Gay Erotic Stories

Me and Chris Hemsworth

by Celebsextoy

I just woke up and I'm sitting up in my bed. I look to my left and I see none other than the God of Thunder himself - Chris Hemsworth. Naked. How'd he get here? With his pulsating biceps and chiseld rock hard abs and also his big firm strong chest. (Im just a sucker for a nice firm chest, but who isnt)

He was asleep. His no longer hard 9 inch cock was there. I retraced my steps and thought back to last night....

The club was crowded and packed and I had just met Hemsworth on the dance floor, drunk. Both of us, He asked my name and I answered "Brad" He smiled, He asked "You know who I am?" Of course I knew who he was so I just smiled. He knew the answwer was yes. He whispered in my ear, telling me to meet him in the bathroom in five. Five minutes later...

I walked in the bathroom. Chris stood there naked. I asked what he was doing and he said told me to lock the door.. I listened. As I turned around he rushed me and kissed me, started strippin offmy clothes with his muscles, oh god is he so hot!!! He liked me on my neck and kissed me repeatedly. All I could do was let him. I let out soft moans as he finally took off my underwear and eat at my neck.

I grabbed his neck, holding him tight - close, trying to let him know I was ready for his hard fat 9 inch dick. I wanted it in my ass so bad but he blew me first and boy that was amazing. The magic in his mouth, that tongue. I was pleading for him to satisfy me already. He finally lifted me to the sink and plotted me on it. We made out some more.

He held his giant cock in his hand and readied it at my ass. In one sweet, hard push, he shoved it in there. He began to pound away. So sensual but so rough, just the way I liked. He was pounding me so hard and fast, I began to scream his name to the heavens. "CHRIS! OH! CHRIS, CHRIS, CHRIS, CHRIS!!! YES CHRIS. WORK IT OUT!"

He said to me "Brad, you're so tight. Oh you're so tight. I never wanna stop fuckng you" in his sweet, hot,moaning Austailian voice. I said "I don't ever want you to stop! You are so big! Never! STOP! FUCKING ME CHRIS! OH!"

I moaned louder and louder so did he. He was seriously putting it down on me. I loved every mintue of it. It's been a solid hour already. Both of us had came three times already but we just kept going nonstop. It was that incredible. Eventualy I told him to come back to my place and finish up there. And so he did. It was another amazing hour of my life that will never be the same. Lip biting, hard ass pounding and a hot austrailian....

My alarm clock went off, I jumped up, realizing it was all a dream. A fantastic one at that.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Celebsextoy

Me and Chris Hemsworth

I just woke up and I'm sitting up in my bed. I look to my left and I see none other than the God of Thunder himself - Chris Hemsworth. Naked. How'd he get here? With his pulsating biceps and chiseld rock hard abs and also his big firm strong chest. (Im just a sucker for a nice firm chest, but who isnt)He was asleep. His no longer hard 9 inch cock was there. I retraced my steps and thought


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