Gay Erotic Stories

The Paint Job (Part 3)

by Furlong

THE PAINT JOB (PART 3 of 4) by Robert Furlong



"So... onto the first consummation," I suggested, pausing for the two men to reposition themselves and sit alongside each other on the couch. "In this painting, Adam is... er... making love to Stephen. Am I okay to describe it like that?"

I'd expected Adam to haughtily inform me that one man doesn't make love 'to' another but rather that their sex is collaborative and their love fully reciprocal. Or some variation on that general theme.

But instead Stephen giggled and surprised me by blurting out, "Oh come on... can't we just call it 'butt-fucking'? I mean, that's what we're going to do... fuck each other's butts."

"Sweetheart, we're talking about our wedding night!" Adam cooed. "It's our special joining... the fulfilment of our vows!"

"Yeah, I know... and it's going to be a really amazing experience for us both. But ultimately, you're going to fuck me up my arsehole and then I'm going to fuck you up yours. So why not just cut to the chase and call it what it is?"

I suppressed a chuckle. I was so pleased that Stephen had opened this can of worms rather than me.

"You make it sound crude," Adam argued. "It's a very beautiful moment... the connecting of our bodies."

"And it still will be! I'm just suggesting that when we're describing to Michael how we want him to paint the two stages of our consummation, it'll be quicker and clearer if we just say which of us is fucking the other up the bum!"

"It would indeed be rather less confusing," I chipped in. "Referring to it as your 'special joining' and 'anal union' is very poetic, but I would appreciate a little more clarity."

"Very well," Adam nodded. "In that case painting four is to show me fucking my new husband up his rather gorgeous butt."

Stephen chuckled. "So Michael... I don't know how much you know about gay anal sex...?"

"I certainly wouldn't claim to have an encyclopaedic knowledge," I admitted.

"Well, to get my bum used to Adam's cock, we have to start out looking kind of... well... inelegant, I guess you might say..."

"Inelegant?" I asked. Was this going to be something about shit again?

"Yeah... I need to loosen up... relax my muscles to receive him..."

"Oh, I see," I muttered, not really seeing at all.

"I have to squat really low and push my bum right back," Stephen explained, standing up and bending almost double so that his arsehole was yawning open like the mouth of a deep dark cavern. Adam stood up behind him with his big cock looming forwards towards the hole that his fiancé was so immodestly offering.

He went on, "Adam will enter me in this position until my backside is used to his length and girth. Then we'll get on the bed together and make love properly."

Adam nodded. "It takes about a minute and is fairly standard in same-sex coitus when the man penetrating is... well... as generously endowed as I am."

"I see." I wouldn't like having to go through a palaver like this every time I fancied a shag.

Stephen smiled up at me, still bending so low that his face was going purple. "I'm just telling you this because we really don't want you to paint us having sex like this. Some men like the position but for us it's purely functional."

I asked, "So how is this... er... 'pre-fuck'... if I can call it that... different from your love-making? How will I recognise the part you want me to depict in the painting?"

"The two things are completely different," Adam snapped. "Our actual consummation will express our love and our passion."

"Perhaps it would be clearer if you show me," I suggested, thinking they would get on the couch together and pose for me their more sensual way of making love.

But Adam interpreted my request differently and nodded, "Well, I suppose you might as well see it sooner rather than later."

He stepped forwards, grabbed Stephen firmly by the hips, and then to my amazement started pushing the head of his huge hard-on into his bent-over buddy's butt-hole.

"It resists a little at first," he told me, as matter-of-factly as he would if he was showing me how to screw a nut onto a bolt, "but once the fat tip of it's through, the shaft generally slides up nicely."

Stephen gasped, "Aw yeah..." as his arsehole stretched at full gape to receive his future groom's bloated helmet.

"This is why the rimming needs to be very thorough," Adam smiled at me as the ridged base of his mushroom slurped through Stephen's straining ring. "It not only excites us both, but it means one doesn't have to hunt around for a tube of lube."

Adam's long shaft performed as he'd indicated and slid more easily up into his fiancé's bowels now that the head was inside.

Stephen called out, "Oh Jesus!" and then let out a powerful fart.

Adam chuckled, "You should expect some very boisterous flatulence when two men are occupying the matrimonial suite!"

I managed to mutter, "I hadn't really thought -"

"With your navy background," he went on, still sliding his cock up Stephen's arse, "I'm sure you're not offended by a good, loud man-fart!"

"I just never heard one during sex..."

"Well you'll hear some absolute blasters on our wedding night!" he chortled. "It will signify to our guests in neighbouring rooms that the consummation is underway!"

"It's also one of the reasons for the 'pre-fuck', as you called it," Stephen panted breathlessly up to me as his butt let out another rip-roarer, struggling to accommodate the huge intrusion. "It gets the unpleasantness out of the way before we make love properly."

"Farting isn't unpleasant, honey!" his husband-to-be laughed. "It's a celebratory trumpeting to announce our love-making!"

"Adam likes a noisy blow-out when we enter each other!" Stephen grinned at me. "It makes discreet sex when we're staying over with friends just about impossible!"

"Okay, so I just hold him by the hips," Adam said, returning to showing me how he loosens Stephen's bum up, "and start sliding slowly in and out."

He withdrew a good six or seven inches of his cock from his companion's arse and I saw what he'd meant earlier when he'd referred to 'a certain amount of smearing'. He drove it slowly back in and Stephen let out another extremely loud fart.

"Bend lower, sweetheart," he muttered to his betrothed. "And open your legs wider... let me grind you a little..."

Stephen did as Adam instructed and contorted his body so that his entire anatomy was directed towards presenting his rear for his partner's cock to impale. Adam grabbed onto him more firmly and started driving himself with more force and vigour through the straining sphincter that was slowly growing used to his girth. He swivelled his hips to make sweeping corkscrews inside the tightly-stretched arsehole, causing a few final gassy outbursts as the rectum was readied for the full-on fuck.

