Gay Erotic Stories

bath house fun

by Frampton2746@gmail.c

It was my first time ever at a bathhouse, I was checking out the hot young stud action and getting hard as a rock. I decided to rent a room and went inside. I lay on my belly an left a tube of k y and a condom on the dresser. After 5 minutes someone came in. I turned to look. It ws the most beautiful boy of 18 with a thick throbbing 8 inch cock in his hand. He started to put on the ky and the condom. Then he asked me if i was ready for him. I told my young adonis to take me and make me squeal. He lay on top of me and shoved his cock all the way up my ass with one thrust. It felt like paradise. He fucked me good for 20 minutes straight then told me to turn over. He blew his massive load all over my face and into my mouth. It tasted delicious. He thanked m for the fuck and left with a smile on his face, But it wasn't as big as the smile i had on my face.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Frampton2746@gmail.c

bath house fun

It was my first time ever at a bathhouse, I was checking out the hot young stud action and getting hard as a rock. I decided to rent a room and went inside. I lay on my belly an left a tube of k y and a condom on the dresser. After 5 minutes someone came in. I turned to look. It ws the most beautiful boy of 18 with a thick throbbing 8 inch cock in his hand. He started to put on the ky and the


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