Gay Erotic Stories

Partying With Palo

by Jackson49

As things often happen in life one door closes and another opens. This happened to me recently.

I always had the feeling of something missing in my life and I harkened back to my younger days and my first M2M sex and that was when I was truly happy. Despite dabbling in bookstores and theaters my M2M sex life has been limited.

When something is missing, you cannot completely give of yourself and so another marriage failed. I actually caught her with someone and felt relieved that I could finally end this relationship.

So we divorced and after about two years I went online to see what I could find. Well I found a source for chatting and possible meets. Well the door that closed was when I had my 50th birthday. I decided then and there to start enjoying life……what I turned into was a slut of sorts.

I met a couple of guys for blowjobs here and there, and had an occasional anal experience. But, the enjoyment was limited until I met this one couple.

These two guys were laid back and we had a good time from the moment we met. One was versatile and one was a Top. The Top was uncut my favorite and liked to have me suck him and then fuck me. While this was happening the versatile one was playing with my cock and would occasionally fuck me.

Well we have a good relationship and all enjoy the time we are together. My actual fun started from these two. Last year (2009) they held a 4th of July party and I was invited. There were about 10-15 guys and while all were gay it was not planned as a sex party.

Well the top his name is Rico, and is Hispanic. He introduces me to an older gentleman, Palo, who I found out later was his uncle. Well we hit it off immediately and were laughing and joking around. Palo asks me if I wanted another beer and I said yes.

He went off to get us a couple of beers from the keg and came back and apologized since mine was so foamy. Well the kitchen area where we were standing was pretty crowded and he was pressed against me. And when he tried to move in front his hand came across my ass and lingered.

We tried to continue our conversation, but it was too loud and crowded, so Palo suggested we move into the front room. Now this room has a set of French Doors and was closed off from the party. Palo asked Rico if it would be ok to go in and Rico said yes.

The front room was set up as a dining room and had armless chairs around the table. We were sitting on the end of the table and our chairs were just about a foot apart. While on one hand this seemed close, on another it seemed vary natural. Our legs were in between each others like you often see couples sit together. We were talking and my head was spinning. I felt so on fire inside. Palo leaned in and I naturally also leaned in to kiss. While leaning in, I put my hand on the edge of his chair, as he was leaning in his crotch came in contact with my hand and I just naturally started rubbing it.

Well our kiss became much more passionate and he mumbled something about his pinga. Not knowing what that was I did not respond and he took my head and pushed it down into his crotch. I like to be controlled and I was on fire inside so I complied.

I unbuttoned his shorts and unzipped them. The biggest hardest uncut cock I have ever seen popped out. And he said suck it Punta. Well he did not have to tell me twice, I lost my gag reflex along time ago and proceeded to take it all the way in. He was mumbling up a storm and said I was his now. He did not take too long and he was shooting his load in my mouth. It was a very large load and I was swallowing as fast as I could. I managed somehow to keep all of it in my mouth.

He thanked me and said I gave him the best blowjob he has ever had. He then asked how I felt about him fucking me and I said we would have to take it slow since he was so big, but I wad up for it.

With that he pulled his pants up grabbed me by the hand and said let go to his place. Without even thinking about it I said yes. For some reason I wanted to please him in every way. So whatever he asked me to do I was going to do.

We said goodbye to Rico and Palo said something in Spanish with a big smile on his face. Rico looked at me and said good luck. I grinned and not knowing what I was getting my self into said thanks. He took my hand and said come on baby lets go. So we went to get in his truck and he pulled out two beers and opened them. When he handed mine to be it was foaming up just like the beer at the house. We then drove off in his truck and headed out the back of the development and turned west on the back road. While driving he told me to take off all my clothes. Given it was the summer and we were in a pickup, I did not see a problem with this request and complied.

The more I drank the hornier I got and my dick had a raging hard on. I leaned over and set my hand on his leg and he pulled it up to his crotch. He said something in Spanish and I just naturally started to rub his crotch. Well he pulled my head down again and said suck my cock hard so I can fuck you when we get home.

We drove for what seemed like another ten minutes and then turned right and onto what appeared to be a gravel road, I could hear the tires crunching but could only see his lap. All the time he kept his hand on the back of my head. He stopped the car and started rotating his hips and fucking my mouth. I thought I was in for another load, but he stopped and pulled my head off his cock.

When I got up I saw we were inside of a garage and the door was coming down. He was naked from the waist down and I only had on a pair of flip flops. Little did I know Rico had called ahead and talked to Palo’s roommate who had called some guys over….this is when the party really started.

Palo led me down a staircase and into what looked like a sex room. Palo sat down in a chair that had a padded kneeling board attached, obviously a blowjob chair. He had me kneel down and pulled my head down and told me to get him hard. I could hear some movement in the room, but was busy trying to please Palo. Despite the obvious way things were turning I still felt an overwhelming need to please him.

Palo then told me to stand up and turn around. I did and there were five naked Hispanic guys standing around with dicks of multiple sizes and shapes. He told me we were going to party and handed me a beer to drink. He then said I needed to get up on a table that could be raised or lowered depending on how tall the guy was behind me. The front was lowered so someone could sit in front and get a blowjob.

I looked around and thought about running, but realized I would not get very far and then I would still get fucked. Palo saw me resign to my fate and said that is a good boy. I then was strapped across my back and legs so I could not move. The only thing free was my arms and head. I soon figured out what these were for.

I was handed a hat with some numbers in it. I pulled out a number and one of the guys read the number off. This guy stepped forward and climbed into the blowjob seat. Palo told me he was going to fuck me first then the other guys on the left side of the room would fuck me. The guys on the right side would be getting blowjobs. He asked me if I understood and I said yes, then he said the guys would switch and the right side would fuck me and the left would get blowjobs.

On one hand I was terrified of where this was going and on the other I was so horny it was not funny. Palo then had me pull his cock until it got hard and he went back to fuck me. He took his time getting in, which I was happy with and once I was adjusted to his size and length, he was a good fuck. The guy in front wasted no time in getting in my mouth. But since I had been sucking Palo there was no problem taking this cock.

The line up went quick for the first time through. It was the second round that took significantly longer. Most of the guys that had been in my ass cleaned there dicks off, but one guy did not and he even said I had better not puck on his dick. Well somehow I managed to suck him off through the smell.

When both rounds were over it was if I was one of the guys. They undid the straps and gave me a beer. From time to time someone would come around and want a blowjob. They would lead me off to a room in the house or outside and I would suck them off, but no one fucked me for the rest of the night, which was a blessing since my ass was very sore.

I have gone back and partied with Palo and his guys, and found out the reason my beer was foaming. Palo had dropped something in it to make me loose my inhibitions. While I do not need this anymore, I have taken a hit every now and then to be able to party all night long with these guys.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Jackson49

Partying With Palo

As things often happen in life one door closes and another opens. This happened to me recently.I always had the feeling of something missing in my life and I harkened back to my younger days and my first M2M sex and that was when I was truly happy. Despite dabbling in bookstores and theaters my M2M sex life has been limited.When something is missing, you cannot completely give of


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