"Are you sure you don't want me to paint you like this?" I asked. "The two of you look... well... quite extraordinary!"

"Absolutely not!" Adam asserted, now pumping his cock quite quickly in and out of Stephen's reddening arsehole. "I imagine this is how the men on your ship used to couple up...?"

"Well, sort of," I nodded. "Certainly one man was standing up holding the hips of the other who was bending over."

Stephen called up from where he was bent double, "It's the crudest way to have anal sex... it's how men do it in public toilets. We really don't want our friends to see us like this."

"But you look so incredible together! The way your whole body is focussed on receiving your lover's cock... your new husband towering over you... his buttocks flexing as he thrusts..."

Adam grinned at me. "You're welcome to make a few sketches of us warming up like this... perhaps compose a private painting for yourself... if that's something you'd enjoy..."

"You know... I think I would..."

"Can you paint one-handed?" he asked with a smirk.

I smiled back, by now willing to concede that I have been known to masturbate while painting my more interesting compositions. "All of my best pieces are painted one-handed."

"Maybe you could show me your technique during my solo sitting?"

"I paint alone," I told him, although I admit to feeling a certain amount of interest in painting Adam posed naked and masturbating, with my own smaller cock out through my fly receiving a vigorous tugging of its own.

Then Stephen called up, apparently oblivious that his fiancé was flirting with the artist, "If you do paint us like this, you can't show our faces, okay?"

I nodded. "Yes... of course."

"How's your bum doing, honey?" Adam asked his groom-to-be. "Feels like you're just about ready."

It occurred to me that if I needed to prepare my wife for sex like this, the two of us would probably have been celibate for years.

"Yeah... I think I'm good to go! Let's move across to the couch and show Michael how we want our fourth painting to look..."

To my surprise, the two of them stayed joined together and started lumbering across to the couch with Adam still holding Stephen by the hips. They tottered forwards like some ungainly four-legged creature, their two bodies awkwardly pivoted by the cock lodged fully up the arse in front of it.

"My God! Look at you both!" I cried out, my face in awe at the sight of this strange double-man.

"Yes, we're not at our most graceful when we're waddling around like this!" Adam laughed.

"You look... just so... I don't know! I've never seen anything like it!"

Stephen pushed himself up but stayed bent forwards. His cock bobbed upwards, fully swollen and excited, while his balls dangled down between his two splayed thighs.

He grinned over at me and asked, "Do you mean that in a good way or bad way?"

"The best way possible!" I exclaimed. "You look absolutely magnificent! Two men joined together and walking around as one!"

They reached the couch and Stephen was about to climb onto it but I wanted to see more of their eight-limbed cavortions. "Please... walk around some more... let me see how remarkable you look!"

Stephen chuckled and led Adam off around my studio, his lover's cock held tightly within the grip of his buttocks. They giggled as they lurched about with their arms flapping wildly, staggering clumsily forwards with Stephen's erection out front raised high and waving from side to side.

"Promise us, please, that your studio door is locked," Adam said, as Stephen guided their two connected bodies behind the chair I was sitting on. "I really don't want anyone else to see us like this!"

"Yes, it's locked," I chuckled, swivelling around to watch them staggering wide-legged like an oversized crab. "But believe me... your appearance is nothing short of spectacular!"

"Material for another private painting?" Adam grinned.

"Definitely!" I smiled back. "Faces obscured, of course."

"You can paint my face," Adam told me. "Just obscure Steve's... or how about you paint your own face in place of his?"

He laughed at how red his suggestion made me blush. I could see in my mind's eye the painting of the two of us lumbering around: me out front with my little erection poking forwards, Adam right behind me with his much bigger cock plugged in tightly between my two dumpy cheeks.

I thought I'd better nip this one in the bud. Why the hell was this guy flirting with me in front of the bloke he was about to tie the knot with?

I said, "Look... I admit to enjoying watching the two of you like this but I really wouldn't want to paint myself in either of your places."

"Sorry," he smiled, "I was just being silly."

They reached the couch again and this time I let Stephen climb onto it. Adam followed him, his knees bent and legs splayed so that their two joined bodies took on the appearance of some huge arthropod clambering about.

"I suppose if the two of you become disengaged at this point, you need to start the... er... 'pre-fuck' from the beginning again."

"Not really," Stephen said. "My bum's grown used to the size of his cock by now but it's more comfortable for us both if we stay locked together until orgasm."

As they positioned themselves on the couch, adjusting how their knees were placed and whose legs would go on the inside, Stephen asked, "Michael, did you really think we look amazing wandering around with Adam's cock up my butt?"

"I did," I nodded, starting a rough outline of what would be their marital bed while they readied themselves for me to sketch their first consummation. "If I was gay, I'm sure I'd enjoy having fun with my... er... husband like that."

"You'd walk around like that together?" Stephen giggled.

"I think I would," I chuckled, drawing in a line to show the floor so I could maintain a sense of proportion. "I imagine that with a bit of practice, two men could become quite co-ordinated moving around together as one four-legged organism."

"Maybe we should walk down the aisle like that," Stephen chortled over his shoulder to Adam. "I think your dad would curl up and die!"

"We'd have to have your suit adjusted," Adam chuckled back. "Have a hole cut in the seat of your trousers wide enough for my cock to slide through!"

I found myself laughing too, enjoying their sense of fun. If they brought some of this frivolity to the day itself, their two-groom wedding was likely to be quite different from all the others I'd known.

Stephen fell forwards on all-fours so that, with Adam upright behind him and reaching forwards to hold him by the hips, the two men looked almost like a cliché of homosexual lovemaking.

