Gay Erotic Stories

OnThe First Aid

by Tarzan290

I had decided to apply for a summer job to help put me through my college program. I was 21, fit and strong. I figured that I would apply for a construction job in a northern town. I packed a few things. We would have to stay over night. I could always go back to visit my girlfriend on the weekends.

It was a beautiful ride that I hitched with one of the workers. We passed lots of natural forest, rocks, and streams. We got there a little after lunch. I was showed a trailer where I would bunk and the place to eat, wash, etc. I was a good worker and learned fast. I was strong. I soon impressed even some of the strong, butch looking construction guys at how fast I could frame a building and get stuff done.

I noticed one of the guys was a little younger and smaller. He didn't look as filled out or strong. He was given the Joe jobs. Some guys joked that he was gay. I tried to be nice to everyone. However, I did catch him staring in the opening of the shower curtain while I was in the showers.

He would bring me a drink and stare at the sweat run down my arms as I raised the cup to my face. I saw his eyes dart to my dark haired underarms exposed in my cut off shirt. I figured the guys were right. He probably was gay. Hey each to his own, as long as he left me well enough alone.

One time when I was lifting a beam towards the ceiling to fasten in, I had to balance it and have him pass me the screws. He dropped one in to the open top of my cut off shirt. It got caught in the dark chest hair. He reached into fish it out. I tried to back away but my hands were needed to hold up the beam. He moved around in there a bit to feel me over as I tensed up. This was not right. I was not gay.

He leaned into me as he passed the screws over. I told him, “Hey look guy... I’m not comfortable with this much touching.” He was too much into my personal space.

He patted me on my shoulder and said, “No problem.”

Later on that that day one of the workers dropped a board that scraped down the side of my legs. I was asked to report to the First Aid Station to get it checked into and to fill out a report. I figured I would get a break for a while anyway. There was some bleeding, but I was not to squeamish about these things.

I had to go to the back of the camp set back behind a stand of trees. It was surprisingly quiet back there. I noticed a sign on a large trailer that read First Aid Station. I walked over to the steps and knocked on the door.

A good-looking, older man in his thirties said, “Come on in.” He flashed a smile. He was good looking, early greying and handsome. He had a good build. He asked me to jump up on the tale to have a look. He asked me to place my legs up on the table. I flinched a little as I raised the right leg.

“We had better check this out, but first we must clean and disinfect it.” He called for his helper Tim. He was the same guy that they called gay back on the site. The older guy Sean asked his helper to fill a small basin with warm water and to bring in a fresh cloth. He instructed Tim to wash my leg gently as he got the First Aid Kit.

I felt a little like a baby to refuse his help. I figured that it was only my leg. Time very gently stroked the blood off my leg rinsing the cloth into the basin. Sean came back in with a grin, “How's the patient. It looks like you'll need a report and sometime off.”

I figured he was joking. He started to ask me questions about the accident while he filed in the report. Sean commented on how well developed I was. “Wow you have muscular legs. It gives you a real masculine look with the dark body hair. You must be covered all over.”

“I guess,” I said, figuring he was just making conversation.

“I am going to have you lean back on this pillow to make yourself a little more comfortable, as Tim removes your work boots and socks. I want to keep the area sterile.”

I had a creepy feeling with Tim staring to undress me, but I figured it was only boots. Sean took the socks and set them over on the other counter along with the boots. He instructed Tim to wash me up a little more as he applied the ointment to the scrape. It stung a little. Sean instructed me to lie still and not to squirm like a baby.

I felt embarrassed and sort of humiliated. I was never told I was a baby. He apologized as his two brown eyes stared into my blue ones. “Sorry guy.” He told Tim to fix me up down there and before I knew it he had Velcroed my ankles apart on the table. I looked confused. He told me it was necessary not to move. He said to relax and place my arms behind my head; it would only take a second.

Then he Velcroed my wrists to the pole behind the table. “Look... just relax tough guy... It is just a little ointment and it will sting.” He spread it on slowly along my leg lingering in the insides of my thigh. He asked Tim to wash my feet while he was at it. Tim ran warm water over my feet and started to rub some kind of lotion over them.

“What is this?” I asked.

“It’s to make it hygienic,” Sean answered.

Now I had two guys running their hands over my leg and both my feet. It was starting to tickle at times and feel arousing. My girlfriend was the only other person who had ever touched me this way. It seemed wrong.

“Look guys am I finished now?” I asked, knowing that I couldn't stop them if they continued anyway.

