Gay Erotic Stories

The Cherry-Popping Doctor's Office (Max story)

by MaxBStories

Every year or so--depending on if he remembered to do it--Fantasy Point theme park CEO Mr. Gregg would make his entire staff get physicals and drug tests. It helped Mr. Gregg get rid of employees that he thought (usually correctly) were addicts.

This year, Mr. Gregg made an announcement that everyone had to turn in a physical and drug test before the end of July.

This would, of course, include our hot, blonde, buff Max.

Two days before Max went in to go get his physical, he made the unwise mistake of smoking pot with his buddy Brent. Max went to the doctor's office, had a typical physical and drug test (aside from the fact that the middle-aged female nurse could not stop gawking at Max's oversized bubble buns). That day, however, the doctor was out-of-town and he never did end up meeting Max since the nurse took care of everything.

A few days later, Max got a call on his cell phone.

Dr. Rick: "Is this Max?"

Max: "Yes, this is."

Dr. Rick: "Max, I need you to come down to my office tomorrow. It seems that there was an issue with your drug test."

Max knew exactly what the problem was but he didn't think that the small amount of pot that he smoked with Brent was enough to show up on the drug test. But he was wrong about that.

Dr. Rick: "Could you be there at 4 pm?"

Max: "Um.....yes. Yes, sir. I will."

Max hung up the phone. He was in real trouble now. He couldn't afford to lose his job at Fantasy Point. Or, instead, what if his boss Mr. Gregg were to find out but punish him for it? Mr. Gregg would use it as an excuse to spank (or do much worse to) Max's colossal ass. Any excuse he could find to have some "bonding time" with Max's mega-sized keister, he took it.

The next day--just a couple of days before the end of July--Max had off from work and drove over to the doctor's office.

It didn't take Max too long to get into the office but, once there, he waited on the examination table for about 45 minutes before Dr. Rick to finally come in.

Dr. Rick was a handsome man, in his early-40's, with chestnut hair and dark brown eyes. He's mid-heigth and average build. Although he is engaged to a female nurse, he always considered himself bi-curious but never had a chance to act on it. Many times, on many occasions, the doctor had fantasized about getting a hot piece of man ass.

Dr. Rick entered the office and was immediately struck by how sexy and good-looking tall, blonde Max was. With his god-like build and perfect, All-American boy face, it was difficult for anyone--man, woman, gay, straight--to not be attracted to Max's looks......and his amazing ass.

Dr. Rick extended his hand to Max who shook it.

"It's good to meet you, Max. Before I give you your copy of the physical and drug test, I was concerned about one of the results in particular......"

As Max got out of his chair to go over and look at the paper, Dr. Rick noticed the two, round, massive, globe-like bulges practically busting out of the back of Max's basketball shorts. For a moment, the doctor almost lost his train of thought....

"Um.....but....butt....butt....," stammered the doctor.

"But what, doctor?," asked Max, confused.

"I....uh.....," replied the doctor as he regained his train of thought. "It seems that your test came up positive for marijuana."

Max could feel sweat beading on his forehead. What would he do now?!

"Maybe there was some kind of mistake, doc?," said Max, grasping at straws.

"Not quite," answered Dr. Rick. "These tests are remarkably accurate. I don't know what to tell you, Max...."

Then Dr. Rick came up with a lightning-quick idea. He would retest Max. This would give him the perfect chance he needed to try out some man ass (and what a prime specimen Max was!). If the drug test came out clear, then good for Max. If the test came out positive for marijuana, maybe Max would be willing to work with him on "bending the facts" in exchange for Max bending over.

Dr. Rick had never done anything that sleazy before. But this young man Max was unbelievably sexy, his rear end was a real-life exaggerated version of the perfect bubble-butt, he didn't seem like a genius, and maybe--just maybe--this scheme would work.

"Let's re-do your physical and drug test," said the doctor.

Dr. Rick made Max head into the bathroom to pee in the cup. Unfortunately for Max, the urine tested positive for marijuana again. But Dr. Rick didn't tell him that so, instead, he did his own version of the truth.

"Max, it seems that your urine does seem like it may be positive for traces of marijuana but I can't be sure. I could mark it as either positive or negative because the traces are very weak....It's a tough call," schemed Dr. Rick.

"Please, doc!" exclaimed Max, "Don't mark that down! I can't fail this drug test and I need to turn it in in a couple of days to my boss! C'mon, man, please!"

Dr. Rick loved that pleading look on Max's pretty-boy face. How could he resist those bright blue eyes?

"Maybe, Max, we'll see....," said the doctor. "Let's redo your physical and make this work, alright?"

"You got it, doc," said Max.