Stephen grinned over at me. "Do you like how we look? We're very proud to assume this position... it's so traditional... so classical..."

"Well, yes... but that's the problem with it," I mused. "It is very... how should I put it... it's the absolute epitome of 'gay'."

"Why is that a problem?" Adam retorted, throwing me a stern glare. "What's wrong with us looking gay when we're having gay sex?"

"It's a problem because it's going to be difficult to compose the painting in a way that avoids your very beautiful lovemaking appearing like a... well... the sort of lewd cartoon you see scrawled in a bus shelter."

Adam's expression softened. I'd won him over by including 'very beautiful'.

"But like Adam explained earlier," Stephen began, "this position... while it's like a schoolboy caricature of gay sex... actually holds a lot of importance and significance for us."

"Men are shown making love like this in a broad range of historical artwork from around the world," Adam went on, straightening himself up as if proud to be kneeling behind his lover bending forwards in front of him. "The Ancient Greeks always showed homosexual sex being performed like this, not to mention Chinese manuscripts... Egyptian parchments..."

"We're continuing a very honourable tradition," Stephen smiled. "We want this to be our first consummation as a sort of nod to all the men who enjoyed it before us!"

"I see..." I nodded, envisioning a painting that looked little better than cheap gay porn. "I just worry that I'm going to make your sex look so crass... so stark..."

"Stark or not," Adam snapped, "this is how we're going do it! We'll be proud to look back at ourselves on our wedding night making gay love in the most classical of ways!"

I realised that this was somehow a political thing for them and even though I couldn't understand it I was going to have to make it work.

I stood up and looked at them first from behind and then in front. "Okay... if I paint you from behind, I can't show either of your cocks..."

"Our cocks have to be visible," Adam insisted. "That's non-negotiable."

"And if I paint you from the front, I can show Stephen's cock but his hip will conceal yours, Adam."

"Both cocks have to be visible. We're butt-fucking as two large and excited men. That has to be very clearly shown in all its unequivocal glory."

I sat back down and picked up my sketchpad again. "In that case, I'm going to have to paint you side-on but I really am going to run the risk of producing something that you're going to find... well... tawdry..."

I expected Adam to have a go at me for suggesting that their lovemaking might look tawdry, but instead he nodded and said, "Surely you've painted heterosexual grooms consummating their marriages from behind... brides who were pregnant... a little overweight?"

I nodded and he went on, "So how did you avoid their wedding night paintings looking tawdry?

"Mostly the way I've just said... by changing the angle of perspective. Sometimes I've played with darkness and shadow to make the sex more subtle, but since you want both of your erections to be apparent..."

"Come on, Michael... hurry up and think of something!" Stephen grinned over. "He's losing his stiffie up my butt which feels kind of weird!"

I smiled back at him. "Okay... so since I'm going to paint you both having - if I may say - stereotypical gay sex, we need to let the viewer know why this position is so important to you."

"How do you mean?" Adam asked, slowly sliding his cock in and out of his fiancé's arsehole, presumably to harden it back up.

"You mentioned that you own a fragment of Greek pottery showing young men indulging like you are?"

"It's in our living room, yes..."

"How about you email me a photo of it and I include it in the piece? Show it hanging on the wall behind you so the viewer understands why you chose such a classical way to enjoy your first marital intercourse."

"I love it!" Stephen beamed across it. "We could send you some other pictures too... different couples from different cultures and times all making love exactly like we will be on our wedding night!"

"Pictures of etchings... carvings," Adam added, now working up a steady rhythm against Stephen's bum. "Not pornographic photos, you understand."

"I understand fully," I agreed, starting to work on outlining their bodies on the sketchpad. "This could actually turn out to be a very exciting piece. Referencing homosexual culture... showing your respect for your forebears by making love together as they did..."

"Oh, I really like the sound of this!" Stephen laughed, working his body back against his lover's quickening thrusts. "It's going to be such a special painting... it might end up hanging above our mantlepiece!"

I smiled. "And, of course, you're adding your own personal twist to the classical pose with the inclusion of a little... er... rear smearing... I assume you still want me to emphasize that in the piece?"

"Oh yes... absolutely," Stephen grinned over at me, now pumping his arse against Adam's hips to make loud cracking sounds.

"But the overall theme of the piece is one of intense pride," Adam reminded me. "I mount my husband the way that men have known their closest companions since time immemorial, and our bearing and expressions should convey our honour and respect."

Their butt-fuck grew faster and loudly, and Stephen kept pushing himself upright so that he could swivel his face around to kiss Adam on the mouth.

"You know, I don't really need you to make love properly," I told them, sketching the broad curve of Adam's strong back and his wonderfully powerful buttocks. "I can make my drawings without any actual sex..."

"It'll be better to show you our movement... our muscles," Adam grunted, now holding Stephen's hips tightly and slamming his big cock in furious strokes in and out of his bum.

"You'll need to see our pacing... how we work together," Stephen agreed, reaching down to frantically wank himself off as his arse was so roughly pounded.

"Well, I'm going to need you to bend forwards, Stephen," I told him. "If you want me to paint you in the classical position, you're going to have to stay in that position while I sketch you."

I realised I sounded like a disgruntled teacher.

Stephen stopped wanking and fell forwards again, supporting himself with both arms. Adam took his hands from his hips and moved them up to grab him by the shoulders, prompting another rebuke from me.

"Come on, Adam. You've got to hold him by the hips. I can't draw his back if your elbows are in the way!"

This was becoming surreal. I had two guys shagging like a pair of rabbits in front of me and I was talking to them like they were a pair of naughty boys!

They got back into the agreed position and kept fucking hard and rough. I liked how their sweat was trickling down from their armpits - I'd have to include that in the final piece - and how Adam's big balls were slapping up against the backs of Stephen's thighs.

