Gay Erotic Stories

Things To Come

by Pudder

It was a cool and wet summer which made the summer after my senior year of high school one of the most boring. That’s why I snapped at the chance to go to my friend’s camp for a week even though that meant helping his dad clean up after the last big storm. I was supposed to meet up with Troy and the rest of his family for a week of cleaning in the woods. As their van pulled up I noticed that it only contained my friend Troy and his dad, I asked where the girls were and got the answer that they were taking the week as a girl’s spa week, so it was down to us to get dirty with the clean up. When we started to load the boat the sun was coming out and the temperature was rising with that I saw Troy’s dad take off his shirt I felt a strange stirring in my pants at the sight. I shook it off and continued to load the boat.

We went over to the island that had the camp and saw the mess that we had to clean up even before we docked. We decided to hold off until the next morning to start the clean up procedures. We picked out the rooms mine was near the front close to the master bedroom and Troy took his own on the top floor. Did I mention that they owned the island and the cottage was a 3-story building with a sauna.

That night we built a fire and played music roasted marshmallows and hotdogs and had a great time talking and laughing. The next morning came earlier than I wanted it to, and we started the clean up. At first we all worked around the house cleaning up fallen tree branches and other junk that had blown around the house. The weather was getting hotter and hotter as the day went on; we all shed our shirts for bare chests. Again I started to notice Troy’s dad’s (Luke) chest with its light covering of fur and the hot sweat dripping off his body, and again I started to feel that strange stir in my pants. I tried to ignore it but the more I looked at him the more my dick started to grow.

I knew that I had to get away from there to get myself under control. I then stated that I was going down to the boathouse to see if there was anything I could do down there. Luke shouted at me to be careful, but all I could think about was working on my growing cock. I walked into the boathouse and the smell of wet cotton of the life jackets hit me hard like the smell of sweat off a hot man. That did it for me I couldn’t control my cock anymore I pulled out my 6.5-inch cock and started to stroke it for all I was worth. After about 5 minutes of hard jacking I shot about 3 ropes of cum out into the water. That night we were all pretty tried and we all headed to our beds early.

The next couple of days went pretty much the same… me checking out Luke’s hot body and then running off in the bush or any place I thought I could be alone to play with my cock and to shoot a load. By the third day we had the area pretty much cleaned up the area around the house and the sauna. To celebrate our effort Luke decided that we all deserved a cold beer; since Troy and I were both only 18 my experience with booze was very limited to stealing a beer or two out the fridge. As our celebration continued, we began to drink more and more as the night went on. Troy seemed to be getting drunk a lot faster than I was, as he passed out around 10 pm.

Luke and I carried him up to his room and left him on his bed snoring away, we went back down to the fire pit and continued to drink and roast hotdogs. About 20 minutes later Luke announced that he was going to take a sauna and if I wanted to I could join him, but if I did I would have to follow the rules of the sauna. The first one is that you had to be naked to go in; second one was that if you make a mess you have to clean it up yourself.

I agreed and he built the fire so we had to wait for it to get hot. Before we even got into the sauna I started to sweat just thinking about see this hot man naked before my eyes. Soon it was time to go in, he let me go in first as there was only one bench to sit on and I was right up against the wall he then place the water bucket on the other end so he had to sit right next to me. I couldn’t believe it--here was the guy I was fantasizing about in all my jerk off sessions was standing right in front of me naked. I forced myself to look anywhere but right at his cock that was now at eye level.

I heard him laugh and then he sat right next to me; he was so close that our legs were pressed together. I guess the heat and the beers were getting to me and I sagged to the side and rested my head on his shoulder. Again I heard him laugh as he placed his arm around me. This put my head right into his armpit the smell of his man sober me up pretty quickly, but I didn’t let on. I knew that I would never get a chance to be this close to him if he did not think I was drunk.

I had an urge to stick out my tongue and taste what a real man tastes like, so I did. I thought I had gotten away with it when all of a sudden I heard the laugh again and then he told me, “If you like the taste of that, you’re going to love the rest of the night’s fun”. With that I knew I was caught. He pulled my head up so I was looking into his green eyes and he brought his mouth to mine and slowly and gently kissed me. With that I also knew I was hooked on men. He let my head fall back on his chest and told me to work that tongue back into his armpit and lick it clean.

