Gay Erotic Stories

turning the table

by 425160

I had been working legit for a few years now. In what I call my ‘old life’ I wasn’t so straight laced. The position I held in the main gang in town was impressive. As one of the higher ranking officers I was under scrutiny by the police but they never did made anything stick. When I got older I started to realize that I was gay and that is not the healthiest sexual preference when you are in such a group. That is why I left that life behind me and set up a regular business a few years ago dealing in real-estate. The cops didn’t trust my intentions at first but after some time they realized I had left the life in my gang behind me.

I was doing pretty well and one day Chris walked into my office. He was interested in buying an apartment and renting a commercial space to conduct his business. Chris was hot in a nerdy sort of way. Black rimed glasses and a very respectable hair cut. But through his slim cut suit I could see he had a great body and his face is what I would call classical beauty. But never mind that, he was here for business and that is what I was offering. We had a few meetings and to cut a long story short I found both the perfect apartment and office space for him. So far nothing special. The problem was that Chris was kind of a conman. He refused to pay my commissions. Again I was a legitimate business man and I went through all the right steps to get my money. When he finally still refused to pay I send him a last notice telling that I would be impounding all his stuff next week if he would continue to refuse.

The Monday after that I was sitting behind my desk, alone in the office when the three guys barged in. One small guy in the middle. Late forties, kind of heavy who clearly called the shots. ‘What do we have here’ he said in a loud voice clearly meant to display his dominance. He nodded to the two guys that were with him. Obviously his helpers. Mid twenties, muscular and handsome in a rugged sort of way. One of them cleared my desk with one violent sweep while the other kicked over two chairs at my conference table.

I looked at the scene with some amusement. I mean, I had seen this kind of behavior several times before but then I was the one dishing out the punishment to some poor unsuspecting mark. I appreciated the irony of the situation. When they were finished they took their place on either side of the man I found out was called Will. He put both his fists on my desk top. Leaned forward trying to be as intimidating as he could with his limited height and said ‘You better leave my client alone or there will be consequences’. The only client that I had a problem with was Chris so it was easily determined who had sent these guys.

I was leaning comfortably back in my chair the while time while this was going on. Finally I spoke. ‘I want to show you something’ I said. With that I unbuttoned my shirt and revealed my gang tattoo that was clearly visible on the left side of my chest. Every member gets initiated after their first kill with this symbol. That by itself is no news and not immediately a reason for anyone to be impressed. But I had been part of the absolute most dominant gang in the city and more importantly I had three dots underneath my gang tattoo which anyone who knows our gang recognizes instantly. It meant that I was about as high up in the organization as you could get. I saw Will stare at the tattoo and going pale. I had achieved the right effect and I knew he would be open to anything at this point to get out of the situation he had landed himself in. ‘Why don’t you sit down so we can talk about this and send your two goons to wait in the hall please’ I said in a relaxed voice. Will sat down and with a flick of his wrist sent the two confused guys out into the hallway.

No sooner had the door behind his two muscle men closed when Will started to apologies. ‘I had no idea who you were otherwise I would never have taken the liberty to come into your office. He pleaded. ‘Please tell me how I can make it up to you’. ‘Look’ I said ‘I noticed the tattoo on your hand which means you are from a gang yourself’. ‘You know who we are and that if it would come to blows we would wipe you and your fellow gang members out’. I didn’t shout or even have an angry tone in my voice. I stated it as a matter of fact and I could see by Will’s reaction that he knew it too. ‘But a war between our gangs would cause good people to die on our side as well and that is something I might be persuaded to avoid’ I continued. How well is Chris connected in your organization?’ I asked. ‘Not at all’ Will reacted. ‘The little shit is a friend of the boss’s son’. ‘He didn’t want to do it in the first place but his son persisted’. ‘We have no interest in Chris whatsoever and frankly I think he should get a kick in the ass’. Will was now trying to win me over by dishing Chris. I didn’t care but it was a good sign that Will and the rest would give up Chris in an instant.