I sketched the line of Stephen's spine, noticing how he arched his bottom up high to align his rectum to receive the hammering cock. It gave his whole back a very pronounced curve which I would use to show how he was giving himself to Adam and, of course, greatly enjoying being fucked.

I was reminded of once seeing a couple of cats having sex. The female had arched her back in a similar way to Stephen on being mounted by the tom. I jotted 'cats' at the side of my sketch to ponder further whether I could use the observation to somehow enhance the piece.

"Fuck yeah!" Adam growled as he pummelled his future groom's backside as hard as he could.

He turned to me and leered. "You gettin' all this down, mate?! You like seein' how a big bloke like me fucks his hubby up the arse?!"

I was wondering how I should reply when Adam's cock went into overdrive and he started gasping and whimpering. Stephen grinned over at me, apparently amused that his fiancé was panting and growling behind him and ramming his cock in long powerful lunges as deep as he could into his arsehole. I found myself smiling sheepishly back at him as he received another man's seed up into his bowels, unsure of how one should react in such a situation.

Eventually, after a long series of animalistic grunts and an involuntary fart, Adam muttered, "Jesus... I think I had a bit of a rush of precum..."

"Oh, get real, you div!" Stephen laughed. "I think Michael's been around enough to know when a guy has just blown his nut!"

Adam looked over at me. "I'm really sorry, Michael. I didn't expect to actually jizz. I just... well... I guess lover-boy's butt just feels too good!"

I smiled. "Well, I've got the sketches I need so you can disentangle yourselves. I'm quite sure this one's going to be a very moving piece for anyone who knows anything of the history of gay culture."

Adam pulled his cock out from between Stephen's buttocks and I looked with fascination at the sheer amount of semen covering its shaft and glooping in thick gushers out of the vacated arsehole. I passed the two of them some tissue and they laughed merrily together at how much they'd just enjoyed the sex they'd had. I watched them, smiling, and found myself wondering if I'd ever been so playful with my wife after we'd made love. I thought I probably hadn't, not even in the early days.

"So what did you think of gay lovemaking, Michael?" Adam grinned, soaking several tissues as he wiped the copious discharge from the big bell head of his cock. "You've got to admit it's a step up from watching your shipmates using each other's bums to get by?"

"I didn't deliberately 'watch' them, Adam," I laughed. "I only happened to walk in on it a few times... but yes... the two things were incomparable. The two of you were both responsive to each other... you worked together as a couple. As you said, you were making love together, rather than one man using the grip of another's anus to essentially masturbate himself."

"Oh yeah... nice way of putting it," Stephen smiled, wiping his arse with a wad of tissue. "I never really thought of sailor sex like that... I suppose it is more like masturbation, isn't it?"

He studied Adam's cum on the tissue he'd just wiped his bum with and then reached forwards for some fresh to clean himself off some more. I was surprised by the colour of the semen on the tissue he'd just discarded: instead of being more or less white like the spunk I'd seen squirting from many a groom's cock, Adam's extremely abundant outpouring had the colour of milky coffee.

I looked over at Adam who was now wiping his ball juice from the softening shaft of his cock and realised from the darker streaks he was struggling to remove, where the discolouration had come from.

I said, "I notice that the semen resulting from anal sex isn't white."

Adam shrugged and nodded. "No, it's usually anything from a sort of magnolia beige to... well... hot chocolate!"

"You said that the semen from both of your consummations plays a very important role in the sixth painting..."

"Yeah, the post-orgasm piece," Stephen grinned. "We want our cocks covered in it... our butts oozing with it... thick gobs of it splashed all over us and the bed!"

"And do you want it to look white... or do you want me to show it more realistically?"

Adam paused in his clean-up, his cock now really drooping downward but maintaining its impressive size. "That's actually a really good question... we never discussed the colour of our spunk..."

"White on our cocks and bodies to show the purity of our bond," Stephen chuckled, still wiping his bum with his cock raised high and expectant in front of him. "But for anyone who looks between the two grooms' legs there'll be a rich chestnut froth pouring out of our arseholes!"

"Ugh... that's gross!" Adam laughed. "It'll look like we're relaxing after our wedding night sex by basically shitting ourselves together on our bed."

"It won't look like that at all! It'll look like butt-cum and it'll show that we've just finished fully inseminating each other!"

I coughed and cut in, "It's a very important piece and I think Adam's right to suggest we minimise any risk that it looks disgusting. The connection between the whiteness of the semen and the sanctity of the bond is quite a common one in post-coital pieces so I suggest we stick to that, with perhaps a few darker flecks being visible on the anal discharge for those who would know it would be inaccurate not to show it."

"Yeah, good idea," Adam nodded. "Our friends will know that butt-cum is rarely white!"

They stood in front of me, Stephen's cock standing fully erect and Adam's cock flopping down over his nuts and starting to shrivel.

I said, "I can probably leave the sketches for painting number five until your wedding night. I assume you're going for a similar configuration, only with Stephen... er... bringing up the rear, as it were."

"No, we want a spooning pose for that piece," Stephen smiled. "Kind of like doggy, but we'll both be upright and kissing."

"Like you were when I... er... intervened just now?"

"Yeah, just like that. But showing my cock up Adam's butt and the two of us in the middle of a really explosive climax."

I felt a surge of disappointment. Their position was too different from the sketches I'd just drawn. I was going to have to get them to pose again. At this rate I wasn't going to get home tonight much before nine.

"Very well," I said, mustering up as much fake enthusiasm as I could. "In that case, I'll make us all a cup of tea while the two of you prepare yourselves for the fifth painting."

I went through to the little kitchenette which adjoins my studio and switched the kettle on to start making us a brew. I'd expected that Adam and Stephen would get into their chosen spooning position together on the couch, with perhaps Stephen using my absence to coax his lover's cock hard again ready for me to make my sketches of them feigning the point of their mutual orgasm.