As I followed his directions moving from one pit to his nipples and then to the other; I found my cock springing to life, harder than it had before. I then felt his strong hand directing my head lower and lower on his body until my mouth about to taste his hard cock. He wouldn’t let me touch it until I licked around the base of his cock and tasted the sweet sweat that had built up there. As I worked my tongue around the base I was greeted with the low moans and growls of the beast I was working on. Soon I was working my way up the 8-inch piece of man meat.

I soon got up to the tip and I saw a clear bead of liquid, which I knew must have been pre-cum, I ran my tongue over the piss slit and was rewarded with a new taste--and one I liked. I started to slide my mouth down his shaft, but only got part way down when I started to gag. He put his hands on either side of my head and slowed me down and told me to relax my jaw and throat and it would go in better. I started to relax more and more and I was able to take more of his thick cock into my mouth.

My own cock was aching to be played with as well, so I dropped one hand down into my lap and started to stroke it for all I was worth, but all I got for my efforts was a quick slap to my head and a yell from him to “Leave it alone boy”. I quickly let go of my throbbing cock and went back to work on his cock alone. His breathing was starting to come more rapidly and the moans were louder and louder, I knew he must have been getting really close to cumming. I was getting ready to take the load of cum that I knew would be anytime now, but instead he pulled his cock out of my mouth and told me that it was going to be a long night, so we had to slow things down.

He then pulled me up to his face and kissed me deeply, the kissed changed half way through from something light and tender to a rough forceful kiss that made me weak in the knees. As we were kissing and my hands were exploring his body, I felt his rough hand grab my cock and start to stroke it strong and hard. It only took a few minutes for me to shoot one of the biggest loads I have ever shot. Several of the shots hit him square in the chest, which he then reminded me about the second rule--the one about cleaning up your own messes. I then leaned over and started to lick my cum off his chest. After cleaning him up he ran his hand over my chest where some of the cum had landed and brought it to my lips to lick off his fingers.

He then had me lie back on the bench and told me if I liked that I would love what was going to happen next. He then started to work on my nipples with both his hands and his mouth. He started to roll my nipples with his fingers and then continued to work them hard with this tongue and teeth. All I could do is moan and groan my pleasure as he worked them over hard. I could feel my cock starting to rise again even harder than before.

Luke also took notice of my cock and ran his tongue down my chest to my inner thigh, I thought for sure I was finally going to get my first blowjob, but he never even touched it. This was driving me crazy. He slowly worked his tongue to my balls and pulled one in at a time and worked them over as well. I thought that now he was going to release my cock with his mouth, but instead of heading north he went south. He grabbed my legs and forced them up and started to run his hot wet tongue between my ass checks.

This was the first time anyone including me had ever touched me there. This was the most incredible feeling I had ever had in my lifetime, but then it got even better. He pulled my ass check apart and used the flat of his tongue to get my hole nice and wet again I thought it couldn’t get any better but again I was wrong. As his licking got faster and harder he started to push the tip of his tongue into my ass the feeling made me want to explode all over again. After I was all wet and dripping from my hole I heard Luke say, “If you liked that, you’re going to really enjoy this!” And with that he slid two fingers into my ass I thought I was going to pass out from the pain, but again he told me to try to relax and the pain would pass.

Soon it changed from pain to pleasure, he kept working my ass with the two fingers for a little while, then slipped them out and my ass felt empty--but that was soon to change. As I lay there begging for him to jam his fingers up my ass again, he started calling me his little slut boy and to just wait for what was coming next. I thought he was going to slide his fingers in me again, but this time it was larger and thicker. I then realized that it was his cock! Again I felt the pain flair up--this time I knew it was too much, so I started to beg him to pull out. He just told me to shut the fuck up and relax; it was going to be great.

So I tried to relax, but the pain was really too much; he would push in a little then stop so my ass would relax again, and soon I felt his balls up against my ass. He was right, it was feeling great. I started to moan again and began begging him to fuck me harder and harder. I could feel his cock slide out and slam back in, going deeper each time. Once again my cock shot off with out even being touched. When I did I felt my ass squeeze together and that made the man of my dreams shoot a hot wicked load up my ass.

He then collapsed on top of me and let me know that this was only the start of things to come.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Pudder

Things To Come

It was a cool and wet summer which made the summer after my senior year of high school one of the most boring. That’s why I snapped at the chance to go to my friend’s camp for a week even though that meant helping his dad clean up after the last big storm. I was supposed to meet up with Troy and the rest of his family for a week of cleaning in the woods. As their van pulled up I noticed that it


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