Gay Erotic Stories

Silver Dad Frank

by Seanman

Silver Dad Frank I have always loved older masculine men with salt n pepper hair. I work at target and this place is like a gold mine for men with that description. I was halfway through my shift when i saw this god walk into my view. He was about 6'4' and built like a truck. He had salt n pepper hair with a big bushy mustache. He had very blue eyes and hairy forearms. As soon as i saw him i got really nervous and shy. Although he walked right up to me and asked me in a low but playful voice, " do you know where the pharmacy is?" I barely managed to squeak out, " yeah just two isles down..." He gave me this slight smile and a wink and walked away. I always look to see if hot guys like him are wearing a wedding ring and i noticed that he wasn't. I also noticed that he had big fat sausage fingers and i couldn't take my eyes off him as he rounded the corner. I slyly stocked him to see what he was doing, however, i thought i was stocking him because i lost track of him. He was picking out some condoms and my dumb ass bumped into him on the corner of the isle. The condoms dropped to the floor and being 5'8' and 165 Lbs. so did i. I was shocked and embarrassed by being caught cruising this masterpiece. He bellowed deep chuckle and extended one of his huge hairy hands. I picked his condoms in one hand and he hoisted me up with his. I stuttered out, " h-h-here you go sir." I handed him his condoms. I was in shock when i read the condom box Beyond 8. My face must have given me away because he cocked his head to the left and gave me that same smile he did earlier. He put his colossal palm on my shoulder to help me balance and asked me if i was alright. I couldn't get a word out, but he looked down at my crotch and said, " it seems that you don't have a problem standing anymore." I looked down at my crotch and noticed that i had a bulge that could be seen from a mile away. Then i glanced at his crotch and to my surprise he was sporting a boner as well. I looked up right into his eyes with a big shit eating grin on my face. He kept his hand on my shoulder and told me his name was Frank. He slowly was massaging my shoulder and i was getting lost in his eyes. I quickly snapped out of my trance because i was at work for god sakes. I peered around and nobody was looking and i let out a long deep breath. Frank asked me, " So, what time do you get off work." I wanted to say, "that i got off work at 9 and got on you around 9:15." but that was a little bold for me. I told him my name is Sean and i got off work at 9. Frank stopped massaging my shoulder and reached back into his back pocket. He pulled out a business card and handed it to me. It said Frank Smyth, Divorce Lawyer and his phone number. I took the card and put it in my wallet. Frank said he had to go but to give him a call when i got off work. I told him that i will definitely be calling him around 9. The last half of my shift went by so slowly because i could not be patient to what was to come. I thought to myself, " God how lucky am i that this guy has taken notice to me!" Not soon enough 9 reared its head around i was nervous as hell to give him a call. I was walking out to my car in the parking lot and low and behold he was leaning against his Mercedes Benz. Frank flagged me over to his car and opened the passenger side door for me. I thought i was going to explode butterflies as i got into his car. Frank got in the car and closed his door. He leaned over into me and gave me the hottest kiss i have ever had. He then pushed his big tongue in my mouth and explored it with no hesitation. His mustache was brushing my nose and his hand was up my shirt teasing my nipples. I reached over and started to rub his inner thigh and Frank grabbed my hand and shoved it under his pants. His man cock dwarfed my hand but i just kept on massaging and stroking. He leaned away from my mouth and licked my neck and chin. Frank said, " Holy shit boy you sure now how to get me all hot and heavy." I laughed and said." You are the hottest dad on this planet!" Frank leaned into my ear and whispered," I am going to show you what a real dad does for his boy!" I laid back into my seat in ecstasy and said," God i hope so." He started his car and started to head for his house. Frank had one hand on the wheel and one hand in my lap just slowly caressing my cock. I told him that he would have to stop or i am going to explode in my pants. He laughed and took his hand away. We pulled up to his house and damn he appeared to be very successful. His house was huge and well kept. We pulled into his 4 car garage and got out. He held out his hand and i took it. He lead me to his kitchen and he poured us each a glass of red wine. I took it quickly because i was only 19. I drank the wine in one gulp and he smiled and gazed into my eyes and said, I can tell you need to loosen up a little before i loosen you up a lot!" God this guy had some swagger to him. I asked him if i can use his bathroom and he showed me the way. Although i did have to piss i did just want to breathe all this in with a quick moment alone. He had other motives. He stood over me and watched me take a piss. I am not into piss play but damn how can you resist this. Then he stood right next to me and took out his fat veiny uncut cock. Then his fire hose started to pee and all i could do was stare in amazement. Not even thinking i took hold of his monster while he was pissing and aimed it for him. When Frank was done i shook his dick for him and let go. We didn't even bother to put them away. I turned around and he playfully smacked my ass(but it had some power to it) and he ushered me to his bedroom.

