Gay Erotic Stories

Alien Desperation 1

by Robert McDonald

I was coming home from the doctor’s office with referrals to make appointments with a urologist and a shrink. When I described my now worsening dreams to the doctor, I don’t know, maybe he thought I needed some other kind of help!

Hoping I’ve done the right thing it all made me feel peculiar and strange. While resting that afternoon my thought was maybe I should have asked why the combination of the two? But I didn’t and it was starting to bother me!

Doc Jack wasn’t ever very forth coming with information, so that was no surprise. But I did suspect he might know more. I could feel there was something he wasn’t telling me! My confusion was growing!

Tuesday morning came and as much as I wanted to avoid it I felt compelled to do as asked. At the urologist’s office the nurse explained that as per Doc. Jack’s request I would not be seeing the urologist that day, but would see him the following week!

Totally unexpected was her next request, “I need you to ejaculate into a special pressurized container that is waiting for you in room number 4.” She continued, “It should be self-explanatory.” With a twinkle in her eye she said, “It might help you along”.

The nurse just reassured me and said to not be embarrassed that it was a special request by the shrink and my doctor The Urologist would explain all in my next visit.

Puzzled and more confused I started down the hall looking for number 4. All the while I had this dark foreboding that I was doing something I shouldn’t. But I went along with it. I entered the room looked around and found the container connected to a machine hanging above me. She said I was to undress lay on this table and pull down the container from the machine overhead. It was odd looking and had hoses all over it. I was to insert just the head of my penis into this padded sphincter opening.

She said it didn’t matter if I was erect or not. I thought this was weird. I pulled the mechanism down and wrestled with trying to hold everything and push just the head of my dick into the box. When I did it startled me when it came on automatically. The suction jerked the box down to my pubes pulling the whole thing inside. The head was pulled into this corrugated hose on the opposite end of the box. I was surprised by how hard it pulled.

After a few moments I felt the vacuum build. A narrow tube inserted itself deep inside. My dick swelled as it forced open the urethra. Without a kiss or a warning I felt a jolt and began to orgasm. It milked the sperm from my body. A moment later I panicked when the reservoir started to over fill. A red light came on. The suction stopped releasing my limp dripping dick. I guess the strangeness of the morning was to continue to the afternoon. At 3P.M. I was to go to the other appointment set by the good doctor with the shrink. I was unaware he was also a hypnotist!

Walking into the office I was surprised to notice that the office was a large open space. One would expect a smaller more decorated waiting room for a head doctor. The other odd thing was that there were small banquet room tables and chair…for more than just a few people. One particularly noticeable thing was that it was full of nice looking fairly young and I think gay men. At any other time it might have hit me as being a pleasant stroke of luck, but my concern with the dreams that plagued me took center stage.

They all seemed to be filling out questionnaires. When I was handed what looked to be a small book to fill out I almost walked out, but I was stopped in my tracks when I happened to notice that the first question had to do with “wet dreams”.

Well, my curiosity got the better of me so I sat down. The fellow who sat down next to me struck me as being vaguely familiar. The other obvious thing later occurred to me was that most of us were between 20 and 30. Lean builds, not really too different from each other. I couldn’t help but notice that once in a while one or two, while engrossed in what they were doing would touch themselves in the crotch, rubbing as though they were sore. Almost at the same moment I realized I was rubbing myself in the same way!

A few minutes or so after I decided to sit down this nicely dressed man in a lab coat walked out and said to me, ”You must be Glen,” and abruptly fired off, “please come with me!” I stammered, “But I hav----n’t–the man said that it was alright and to go with him!

When I entered the office at the end of a dark corridor I found it was very dimly lit but had a very relaxing effect. I then was asked by this mousey individual who looked me over from head to toe to please cooperate with him and that if I wanted answers I would need to dispense with any questions and to trust him implicitly.

That was strange I thought! He continued and said that the procedure would be a little unorthodox. The answers had to be without influence! He did ask “are you gay?” Not knowing from where his question originated I just gave him a look--which probably gave him his answer anyway! He then said “So--in the interest of time can we proceed right into hypnosis?”

He said my Dr. Suggested that my mind might give them some resistance, which was unknown to me, and suggested they use a serum that would allow me to concentrate as in a awaking state. He smiled and asked, “Okay?” I nodded and stuck out my arm as was motioned by the doctor. He then asked if I would, be willing to remove all my clothing.

