Gay Erotic Stories

In Love with...gasp...My Father N Law.

by Nightshiftbear

Growing up as a Preacher's son my life was hidden amidst secrets I could never revile and broken for I knew he was forbidden true love. Lost and hopeless inside surely touching a special someone was out of my reach however... Could I possible have a close friend? One of my favorite songs Karen Carpenter sings..."I'll say goodbye to love". Seems to be the theme of my life. I was such an out going man missing out because of feelings I could not explore. Drifting through life seeing such beautiful works of art aching for a touch I just could not afford. This lead me on a true life erotic story that left me breathless and wanting. Funny, I still ache so deeply for his touch yet... it shall never be. But in the midst of pondering and wishful thinking of wanting that special 'MAN' friend... Now I realize that I have had that for a very long time. Back in 1990 I decided not to be a welder no longer. I really didn't like the thoughts of working in the coal mines and black lung. I stumbled into a new field and wondered if I could fit in. I started school becoming a Respiratory Therapist. In the midst of this new beginning I would leave my family and start fresh for the very first time. As I drove to the new area filled with excitement I was searching the land side for new Churches. Being a Christian and a piano player I wanted to always stay grounded in God. I passed a small little Church on my way home and decided I'd love to visit. Sunday came and who would have ever thought I would find my new Church plus my very first 'male' relationship. For me, at this time Same Sex Attraction was a night mare. I truly despised my self with Raw Self Hate and Disgust! Through Church I was taught having 'those' kinds of feelings were wrong. Inside I longed for a manly touch... a mustache that would brush my quivering lips.

The Pastor was friendly and the moment our eyes met we somehow bonded. He asked if I was a Preacher but I replied: "A preacher's son and a Piano player." He introduced me to his Wife and his Eight children. Gasp! I could tell he was a very warm man that had the comical attitude of Ray Stephens. As the service started he asked me to come and play piano for the church. Then he explained they were praying for a piano player. I asked who played the guitar and watched as he picked it up. The first song was: "I'll fly away", the children's favorite. Our music started and I noticed a smile on his face when he discovered I played by ear. While we played as if we had been together all our lives, he sang lead and I followed with harmony. His eyes grew wide... We somehow complimented each other in our music and our singing.

While he preached he moved about as a man welding great power and spoke with authority. His voice, manly and it appeared I was paying attention to the service yet his thick black mustache captured my eyes. Between his voice and stash...I was distracted! His lips were thin and were often submerged beneath his mustache. Try as I might he had all the (Turn On's) and triggers to press all my 'homo' emotions. His eyes were so dark they appeared black showing no stromas. He was husky and stood about 5' 10". Jet black hair with mature bold hints of gray... His shoulders were large and his hands so manly with the sexiest hairs on his fingers. BLAST!!! Dark thick chest hair hung from the top buttons in his shirt... I was in deep shit!!! At least one service and I could leave and not have to worry about those emotions again. Then I saw a spark in his eyes and heard an invitation to come back again. Then before I could answer I noticed the manly smell of his body sweat from preaching so hard mixed so erotic with his Old Spice cologne. The chemical mix was to powerful and the pheromones over whelming. Time Stopped!!! I had never been so attracted to another human being in my life. My thoughts...."Oh God,...I'm going to burn in hell." DOOMED!!!

Sunday night came and I played piano for the Church once again. The Pastor and I had hit it off very fast and very deep. This time I sat with his daughter while he preached. She resembled her Dad, both Native American Indian's. Who would have known the man that I was attracted to and the man that was attracted so deeply to me would one day be...


Its funny, until this point in my life I never realized I had experienced a "male to male" relationship. Looking back now I can tell he and I had a long court ship. I remember dating his daughter 10 months, feeling infatuated by her feelings yet so aware I could not marry her. All the while he and I grew more playful and often romantic then at nights I'd be so frustrated craving his touch often begging God's forgiveness for I was falling for the Pastor. Never kissing nor nothing sexual both driven with something beyond friendship. Both terrified to admit how attracted we were to one another. His daughter appreciated the fact that her Dad was no longer the silent man he had come to life. I watched his eyes searching mine and his penis get hard and stiff while we visited alone, both breathless... so much to say yet never crossing 'that' line. I'd come home at night in tears, knowing I was hopelessly in love and could not do a thing about it.

My Studies had started transforming me into a lung expert. I had realized my soon to be Father-N-Law was a sick man with Lung disease. I had became a regular at their house after school. Often cutting their grass and helping them on the farm. This was how I lived at home and I had been a very hard worker. One day while cutting 'his' grass I had grown tried of my shirt. At home I naturally went around shirtless. I noticed a set of deep brown eyes were exploring my chest and my thick dark chest hair. He had always kept his shirt on around me. As I passed by the porch he sat out on the swing relaxing. He felt uninhibited for the first time in his life and he sat shirtless exposing his black fur. I had been lucky to have tied my shirt about my belt line covering my privates...I throbbed. I could feel streams of pre cum oozing through my under ware leaving a huge wet spot soaking through my pants. I wanted his touch so desperately I ached.

Little did I know someone had been watching us. Someone else realized our eyes were eating each other up. He and I had been inseparable for three years. I had been his Son-N-Law two year. The chemistry between us was overwhelming and intoxicating! Then one day We had a very bad shock. The Mother-N-Law had approached us and said: "How are you two FAGS doing today? I wish you would look at me like you do Hank." What had been my Paradise shattered among her words. From that time on we separated ourselves more glancing over our shoulders each time we passed just to see if the other noticed. Inside I was truly crushed. I had married the Preacher's daughter but, I had fallen in love with my Father-N-Law.

Now 17 years later we still share glances and often I ponder on my fond memories of being close with another man. How many of you secretly liked...your Father-N-Law?



1 Gay Erotic Stories from Nightshiftbear

In Love with...gasp...My Father N Law.

Growing up as a Preacher's son my life was hidden amidst secrets I could never revile and broken for I knew he was forbidden true love. Lost and hopeless inside surely touching a special someone was out of my reach however... Could I possible have a close friend? One of my favorite songs Karen Carpenter sings...


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