Gay Erotic Stories

All He Wanted Was a Cigar (Part Two)

by Dgcrimson

The ride in the backseat of the sedan seemed like hours to Tyler but was only a matter of minutes. Laying out in the backseat the goons had tied his hands together as well as blindfolded him. He tried to scream, but the hankie in his mouth only allowed for muffled sounds and pleas. The car suddenly came to a stop. Tyler heard the back door open and he felt himself yanked out of the backseat and dragged up a staircase, his knees banging against the steps, then what appeared to be inside a building and then thrown into a wooden chair. He then felt what was a hard rope tied around his chest, binding him to the chair.

The hankie was yanked out of his mouth and at Tyler breathed his first clear breaths. His coughed to clear his throat and began yelling. He then felt a hard smack against his right temple.

“Shaddup!” screamed a voice that he assumed was one of the goons. “We’ll do the talkin’!”

“What’s going on?” begged Tyler, still blindfolded.

“Just answer the questions and you’ll be just fine,” said another voice in a manner that was supposed to be gentle but was laced with threats. “Now, Gino, where is the money?”

“Who’s Gino?” blurted Tyler. “Who’s Gino? What money?”

“Quick the games Gino. Where is the boss’ dough?”

Tyler panicked as reality hit him. These two buffoons had mistaken for someone else. How was he going to get out of this?

“Look, I’m not this Gino guy. You made a mistake. Honest, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Please let me go. I swear I won’t tell anyone about this.”

“You’re damn right you won’t say anything – except where the money is!” said the first voice. “You’ll talk!”

With that Tyler felt his legs lifted up in the air and suddenly there was the distinct undeniable feeling on the balls of his feet. He was being tickled! He tried to wiggle away but both goons had their hands firmly placed and were tickling him relentlessly as they repeatedly asked him where the money was.

Tyler screamed his protestations to stop and that he had no idea as he squirmed and laughed all at the same time. His body writhed with both pain and ecstasy. Tyler remembered how he had engaged his tickling with a classmate in high school after gym practice and how he had enjoyed it – oh no, it was happening again – Tyler could feel the bulge growing in his crotch.

Unfortunately for Tyler, the two goons noticed the growing tentpole. “Look at what we got – a friggin’ fairy!” exclaimed the second voice. “He’s actually enjoying it.”

“We’ll fix that!” barked the voice of the first goon as Tyler suddenly felt a yank on his waist and the overalls and underwear tore off of him. Freed of its confines, his dick went to full salute. He noticed that one of the goon has stopped tickling his foot, but something much worst was to come.

“Here, gimme that feather in your hat” said the first goon. Slowly, Tyler felt the soft, tender, rhythmic stroking of a feather up and down the shaft of his penis. It was too much with the tickling for Tyler to bear, he begged for mercy, but the stroking only continued. It gracefully ran up and down the shaft and over the head. Tyler felt he was going to cum and then the movement stopped.

“You’re not gonna shoot that load until you tell us about the money!” said the second goon. We can make this last all night if we have to.”

“No,” begged Tyler feeling tears streaming across his face. “Please stop! I’m telling you, you have the wrong man!”

The tickling of the foot commenced once more as well as the feather up and down Tyler’s shaft. The buildup in his loins was almost too much to bear, wishing he did have the information to give these guys. He was also afraid of the humiliation of shooting in front of strangers like this. At the point of almost climax they stopped for a minute, but as soon as Tyler could catch his breath the tickling and stroking began again.

This third time was different. Tyler knew his own body enough to know he was losing was little restraint he had left and that his brain was no longer in control of his body. With several loud grunts Tyler released his load, his penis flaying up and down and his body whipping up and down in the chair. With the last ejaculation his body came to a complete collapse and Tyler drew a long breath.

“Gee, sorry boss” whispered the first goon.

The blindfold was whipped off of Tyler and it took about a minute for his eyes to focus. Standing before was a man he had never seen before in person but recognized from newspaper photos. He was a large beer barreled man with a thick mane of white hair. He was wearing a full length camelhair coat over his suit and a thick black cigar, larger than the one Tyler was smoking earlier hung out of the corner of his mouth. It was Pat the Tiger, well known as the crime boss in this area of the state --- and his left cheek was covered with Tyler’s jizz.

As one of the goons offered the boss a handkerchief to wipe off the cum, the boss said “Who is this?”

“Gino,” one of the goons said.

“That his not Gino!” the crime boss snapped and with that whacked both goons on the side of the head. “Morons! Where did you find him?”

“In the alley behind the cigar store,” answered the goon.

“Please, I don’t anything about what these guys are talking about. I don’t know a Gino or anything,” blurted Tyler, his words coming out of his mouth like a machine gun. “I don’t want any trouble, please just let me go! Honest, I won’t say anything!”

“Don’t worry faggot!” snapped Pat. “An entrepreneur like myself has standards.” Pat like using big words because he felt it made him more sophisticated. He exhaled on his cigar and blew the smoke in Tyler’s face. Despite the constraints and humiliation, Tyler found himself savoring the cigar smoke. “You like cigars faggot?” Tyler nodded. “Well then, you’ll like this!”

Pat the Tiger took a huge drag on his cigar then bent down and covered Tyler’s mouth with an open kiss, blowing his smoke down Tyler’s lungs. Tyler accepted the breath and the strange sensation of another man’s mouth on his lips. When pat the Tiger pulled away, the two goons were silent, afraid to say anything.

