Gay Erotic Stories

Motel Super Sex

by Hitman9900

It had been several months since I'd had man sex and was craving it badly. I met a guy named Allen online and struck up a conversation. We were both Bi but strongly preferred Gay sex. When Allen saw the nude pics I emailed him of my ass, cock & body, it apparently;y turned him on. He sent me pics of his full body and rock hard cock which made my mouth drool and my ass quiver. He was a versatile top and I was a total bottom the perfect match on paper.

Allen lived in a small town about 30 miles from me and told me he could only meet there, suggesting we rent a motel room, asking me if I would make the reservation. With my loins tingling and my body quivering I went online and made a reservation at the America's Best Place Inn which looked ok online and had a reasonable price. It looked like the proverbial "no tell motel" I would use years ago when I was fucking my secretary and later a few other horny women. That was before prostate cancer surgery converted me to a Gay bottom and I found out that I loved hot man sex. I'd been Bi since I was a teen.

I emailed Allen the location and reservation details and we decided we'd meet at 1:00 pm. When I arrived at the motel at 1:00 pm sharp I looked for his car and bingo it was there in the parking area. I waved at him as I walked into the lobby and checked in. I told the desk clerk that I was having a business meeting in my room and wanted privacy so he put me in the last room as far away from the front area as possible. He gave me the keys and I walked out the door and got into my small SUV and drove to the parking slot just outside the room. Looking in the rear view mirror I saw Allen in his sedan backing up and following me, parking next to me. He motioned for me to go inside so without looking at him I got out of the car used the room key and went inside. By this time my cock and ass were tingling with anticipation of what was to come. I was wearing a tight Under Armour lightweight tee an a pair of short shorts trying to be as sexy for him as I could.

Then came the knock on the door and I said, "Come in." He opened the door and came in locking it behind him. He was dressed in business attire but was drop dead handsome and turned me on like a radio. He had some cokes with him and asked me if I wanted one then said no thank you. He said, "Jeremy, let me get rid of this suit," and disappeared into the bathroom. When he came out have was wearing just a white tee and his briefs which were tight around his privates. He came to me and put his arms around me gently saying, "You want me don't you, Baby?" I said, "Oh God yes!" He spun me around holding my body against him and I could feel his hard cock bulging up against my ass. He cupped my tits with swollen rock hard nipples in his hands squeezing them gently as he began kissing and gently biting my neck. He whispered, "You turn me on like a radio," and I melted into his arms. Then he began tongue-fucking my right ear thrusting it in and out over and over as shivers raced through my body. I said to him , "Please kiss me, Baby!" He wheeled me around and holding me tight pressed his lips against mine and then his tongue was flashing at mine. I moaned, "Oh God yes," and pulled him close to me as we embraced in a deep French kiss which put me in ecstasy. Instinctively I put my hand on his crotch and felt his big cock harden.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Hitman9900

Motel Super Sex

It had been several months since I'd had man sex and was craving it badly. I met a guy named Allen online and struck up a conversation. We were both Bi but strongly preferred Gay sex. When Allen saw the nude pics I emailed him of my ass, cock & body, it apparently;y turned him on. He sent me pics of his full body and rock hard cock which made my mouth drool and my ass quiver. He was a


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