Gay Erotic Stories

Alien Obsession 3

by Robert McDonald

This guy is finding he is having bad dreams at night and goes to the doctor to find out what to do about it. In the meantime his sex organs are growing at a terrific rate and only recognizes recently what his purpose is and what is to possibly happen to him over time. I find that with abduction being on many people’s minds these days that this could be one unknown possibility!!!

“Alien Desperation” #three

Well that small piece of information was a bit unsettling! The Dr. Eased into a very private stance and asked if I would mind a small experiment which might reveal some vital information. He explained that he would like to place a small automatic pump under the skin which would, when needed inject a small amount of serum into my system which would keep me vigilant and calm at the same time. I was compelled to ask urgently “Doc I’m supposed to meet someone tonight! Can’t it wait?”

The doctor came even closer and confidently said slowly, “Can you search your mind and honestly tell me who it is you’re going to meet?” I paused to think some more.

Stuttering I said, “Well I am feeling really excited about it,” pausing to think more. “I’m feeling so (confused) —so–desired–no –needed!” Even that sounded strange to me as I thought about it!

The doctor sat staring at the wall and then asked with illumination, “Isn’t this the third week of the month?” Confused and aware that something didn’t seem right I said uncomfortably revealing a deep memory.

“Yes tonight or tomorrow night is when I meet my dates for the evening.” After thinking how peculiar that was I said hesitatingly, “Sure Doc--do what you think best!

“Sure, okay!” A little while after he implanted the device he did another ultrasound, “Glen, you’re carrying a little under a quart of extra fluid. Your health seems excellent--in fact shown by you past records you’ve never been better!” He uneasily said, “Go with care tonight.” Touching me on the shoulder he asked if I met my, he said clearing his throat, encounters while in my apartment? Though for some reason hazy about the details I realized that I did indeed meet them at home and said yes. Arriving home like usual I stepped into a hot steamy shower where I had a small waist-high dished bowl, I know it has been here all along but this was the first time I really ever thought about it. I automatically knew what I was to do. I was to place my now aching organ and balls into the special shaped bowl. My now more obvious mental instructions are to soak and massage my enlarging package with disinfectant soap while opening the pores of my body with a lot of steam.

The water in the bowl was to be cool so my increasing sperm would survive my shower. My belly ached and was (I thought) unusually hard. When I finished I felt very calm and relaxed. Somewhat tired I got out of the shower and dried myself with a fresh towel. Walking to the bed was an effort with my growing sensitivity. I eased myself onto the bed and wrapped my aching equipment in the towel and just lay there feeling a little overcome and emotionally vacant. For the first time looking down at the heavily wrapped towel and now aware of my distended abdomen I thought how strange what I was doing. Like a lot of guys somehow I’ve been able to separate my thinking that below the waist was sexual and the fact that it seemed in conflict with purpose, gave me more emotional apprehension. Purpose and desire confusingly were one and the same. My routine was so automatic--now recognizing the extreme oddity of everything I’ve been doing, not to mention the size of everything only now made me feel freakish. The Doc must have broken their hypnotic hold. Doing this for what now seems to be years was a lot to take in for one day, but as usual, the driving force that drugged me to appease came upon me with calming optimism and anticipation! It was approaching seven P.M. without thought I pulled the covers up and closed my eyes and felt strangely relaxed. The contents of the wrapped towel were growing tenderer. My mid section was so heavy the only thing I could think of was that my body was obeying some kind of mental command. Over the years my penis and testicles grew at a slow rate beginning from my mid to late teens onward. I should have felt odd, but something made me feel it was natural even though I was getting those long looks from the guys in the showers gay and straight alike. Some even gave me nicknames, and for some reason I never really paid much attention to it. I did sense envy! The coach even thought I should be examined by the school doctor thinking I’d been injured or something. I could no longer wear loose shorts I had to have a special harness made to support everything. My dick would shrink, but my balls were hard to hide. I eventually had to quit sports all together. Some people even asked to see my privates. It was fun to see their eyes open wide. Some even wanted to touch it. No one really knew what was happening, but just thought it was natural. The doctor just shook his head. Growing sleepier I could feel waves of the wonderful warm presence of someone I was to see, I could feel his desire for me greatly and I him. Not thinking how screwed up everything was the anticipation of his touch still held my attention. It struck me that men could be so easily led where sex was concerned!!! And I guess I wasn’t any different. The part of why I slept before a date felt uncomfortably foreign and now for the first time I felt real fear, the realization that it was all an unspoken command never knowing even partial truth until today was un-nerving! Relaxed and only slightly aware my eyes closed sleep won out as I briefly dozed off. Blindly I never before noticed or was aware that there was always a presence in the room patiently waiting for the heavily disguised mist or haze to begin filling the room and take effect. The atmosphere of the room had a steam room quality with a dense blue cloud penetrating the open pores of my body.

