Gay Erotic Stories

Dear Diary

by Prima

I really do not understand my feeling for this guy. I tried and tried to find out but the more I tried the more I got confused. A part of me admits that he is a wonderful guy, but another part of me forced me to be realistic and not trying to catch a dream. So, let's the story begin.

Spending sometime with him left a sense of joy, content, or something like that...I can't really figure out. Just a little chat or sit together in a table in the corner of lunch hall during lunch time will make me think of him for a couple of hours after. Sometimes he took me to a hockey match, where we stand and watch the game for around two hours, even though the thing that I like most is to look at his charming face full with enthusiasm of hoping that his favorite team will win the game. I still keep most of the part of the tickets for hockey games that we watched together, and I could not forget either when he put his head on my shoulder during the last hockey match we went to. It happened so quick (may be not meant to be seriously) and just for one or two seconds, but it made me wonder that we might be attracted to each other in a certain degree, even though we never say that or even we did not think too much about that.

He is one of my best friends that I knew at school, around 185 cm tall (6'1 or 6'2 in American measures) dark blond German guy with clear blue eyes and hairy gorgeous body. Based on past experiences, I nearly always fall for German guys, they have a kind of charm that is very difficult to resist. May be it is also the reason that I am quite attracted to Scandinavian guys, which according to history, are Germanic people who moved to northern part of Europe (Scandinavia).

A felt happy though I pretended to be angry when he teased me; he likes to share funny stories or jokes that make me laugh. I have a feeling that he likes me in a certain way from the way he touched my hand or shoulder. I felt a sincere attention when once he waked me up because I fell a sleep in the bus during the trip to a university. How I supposed to interpret it when he asked me if I want anything from Germany since he left for Germany on Christmas.

There were two things I could never forget, which might always be the things that I remember about him. The first one is when he hosted sort of speak "guys night", he got really drunk (I also know that I was not under a "normal" condition either that night). I was lying in a couch because I felt relaxed and sleepy after a couple of glasses of alcoholic beverage. He approached me slowly in the couch to check me and our faces became quite close than usual. I did not realise what drove me, suddenly I already touched his hairy cheek. After that, he took my hand and helped to rise from the coach. He turned my body so that he stood behind me and hold me. He put his chin on my shoulder so that it feels that he "kissed" my neck. I would never forget what he said that night, "What ever happened, I will always be behind you, and you should know that". He really touched my feeling and I technically got a "hard on".

However, I did not want to take advantage of his drunkenness and let him embarrassed himself in front of his good friends, so I tried to distract him to other things. If we were alone that night, I will go all the way without hesitation, kissing his lips, told him that I liked him, and more.

To be honest, I have a kind of sexual attraction to him, wondering how it feels to be on the same bed with him...naked with his body on me, feeling his warm skin, to be touched by masculine hands. must be feeling great when his face is so close to mine so I can smell his aftershave on his hairy cheeks before he kisses my lips....then sure you can imagine what might happen afterwards.

The second thing that I know I could never forget is that when I recently came back from a conference trip in Tokyo and spent a couple of weeks in Japan and China. The first thing he said When I saw him for the first time was "I did not think that you will be away that long ...."I miss you". I truly did not know how to react...surprised and happy... I just gave him a big smile, but I am quite sure that he knew how I feel when he said that.

Until I wrote this story, it has been one year since we officially introduced ourselves to each other. Everything happens so natural, I feel like that we never try to be someone that we are not and we are just being honest to each other. We are different in characters, but we have a lot in common when it regards personal values and the way we view things in live. I believe those are the things that make me comfortable around him, and hopefully he feels the same. Sure that there is nobody perfect, but I am grateful to have him as a friend. Near him I can feel a sense of appreciation, though sometimes he can be "annoying" too, especially with his "amazing" stubbornness.

The above story is the expression of my feeling for a German guy, so yes, it's true.


7 Gay Erotic Stories from Prima

Arti sebuah nama - part 1

Tulisan berikut adalah murni pengalaman pribadi penulis yang tidak bermaksud menonjolkan perbedaan ras. Anggaplah tulisan ini sekedar sebagai suatu intermesso, atau sebagai sesuatu yang baru dan berbeda dan yang tidak terlalu menonjolkan adegan ranjang dan "ah uh" ataupun "crot crot crot". Perbedaan pendapat sah-sah saja, yang penting khan tak ada larangan dalam berekspresi. Selama bermukim di

Arti sebuah nama - part 2

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Dear Diary

Dear Diary (by I really do not understand my feeling for this guy. I tried and tried to find out but the more I tried the more I got confused. A part of me admits that he is a wonderful guy, but another part of me forced me to be realistic and not trying to catch a dream. So, let's the story begin. Spending sometime with him left a sense of joy, content, or

Dear Diary

I really do not understand my feeling for this guy. I tried and tried to find out but the more I tried the more I got confused. A part of me admits that he is a wonderful guy, but another part of me forced me to be realistic and not trying to catch a dream. So, let's the story begin. Spending sometime with him left a sense of joy, content, or something like that...I

My Teddy Bear

Dear Pembaca, Semoga anda belum lupa dengan penulis yang satu ini, walaupun tulisan saya jarang sekali muncul di rubrik ini (setelah cerita "Salahkah aku bila sayang padamu"), namun kisah nyata yang dituangkan menjadi cerita tentunya bisa menjadi suguhan yang mempunyai nilai plus yang mempunyai "greget" tersendiri di mata pembaca. Yuk kita nikmati cerita berikut.

My Teddy Bear

by Dear Pembaca, Semoga anda belum lupa dengan penulis yang satu ini, walaupun tulisan saya jarang sekali muncul di rubrik ini (setelah cerita "Salahkah aku bila sayang padamu"), namun kisah nyata yang dituangkan menjadi cerita tentunya bisa menjadi suguhan yang mempunyai nilai plus yang mempunyai "greget" tersendiri di mata pembaca. Yuk kita nikmati cerita

Salahkah Aku Bila Sayang Padamu

Setelah cerita perdana yang berjudul "Prince of Scandinavia", saya praktis "menghilang" dari situs karena kesibukan dan tugas-tugas yang tidak bisa saya tinggalkan atau tunda. But now I am back dengan cerita yang semoga lebih "hot" untuk dibaca dan terutama untuk memenuhi keinginan pembaca yang suka dengan cerita dan tulisan saya. Cerita kali ini adalah kombinasi antara fiksi dan


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