This was getting odder by the minute!

After reassuring me that I would be completely safe and comfortable, he said that the nurse would remain in the room for note taking and observation! Feeling even more reluctant I complied. When I removed my jeans they both noticed that I was wearing a rather packed jock. Pulling it down slowly I noticed raised eyebrows. I looked up and said, “What?”

The doctor uncomfortably asked, “Do you wear a jock all the time?”

I said uneasily, “Every uhm thing felt very heavy.”

Continuing he said, “We were told that we needed to observe your genitalia for anything unusual. I hope you won’t mind; you will be quite safe”.

Not being an exhibitionist I sheepishly continued to peel down my jock and lay down on the couch. My large balls were loose and relaxed very heavy and ached without the support. Looking at my lap it was hard to believe they were part of my body. Not being fully aware of the gasp from the nurse the doctor asked if my genitals have always been so red and swollen? The doctor nervously said to the nurse, “This one’s different.”

After the comment about my length and the size of my balls along with several more looks of curiosity I came to my standard reply, “I don’t know,” finally saying “doesn’t this have to do with why I’m here?” The Dr. Simply said “yes” and nothing else.

The drug he gave me took hold sending me strait to nah-nah land almost immediately. He said to the nurse to turn up the heat and humidity a little. Then he quietly turned to me and soothingly said “relax as though you are in your own bed.” He then said to think of being at home on an evening of the third week of the month. The doctor turned an intense blue light on in my face asking me to recount my experience from that point.

After a few moments of silence and without warning I appeared startled and said, “They are sticking me in my spine just below my neck. “I’m paralyzed I’m a lump of flesh, my muscles won’t respond.”

“Be calm,” he said, “don’t fight it you’re quite safe” and softly asked what was happening?

I said, “I don’t know; the only things working are my mind and breathing!” The only sense of feeling came from below the waist.

“This has happened before!”

Feeling restrained I blurted, “I know it has!”

Again he said, “Just relax, you are safe here.”

Feeling more relaxed I agreed! “Tell me what is happening? I’m bathed in this blue kind of light. The air is humid and dense, but my body is numb above the waist I can’t move.” The sweat was starting to glisten all over my body. My penis seemed aroused and rolled from one side of my lap to the other. The nurse noted how large and dense my te

“Tell me what are you experiencing now,” he said?

“More relaxed; I’m floating! It feels like empty space. Oh!--I said again startled.

“What’s going on now he asked?

“Something wet very warm and bright is passing over my body! It’s coating my body with a waxy substance like a blanket. It’s going into every crack and orifice of my upper body.” Feeling a little frightened, “I physically feel the strong presence of a mind or intelligence.”

With goose pimples every hair on my body stood on end. “My mind is being probed. My stomach is swimming with butterflies, I feel aching intense starvation and hunger--and it’s being directed at me!” I would have been more frightened but calm and accepting, “I know what they want!” I feel the prickle of every nerve in my penis head and balls double—(wincing) it hurts. I feel the hunger getting stronger and coming closer to me from someone or some place near! I can hear and feel it’s dire thoughts! A voice in my mind is telling me to relax, and that no harm will come to me! Helpless and floating--- it was moving even closer to me.

A see through partition is being lowered over me. It’s large and heavy looking. I feel the weight of it as it pressed tightly around the small of my waist. I was cut off from my extremities. Everything below my waist was on the other side exposed and vulnerable. For the moment I could see little else. My still limp inflamed penis and balls are being drawn upward by something I can’t see. It’s starting to pull on it and it hurts. I’m displayed for them and I can’t feel hands. It felt warm tingly and insistent. Some sort of energy field had hold of it. The blue light gave me over to an over whelming sense of glorification as the light and the warmth from it washed over me.

I can feel excited pleasure and a kind of worship. I was being gently touched or caressed. The sensation sent uncontrollable shivers through my body! Still soft they continued pulling it even more. It’s nothing I can describe. Muscle, legs and arms are totally limp. The only senses I possess are of sight and what I felt on the other side of the partition!!! Everything else is numb! My aching balls are firmly gripped the sensitivity is causing me pain. I can see each testicle being picked up and examined separately. (Uncomfortably) I feel the sharp pain of a needle applied to each one. The pain grew as the needle went deeper. They feel unbelievably heavy and ache even more. The kind voice in my head is repeating something I’d heard before. It is explaining that my body is treasured and valuable to their species.

