nothing but a positive way. “Oh by the way would you be kind enough to tell me your name?” asked Martin.

“Chuck Sanders and yours?”

“Martin Collins nice to meet you.”

“How about we get out of this bed and take a shower. Then talk about getting something to eat before it gets to late?”

Martin followed Chuck into the master bathroom and for the first time he really had the chance to see the body of a Greek God. This man was perfect from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet. Chuck smiled when he caught Martin looking at his bubble shaped ass. He stepped into the shower turned on the showerheads and pulled Martin under the water. Then he soaped up Martin’s cock to the point that he was hard again, leaned forward, tuned his ass toward the head of his cock and pushed him inside of his hot ass.

“What’s good for goose is good for the gander. Now fuck me, fuck me hard and long. I haven’t had a cock up my ass in more than five years. I need to feel you inside of me.” Martin felt the tightness of Chuck’s ass taking all of his cock and without any further coaching he began to slide in and out of his body. Chuck placed his hands against the shower walls and let Martin ride him; filling him, making his cock engorge itself with blood; standing at perfect attention while he pushed with all his strength onto Martin’s cock. Martin exploded; washing the insides of Chuck’s ass with his hot cum. Chuck pulled himself off of Martin’s cock stuck his fingers up his ass and then placed the wetness to his lips. “Now that tastes like honey.”

“I thought I had a great body but you are very pleasing to look upon too. You look better out of your clothes than you do when you are dressed. I thought you were hiding a cock just the size that I liked but I never thought in a million years your ass was so gifted.” All Martin could do was support himself against the shower walls Chuck had caused him to climax once again but this time inside of his hot tight hole. He thought he was going to faint and would have if it had not been for the water from the shower spilling down over his body. Chuck turned him around and washed his back; kissing his neck, saying “That was just what I wanted you to do. Thanks and if you play your cards right you just might get to do it again.”

They made their way from the shower back to the bedroom where they found their clothes. Dressing they went to the living room to have a drink then go out to grab something to eat. Chuck explained that his cook had the evening off and that he hated cooking, in fact he knew nothing about the kitchen other than how to make coffee. Martin watched ever movement of Chuck. He moved like a black panther stocking its prey. Ever movement was graceful and determined; he was equally adept in and out of bed. Chuck had given Martin some of his clothing to wear because he knew that they were going out for an evening of getting to know each other better and neither of them wanted to be suited down for a relaxing dinner and a few drinks. Chuck mentioned a restaurant that he liked not to far away and they would be able to walk there. He knew the owner and was sure they would be able to get a table with no problem.

When they arrived they were seated and Martin began to learn more and more about this man. He was the CEO of one of the major clothing manufacturing companies in the US. He had never been married because he knew he was gay from the time he was in junior high school. He owned homes in several states allowing him the opportunity to get away depending on the season. But the one thing that he had been looking for and never found was a person to share his life with.

Martin told him things that he had never told another person on the face of the earth. He told him of how his father had raped him at a very early age then threw him out of the house. How he had gone to work and put himself through college, then gone on to get his masters; went to work for a company where he now headed up the human resources division for one of the top ten companies in America. He too had never married and had not found that special person to spend his life with but that he had been looking. He knew that one day if he continued to look that he just might be lucky enough to meet someone and fall in love and from all accounts that might have just happened. Chuck smiled and placed his hand over Martin’s saying, “What do you say we give it a try?”

They both rushed though the remainder of the meal so that they could ripe off their clothing and climb back into Chuck’s bed to share each other bodies once again. This time their lovemaking was not rushed but took on a defined determined coupling of two men wanting and needing each other to share their lives with. Martin was able to allow Chuck to enter his body without pain and Chuck is such a thoughtful lover that Martin reached climaxes that he never knew he was capable of reaching. Martin moved in with Chuck five weeks later and now they share, respect and love each other more today then they did the first night they made love.

