Gay Erotic Stories

A Sad Occasion

by Deejw

It had been a very sad occasion. The funeral was simple, but the church was packed with so many people who came to pay their respects to such a good man. More than that, he was a gentleman of the old fashioned type. He always had a good word for everyone, always looked for the best in people and so built up a very loyal team of workers at his factory. But now it was all over, for him anyway, and we all hoped that his son would prove to be a chip off the old block. Unhappily no-one had ever seen him. All we knew was that he lived in another city and would be moving to our town quite soon to take up the reins of the business.

The funeral took place on a Friday, the factory had shut down for the day and in accordance with his wishes, we all had the day off, paid. Most of my workmates took advantage of the weather and headed out for a long weekend. For some reason I decided to attend the funeral. The boss had been good to me once. I had not been with the company very long and had messed up some work, quite by accident of course. Anyway, I was sent to the boss, who simply talked to me for a while and sent me back to work, confident that I would be trying hard to get on with the job. As I said, he was a good man. Now he was gone. It was all over, and we waited to see what the new regime would be like. But for now, after being highly impressed that so many people were in the church to say goodbye to this kindly person, I decided to take a few hours break – to get away for a while.

I didn’t even bother to go home. I just headed off to the nearest beach still wearing my one respectable suit. Happily it was a nice light cloth as the day was certainly hot and humid. Even before I finished parking the car I could feel the heat making my body perspire. Happily there was a slight breeze on the beach and I felt quite calm as I started to walk, I had left my jacket in the car and was glad to be wearing a loose shirt which allowed the breeze to cool me down.

I walked for some time along the beach, glancing out to sea now and then, looking down at the sand beneath my feet and beachcombing as I always did. Of course I took a few looks at the people on the beach as well. There was quite a crowd, mainly young people playing in the water, many couples sitting together or reading the latest magazines and lots of folks just mooching about in groups. I always looked out for the attractive men; I liked to see them as they came out of the water, their bodies glistening and fresh. And, of course, there would be the occasional glimpse of a promising bulge. I liked to imagine what it would be like to have one of these hunks to myself.

I had always known that I was attracted to men, but in those days it was not the done thing. You did not talk about being gay; much less do anything about it, certainly not in a small town. So, like many others I had pushed the feelings to one side and made the best of my lonely life. My one great joy though, was the beach. My mother had always enjoyed walking the beach just as I was doing now. I had been walking for a couple of hours, the sun was starting to set and the beach was beginning to clear so I decided to turn around and head back to the car.

The sun was setting in a blaze of red and gold as I neared the car park. I decided to lean on the rail and enjoy the sunset for a while. It was very warm and lights were starting to show in the town behind me and on the pier at the other end of the beach. There were very few people left on the sand now. It was the time for courting couples to come strolling along, enjoying the warm breeze and looking for a quiet spot to be together.

There were still a number of yachts on the water and I spent a while watching them heading back into the marina. I gradually became aware that someone else was leaning on the rail not far from me. I gently turned my head towards him, without being obvious. He was about my age and dressed in a suit and tie. He looked like a harassed young executive who had suffered an overlong, hot, busy day in some office in the middle of a load of concrete buildings. He happened to look towards me and we nodded a polite hello to each other. I turned back to my perusal of the setting sun reflecting on the sea. The sun was almost gone when the guy walked down the rail and stood next to me. “Hi, they say there is a green flash just as the sun dips below the horizon – I’ve never seen it yet, but I always live in hope.” I laughed in gentle agreement. His voice was warm and slow in the evening breeze with an attractive huskiness which caught my ear. We stood at the rail for some time, not chatting, but occasionally making a comment about the beauty of the scene before us.

It was getting quite dark and I was starting to feel chilly when I realised that my companion was still standing looking at the sunset, with tears gently rolling down his cheeks. I immediately felt quite awkward, but strangely touched that he should feel comfortable enough to allow his emotion to overflow. I gently asked him if he was OK and was there anything I could do.

He replied that there was really not a lot I could do to help. He said that it had been a very hard day for him and he just needed some time out. I suggested that a cup of coffee might help, thinking that it would be good to get away from the now chilly breeze blowing off the sea. We walked back towards the car park and headed for the beach café. It was still open for evening meals and we went in and ordered a pot of coffee. We sat in silence for some time, looking out of the windows towards the sparkling lights on the pier. The coffee arrived; it was rich and delicious as we drank it in companionable silence. After a while he said that he appreciated me keeping him company, it had been a long tough day and he was dreading going back to the house alone and he wondered if I would come back with him just for a few minutes until he could cope with being there on his own. At first I wondered if this was some elaborate hoax, but then I remembered the tears on his cheeks and I said that I could certainly spare some time for him. We paid for the coffee and headed out to our cars. I said I would follow him to his place.

We drove along the beach road for a few miles until we were in one of the richest areas of the town. The houses were big, standing in their own grounds and had marvellous views over the sea. I was surprised when we turned into the drive of one of the biggest houses. We parked in front of a beautiful house, near what seemed to be a stable-block. We got out of our cars and I followed him up to a magnificent porch where he hesitated for a moment and then opened the huge front door and we walked in to this gorgeous place. The door closed behind us with the expensive click that all good doors have. He invited me into the lounge where he turned on some lights and lit the gas-log fire; he sat on the sofa and burst into uncontrollable sobs.

I felt a little uncomfortable but decided that I could not ignore what was happening and so I sat down beside him and put my arm around his shoulders. He buried his head in my chest and sobbed his heart out. Some time later he calmed down and began to talk. He told me that he had been to his father’s funeral that day and was quite upset as he had not seen the old man before he died. I was surprised at what he said and wondered if we had been at the same service, but of course on any day in any town there were many funerals being held. He talked for some long time, telling me all sorts of things about his childhood, his schooling and life in business.