However, when over the roar of the kettle I heard the blast of an extremely powerful fart, I realised that the two men were preparing themselves in a more involved way.

I walked back through to the studio, intending to tell them that actual penetration really wasn't necessary for these preliminary sketches, but when I saw Adam bent fully forwards with Stephen slowly working his now extremely excited cock up his arse, all I could manage was a stupefied, "Wow!"

The bigger, more assertive man was being penetrated by his younger and less imposing lover, and it made for a truly sensational sight. Adam offered his bulky, muscular rump to Stephen with delighted eagerness, and I noticed that his cock, while still hanging low between his legs, was starting to bulk up again as it slowly came back to life.

He let rip with another roaring fart and the two men giggled together as the smaller man's cock slowly slid into the huge puckering arsehole.

"Adam's farts are really, really loud," Stephen laughed across at me, perhaps a tad unnecessarily. "If the second consummation starts at about four in the morning, I reckon his arse is going to wake up the whole hotel!"

"I'll be pleased if it does," Adam declared, just as his backside gave out an almost deafening discharge. "It's a beautiful moment for us both... why shouldn't our guests hear me heralding that it's underway!"

"Won't you be embarrassed?" I asked. I'd have been mortified if our guests had heard me farting on my wedding night.

"Why should I be?" Adam asked. "Our friends and family will hear that we're joining as one for the second time of the evening. Those who know us well will also know that I'm the much louder partner when it comes to our coitus."

He let out another raucous back-blast and then gasped, "Aw... yeah! The feel of your cock is getting me hard again!"

I watched his big cock slowly rising upwards again, growing thicker and longer as Adam responded to the feel of his future husband's manhood slowly pushing up into his bum. Stephen reached forwards and held Adam tightly by the shoulders, using them as leverage so that he could drive his thick girth as deep as the twin bulges of his balls would let him.

"You look stunning like this," I told them. "Showing you connecting your bodies together would make a really arresting painting!"

"Honestly, no," Stephen grinned, swirling his cock round and round to fully open Adam's sphincter. "A couple we know, Matt and Paul, had their consummatory painting done with two of them in this position... Matt taking Paul's cock. I thought it looked cheap!"

"Was that the set with the jockstraps?" Adam grunted up from where he was bent fully over.

"Oh yeah," Stephen chortled, now sliding his cock back out of Adam's hole, oblivious to the unpleasant colour smeared down the shaft. "In the first painting, they had their wedding suits laid out next to them on the bed and they were clinking their champagne glasses together wearing a pair of jockstraps! I mean, what the hell was that about?"

Adam laughed back. "Were we, like, supposed to think they'd got married wearing these two massively bulging jockstraps under their suits? And if they did, why?"

I wondered if other gay couples were so bitchy about each other's wedding paintings. Whether Matt and Paul, or some other pair of men, would privately ridicule Adam and Stephen for choosing the set of paintings I was about to produce.

Adam's arse let out a much more modest hiss of gas and he announced, "I reckon I'm ready, bud!"

He pushed himself up a bit so that his cock, now huge again, bobbed up in front of him. Then they started waddling across to the couch joined together at the hip, this time with Adam's great erection out front, swaying from side to side as it led the way.

Adam giggled over at me, "You love watching us tottering around like this, don't you?"

"I really do!" I admitted, chuckling at how amazing they looked. "It's like you're one big creature... your cock is sort of feeling its way forwards like some enormous proboscis!"

Adam guffawed and wagged his huge hard-on from left to right. "It's sensing something... which way does the four-legged man need to go?"

The thin slit at the tip peered around as the long stalk behind it swung around from side to side, before Adam thrust it forwards pointing towards the couch. "Target located! Come on, we're heading this way!"

Stephen roared with laughter and said, "See if we can co-ordinate our movements... okay, so right leg, left leg... right leg, left leg..."

They lumbered forwards, moving their legs in unison and swaying their arms up and down for balance.

"You're like a centipede," I chortled. "Well, a small part of a centipede..."

"We should get some buddies to plug in behind us," Adam grinned as he clambered onto the couch. "See how many blokes we can get moving together at once..."

"Aw yeah!" Stephen laughed, taking care not to slip out from between his buttocks as he followed behind. "Not exactly an activity for our wedding night, but a good game for a weekender!"

"I really don't want to think about that," I laughed, finding myself drawn to do the exact opposite. "I think I'll go and set our tea to brew while the two of you get into the position you want for painting number five."

As I took three cups out of the cupboard, I wondered why I was rather enjoying seeing these two men having sex in their different ways. I wasn't turned on as such, although I admit I'd grown a semi when Adam had offer me a sniff of Stephen's backside, but I was finding this far more interesting than I might have imagined. A part of me - a small part but a very audible voice in my head - was wishing that I'd played around more with my crewmates in the navy. I couldn't help but wonder how exciting it might have been to have tried doing some of the things that these two men were showing me.

I put three teabags in each of the cups and then I thought, fuck it, let's use the teapot.


To be concluded




79 Gay Erotic Stories from Furlong

A Holistic Approach

A HOLISTIC APPROACH Part of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

A Man in My Bed

A MAN IN MY BEDPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

A Walk in the Park

A WALK IN THE PARKPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlongrobert

Adam and Steve

ADAM AND STEVEPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong


AIR BNB by Robert Furlong === === "So first thing next day I knocked on their bedroom door to say good mornin' and one of them called out, tellin' me to come in." "This was one of the gay blokes who owned the house?" Brian asked. "Yeah. I think I was the only one rentin' a room that night." He nodded and I went on.

Awake with Jake Part 1


Awake with Jake Part 2


Awake with Jake Part 3

I got into bed with Marcus, having to push him to one side so that the two of us could fit into the single bed.