Instantly, I became aware of the first serum release; slowly my eyes opened. Distant almost a world away I could hear a neighbor fumbling with the door calling my name giving up. Then there was calm deafening silence! The haze gradually took on a deeper bluish color and thickened becoming even denser. Breathing it at first was an effort taking on a heavy humid fog like quality. Filling my lungs felt heavy and had an intoxicating effect relaxing me even more insisting on slowing my bodily reactions to a crawl demanding for sleep. Once more the pump sensed a slowing heart rate and jarred me awake. At this point the mist only allowed me to be dimly aware that something now had hold of my body and was moving me upward. My bedding fell away, the towel slipped off as well leaving me naked. My balls fell low unsupported. I had never experienced that much pain from something that shouldn’t have been painful. I could feel something warm gripping them pulling upward for support. Only half aware I was rising toward the ceiling of my apartment, a sudden flash and everything disappeared in the thickened haze. My mind deceived me once again while I felt what I thought was the tender clutch of my someone. Forgetting all I felt calm and excited at the same time! I was warmed by the thought I was going to see his kind and caring face again! Peace and love came over me while again I was awakened by the serum. More alert my fear returned I could no longer sense his warm pleasant desires or see his face. The air was heavy with the male musk of pheromones intensifying sexual feelings of love and lust. All around me there were deep throated groans from what felt like hundreds of men in the mist full with excitement. The air was sweet with contentment as I felt arousing intense lust in the pit of my stomach that went with the deep gasps of passion and emotion I was hearing. I was supported by something unseen it felt moist and warm. All at once my entire body was being caressed from head to toe it was electrifying in nature. It gave me goose flesh, every hair on my body stood on end exciting every nerve. The mist intensified the effect. I was overwhelmed with the feeling of purpose and being adored for it. Not many guys would run or feel threatened from that! Growing more dazed I again thought it was the person in my thoughts!--And still again the serum opened my eyes. It now was a mixture of fear and confusion that overtook me! I was moving through a huge area or place without walls filled with the dense blue fog. The only light source came from the mist because it radiated a kind of glow. I was startled to see that there were rows and rows of naked emotionally excited young male bodies. The only other sounds I heard came from all around me. It was an odd wet suction sound of fluid flowing that went with overwhelming feelings of satisfaction and hunger. It was bizarre looking they were just there held in mid air sharply bent upward at the waist legs slightly parted and appeared held by their genitals. The difference was they were subdued and dreaming. And I was not! It was an assembly line of bodies with their mid sections pushed upward somehow; suspended yet supported in mid air. Their non-erect penises of varying sizes jutting upward looked stressed or pulled in a way that made their bodies look strained just hanging by their dicks. I knew that was not true because they were completely relaxed and happy. No one here had any resistance the aliens were in absolute complete control. Thighs were spread, knees partially bent, arms hanging loose and limp, their minds controlled by thoughts of total abandon and affection. My own limbs now lacked the ability to move at will. Still moving I noticed the beautiful young blond fellow I almost ran into at the Dr. Office. His naked body caused my heart to race he was physical perfection. He was smooth with almost sculpted definition. Though supported he also appeared limp just hanging there--but now I could see he was held by soft strands or waves of charged electrical energy. It looked like blue smoke gently swirling around his body. The waves were mostly concentrated at his waist swirling around his genitals moving or pulling them upward.