‘What about your two helpers in the hallway?’ I demanded. ‘Not yet initiated, they have yet to prove their worth’ Will reacted quickly. ‘Here is my problem’. I continued. ‘I have a reputation to think of’. ‘If I let you and your two boys just walk out of here my reputation will be damaged’. ‘I will never tell a sole’ Will pleaded. I waved my hand and he stopped talking. ‘Here is what we will do’. ‘I won’t harm your boys but I will teach them a lesson’. ‘You will bring them in here and explain the gravity of your mistake’. ‘You know that this would normally mean I would have my men inflict severe physical injury’. ‘The only way to avoid this is they are just as humiliated as I am’. Will clearly didn’t know what I was planning but he was so eager to get out of the situation that he was making every kind of confirmation noise he could think of. When I finally finished speaking I let Will bring in his men. Will did a great job explaining to these boys about the mess they were in and what this would potentially mean to not only their health but also their family and loved ones. The two guys were getting more nervous by the second. One of them kept looking back and forth between me and Will and the other was starting to develop a nervous sweat. ‘the only way you can get out of this is by doing everything he says no matter how strange or humiliating it might be’ Will emphasized several times. When Will finally left the two guys were standing in my office not knowing what to do with themselves. I was looking them over. The one, who I later found out was called Russel clearly had Latino roots. He was a little smaller than his partner with dark hair and a slight tan. What was most noticeable about his were his amazingly muscular arms and shoulders. Not in a bodybuilder type way but very lean and well formed. Paul, as the other one was called, was the opposite. He was blond almost ginger hair, pale skin and at least 6 foot 4 tall. Everything about him was big. His chin, hands, chest were impressive.

After I had stared at them for sufficient time to make them really uncomfortable I let out a sigh and said ‘let’s first start with the cleaning of the mess you have made’. This was clearly a relief for the both of them. If this is all it wouldn’t be as bad as they had thought. I opened my desk drawer, took out my video camera, looked back at them and said ‘Oh, did I forget to mention you will be doing it in the nude?’

Both guys were sure they misunderstood me because they almost simultaneously said ‘excuse me?’ I got up from behind my desk, put my video camera down and walked up to them. I stood in the middle, facing them. I was so close that I could have easily kissed them both on the cheek by just turning my head. I let my hands slide up in between their legs, gently cupped both their packages and said ‘Do we have a problem gentlemen?’ they were both in shock on what was happening. They were trying very hard to avoid eye contact. I just kept gently massaging their dicks and balls. ‘You’d rather not show these puppies to me right?’ I said. Paul was the first to respond. He cleared his throat and mumbled ‘No sir I would rather not but only if that is ok with you’. He had barely turned his head towards me to see what my reaction would be when I clenched my fist around his balls and applied so much pressure instantly that at first he just gasped. Then he let out a cry that could have been heard in the building next door if had had any tenants that is. I released his acing scrotum and he dropped to his knees holding his bruised jewels.

I turned to Russel. ‘What about you, any reservations I should know about?’.’ No sir, I’d be honored to take my clothes off for you’ he lied. ‘Well then’ I continued ‘what is keeping you’? I stepped back and Russel started pulling his t-shirt over his head and simultaneously kicking off his shoes. He was so quick about it that before I had had a chance to enjoy the striptease Russel was pulling off his second sock and was standing there butt naked looking at me searching for my approval. And wow did I approve. Russel had the smallest waist I had ever seen flowing into a narrow pelvis. But everything besides that was muscular. I even liked the thin layer of black hair covering his chest, legs and forearms. But most unexpected was the length of his dick. It was narrow but very long and swaying gently with every move he made.

I turned my head towards Paul who was still on his knees cupping his, clearly no longer really acing, balls. ‘Stand up’ I said firmly. Paul jumped up and released his balls from his grip. ‘Anymore hesitation?’ I asked. ‘No sir’ Paul yelled as if he were in the army and I was his sergeant. He clearly had an army background because when he uttered the words his body instantly went into a formal ‘attention’ pose. Chest out, arms to his sides and legs together. I reached back and got my video camera, pushed record and said ‘I want you not only to take off your clothes; I want you to really make an effort to turn me on while stripping’. ‘And just to make it easy for you’ I took the remote and turned on some background music.