With a jolt my heart rate doubled when out of no where I could hear crying and a loud pleading scream. It came from somewhere down in another part of where I was. The voice reassuringly said that it is HIS time! I need not be concerned for many years. Relax, relax, relax over and over the voice said. Being dazed by the mist the sound I heard faded in the distance as I am calmed from within.

From the first I felt warmth and adoration. I can see a beautiful young male face smiling down at me. The suction was getting stronger and continued pulling my penis. I wasn’t allowed a hard-on even if I could get one. Soft and pulled it looked longer. I can’t see anything touching me, but I can feel it! From several feet above me this long narrow squirming worm like thing is moving downward toward my pulled member! It’s entering me at the head. Moving deeper into me it tickled squirming even more. I have no will to resist! It’s fleshy and I feel its warmth down to my tail bone. Though I am forced, held and invaded fear is leaving me.

I see a shadow of something very large looming connected to the worm or tongue slowly ease itself downward. This wrinkled puckered mouth that held the worm like tongue wrapped itself over the head and stopped. Still pulling it’s holding on to my penis like a string of spaghetti. I hear and feel a sensation from what must be its tongue inside me moving, vibrating or resonating every nerve. My legs forcibly spread. My torso raised higher than my head and stimulated by the excited tongue. With shock on my face the sensation caused me to gulp my breath heavier and heavier. My rear is being entered. It’s giving off great warmth and expanding.

The connection between the loving face I saw earlier and what is happening is now more apparent. I feel great love and affection coming from somewhere! I recall being instructed to not masturbate for two weeks before our encounters and I will be rewarded when next we met. I know--I will do as asked instinctively and without question. I gasped trying to catch my breath again. The tongue inside is beginning to swell as this face of this gorgeous guy was clearer. The thing inside me felt like him touching me. Ohhhhh! It’s squirming even more. It’s forcing my dick to swell, stretched and fat like a salami glistening under the pressure with a sticky green fluid. I can’t describe the feeling my testicles are throbbing.

All I can do is watch. The skin is stretched tight from within like it might split. All attention and activity is focused on my organ. The sensation is so intense I feel----I’m coming in and out of consciousness.

The mind is in play with the physical. Any other time I’m sure it would be very painful if it didn’t feel so excruciatingly good! The helplessness I feel with the need and utter glorification for my sex organs is intense and wonderful. I questioned nothing. The soft voice I heard before is telling me something that in my daze I can recall from another time. It said my sperm and rare enzyme with a special protein was uncommonly found in young males of my species. The rich milk created by injections caused so very few of us to be greatly treasured and appreciated. It says that it keeps them alive and nourished. Continuing, it said there existed only a small number of young men in their 20's and 30's and because of their great need some even younger to be nurtured to produce great quantities for them. It is saying, I am very valuable. In my daze I faintly recall it saying that our enlarged penises and carefully farmed testicles were considered great delicacies in their world, which caused their young to grow faster.

Privately at the time and in my pleasurable fog I had no idea what that meant until I started waking up in the middle of the night hearing those blood curdling screams. When the voice stopped moments lapsed I feel a tingle of electricity through the tongue at the head trickle down inside my entire mid section. The things large body moved closer to me in the area of the partition. (Slightly fearful) I gasped and held my breath again, it took my entire organ and swallowed my testicles into its mouth. I could see waves in it’s neck and body massaging me.

It was— about to feed! I started to violently shudder uncontrollably. (Gasping and speaking faster), I can feel it all over from the other side of the partition. It is pulling my entire body with intense slurping, saliva gushing through the straw like tongue inside me. I can see the mouth and neck pumping, pulling and massaging at the same time. The tongue and mouth is squeezing or milking me from the inside (Shaking uncontrollably and convulsing.) Every nerve is raw and exploding with spasm after spasm. I’m out of my head, it is so intense. They are hungrily sucking drawing the thick nourishment through my dick from my body.

I then passed out!!!


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Robert McDonald

Alien Desperation 1

The first in the series of Alien Abduction

Alien Obsession 3

Abduction for the purposes of becoming food...

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