Sean spoke first, “Look... we are the professionals. Quit asking so many questions and let us do our work.” He proceeded to rub my left leg; I told him that it wasn't injured. He told me I was too tense. He needs me relaxed to heal.

God... Oh God... How is this going to get me to relax! A gay guy and a co-worker running their hands over me and I'm tied. I want loose.

“Gay guy? Hey are you too good to be treated by us? “

“What do you mean?”

“Look... I have to tell you that I noticed that your company physical wasn't done. I see none of the reports. You must be examined for you to legally be here on this site.”

“OH Hell!” I thought. “What now?” I thought things couldn't get worse but...

“Did you not wash before you came here?” asked Sean.

“Yes,” I said, “this morning.”

“But you are dirty from work. I smell it on you. Tim... smell his underarms.” Tim leaned over with his nose into my hairy pits. Because my arms were folded behind my head, he had full unobstructed access to them. He started to touch and run his fingers through my underarm hair. It sent shivers through me. This can't be happening I thought.

“I see you are sensitive under your arms. Tim wash this area. Be a big strong guy and take it like a man.”

“Why do I have to have the humiliation of this gay punk washing and smelling my underarms? I screamed inside my head. He’s the same guy wanting to peek at me in the shower. Sean is obviously gay and in on this too. “Look guys I am straight,” I said.

“Okay straight boy... that will make the examination all the more fun. Open his cut off shirt Tim,” instructed Sean. Tim smiled and ran his finger into my chest hair.

“I see we have some nicely developed pecs,” said Sean. “Flex them for us.”

I didn't, so Sean tweaked my nipples, “Just checking reflexes.” Tim ran his hands down my sides and onto my abs. OH this is making me ticklish, embarrassed and angry.

“Let me go now and I won't report this.” I protested.

“Are you going to report a physical? We are the ones who will report this. Tim examine him at your leisure as I examine this healthy men's area under his shorts.” Sean instructed.

Then I went ballistic. “No way are these two guys getting down there!”

Both of them tried to hold me down. I was sweating profusely. “Don't be shy of getting a physical. There isn't anything that you have that we haven't both seen before.” They ran their hands over my armpits, abs, chest, legs, and feet. I struggled continuously. This eventually tired me out. I was too tired to fight and move around; my hands and legs were bound.

Tim wiggled his fingers into the bottom of my shorts. Sean caressed my genital area through the fabric of the shorts. Tim’s fingers softly touched and stroked up to the top of my legs gently urging them apart for the entrance of the invading fingers.

The tension was too great. The touching and stroking and tickling combined with the anger and embarrassment. I was starting to lengthen in size. Oh no... Hell it just was not what I wanted to happen, but how could I stop this stimulation?

“It looks like we have a big one Tim. Yes Sean. We will have to examine this one more closely.” Sean turned to me and said, “Just relax; you look exhausted and we are only getting started.” He ran his fingers through my dark hair. He rubbed his hands against the stubble on my face. “Look at this growth.” “Did you shave this morning?” Tim asked.

Sean answered, “I think he is just one of those males who has a surplus in male hormones or something. He has five o’clock shadow at early afternoon.” They proceed to edge me out of my shorts. My vest was splayed wide open. They fingered my underwear for a while watching me grow and tent inside it. Sean said it must be uncomfortable for a big guy like myself; I looked away. I felt embarrassed to be played with like this. I have never been even close to anything like this happening to me before.

“Would you like to rest for a while?” Sean asked. Tim smiled at me. I just glared a resigned and defeated glare as I could only guess what indignities would happen next.

Tim asked, “Remember when you didn't want me to touch against you? I bet you never dreamed I would be touching your cock now... in full mast? Or is it? Let's stroke a little more.”

“I'll get the tape measure. Holy smokes ... it's 9 inches. What a beauty. How can you keep a prize like this without sharing it?”

Sean instructed Tim to continue to stroke my dick as he applied lube. My dick seemed to be turning somersaults. It was pumping like it never could before. It was so engorged with blood it was pulsating and purple at its head. Tim ran his fingers over the soles of my feet and played with my underarms. Sean stoked my penis with lube slowly and deliberately.

Then Sean left and asked Tim to keep me aroused, but not to let me cum just yet.

“CUM? I won't cum in front of these faggots! No way!”

Shit! Sean brought back a video camera on a tripod. He said to be a good guy and let it all hang out. These pictures would only be released if I was to tell anyone about this. Sean then went to whisper secretly with Tim. Tim nodded in agreement to what he was saying. Sean said that Tim was curious what it would be like to finger fuck you while one of us was stroking your pumped up penis. Would you mind if we examine your prostate gland for a while?”