The first time I ever saw any other living thing was a creature of some kind. It was long slick and brownish green wet looking and appeared to undulate as it started to move slowly over his sleeping body! He was totally unaware of the gush of emotion and satisfaction from the being, it seemed excited and very pleased, but there was always that strong sense of intense hunger!!! With a smile on his sleeping face his head moved from deep uncontrolled pleasure. The creature was very large, cylindrical and didn’t appear to have eyes. Only one small thin appendage about two feet long with a flower like bulb with petals on the end of it that would open and close as it moved toward his parted legs. His upended body was muscular; his thighs displayed only slight resistance when he squirmed from the pressure allowing it entry. The bulb opened and gushed some kind of viscous fluid as it pressed easily sliding into him leaving him groaning loudly with flexing butt and thigh muscles. He moved from the pressure as It grew larger filling his insides. In the dim light he glistened with sweat. He and the appendage excitedly moved and squirmed in unison. From what I could see all of the young men appeared to vary in size and age. Some looked to be in their teens. Many in their twenties looked odd with penises as large as mine. I never thought till now about how I must have appeared. None of them awoke as the growth hormone injections were prepared and applied to their genitals. Many of the younger ones were more responsive to the treatments; their penises appeared to be expanding as I watched. They were the ones most heavily injected. Sudden cries of discomfort and pain could be heard when their testicles were stretched and swelled by the large amount and the pressure of the injections. The delicate skin of the sacs were growing fat and full expanding by what could have been a large amount of injected fluid to accommodate the added size and weight they were to carry. Their ball sacs looked heavy like small melons. In spite of the invasive procedures they were all quite occupied and mostly happy as sex was introduced to them while in a dream state. My head began to hurt with the accumulative bombardment of mental noise that was all around me. I was connected with the mass of mental visual pictures and sensations they were physically feeling and seeing though mixed it was quite exciting. There were only brief moments when line of sight permitted clarity with individuals. My young blond fellow was uncomfortable when his soft member was surrounded by the energy extending it upward pulled uncomfortably tight. A slimy creature was waiting near by.