“We do not take out civilians. We are going to return you to where my, um, assistants unfortunately picked you up” reassured Pat the Tiger, drawing on his cigar, slowly savoring the smoke before exhaling. “You seem to be a person who normally doesn’t wear these types of clothes. Am I right?”

Tyler nodded and added it was a long story. Pat drew a chair closer to Tyler and sat down. Tyler noticed that the whole demeanor of the conversation had calmed down like he was spoken to like an equal.

“Just what I suspected, a mistake has been made. As a man of some sophistication and class you know that, um, unfortunately these are the things that can happen in any business operation.”

“But boss,” piped up one of the goons, “he’s just gonna go to the cops. Tyler immediately began repeating his protests that he would not tell anyone, but Pat the Tiger simply raised his hand bringing the room to silence.

“My moron assistant makes a good point. One has to have a little insurance” Pat said as he slowly rose and took off his coat, placing it on the empty chair. He ordered one of the goon to “Get the insurance” and one of them took off.

Tyler began to feel a feeling of dread at the word of insurance, and sensing that, Pat drew on his large cigar and again blew the smoke in Tyler’s direction. He apologized that he did not have an extra cigar to give to Tyler but that he had something else.

Tyler’s eyes widened as without hesitation Pat unzipped his pants and whipped out a massive cock already gorged with blood and hard. Before Tyler could catch his breath Pat shoved his huge penis into Tyler’s mouth commanding him to suck it, and suck it good. Pat the Tiger chomped on his massive cigar as Tyler felt Pat’s shaft back and forth in his mouth, so huge it went back to the back of his mouth. Tyler felt himself get harder as his tongue worked his way over the dick. The room filled with more cigar smoke as Pat puffed his cigar almost in sync to his thrusting into Tyler’s mouth. Moans increased in volume as the point of ejaculation grew closer and closer until Pat’s huge body banged against Tyler’s tied up torso. Tyler was overwhelmed with the explosion of multiple orgasms in his mouth and could feel the cum leaking from the side of his mouth.

With the last ejaculation Pat withdrew from Tyler’s mouth. Tyler tried to swallow as much as he could but the cum dripped over his lips and down his chin. At that moment his eyes were startled by a bright flash. In an instant Tyler realized he was just photographed, bound, and naked except for clothes around his ankle, with man juice covering his face and upper torso.

“There, “sighed Pat the Tiger as he zipped up his pants. “ As long as you keep quiet, no one will see that picture. However, well I guess get the idea.’ As the two goons snickered, Pat added “Now get this guy out of here! You two have done enough damage for one day.”

Back at the store, Louie and Ralphie still wondered what had happened to Tyler Norcross. Ralphie had received the suit, but no Tyler. Their conversation was interrupted by a loud thud against the back door. Rushing to the back door they were both shocked to see Tyler lying on the ground with the overalls and his shorts around his ankles and what appeared to be caked cream on his face.

When they asked what happened, Tyler just repeated he needed to get the hell out of here and meet his fiancée. Louie and Ralphie worked double time helping Tyler clean up and putting on his newly cleaned suit. As he put on his familiar clothes Tyler started to feel calmer as though this horrible afternoon could be put behind him. He even noticed that his shoes were nicely shined with no hint of the paint catastrophe. As a finishing touch Louie gave him three of the same cigars he enjoyed and placed them in Tyler’s breast pocket. Ralphie called a cab and together they placed Tyler in the cab with directions to take him to the Beaumont Hotel. As the cab sped off both Louie and Ralphie both wondered where Tyler Norcross had disappeared to, but were also grateful his anger had seem to disappear.

Tyler was still a little weak in the knees as he walked in the hotel lobby and headed for the lounge where he was to meet his party. A good drink would help tremendously and ordered a bourbon from Bill, his favorite bartender, who was behind the bar tonight.

“Mr. Norcross,” said Bill as he placed the bourbon before Tyler. “ Your fiancée has been trying to reach you and left a message to tell you that your future father-in-law had the flu so they were rescheduling. Sorry.”

The bartender turned his attention to other customers as Tyler finished the drink in one gulp. He couldn’t believe all he went through to get here and now this! Then he thought that maybe it was for the best and he could certainly use a stiff drink and good cigar. He motioned to Bill to bring another bourbon and took one of the cigars out of his breast pocket. A good cigar always relaxed him. He realized that he did not have a clipper so he bit the head off and then stuck the cigar in his mouth. He felt in his pockets and then realized he had no matches.

Suddenly a flame from a lighter appeared at the end of the cigar and Tyler placed the cigar in the flame. The cigar ignited and the wonderful nutty aroma circled inside Tyler’s mouth. Nice gesture when a light his offered. He looked over to thank the person and froze.

“Well, well, well” grinned Pat the Tiger as he closed his lighter. If it isn’t my new favorite poof!”



2 Gay Erotic Stories from Dgcrimson

All He Wanted Was a Cigar

It was a quiet mid-afternoon at Grove Street Cigar Store following the lunch crowd and before the after work rush when men would be coming to buy their end of the day smokes. This is the time of day to get paperwork done and chat with the occasional customer. Today Louie was checking the inventory behind the counter but his nose was twitching because of the smell of paint. Ralphie, his

All He Wanted Was a Cigar (Part Two)

The ride in the backseat of the sedan seemed like hours to Tyler but was only a matter of minutes. Laying out in the backseat the goons had tied his hands together as well as blindfolded him. He tried to scream, but the hankie in his mouth only allowed for muffled sounds and pleas. The car suddenly came to a stop. Tyler heard the back door open and he felt himself yanked out of the backseat


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