Dr. Rick went through the motions of checking Max's heartbeat, sight, reflexes, and the rest of a standard physical. He tried to keep his gaze away from Max's ass; whenever he would look at those bodacious glutes, he could feel his cock getting harder. He didn't want Max to notice this. At least not yet.

Now came the part that Dr. Rick was looking forward to.

"Max, you're a man now, so it's time to get your prostate checked out," said the doctor.

Max gulped.

"Remove your shorts and lay down on your stomach on top of the exam table," said Dr. Rick.

Max pulled down his basketball shorts and kicked them to the side of the room.

Dr. Rick couldn't believe his eyes.

Although Max's buns were each the size of a basketball, what those buns reminded Dr. Rick most of were a pair of perfectly round, huge, luscious, white cakes. The doctor wanted to practically eat them.

Today, Max wore a pale blue jockstrap underneath his shorts which (needlessly) framed the ass cheeks even more, making them pop out more than ever (if that was even possible), exaggerating and accentuating them to a more extreme degree.

Max got up on the exam table and layed face-down. His incredible, absurdly globular buttocks stuck up at attention towards the ceiling, a couple of perfectly spherical mountains of flesh. Indeed, they looked like two soft but firm white bowling balls side by side.

And they felt soft and firm too as Dr. Rick was now realizing as he placed his left hand on Max's left glute and his right hand on Max's right glute. The doctor began to carefully, subtly massage Max's enormous buns.

"Holy christ, Max," said the doctor "I've examined hundreds of people but I've never, ever seen such an incredibly round, big, perfect butt like yours before.....Maybe to some people, your butt would be too big to be perfect, but I can't believe how amazing your ass is! I happen to be an ass-man myself, Max, so I can appreciate what a sensational, unique bottom you have....Wow, such big, round cheeks! They really are something!"

Max should have seen this coming but he didn't think that the doctor would be like this. Max just sighed as he layed face-down on the exam table. He rested his arms beneath his chin. He figured that this may end up taking a while. He decided that he would just endure this butt examination and, perhaps, the doctor would be kind to him and give him the drug test and physical results that would be acceptable for work.

"Let's discuss this butt of your's, Max.....," said Dr. Rick.

"If we really have to, doc," Max responded.

"It's obvious by looking at your physique that you're athletic and work out. What I find astonishing is how highly developed your glutes are. Is this recent?" asked the doctor as he used his hands to keep massaging Max's massive ass cheeks. He was working up the confidence to spread the buns apart in rhythm as the massage progressed--he really wanted to get a peek at that delicious little pucker between them.

"They've always been that way, sir. Especially the last few years," answered Max.

"According to your file, you just turned 21 so, yes, your body is becoming more manly. You're ripening in a sense......," said the doctor as he walked over to a cabinet and retrieved a longer and wider than normal-sized thermometer.

"To make sure that this is a thorough exam, I should really make sure to take your temperature too," explained Dr. Rick.

Max opened his mouth.

"Haha, oh no, not there, Max," said the doctor. He walked over to the table on which Max was laying and spread apart Max's bulbous buns.

Max's tight, hairless, puckering little asshole was the color of strawberry taffy. Max was nervous and sweaty during this very, very intimate examination. His sphincter looked slightly dewy and moist as a result. Dr. Rick easily slid the thermometer, slowly and carefully, into Max's juicy, tight hole; he enjoyed watching the object sink deeper into Max's butt. He stopped pushing it in so the thermometer would have 6 inches left outside the young man's massive bottom. Because Max's cheeks were so round and full, once the doctor released spreading them, the buns closed shut like normal, almost completely covering the top inches of the thermometer.

"Because your buns are so round, I need to watch that thermometer just to make sure that it doesn't get completely sucked inside you," said the doctor.

Which was a ridiculous claim but served as an excuse when the doctor used his hands to re-spread Max's glutes open so that he could simply enjoy the sight of the thermomter plunged into Max's anus.

Max tried clamping his buns back together and seemed visibly agitated.

"I'm just going to keep spreading you open like this for another minute or so, Max, while your temperature is being taken. It may feel uncomfortable but it only needs a few more moments to go.....," said the doctor who was feeling a sadistic pride with this scenario.

"It's not just that, doc, it''s....ugh....," said Max while a pained look crossed his face.

"Just a few more seconds, Max," instructed Dr. Rick and, indeed, a few seconds later, he slowly removed the thermometer from Max's hole. He looked at the temperature which proved to be the normal 98.6. Even though the object had been removed from inside Max, the young man seemed uncomfortable as he layed on his stomach, giant buns thrusting upwards.

"What's wrong, Max? Did that hurt your little hole?" asked the doctor in mock concern.

"Only a little bit, doc, but I....I kind of have to rip one," said Max, embarrassed.

"We're both men here, Max, so if you need to fart, go a head and do it," said the doctor, amused.