OH No... Not this...

They alternated between stroking and slowly finger-fucking me. I felt myself building inside. I had to stop them from doing this to me but how? I stated to shake and to pant. Sean said he thinks I will spill soon.

“Please stop!” I gave one last ditch attempt. They only increased their effort by running their spare hands over my legs and underarm sensitive areas. I coiled back. They continued to hold me open to their touches, I grunted and groaned and spewed all over the place.

I couldn't stop and those faggots just kept running their hands over me. Something was put to my face. The next time that I woke up, there was another man there. I had on all my clothes and was bandaged. He said he was sorry about the accident and that I would be receiving a huge increase in my pay because I had worked so well.

I started to ask about the other guys. He said, “They have been busy at work this morning. Nothing has happened.” . I was confused. I was not injured. I wanted the job and the money. I wanted to be able to get that tape back. I really don't want anyone to know what the guys did to me.


10 Gay Erotic Stories from Tarzan290

Captured, Part 1

It was during the time of the war in Iraq (or the country can be left unknown). I was on a secret assignment to penetrate and discover enemy lines. My primary aim was to determine where the prisoners of war were kept and to return with the information to aid in their escape. I was well prepared for the mission so I had thought. I had gone through a rigorous physical training. I was lean and

Captured, Part 2

I was taken from the shower room to be interrogated. I asked to put on some clothes but was told that this wasn't necessary. I was placed in a dimly lit room. There were five soldiers and an interrogator. I stood in front of the officer that was to question me. He was seated on a chair. I noticed my clothing, army camouflage gear on the table as well as my boots, watch, etc. I stood with my

Masturbated Against My Will

The college test in English literature was coming up fast. I didn’t read the required books; I was expecting Jason to tutor me. Jason was somewhat smaller and less developed in sports. He was often looking over at me. My suspicions were that he secretly lusted after me. Now I was straight, but I needed help in English; I just couldn't be bothered studying, but I knew that I could count on Jason

Milking The Cop

Travis and Kent were very angry and humiliated. They were about to steal a car when young Officer Karl had spotted them. If it wasn't for this officer, they would not have had their record filed. They felt disgraced, lost their chances of getting into college in the near future, lost their allowances from rich parents, and had to serve at community shelters. Travis and Kent were just 19 and

OnThe First Aid

I had decided to apply for a summer job to help put me through my college program. I was 21, fit and strong. I figured that I would apply for a construction job in a northern town. I packed a few things. We would have to stay over night. I could always go back to visit my girlfriend on the weekends. It was a beautiful ride that I hitched with one of the workers. We passed lots of natural

Show Them What You've Got

I was working on a summer job at the factory. It was often hot during the summer and the work was hard. By the end of the day I was sweaty and needed to shower off. A couple of the older guys, Joe and Kip had befriended me. They often brought in a special treat from home or had me join them for lunch. Today they had decided to ask me to Joe country home. It was in a partial treed area by a

Straight Guy Hypnotised by Gays, Part 1

It was another day at the summer job in the Warehouse. The temperature was soaring. Cody took off his shirt leaving just his wife beater on as he dripped with sweat. He was stacking boxes on a skid. Tony watched him as Cody's muscles flexed and he lifted his muscled tensed arms revealing his manly dark haired armpits. Dave entered and scoffed at Tony checking out Cody. Cody grinned and

Straight Guy Hypnotised by Gays, Part 2

Cody was struggling with the sensations inflicted. He was embarrassed and he wasn't even naked yet. He was supposed to face three doctors instead of one. He was getting hard inside his pants. What was he to do? Cody shifted his hands down to conceal his hardening shaft. It was thickening like steel beneath the worn confines of his jeans. The large shape and contours of the head of his penis

Tickling Fetish Goes Too Far

Jason, Greg, and Frank were on a camping expedition. They were off into the semi- wilderness. Things were going great. The young guys were not yet twenty. They were staring to bud as young men. They were starting to show signs of whisker stubble, some sporting a first goatee, muscles pumped , and hormones raging. They were drinking and sharing fantasies and dares. Some dares were crazy and

Wrestling Hunk Is taken Advantage Of

It thought it was a standard kind of wrestling meet. I was called to perform some wrestling moves for the new incoming students to the college. They were perspective recruits interested in the wrestling program. I appeared in the gym. I was asked to demonstrate some moves. I was already dressed in my shorts and T-shirt so they said don't bother getting anymore ready than what I was. There was


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