Gay Erotic Stories

Stranded With Celeb Hotties, Part 1

by Thefirstevil

Disclaimer- I do not know any of the celebrities in this story on any of the other ones who will be mentioned in future chapters.

I was on a plane going to Australia. As I was on the plane I noticed that there was a bunch of hot celebs on the plane including Zac Efron and James Lafferty just to name a couple. About half way through the flight the pilot came on to he speaker and said "Passenger I am about to put on the seatbelt sign so please return to your seats because we are about to hit some turbulence." Everyone got quickly into their seats but it did not help much because after about five minutes those breathing mask things came down and all of us put them on then the next thing we know is the pilot is back on the speaker and he says "I'm sorry passengers but this turbulence is not letting up so I am going to have to try and land this plane down on some island below us and hopefully we will be al right. I don't know what happened after that because after the pilot said this I passed out.

When I awoke I was upside down but I was still in my seat so I carefully undid my seat and I fell to the floor. I quickly got out of the plane as I went toward the exit I saw that everybody who was still on the plane was dead I was about to get off the plane when I saw a first aid kit that was left behind by the survivors so I took it incase I was injured. After getting out of the plane I saw foot prints in the sand that led down the beach so I decided to follow them so I could join with the other survivors. About 2 hours later I came upon their camp and it seemed that they were surprised that someone who was in the plane was still alive but as soon as I went into their camp I fainted from dehydration.

When I came to I saw that Zac Efron and James Lafferty were kneeling by me. "You're awake. Good we were scared there for a moment it would of been a shame for you to survive the plane crash only to die of dehydration. What's your name in Zac Efron and this is James Lafferty." Zac Efron said in the sweetest voice I had ever heard. "I'm Robert Jameson and I already knew who you two are I loved you in High School Musical and I love you in One Tree Hill and also I fantasize about you guys all the time." I responded and the last part came out without me even thinking. "Well I guess we found ourselves another homosexual survivor and this one is not even a celebrity like the rest of them." James responded with a sexy smirk on his gorgeous face. When I heard this my mouth dropped open and I had a shocked look on my face. "Well I guess since your felling better we should make you feel really better." Zac said before pulling me into a very passionate kiss.

We continued to kiss as he put his tongue into mouth to explore it fully, so I returned the favor to him. At the same time I could feel James take off my shirt then start to lick my chest then he sucked on my nipples and I moaned in Zac's mouth which he seemed to like. Zac pull away from our kiss but I didn't let him go that easily I quickly moved my lips to his neck which I slowly started to kiss very softly. Then as I was kiss Zac's neck James moved from my nipples down to my abs and started to trace the definition lines with his tongue which felt so good. I slowly lifted up Zac's shirt and held it just above his gorgeous pecs which I just dove for especially his nipples which I stared to suck furiously like I want to drink some milk from them. Then I started to feel James down the sheets which at that moment I realized that I had no pants or boxers on so as soon as the sheet was gone James had full access to my raging hard cock which was about 7 inches fully erect which it was at this point. James started by licking the tip of my cock very gently with his tongue it felt so good that for the moment I forgot about pleasuring Zac.

When Zac whimpered a bit I looked back at him a I saw that while I was paying attention ti what James was doing he had taking off his top fully and he had also taken off his pants which was when I say his glorious manhood standing fully erect at an amazing 9 inches. As soon as I saw it I knew I wanted to have it in my mouth and in my ass. I quickly pulled him towards me by his cock and I started to suck it first by running my tongue up and down the shaft and then I slowly liked the head of it just like what James was doing to me then I heard Zac moan "Please Robert stop teasing my and just take it in your mouth." and I replied "Only if James stops teasing me and takes my cock into his mouth." and as soon as I said that James took in my whole cock at once and so I did the same to Zac. As soon as this happened there was a snap of a twig and I heard a man say, "What the hell?"


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Stranded With Celeb Hotties, Part 1

Disclaimer- I do not know any of the celebrities in this story on any of the other ones who will be mentioned in future chapters. I was on a plane going to Australia. As I was on the plane I noticed that there was a bunch of hot celebs on the plane including Zac Efron and James Lafferty just to name a couple. About half way through the flight the pilot came on to he speaker and said

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All references to celebrities are purely fictional and have no truth or validity in real life. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all characters are copyright and trademarks of WB, David Greenwalt, Joss Whedon, 20th Century Fox, and others. Angel, currently known as Angelus: Vampire cursed with a soul by a gypsy clan, real name Liam, currently evil due to experiencing a moment of bliss, that being


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