After Work Affair Copyright 2005 by Jay D. Berry


13 Gay Erotic Stories from Daddy60hard

A Bathhouse Meeting, Part 1

Disclaimer: This story contains intercourse between several consenting adult males. Leave if you are offended, under 18, or if it is illegal for you to read in your community. “ Shit I have to get away from all this damn snow and cold weather Ray said as he left the bathhouse” walking toward the bus stop he could still fill his asshole shrinking down to its normal size. He had been

A Bathhouse Meeting, Part 2

Disclaimer: This story contains intercourse between several consenting adult males. Leave if you are offended, under 18, or if this is illegal for yu to read in your community. Constructive criticism is appreciated. Alabaster and Cold were the way most of their friends thought about their relationship. One was white as the driven snow and the other was as black as a night without stars.

A Beach Front Holiday

Disclaimer: This story contains intercourse between several consenting adult men. Leave it if you are offended, under 18, or if this is illegal for you to read in your community. Constructive Criticism is appreciated. Ray and Richard took a taxi from the airport up the side of the mountain where Ray’s friend’s house was. They both had only brought one small bag each so luggage was not a

A Big New Affair

Disclaimer: This story contains intercourse between two consenting adult males. Leave if you are offended, under 18, or if this is illegal for you to read in your community. Constructive criticism is appreciated. I think his name is Jeff I’m not really sure but the one thing that I do know is he has one of the biggest cocks I have ever seen. He must have fucked me five times during the

A Bigger Family Circle

Disclaimer: This story contains intercourse between two consenting adult males. Leave it if you are offended, under 18, or if this is illegal for you to read in your community. Constructive Criticism is appreciated. Lee Yang and Donna Albright had been friends since they met in the delivery room of St. Michael’s hospital going on nineteen years ago. They had both delivered healthy

A Black Lover

Disclaimer: this story contains intercourse between two consenting adult males. Leave if you are offended, under 18, or if this is illegal for you to read in your community. Constructive criticism is appreciated. I had to admit having been fucked by a big black guy was more than I thought possible. Leroy was just up from a small town in the south but he had found “Places” a hot gay bar on

A Boy Becomes A Man

Disclaimer: This story contains intercourse between several consenting adult males. Leave if you are offended, under 18, or if this is illegal for you to read in your community. Constructive Criticism is Appreciated Sam loved his father but they had parted waters once he told his parents he was gay. His mother had gone along with it; she had even supported him with his decision but cancer

After Work Affair

Disclaimer: This story contains intercourse between two consenting adult males. Leave if you are offended, under 18, or if this is illegal for you to read in your community. Constructive criticism is appreciated. Friday nights always got Martin into trouble. After having worked the entire week thinking of nothing but being able to get fucked before returning to work the following week

Alley Shadows

Disclaimer: This story contains intercourse between consenting adult males. Leave if you are offended, under 18, or if this is illegal for you to read in your community. Constructive criticism is appreciated. “Oh my God, your cock is hitting all the spots that I had forgotten I had’ Richard Pryor said as he let himself get fucked by the tall stranger in the shadows of the alley just off

An Interview to Remember

Disclaimer: This story contains intercourse between two consenting Adults males. Leave if you are offended, under 18, or if this is illegal for you to read in your community. Constructive Criticism is appreciated. An Interview to Remember By Jay D. Berry I had just turned eighteen when an older boy took me into the swamps and raped me. He had been looking at me for quite

Holiday Blues

Disclaimer: This story contains intercourse between several consenting adult males. Leave if you are offended, under 18, or if this is illegal for you to read in your community. Constructive criticism is appreciated The holiday season always got Mark down. He had no family and he knew that most of his friends would be leaving to visit their loved ones soon. He hated the idea of having to

Rainy Day Lover

Disclaimer: This story contains intercourse between consenting adult males. Leave it if you are offended, under 18, or if this is illegal for you to read in your community. Constructive criticism is appreciated. Man was it raining hard outside. Sheets of water were hitting the windows so hard you could not see through them. There I was with the biggest hard on in days and all I wanted

Rainy Day Lover, Part 2

Disclaimer: this story contains intercourse between consenting adult men. Leave it you are offended, under 18, or if this is illegal for you to read in your community. Constructive Criticism is appreciated By Jay D. Berry Jim was going out of his mind. Richard had come into his apartment and fucked him. He had fucked him so hard that it took him two weeks to recover. Never before in

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