Gay Erotic Stories

A New Type Of Bear

by Vacusuckboy

Tyler was my first friend at my new school. We both being in 12th grade he had short brown hair with the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. He was 5” 11'.He had a body that was perfect. He kept himself in shape and always wore the best clothes possible. I had never seen him date a girl or even talk to one. He seemed to hang out with guys only. I quickly learned Tyler had a nickname which was bear which I thought was really sexy. One day I got really brave and invited him over to my house to hang out. When he arrived, I about dropped dead; he was wearing skin tight low rise American Eagle jeans with a bright orange polo. His hair was perfect and I felt like I was going to drop dead. Bear walked over to me and the smell of him is enough to melt anyone. He smelled like Holister Cologne. It was so awesome. I looked down and you could see is dick lying to one side in his jeans. I always saw him in Abercrombie or American Eagle boxers, but this time it was different. I prayed that I would get to see what kind of underwear he was wearing. We went to my bedroom and listened to some music. I grabbed the one CD which had to of the singers on the front. “Wow these guys are really ho,t” said Tyler

“Yeah if you like guys.”

“Evan can I tell you something? You can’t tell anyone because it would ruin me!”

“Yes Tyler. I'm your friend you can tell me anything. You know that.”

I think Tyler already knew I was gay, but I never admitted to it because still being in High School nobody needed to know.

“No Evan I can’t.”

“Tyle,r look at me. You can tell me anything. You’re like my brother.”

“Evan I'm gay. I know I've denied it but really, I'm gay.”

“Tyler I'm gay too. I have known it since we first met. You have the most beautiful eyes and I would love to see the rest of you.”

Without me saying anything I grabbed his hand and we walked into the field behind my house. I took him far enough in the trees so my parents could see us.

“Tyler I love you.” Then I grabbed him and kissed him on the lips. I thought I freaked him out until he slid his tongue into my mouth. My hands moved down to his ass which was nice and round. His jeans framed it perfectly. We broke away for a minute so I could take off my shirt and I looked into his deep brown eyes and I knew he was enjoying this.

I was really tall and built for my age. I was 6' 3” with naturally black hair. I had it cut emo, but always had the preppy clothes. “Evan I love you. “ “Bear I love you too. Now take off those pants and show me what you got.”

Tyler reached down and unbuckled his jeans. My mouth dropped in shock when I saw he was wearing a 2xist Thong. His cock was making them bulge out. I told him to keep them on while I stripped. I took of my shorts. Unlike him I was wearing American Eagle low rise trunks. I sat him down on my shirt and hoodie and we kissed and started making out for at least 20 minutes. I looked into those deep brown eyes and I asked the question

“Bear can I suck your dick?”

“Evan it’s all yours. I have dreamed of this forever. I want you inside me. You can do whatever you want with me.”

I started to pull down his thong and I saw his 7 inch hard dick. It was uncut unlike me who was cut. I started kissing his neck and worked my way down to his dick. When I got there I expected to find hair but I then realized Tyler was totally shaved. He had no hair from his neck to his feet. Not even any leg hair. I found this totally sexy and from that day on I was always shaved clean. I started licking his dick from the base up. Bear was in this sort of ecstasy as I started sucking on his balls. I had one in my mouth moving it around with my tongue. I looked up at him and he flashed a smile that made my dick get even harder.

I took his dick in my mouth down to the base. Bear was moaning loud and thrusting his hips up and down fucking my mouth. When I felt him begin to tense up I stopped and told him to flip over. I then began to rim his ass. I moved my tongue in and out. Bear moaned and starting screaming “Oh Fuck I'm about to cum!” I moved back to his dick and kept sucking it. I wanted his twink cum. I wanted to have a part of him inside me. Then he pushed out the biggest load I have ever seen. I gagged at first, but then I swallowed all of it.

We laid there exhausted. He looked down at my 8 inch dick and said, “I said I wanted you inside me. I'm inside you now hand me my jeans. He pulled out this little bottle that was KY. I looked at him and said “Were you planning this?”

He just flashed that perfect smile and started lubing up my cock. He sat down right on top of my 7 ½ inch dick. I quickly picked him back up and had him face me as I lay on my back. I could see the look of pain turning into pleasure. He started bouncing up and down making my dick getting hard as a diamond.

After about 10 minute my balls clenched up and I cummed the biggest load ever. It began to ooze out around my cock dripping onto my balls. Tyler fell straight down on my chest and we kissed until my dick went soft.

I got dressed when I felt his arms around my waist. We stood and hugged holding each other close. I turned around and kissed him. I could have stayed there forever. A few weeks later school was out. Tyler and I graduated and we were free. Tyler for one reason or another changed colleges to the exact same one that I was going to. Tyler’s dad was rich so I wasn't surprised when we got the same dorm after they had to make “changes”. Tyler and I both rode dirt bikes. Tyler competed and I just rode for fun. We were riding behind my house by ourselves when Tyler stopped and I came up behind him and stopped with him. Tyler looked at me and said, “Okay you took my cherry now I'm taking yours.”

We both stripped to our underwear except today Tyler went to his backpack and threw me a small piece of cloth. We now had matching thongs--both Calvin Klein Steel thongs. I put mine on and adjusted the straps when I turned around I about dropped dead. Tyler was like a god. His chest was hairless and tan with his 8 inch hanging naturally in the pouch. Tyler was really eager to start. He started lubing up his dick and had me kneel down on his riding Jersey. I was about ready to take off my thong when he told me to get up and he lay down on his jersey. He pulled me down moved the ass strap and started fucking me while I was still wearing my thong.

The pain was intense at first but it quickly went away. Now it was full blown lust. I looked into his devilish yet god-like eyes and I knew I was in love. I went down and kissed him while he continued to make love to my ass. My dick still in its pouch was getting rock hard and in a few minutes my balls clenched up and I cummed right in the pouch. Tyler told me to lay back and he bent over and sucked the cum through the fabric. I felt him explode inside me and I just fell over. I fell asleep with him laying on me. I was happy. I was awoken to the feeling of friction on my dick. I looked down and Tyler was bouncing yet again.

To be continued…


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1 Gay Erotic Stories from Vacusuckboy

A New Type Of Bear

Tyler was my first friend at my new school.


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