Eventually he realised that he had been speaking for a couple of hours and I was sitting there in a shirt still wet from his tears. He was quite embarrassed about how much of my time he had taken up and was very apologetic. I reassured him that there was no problem and that I had been glad to help him. I pointed out that we had not even introduced ourselves.

He apologised and told me his name was Alan, I told him that my name was Jon and at last we smiled. Somewhere in the house a clock struck eleven. Alan apologised again for not even offering me a coffee. He asked if I had eaten to which I replied that I had not. He suggested that if I was not in a hurry he could organise some food. Alan seemed very keen that I stay, and as I was in no rush this weekend I agreed. Alan went to the phone and dialed a takeaway. He quickly ordered a meal and then put the phone down. He noticed my damp shirt and asked if I would like to freshen up in the bathroom and he would find me a dry top. I was still in the bathroom when I heard the doorbell ring. I finished quickly and went downstairs. Alan had provided me with a comfortable sweatshirt to wear.

As we sat and ate some delicious Chinese food Alan started to ask questions about me. I told him a little about my life and how I worked at a factory and had a small flat on the far edge of the town. He asked the name of the company I worked for. I told him and he said that he had heard of them. He asked me why I lived alone, was I ever married – all the usual searching questions. I glossed over some answers and started asking him about his life. It seems that we were both good at glossing over the answers. I had been looking at him all evening and was feeling very attracted to him.

He had a lovely body under his suit and his face was one to dream about – there was also a tantalising bulge in his trousers that kept drawing my eyes. We went back to the sofa and had coffee. We were sitting there in the firelight when Alan turned to me and said that there was one thing he had not told me, but he wanted to because he thought that I might understand him a little better. And of course, he told me that he was gay, this had been the reason he had not seen his father for many years. And now he was alone in the world, all the rest of his family had made it quite clear that they wanted nothing to do with him ever again. He had spoken to his father on the phone a few times in the last months but that was all the contact they had had in several years. I listened to Alan and tried to make sense of such a cruel family, but I also realised that my people would probably react in the same way if they knew about me. Alan was close to tears again as I told him that I could understand his problems as I was also gay and knew what loneliness could be like. We continued sitting on the sofa in the firelight. Gently Alan took my hand in his and asked if I would like to stay. I looked at him and nodded my acceptance of his invitation. After a little while, he led me up to his bedroom where we slowly undressed each other. We climbed into bed and began to explore each other.

Alan had a most beautiful body, lightly tanned and nicely built. He was fairly smooth and his skin felt firm and clean under my lips. His cock was not over large, at first. But after I had given it plenty of gentle stimulation with my hands and tongue it soon stood up like a flagpole. It was nicely shaped and uncut with a lovely bush of pubes trailing up onto his stomach. I spent some time with this lovely organ deep in my mouth. My tongue swirled round his knob getting in to all the nooks and crannies as I milked the precum from his heavy balls. We continued playing with each other for some time, bringing each other to the brink of orgasm again and again until we both finally exploded across our bodies. Great drops of creamy juice arced from our cocks and splashed down onto our skin. We lay close together and drifted into a happy sleep. There is a big difference between having sex and making love. That night we made love.

The next morning was delightful as I opened my eyes to see Alan lying next to me. We spent most of the day naked and our gentle love-making took a lot of our time. I stayed over the whole weekend even though I knew that it would mean a horribly early start on Monday morning. And so it was. I rushed off in my car to get to my flat and in to work at the normal time. Sadly I was caught in the traffic and ended up nearly twenty minutes late. My section manager was not impressed and decided to send me to the department manager. I was in his office being thoroughly told off when the intercom buzzed. Mr. Sidlow, the manager, answered and spoke to a female voice. He clicked off the intercom and told me to wait a few minutes, the new boss wanted to see him. I sat idly in the chair as Mr. Sidlow hurried out of the office. He was away some while and I was just getting very bored indeed, when he returned. Surprisingly he told me that the boss wanted to see me at once. I was quite shaken and hoped that the new chap would be sympathetic. It was with some fear that I knocked on the boss’s door.

A voice called me in to the room. I entered and closed the door behind me. I walked over to the desk where a young man was sitting with his back to me, looking out of the window behind him. I waited for what seemed an age and then without turning round, the boss asked me if I had been late this morning. I told him that I was twenty minutes late. He was quiet for a while and said that it really would not do and that he expected better timekeeping from his workers.

He asked if I had a valid excuse. I told him about the traffic, but he said that I should allow for hold-ups. He then told me I was sacked. I could hardly believe my ears – sacked for turning up twenty minutes late! I started to protest when the chair turned and I discovered I was looking at my lover Alan. He smiled and told me that he could not have his boyfriend working at the same company, so I was to go home and get ready to move into his house as soon as possible. We grinned at each other.



2 Gay Erotic Stories from Deejw

A Sad Occasion

It had been a very sad occasion. The funeral was simple, but the church was packed with so many people who came to pay their respects to such a good man. More than that, he was a gentleman of the old fashioned type. He always had a good word for everyone, always looked for the best in people and so built up a very loyal team of workers at his factory. But now it was all over, for him anyway, and

Early Morning

I had thoroughly enjoyed the previous night. Colin and I had made love for hours, in every conceivable position and in most of the rooms of my house. And now we were awake again, on a glorious spring morning. Sunshine was pushing in to the room and the sound of gulls could be heard on the beach. Colin opened his eyes as I was looking at him, we smiled gently at each other; no words were


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