We stood at the front of his bed as we again probed each others mouths with our tongues. He slowly started to undress himself and me. By the end we were kissing and playing with each others cocks. Frank sat on his bed with his monster cock standing straight up and looked at me then back at his cock. Ohh i got the hint. I got on my knees and kissed and licked his inner thighs to tease him. I held his oozing cock with my hand while i gargled what i could of his balls. Then i pulled his extra skin of his uncut cock and tongued all the cheese i could. His manly aroma was feeding my hunger for anything this guy would do with me. I forced what i could of his cock down my throat because his cock was just too big to really do it justice. I don't think Frank cared because he was moaning and saying," Your a good cock sucker boy!" But then i could tell that he wanted more and he grabbed my head and started to force his goliath cock deep down my throat. I was choking and barely breathing through my nose. Frank was yelling, " touch your nose to my stomach boy or i will show you true pain!" I could not do it for the life of me... Believe me i was doing the best work i have ever done but he was just to well endowed. He stood up and literally threw me on the bed. Frank blurted out, " I will show you how to do it." He quickly easily engulfed my cock and pumped his head up and down. This guy was a machine. His mouth was working my cock and his thumb was rubbing my aching hole I was in complete pleasure and was shouting," OOooh Daddy! DADDY! He must of sensed me getting close and pulled off. I didn't notice until now how hairy and defined his chest was. God damn i the luckiest kid ever i thought. He laid down next to me breathing hard and said, " try to find my hot spots." I asked Frank if he would get on his stomach and prop his ass up. He grinned at me and happily obliged. He had a hairy lower back and ass. I licked my lips and pried his cheeks apart to find his pink rose bud. I stuck my lips around his bud and tongue punched his hole. I licked and flicked my tongue deeper and deeper into him. He was moaning and he kept sticking his ass higher and higher. I started to put my finger and then fingers into his hole. I was owning his ass until he got up and said, " I will show you how it is done boy!" He put me on my back and my ass on the edge of the bed. I grabbed my feet and he went to town on my ass! Frank was licking, probing, chewing, and his mustache made me see stars. His thick mustache was the best part. He started finger fucking my ass and i started to panic. His fingers were fat and big, but he worked his magic and i was starting to beg for more. Big mistake on my part! Frank put both of his fat hairy thumbs in my ass and started to drive them deep. Searing pain mixed with pleasure went through me. I was breathing so heavily and leaking precum all over. Frank got up and said," Breathe boy because now i'm taking your ass!" I could hear him grab some lube and mess with his condom. He grabbed my legs and scooted me to the edge of the bed. He leaned over me and twisted both of my nipples and gave me a kiss. Then he spread my ass and i could feel his head of his cock at my point of entry. He leaned in and his head popped in. That took all the wind out of me. Frank seemed not to care... AAAHhh yeah Boy i knew you had a tight ass. I was weary but sex drunk. He started to go further and further into my ass. I was pleading to Frank to slow down for a bit ,but he just smacked my ass hard and grunted. Frank was in complete control! He was finally all the way in and he just let my ass get use to his girth. Then he pulled all the way out slowly and back in. Then all the way out and he slammed into me! He was fucking me so hard i was in shock. AAHH yeah boy take it!!! He lifted my leg to get some leverage and it seemed like he got impossibly further in me. In and out quickly and hard! I heard a pop and he pulled out flipped me over and i stuck my ass out as much as i could. Boom he rammed me and he was moaning and grunting. He slapped my ass again and yelled, " Do you like Daddies cock?" My cock got rock hard and i simultaneously yelled, "Fuck me hard" and jizzed all over my chest and face. He kept pumping me until his cock got nice and plump. He pulled out quickly, ripped off his condom and grabbed my head. Frank shoved his cock in my mouth and Roared! His first gush seared the back of my throat. His second gush filled my mouth and i swallowed. His third gush filled it again, but i choked and it dribbled all over my mouth and chin. He leaned into me and Licked up his mess and again locked mouths and we explored each others mouths. We collapsed in his bed and just cuddled there for about twenty minutes and i was half asleep until i felt his bare cock halfway in my ass! This is based on a true story and we are doing great!


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Seanman

Silver Dad Frank

Silver Dad Frank I have always loved older masculine men with salt n pepper hair. I work at target and this place is like a gold mine for men with that description. I was halfway through my shift when i saw this god walk into my view. He was about 6'4' and built like a truck. He had salt n pepper hair with a big bushy mustache. He


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