Organs pulled while soft looked much longer but thinner. His large egg-sized testicles were lying slightly lifted and placed in a odd looking dish. Another of those things with a long tubular neck was approaching him. It looked old moved slowly and had a mouth like opening that was large, grotesque and dripping with froth. I could feel a familiar aching hunger from it. My sudden fear and revulsion was calmed by the haze as I could see each one of those magnificent bodies were writhing with deep throated groans and gasps of pleasure. The creatures I could see now were many with two or more to each male--I couldn’t quite tell how many there were. There was a lot of manipulating the enlarged testicles. After the injections the fluid filled scrotums were gently drawn into the mouths of the creatures. The mouths were gentle and moved in and out, massaging them causing their balls to swell and become very red and full which should have been somewhat painful. I could only see pleasure on their faces. Another was attached to the head of his long thin penis. It was holding it gently moving it back and forth gradually pulling it even more. My blond fellow frowned at the pressure that kept him held upward at the waist. He had no idea what he was being nurtured for. Still quite young he had more growing to do. There was something from inside the puckered mouth that erratically snaked downward into the opening at the head. It moved slowly and went deep keeping the shaft thin and long. Then slowly expanded increasing the diameter from the inside his dick was becoming very swollen looking. It was quite fat, skin stretched It must have hurt, but the kid had no reaction. I cringed when the creature pulled away and injected the head and placed it back into its mouth. The kid winced from the pain when the creature began a chewing motion causing the head to swell even more. Then the frothy mouth sucked itself down its full length swallowing it completely burying itself tightly between his legs. It looked violent when he was shoved backward from the aggression. You can imagine how odd looking it was to see this beautiful young boy’s legs spread and this huge what ever it was firmly attached to his up thrust groin. The thing’s emotion of starvation and hunger were intense as it caressed and coaxed what looked to be quite an explosive load out of this beautiful young man. Like a baby holding its mothers tit, it fed as he shuddered and convulsed from the pleasure. He was held and forcibly drained, but the look on his face was incredible. It was frightening as I passed each and every one for the deceit of the mind was complete. Further down there was a different kind of haze, it was heavier and a deep green, different from the others. I now felt intense and extreme sexual excitement. It was also here for the first time I felt true fright from any one of the guys and the largest uncontrolled voraciousness of any of the creatures. In the thick haze I sensed and felt his awakened state and growing fear. The guy was aware and could see me. I could hear him muttering in Italian tearfully pleading for my help. I was helpless and could do nothing!!! The handsome guy with coal black hair maybe 30 or so had a magnificent taught body even though he was quite muscular the harder he fought the tighter he was held. His chest, abdominal and thigh muscles heaved and tensed under the strain of what ever held him in his panic. His handsome physical development included a limp dick that was un-proportionately large. I thought, “my God how could this be?” He was stunned with fear and very definitely not dreaming. For some reason he was allowed all of his senses which were very inflamed and intensified. He was only mildly intoxicated by the haze. His straining muscled body was held horizontally slowly turning over and over in mid air like he was being displayed on a spit. The only body parts that were not constrained were his soft loose genitals which swung back and forth slapping his legs and belly when he was upside down. They controlled everything! His penis was very veined and heavy looking. His low hanging balls also looked very large and heavy easily the largest of any I’ve seen. Hiding that kind of bulk in everyday life must have been difficult. When he again was upside down he stopped. An adult approached his swinging wrinkled dick from the side. The guy started to tense and scream with fright and then cried from pain the thing put a needle deeply into his groin injecting something to the very root of his dick---with some--thing… Moments later his eyes were weeping from the pain I could see----his dick stretch getting harder moving outward beginning to swell past his knees. His legs moved wider even more from the internal expansion. They were causing him to have a massive hard on. The guy started to screamed again as It stretched straight very long downward and to the size of an arm. I could see it move as his heart made it throb getting harder to the point that it turned purple. He looked in pain; the skin was shinny from being very tight. I could see his eyes open wide as he helplessly watched the huge adult position itself beneath him. The guy’s dick swung back and forth from his fright. Moving upward its foaming mouth gaped open. For long moments it poised itself beneath him when his heavy liquid contents started to drip thick droplets from his dick into its gaping puckered mouth. He must have thought it was all over. Its wrinkled mouth opened even wider and closed on the apple sized head. From it I could hear a loud slurping or suction sound as it pulled its massive body upward swallowing the entire length of it. The mouth opened even wider and sucked in the heavy dangling balls. Big as the adult was its neck and body swelled unbelievably to accommodate that huge amount of flesh. I was able to feel the heat of the thing holding onto his huge manhood along with the pressure of it just hanging from it. The guy was crying from the pressure and strain as it swallowed itself up tightly between his open legs. His legs were wide with the mouth covering his entire groin and just hung there. I felt his continued pain; I could actually feel the beast’s tongue push its way up his dick and into his belly. The guy’s eyes rolled back when slow muscle movement in the adult began at the mouth applying pressure moving in waves down the entire length of the bulge in its neck. Every nerve end had been doubled from the base of his dick to the head. I could hardly stand the emotion as the guy’s entire body shook convulsing as his huge manhood was being stroked and sucked dry from within. The orgasmic movement of thickened cream deliberately moved slowly into the creature for what seemed like an hour. I could feel him go in and out of consciousness completely out of his head with pleasure and pain!! I felt orgasmic relief such as I have never felt before. It was beautiful orgasmic torture! The mouth overflowed with the thickened white fluid dripping out and down its neck. It released its slimy grip on both the still dripping organ and the testicles flopping out of its mouth when it finished and slid off. The beast was very satisfied. His balls were red and very swollen. His dick was wet, dripping ,, and still incredibly hard. Almost immediately two smaller beings approached him. One of them seemed very strong and much smaller than the other as it grabbed him very roughly. Again he tensed his muscles and screamed as he moved his head from side to side in pain. It moved and pushed him around like he was a play thing. They must have been young or juvenile they appeared inexperienced. After turning him right side up one of them wrapped around the guy with it’s mouth sucking or tasting different parts of his body. It was searching for that engorged dick. Holding tightly it began at his nipples sometimes it seemed gentle and then would wildly encircle him sensing and searching. I was puzzled about their excitement; it felt incredibly sexual for them. Their love for his penis was lust as well as hunger. They apparently shared their victim’s sexual pleasure as well as their fear. Now on his back the guys fright was growing again. It grabbed the guy wrapping around his waist squeezing the breath from him. It was wild and ravenous. Finding the base of the stiff dick it coiled around it moving outward. The guy’s incredible hardon bent downward from the creature’s weight. Approaching the head the weight on his groin must have been tremendous. It squeezed the slick dick almost slipping off causing the guy to begin screaming again with pain. Finding the head, it brutally grabbed at it clamping onto it. Still stiff it moved erratically as the thing forced its thickened tongue deep inside him. His dick swung back and forth wildly when it began trying to pump his contents.