Paul looked at me for a second but didn’t want to risk another punishment. So to my surprise he started to move his hips to the rhythm of the music while running his hands over his chest. If I didn’t know better I’m sure he had done this before. Most definitely not for a guy though. He unbuttoned his shirt and let is slide to the floor behind him while looking at me seductively. He kept his gaze on me as he moved his hands over his abs down over his belt and started rubbing his bulge. ‘Take out your dick and display it for me’. I instructed him. Paul pulled his zipper down, reached inside and took out the biggest piece of meat. I had to restrain myself not to gasp. Instead I just lifted and eyebrow and nodded approvingly. Paul clearly didn’t know what I meant by ‘displaying his dick’. He held it in the palm of his hand for me to look at, wiggled it a little and then to my surprise started slowly pumping his dick. I waited for it to get semi hard and said ‘Good boy, now take off the rest of your clothes’. Paul released his belt and his pants fell to the floor. He kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his pants and went on halfhearted playing with his dick. Paul probably didn’t like the color of his hair because every inch of his body was shaved and completely hair free. He didn’t even have any pubes left. This made his dick even more impressive.

I turned to Russel who had been very quiet, happy that this was not a humiliation he had to suffer. ‘Since Paul is not only going to clean in the nude but also with a hard dick, I guess you can’t stay behind can you’. I turned my camera to Russel who was looking at me in amazement then for just a moment he dropped his head and shook it a few times letting me know he was not happy but going to be obedient. With his head down he took his penis in his hand and started jerking.

I guess Russel was just too straight because no matter how much he tried, his dick just wouldn’t get hard. It got a little thicker and the tip didn’t point straight down anymore, but no more then that. ‘’Ok, now get to work’’ I said firmly. They both got to work straight away. I walked around to check on their work. Russel at one point bent over to pick up one of the chairs. I stepped up behind him, reached in between his legs to play with his long narrow flaccid dick. ‘’Lean on the table and spread your legs a little more’’ I ordered him. He did as he was asked. His shaft felt soft like velvet and I got hard just feeling the warmth of his dick in the palm of my hand. I of course was an expert in getting a guy hard. So I pulled back his foreskin and started rubbing the very tip of his dick with my fingertip while gently holding the shaft of his penis with the rest of my fingers and very softly pumping back and forth. ‘’Let’s see if you can resist getting hard now’’ I whispered in his ear. I reached for his balls with my free hand and loosely started to play with them. But this didn’t get the right result. Reaching around I pinched his nipples but that just seemed to hurt him. So I got on my knees, spread his ass gently with my free hand and pushed my nose in between his ass cheeks.

This definitely got some reaction. The tiniest almost inaudible little ‘no’ came from his lips. There was so much desperation in that little word that I knew I had found the right spot. I could smell the musky manly scent and gently touched his sphincter with the tip of my tongue. Russel gasped and his breathing rate increased instantly. I let my tongue lick every inch of his anus and his cock reacted with every new move. Russel whimpered with every exhale. It was clear he was loosing the battle for self control. After several minutes of playing I finally lined my tongue up and pushed it past his resistance once. I got to my feet and replaced my tongue for my middle finger. Pushing it in and out of his now fully lubricated hole. I was now pumping his cock without mercy and it got rock hard in my hand. His balls even tightened in anticipation of shooting his load. I didn’t want that to happen so I released his dick grabbed him by the hair and pulled him back. He was now standing straight up with his dick pointing straight out. I was still finger fucking his ass and said. ‘’So you didn’t get hard before because you are a little bottom slut that needs to get his ass fucked to get hard, is that it?” Russel didn’t react but just whimpered some more and closing his eyes in shame.

I turned to Paul who had been making sure to clean up in a corner to avoid the visual of me molesting Russel. “Paul, stand up straight and look at your buddy here’’. I ordered him. Paul did as he was ordered and he turned around just in time to see the first drops of pre-cum leaking from Russell’s slid. Paul, to my surprise, didn’t look that chocked. I would rather describe his look as that of sadistic amusement. ‘’My hands are getting tired, why don’t you come over here and take over’’ I suggested to Paul. Paul knew better than to disobey so before I could repeat the question, he had grabbed Russel by the hair and was using his spit to prepare his fingers for penetration. To my surprise he was preparing all fingers. There was no way that Paul could have seen that I was only using the one, but I liked where this was going. I pulled out my finger making sure Paul couldn’t see how may had been in there. He looked at his own hand clearly deciding what would be the best finger position. He made up his mind to start with just his index and middle finger. But his hands were so large that when he violently pushed them in Russel screamed.

Paul was much too busy not pissing me off to care and without hesitation he started pumping his fingers in and out of Russell’s battered hole. Funnily enough his dick remained as hard as it had been. I video taped the whole thing, taking close ups of both their faces and zooming out the action.