Awake with Jake Part 4

AWAKE WITH JAKE PART 4by Robert looked at the clock. It was going on for three. At this rate, I was going to need half a jar of coffee to get me going in the morning.I'd been enjoying having horny thoughts about the first time I'd hooked up with Marcus, and it had been nice to lie here snuggling into his back and

Badly Drawing Boy

BADLY DRAWING BOYPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===While Matt Strickson's PowerPoint presentation was unremittingly dreary, the way his arse flexed and rippled in the back of his tight grey trousers every time he turned towards the whiteboard was more than enough to keep me entertained.

Bedtime Stories

BEDTIME STORIESPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Blast from the Past... and from my Son!

BLAST FROM THE PAST... AND FROM MY SON! by Robert Furlong === === Warning: contains mild scat === The night before Jake and I were going to watch Liverpool play Leeds, the tumble drier decided to break down. I had, of course, left the bulk of the laundry we needed until the night before our trip and so we had a large pile

Both Ways

BOTH WAYSPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===At first I was convinced my ex-wife was in the bed with me.It was Sunday morning and I was in that half-dreaming half-dozing state I sometimes end up in when I've slept too long and I really should get up. I'd opened an eye to check the alarm

Bunk Buddies

BUNK BUDDIESby Robert fuck-buddy Rob has always been fascinated to hear about my time in prison. I told him early on in our hook-ups that life inside hadn't actually been that interesting – that it was mostly mind-splittingly dull and that the sex, such as it was, was brief and infrequent – but he keeps asking about

By Popular Demand

BY POPULAR DEMANDPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Candid Cameron

CANDID CAMERONPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Carried Away

CARRIED AWAYPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===Pulling out of the car park after meeting Cameron, I couldn't help but marvel at how much nerve he must have. Imagine going back to a stranger's flat and rimming him while his mates looked on! The idea of doing something like that myself was

Coupling Up

COUPLING UPPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===I was back at the small toilet building tucked away among the trees in the park.Curiosity about what I'd seen there on my last visit had got the better of me and I'd left the office early with the excuse of having a bad stomach and the

Danny Comes to Stay Part 1

DANNY COMES TO STAY PART 1 === As we undressed for bed, Alex said to me, "I feel kind of sorry for Danny." "Sorry for him? You're kidding me!" It was hard to believe he would feel anything but mistrust for my ex. He hadn't been keen on Danny visiting us, and sure as hell hadn't been comfortable with him staying over with us for

Danny Comes to Stay Part 2

DANNY COMES TO STAY PART 2 by Robert Furlong === === Perhaps it's not surprising that my husband had lost his hard-on while he was watching my ex hungrily rimming my splayed hole. "Just gonna get him nice and slippy," Danny had said before plunging his face into my butt crack and giving me the most intense and satisfying

Doing the Dirty Part 1


Doing the Dirty Part 2

DOING THE DIRTY PART 2by Robert's odd but strangely compelling to watch your own son masturbating right there in front of you. I was fascinated to see how different his technique was from my own – his hand seemed so much more frantic and his fingers more agile – while marvelling at so many physical

Don't Freak Out (Part 1)

DON'T FREAK OUT (PART 1) by Robert Furlong === === For several months, I'd been promising my son that I'd show him how two men can make love very intensely and passionately together using only their two cocks. Jake is young and bisexual but when it comes to other boys, he has made it very clear that his interests are

Don't Freak Out (Part 2)

DON'T FREAK OUT (PART 2) by Robert Furlong === === "I'm not gonna freak out, Rob," Guy assured me. "I'm just surprised, that's all..." I smiled at him again to show that, even though he was quite visibly shaken by what he was seeing, I was more than comfortable to have my son's mouth slurping up and down my large erection in

Doubling Up Part 1

DOUBLING UP PART 1by Robert opened the front door to find Guy grinning at me broadly, his son Simon following right behind. I showed them through to the sitting room, where Jake introduced Simon, who he'd been to school with, to Marcus, his friend from university.While I was busying myself collecting in coats,

Doubling Up Part 2


Doubling Up Part 3

DOUBLING UP PART 3by Robert felt odd for my son and me to be squatting naked together, his back rubbing against mine, but I was sure it must feel even stranger for his best mate Marcus who was lying out on our front room carpet, facing upwards at our two splayed bums and pressing the twinned heads of a double-ended

Driving Home for Christmas

DRIVING HOME FOR CHRISTMASThe epilogue to the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert FurlongContact me for the full series: looked over at me and we grinned at each other.I was desperately pleased to see him and I could see that he was pretty chuffed to see me, even though he hadn't found the time to phone home in over a fortnight.

Dropping the Bottle Opener

DROPPING THE BOTTLE OPENER by Robert Furlong === === So he bends over to pick up the bottle opener, his jeans so far down you can see his arse inside his boxers, and I say, "Fuckin' 'ell, Tyler! Are you deliberately flashin' me an eyeful o' wank-fodder!" He turned to grin at me, still bending over, and reached round to the

Father and Son Moments

FATHER AND SON MOMENTSPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===

Football Match

FOOTBALL MATCHThe start of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===Considering the impact it was to have on my life, it now seems difficult to believe that it came with no warning. But then, I suppose that's true of almost all of life's most momentous events: they emerge unannounced amidst the most boringly ordinary of our daily routines.