It was angered when it found him already drained. With lightening speed it uncoiled itself and moved downward stalking the large swollen sac. Its weight pulled them down low swinging slightly while licking the soft delicate skin. Squeezing the sac for a few moments it gently played with them feeling their weight and density. They were so large they looked like pig nuts, but with much more skin. Then without warning it savagely grabbed at them with its weight pulling them lower. The scrotum pulled tight while it groaned grabbing and swallowing the left ball then the other. It pulled itself upward as they moved slowly down its throat. It heaved to and fro and continued to swallow repeatedly still moving upward. It separated and compressed them while pulling itself up tight between his legs. It wriggled and choked struggling to swallow its way up beneath his dick taking in all of the skin! Time seemed to stand still as the meal was being stroked from within I could feel the immense hunger appeasement as those huge balls were pulled deep into its body! The guy appeared caught between intense pain and pleasure and gave out with an awful sound as the thing all at once swallowed closing its mouth around the stretched skin, cauterizing while biting them free from his body. As if in a trance, it stopped momentarily to enjoy. The other THING appeared. This one even smaller than other appeared more juvenile and moved faster in a rage! The still hardened dick was very large and waved back and forth from the violence. The smaller one held on to it frantically snapping at the head missing it each time. Like the other It coiled itself up from the base finding the head it started swallowing over and over again in vain frustrating itself even further. Still alive the guy didn’t appear to feel any more pain. The head of his penis seemed too large for the youth to consume! After a few moments it methodically opened its mouth unhinging like a snake while secreting heavy goo covering the entire shaft. The youth grabbed at the waving penis several times more. Finding the glans, its neck stretched to the point that I could see a bulge with the shape of the head. Its neck continued to eventually tripling in size. It would expand and then contracted as it squeezed. There was a strange sense of thrill and horror at the sight. While erect the bulge of the head was visible now deep in its body which was also stiff and straight. The thing still groaned horribly as it appeared to be still drawing something from it, finally reaching the black hair at the base. It buried its mouth even deeper into his body managing to pull another inch or two taking it to the root. Pausing once more it seemed to strain as it held on. The long narrow tongue which was inside the penis could now be seen moving out and around it within its neck, tasting or inspecting its huge meal. Pausing momentarily, the slimy mouth closed on it very HARD finally severing the member completely from that gorgeous man! No longer erect the load slowly relaxed allowing the thing’s neck to curve once again. The squeezed penis now moved down its gullet. Totally drained of blood the guy went totally limp and turned pale. My hypnotic state in the doctor’s office came back to me as the last of the serum wore off. I felt a slight stinging sensation as the instrument was removed from my side by my captors. Again I heard the pleasant voice I had heard so many times in my head. I couldn’t see anyone but still I heard the kind voice. I couldn’t tell if it was aware of what I just witnessed, but my mind was coming under its influence once again.

