Gay Erotic Stories

New to cock

by Luckyraise

I went to visit my old college roommate in DC who recently got divorced. He's 43 (I'm 45 and married). Long and the short of it, he told me over a few beers that it didn't work out because he was interested in exploring men. I was a little taken aback as he's a good looking fit guy who never showed any indication he was bi. I asked him if he had any experiences with men yet, he mentioned a few online connections that he found. Some nice guys were happy to "help" him out. As I pressed him for more information, He went into graphic detail of some of his hook ups. He showed me the site and as we perused some of the profiles I noticed him shifting his cock in his shorts as he was obviously getting turned on. This, to me was ALSO turning me on and my dick began to tingle as it stated to grow. Not sure how he would answer, I asked him if he liked sucking mens dicks. He told me how having a guys thick throbbing member between his wet lips made him so hard that he said, just talking about it make him want to jerk off. I could see his now fully erect. His 8 inches prick was practically bulging out of his shorts. He wasn't wearing any underwear as I could clearly see the outline of his long thick hard cock. We were both sitting on the couch and as he again shifted his dick again, his big bulbous mushroom head popping out of his shorts. He saw me staring at it as he began to play with it with his fingertips. My dick was now just as hard and feeling a bit loose after the beers and knowing we were very alone, I asked him if I could see how big his dick was. He smiled and pulled his shorts down and kicked them off, and with an inviting smile, spread his legs for me to see. My eyes were wide open and my dick was so hard, I said, wow, that is one big dick. Let's see if mines as big and hard. I then pulled off my shorts down to show him my matching hard on. I moved close and asked, does my big hard dick turn you on? He said let me have a closer look. As he bent his face toward my throbbing cock, I anticipated his touch and nearly came, right then. He firmly grasped it at the base and put it up to his face as if to measure it from his chin to his forehead. He smiled as it brushed against his face. The shaft of my rod brushed his lips, he paused for a moment and then while looking me right in the eyes opened his mouth wide. Teasing me by putting the head just inside but not closing them around it I could feel his hot breath. I moaned a little and whispered, go ahead, take it. I want to feel your hot lips wrap around my cock. And with that invitation, he very slowly put as much of my dick in his mouth as he could. His warm tongue and hot lips closed around my shaft and then he began to slowly suck my dick. With each suck, he strokes my shaft with his firm fist. His other hand moved up to cup my big sagging ball sack. Working my balls with one hand and the shaft with the other, I was in another world. With my legs spread, I watched his head slowly bob up and down all I could think of was how I could make this last. But no sooner than I thought that, I felt the tightening of my balls and knew I was quickly reaching the point of no return. I told him to stop as I was about to cum. He paused briefly only to then start up again. I asked him to hold up, I don't want to cum yet, but he only looked up at me and took me in a little deeper. I said again, Hey, I'm going to cum! I know he heard me but just kept sucking. Knowing he was going to get the full compliment of my nut sack I moaned "Here it comes. ooh, I'm cumming!" And with that I felt the surge jizz come to the tip of my dick and begin to shoot out into his mouth, Wave after wave. I was pumping a load of hot cum into my cousins mouth and he moaned and slurped it as he kept working my rod, swallowing every shot I gave him. It seemed like a gallon of cum which he ate and licked clean. After a very brief recovery period. It was my turn to have a go. And as much as I liked having him suck me off, I couldn't get enough dick. I began to stroke his stiff rod in my hand and couldn't wait to taste the drops of pre cum that was already oozing from his prick. I was so anxious to have him in o my mouth. I couldn't wait to know what the taste of his hot cum would be like. I could tell when he was close and like he did for me, I worked him deeper until I got what I wanted. He told me with his moans and the way he put his hand on the back of my head that it was my turn to get what was cumming. As much as I was ready, I'll admit I was overwhelmed by the amount of hot cum that rushed from his tool out over my tongue to the back of my throat. My mouth filled up with his hot cum and although I couldn't swallow it, I loved the taste. He fucked my mouth good and hard until every last drop was drained from his balls. This was the first of many trips down to DC. and since have had a couple nice experiences with SD my self. Care to play?


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Luckyraise

New to cock

I went to visit my old college roommate in DC who recently got divorced. He's 43 (I'm 45 and married). Long and the short of it, he told me over a few beers that it didn't work out because he was interested in exploring men. I was a little taken aback as he's a good looking fit guy who never showed any indication he was bi. I asked him if he had any experiences with men yet, he


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