Friday Night at the Furlongs' Part 1

FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE FURLONGS' PART 1 by Robert Furlong === === The first night I slept with my twenty-year-old cousin Jake, the two of us snuggled up arms around each other in his double bed, confirmed to me that I was more into guys than I was into girls. It just felt so right to be close to another dude like that, our two big

Friday Night at the Furlongs' Part 2

FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE FURLONGS' PART 2 by Robert Furlong === === It was beaut having Uncle Rob's mate Guy over for the evening. He's always up for a laugh and it's great how his no-nonsense way of speaking and brash sense of humour are so at odds with the airs and graces Uncle Rob puts on. It was especially great, though,

Friday Night at the Furlongs' Part 3

FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE FURLONGS' PART 3 by Robert Furlong === === "Whoa! I didn't know you guys were playing piggy-backs in here!" Jake called out when he saw his dad on all-fours with Guy squatting behind him. The hairy broad-chested plumber chortled across at his fuck-buddy's son. He always enjoyed a bit of banter with Jake.

Furlong Four Play Part 1

FURLONG FOUR PLAY PART 1 by Robert Furlong === === It was nearly teatime on Saturday afternoon and my cousin and I were sitting on his bed with his mate Marcus from university. Marcus had come to visit from Surrey where his parents lived, and even though he'd only arrived on the train that lunchtime, things were already getting

Furlong Four Play Part 2

FURLONG FOUR PLAY PART 2 by Robert Furlong === === I didn't get my threesome with Jake and Marcus after bedtime. It wasn't that my cousin and his buddy didn't recover themselves after the jerk-off we'd had before tea, it was just that by the time the three of us collapsed into Jake's bed, we'd had so much fun with Uncle Rob

Further into the Furlongs Part 1

FURTHER INTO THE FURLONGS PART 1 by Robert Furlong === === "Look, about last night," Jake said, walking into the kitchen. It was the morning after I'd stormed out of his bedroom and he was, no doubt, going to try to make amends. I figured I knew what my cousin was going to say. That he was sorry he'd messed things up by

Further into the Furlongs Part 2

FURTHER INTO THE FURLONGS PART 2by Robert was still a bit offish with me next morning, giving me a wide berth in the house and keeping conversation to a minimum. After lunch we went to meet a couple of his mates and I thought he might be a dork by dissing me in front of them and taking the piss out of my

Getting Together

GETTING TOGETHERPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlongrobert.furlong@rocketmail.comFind my older stories at

Giving Smithy a Bum-Job

GIVING SMITHY A BUM-JOB by Robert Furlong === === He kept going on about how hard-up he was. How he hadn't had his cock up an arse for however long it was and how his balls were so blue that a fart would get him off. Me and Biggsy kept laughing at how desperate he was acting but I kind of felt sorry for him in a stupid sort

Go Ahead

GO AHEADby Robert I need to use a public toilet, I invariably go into one of the cubicles even if the entire row of urinals is empty. This used to be because, having had some bad reactions from women at the large size of my manhood, I was self-conscious about exposing my genitals to other people and preferred

Guilty Pleasures

GUILTY PLEASURESPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===Jake and Simon were focussed on the afternoon's football game when they emerged from their hotel bedroom and there was no mention of what had taken place between their dads the previous night. Guy was his usual bright and breezy self, but I was feeling more subdued: troubled

Having A Laugh

HAVING A LAUGHby Robert started out with the two of us having a laugh. I showed Reece some photos on my phone of our mates doing stupid shit with their cocks out and he said we should go one better and pretend like we were doing gay stuff.So that's how it started and it seemed really funny at the time. Grabbing

How Do You Like It?

HOW DO YOU LIKE IT?Part of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Hypothetical Hitch-Hiker Part 1

HYPOTHETICAL HITCH-HIKER PART 1by Robert lad grinned across at me, pleased for the lift. I wasn't going exactly where he wanted, but I could take him to a motorway junction twenty miles short without too much of a detour. He'd have to sort himself out from there: either stand in the cold with his thumb sticking

Hypothetical Hitch-Hiker Part 2

HYPOTHETICAL HITCH-HIKER PART 2by Robert both positioned our respective underwear in front of us – the outer and less intimate surface of the gussets facing towards us – and Dane lifted mine up to his nose first. I followed his lead, applying the outside of his shorts to my nose even though I would have strongly

Jake's Christmas Present

JAKE'S CHRISTMAS PRESENTThe final part of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert FurlongContact me for the full series:>> NOTE TO READERS>> I wanted to add a message to this final part of 'Butt Monkey' to say, firstly, thanks for reading and following my story (especially if you've very kindly messaged me to express your appreciation) and,

Just Like My Dad Part 1

JUST LIKE MY DAD PART 1by Robert met my friend Ivan because I bought my car from him.I liked him because he was so unlike the younger, cockier salesmen I'd encountered in all the other dealerships. I'd been trawling showrooms most of the weekend and had long since grown bored of being pestered by smarmy

Just Like My Dad Part 2

JUST LIKE MY DAD PART 2by Robert I drove Ivan back across town in my swanky new car, I asked him how he'd ended up seeking out men for sex in spite of being married to such an attractive woman and having what he'd described as an 'enjoyable' sex life.

Like Father Like Son Part 1

LIKE FATHER LIKE SON PART 1by Robert first time I felt like I might be developing feelings for another man was the night when we'd gone out for a meal, and Marcus – my son's friend from university – made a joke that it was like I was Guy's boyfriend.We'd all laughed at the absurdity of the suggestion – after all, Guy and I are both

Like Father Like Son Part 2

LIKE FATHER LIKE SON PART 2by Robert stood in front of them, my son grinning broadly at me while Marcus, still kneeling forwards with his hands prizing his arse-cheeks apart, peered over in wide-eyed horror.

Mankini Bearcub Part 1

MANKINI BEARCUB PART 1by Robert couple of months ago a lad called James I know at work pulled me to one side to show me something on his phone. I knew it was going to be a piss-take the way his mates were all sniggering and throwing glances at each other and it turned out it was the stupid mankini video which my

Mankini Bearcub Part 2


Medical History

MEDICAL HISTORYPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Online Briefing

ONLINE BRIEFINGPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===I scrolled down the pictures of men's underwear filling the screen, trying to locate the Calvin Klein boxer briefs Jake prefers. If I bought him the wrong ones, he'd wear them once and then that would be it. He'd say they were

Pantomime Cow

PANTOMIME COWPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong=Jake mentioned over tea that the drama department at his college was looking for someone to help out with the Christmas pantomime. It was still early November but rehearsals were already underway.