My body was grasped in the same way, but less violently. The thick blue haze was flooding over me as before. The attention of what had me was constant. I could feel all the focus of mind and body was fixated on my soft frightened member. It was a mixture of admiration appreciation and intense hunger. My captors were literally starving and the young men were just temporary. They were dying and desperate. This time I was aware of my paralyzed state. I knew something else was different. They were causing me to go erect and then soft over and over again. The doctor also told me that my, as he called it, a suspensory ligament had been cut allowing my dick to lengthen even further. It could add anywhere between 1 to3 more inches. Everything hung lower and grew heavier over time by what ever the injections were. I could see one of those things approaching me it was larger with a thicker body and didn’t move as fast as the ones I just saw. The fear which was lessening was responsible for causing my apparent non-cooperation. Slowly bringing me under their control the images in my mind were on the face of my lover. Somehow I realized the face I saw was of the young blond fellow, they were connecting our minds. The warmth we felt was for each other! The lusting hunger I felt was from the adult that had me. I spent what must have been an hour or more with the thing stimulating me by lapping at the head of my dick causing me to get hard and then forcing me to go soft over and over not allowing me release. The soreness was increasing as a droplet of blood ran down my dick head. It stopped and a few minutes later I felt that familiar painful sting as each testicle was firmly examined and then injected with the largest amount to date of what ever it was. I could feel my penis extending even further outside of my body cavity. The blind thing was applying some kind of liquid massaging it into the skin with something that gave off a pulse. Though I heard nothing! Each wave penetrated in some way. This time without further manipulation I can feel it grow. My balls were quite large and very heavy. They felt like led as they agonizingly ached. I couldn’t feel danger, but I still had that beautiful guy on my mind. As I grew weaker and weaker I felt it searching for the opening at the head with it’s mouth open and dripping the long fleshy tongue entered the head going even deeper than before and then expanded. My dick was now swollen to proportions I wouldn’t have thought possible. Its mouth moved downward gently gripping the swollen head. The sensations were magnified beyond the imaginable! My body was still limp with muscles that would not respond. My legs were spread and bent as it wildly lapped at my butt with warm saliva seeking a way to enter me. Like a small finger the snake entered. The pressure internally was great when it started to expand pressing on its dinner. t was insistent with indescribable sensual perfection. Like an eel, I felt the slight surge of current go through my entire organ and into my groin. The long straw like tongue inside me started drawing its meal from me. My breath came faster and heavier while I violently began spitting out my milk like contents. The orgasmic upheaval with every jet was slowed by the thickened nourishment. It allowed me to finally empty my heavy burden wave after wave. The deep feelings of love and admiration from the young man I held in my memory began to wash over me. It was as I never thought possible! My sexual experience this time was to be remembered with love and affection. Each orgasmic spasm came with a sweet face attached--still immune to the fact that my dick and balls were an enlarging meal, allowing a strange distant race to repeatedly rape and drain me for their well being.

I clung to an illusion of love mate that I would never know. Feeling more susceptible to this synthetic presence loving me back I was again safe in my bed sleeping till morning in utter exhaustion and loving contentment.


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Robert McDonald

Alien Desperation 1

The first in the series of Alien Abduction

Alien Obsession 3

Abduction for the purposes of becoming food...


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