I put my video camera down, got some lube from my desk drawer and walked up behind Paul. I let my hands run over his muscular back and I smacked his ass a few times which he interpreted as encouragement for pumping harder. I reached around and found his thick meat. I picked it up and weighing it in my hand I was even more impressed. I didn’t have much time to enjoy the weight of it pressing down in my hand because this big piece of meat started to get hard and lift itself out of my hand. He was as hard as Russel within a few seconds.

I got the lube and started applying it to his massive hard on. Paul knew what I wanted to do and pulled his fingers out of Russell’s ass only to replace them with the tip of his huge boner. To Russel this was a novel sensation. On the one side he was glad that the roughing up of his hole had stopped but when Paul’s arm wrapped itself around Russell’s small waist, he instantly knew what was gently pushing against his tiny hole. I went around the both of them to see the look on Russell’s face. It was pure panic. He tried to push himself away from Paul but Paul was so much bigger and stronger. He had no intention of being punished again even if that meant taking Russell’s virginity.

This was too good to miss so I got my video camera again and Russel pleaded right into the lens. ‘’Please don’t do this, I will do anything’’ and so on. Paul in the mean time was using all the movement and time to slowly massage his head deeper into Russel. I put my camera to the side and faced Russel. ‘’Look, the only way to decrease the pain you are going to feel once Paul is inside you it by masturbating yourself to a climax’’ “Otherwise the pain will be unbearable’’. Paul let out an ‘uh’ sound and by Russell’s reaction I could tell that the head of his dick was now firmly inside of Russell’s ass. His sphincter was now permanently being stretched by beginning of the rock hard shaft. I signaled Paul to stop pushing forward for a few seconds.

Russel was hyperventilating and sweating profusely. There was this overwhelming sensation coming from his bottom. It was a combination of intense pain and the desire to take a shit he had never felt before. I put my hand under his chin and gently lined up his eyes with mine. ‘’You think this is bad?’’ ‘’in three seconds I’m going to order Paul to push his monstrous cock all the way in’’. ‘’Your only remedy is to start jacking your dick’’. Russel was sobbing openly and his face was wet with tears as he took his still erect meat in his hands and started jacking off. I lined up my camera and nodded to Paul who didn’t hesitate and pushed his 8 inches straight into Russell’s ass. Paul was clearly enjoying fucking Russel. Not in a gay sort of way but in a sadistic sense. Russel let out a scream with every thrust by Paul. But after a few minutes the screaming became more panting and I could see that he was close to climax. He arched his back when he came. He shot three of four loads, one of them landing on my arm. He collapsed to the floor and Paul’s dick popped out of his ass. Paul took a step forward and started jacking his dick to shoot his load all over Russel.

I put down the camera and got some thin nylon rope from my desk drawer. I watched until Paul was near climaxing. ‘’Stop jacking off now’’ I yelled. This startled Paul and he instantly let go of his cock. I walked up to him and took his massive hard rod in my hand. ‘’Look at me’’ I ordered him. He looked me in the eyes and I could see that the whole absurdity of the situation had sunk in again. No longer was his brain only occupied with releasing his load but again he was aware that I was making the decisions. ‘’Do you want to cum?” I asked in my most friendly tone. ‘’Yes please’’ Paul said. I stared to slowly pump his penis again. ‘’Is this doing the job?’’ I asked again. ‘’Aaaah that feels great’’. Paul replied. It took a few more seconds to get him back to the brink of climax. His breathing became shallow and quick. By his moaning I could tell it could be any second now.

That was when I took the nylon string and quickly wrapped it around the base of his cock and balls. I stopped jerking him off and tied the cord firmly which only made the veins on his dick stand out even more. Paul was completely confused by this move. He had been all geared up to cum like he had never cum before and now his dick was throbbing without a release. He reached to start jerking again but I was quicker. I pulled the string hanging from his dick and balls down hard which made Paul scream in pain and surprise. ‘’You are going to shoot your load when I say so’’ I explained. ‘’Now both of you get dressed and let’s get that piece of shit Chris in here. After all, he is the one who got you guys into this mess.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from 425160

turning the table

I had been working legit for a few years now. In what I call my ‘old life’ I wasn’t so straight laced. The position I held in the main gang in town was impressive. As one of the higher ranking officers I was under scrutiny by the police but they never did made anything stick. When I got older I started to realize that I was gay and that is not the healthiest sexual preference when you are in


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