Pleasant Thoughts

PLEASANT THOUGHTSPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong==Debbie turned out to be very nice. A bit giggly, perhaps, but that could be put down to the nervousness of being on a first date. She probably thought me too quiet for the same reason.We'd got on well – better than I'd dared to hope – and I'd suggested that we could meet

Questions and Answers

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERSPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Roadside Assistance

ROADSIDE ASSISTANCEPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===Driving over to Rugby for a meeting with a prospective customer, my car started spluttering on the A4304, and refused to respond when I tried to accelerate. Half a mile on, the engine was threatening to cut out altogether, so I pulled

Silas in the Library

SILAS IN THE LIBRARYPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Stain Devils

STAIN DEVILSPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===The restaurant seemed a lot more expensive than those I was used to: it certainly wouldn't have been the sort of place I'd have picked if given the choice. The starters alone cost more than I would usually be prepared to pay for a whole meal,

Surprise at Rogerson Shopping Mall

SURPRISE AT ROGERSON SHOPPING MALL by Robert Furlong === === I'd agreed to meet my son Jake in Leeds city centre one Saturday afternoon. He was in his second year of studying at the university there and, as I had most of the day free, I thought it would be nice for the two of us to meet up for a coffee and chat. I was picking

Taking It All In

TAKING IT ALL INThe penultimate part of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlongrobert.furlong@rocketmail.comFind my older stories at's not every day one gets caught by one's own son being anally pleasured by another man, but that's how Saturday had started out for me.I'd woken rather later than I usually would, a consequence of a very eventful

The Bride's Brother Part 1

THE BRIDE'S BROTHER PART 1by Robert, my partner, unlocked the bedroom door and I noticed Jason peering down the corridor to make sure the three of us weren't being watched.

The Bride's Brother Part 2

THE BRIDE'S BROTHER PART 2by Robert threw our jackets on the floor and then kissed again, grinding our erections together through our open zippers, regardless of the fact we were smearing each other's precum across the fronts of our trousers.Ricky smiled as my tongue entered his mouth and this time he let me

The Halfway Inn Part 1

THE HALFWAY INN PART 1by Robert glanced across at Pete as I took off my shirt. Perhaps because he was a lot younger than me, he seemed oblivious to any sense of self-consciousness or embarrassment that the two of us were having to share a room and get undressed together. He looked young enough to have graduated from

The Halfway Inn Part 2

THE HALFWAY INN PART 2by Robert got on the bed first, kneeling down on the mattress and splaying my legs wide open. Seeing me like that, facing him expectantly with my cock arching upwards, made Pete laugh again.

The Paint Job (Part 1)

THE PAINT JOB (PART 1 of 4) by Robert Furlong === === With the current fashion for newlyweds to have their wedding night nuptials committed to canvas, I have become familiar with sketching hesitant couples alongside their conjugal beds. Painting such tender moments presents a fascinating artistic challenge and I've developed a

The Paint Job (Part 2)

THE PAINT JOB (PART 2 of 4) by Robert Furlong === === "You've obviously discussed the other five paintings of the set in some detail," I remarked to my two clients. "Could you give me a rundown of what you have in mind to give me an idea of context." "Okay, so the first is the beautiful composition of us kneeling face-to-face

The Paint Job (Part 3)

THE PAINT JOB (PART 3 of 4) by Robert Furlong === === "So... onto the first consummation," I suggested, pausing for the two men to reposition themselves and sit alongside each other on the couch. "In this painting, Adam is... er... making love to Stephen. Am I okay to describe it like that?" I'd expected Adam to haughtily

The Paint Job (Part 4)

THE PAINT JOB (PART 4 of 4) by Robert Furlong === === After leaving the tea to brew, I went back through to the studio to find Adam and Stephen having what looked like very intense sex together kneeling on the couch. They were both upright and facing forwards. Stephen had one arm around Adam's prominent chest, fondling a

The Right Trousers

THE RIGHT TROUSERSPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===On Friday afternoon, after meeting a group of potential clients at their Coventry head office, I thought I'd take a walk into the city centre before the shops closed to see if I could find a new pair of trousers. I'd been wondering what

Troy Story

TROY STORYPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

Up At The Crack

UP AT THE CRACKby Robert few months ago I met a guy called Edward and it turned out that, among his varied and chequered past, he'd been divorced and has a son in his late teens, just like me.His lad is called Ashley; he's eighteen and at university in Sheffield. My son is Jake who's nineteen and at Leeds.

What Happened in Harvey's Room Part 1

WHAT HAPPENED IN HARVEY'S ROOMPART 1: CIRCLE JERKby Robert five of us gathered round Harvey's laptop, pulled our dicks out and he loaded up the movie so we could all wank off to it.I was new to the academy and I'd never been in a circle jerk before, so it seemed funny and horny at the same time for us

What Happened in Harvey's Room Part 2

WHAT HAPPENED IN HARVEY'S ROOMPART 2: SLOPPY SECONDSby Robert turned out to be totally different from playing around with girls. For a start, we didn't even get on his bed together and there was cuddling each other or anything like that.I just hitched the front of my jeans down so my aching hard-on

What Lurks Beneath

WHAT LURKS BENEATHPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong===As I was getting into bed, Guy returned to the room chuckling that the lads had still been on their DS, which he'd confiscated.

Work and Play

WORK AND PLAYPart of the 'Butt Monkey' series of stories by Robert Furlong

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