Max relaxed his jockstrap-framed butt and aimed his big cheeks up in the air. A couple of loud, quick sounds reverberated from between them.

pppphhhhrrrrpppt! pphhrrrttt!

A few seconds later, the small room contained a noticeable, raunchy essence.

"Feel better?" asked Dr. Rick.

"Yeah.....sorry, doc," answered Max.

"That's alright, Max. Because your bubble butt is so round and bulbous, it may make your farts louder when they're released. They really have to fight to escape from between those big buns!" said the doctor, attempting to make light of the situation but, obviously, perving out.

"I wouldn't normally do this, but since we're comfortable together, I want to be able to fully assess your health by taking a holistic approach to examining you, " said Dr. Rick. He took a quick whiff of the thermometer, placed it on the desk, went over to the exam table, spread apart Max's buns, leaned down, and pressed his nose to Max's juicy, little pucker.

sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff

sniff sniff

"You smell good, Max," observed Dr. Rick. "Nice and healthy." He went in for a few more whiffs.

sniff sniff sniff

Max could feel the doctor's nostrils flexing against his anus while the tip of the man's nose pushed against his sphincter.

sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff

"A ripe, manly musk," said Dr. Rick, never happier.

sniff sniff sniff

Dr. Rick pressed his nose as hard as he could towards Max's asshole. Max pushed his butt upwards so that the doctor's face would be deeper submerged between his cheeks. If the doctor insisted on deeply sniffing his butt, Max wanted to hurry the process thoroughly along.

sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff

Finally, after a minute or so of furious smelling, Max could feel the doctor's nose literally, shallowly, penetrate his sphincter. The doctor rested there for a while, enjoying the sensation of Max's hole puckering against the tip of his buried nose. Plus, he loved the scent.

After a while, the doctor was afraid that he would cum immediately in his pants, so he lifted his face from out between Max's glutes. "Ahh! You smell exactly the way that a strong, healthy, young man should! Very nice!" said the doctor with a smile on his face. Max couldn't believe what was happening.

"And now for the prostate exam....," said Dr. Rick as he shoved his pointer finger--without a medical and glove and without lube since he figured that Max's natural juicy funk would be suffiencent--between Max's thick cheeks.

The pushed his finger inside Max's tight hole, slipping it inside, down to the knuckle. He wiggled it in until he was able to feel Max's healthy, normal prostate.

Dr. Rick deeply enjoyed the feeling of having his finger inside Max's ass. The velvety, soft, tight chute was deliciously warm and wet. He felt as though the tight, strong muscle of the anus was practically sucking on his digit. The doctor smoothly, slowly ran his finger in and out of the young man's butt, loving the vice-like, clamping sensation on the skin of his pointer. The rest of his hand was fully buried between the massive, round buns which clamped open and close around the hand as the doctor finger-fucked Max's hole.

Max pushed his ass back and forth, towards the doctor's finger, in rhythm as the "prostate exam" continued. Assessing the other guys who had found an excuse to finangle their fingers up his bountiful rump, Max had to admit to himself that Dr. Rick seemed to know what he was doing and did the best job at it. The doctor's smooth, firm finger-fucking felt good to Max......who was starting to sport a generous erection himself.

"It looks like that feels pretty nice to you, Max" said the doctor, with a smile on his face, as he ran his finger in and out of the young man's hole.

"It feels.....I....I don't know how to describe it, doc," replied Max, his boner growing harder.

"Young man, I would be willing to give you the benefit of the doubt when it comes to your drug test if you'd be willing to allow me to continue the rest of your prostate exam in a slightly unconventional way," Dr. Rick proposed.

He popped his finger from out of Max's big, juicy butt and walked over to the supplies cabinet across the office room. The doctor squeezed a fair amount of gel liquid lubricant from out of a bottle. He unzipped his dress pants and applied the gel to his hard, attractive, slightly larger than medium-sized cock. With the lubricant dripping off of his prick, the doctor walked back over to Max on the exam table and stood at the end of it.

Doctor Rick told Max to push his body towards the end of the table and to wrap his muscular legs around the doctor's waist. Now, in this position, Max had his legs around the doctor's body. Rick's hard cock rested between Max's bulbous glutes like a moderately sized wiener overwhelmed between a pair of oversized buns.

Max turned his head slightly to look behind at this arrangement.

"I've never actually been fucked by a man's cock before, Sir. Please be gentle with me," pleaded Max, knowing that his chocolate cherry was about to be officially popped.

"I'm going to make this as easy as I can for you, Max," said the doctor who was sweating with anticipation and joy. "I want you to slowly, carefully push yourself against my erection so that you're opening yourself up gradually". The doctor positioned the lubed-up head of his dick so that it firmly pressed against Max's tight, little pucker.

Max followed his orders. He pushed himself against the doctor's cock and could feel the slippery tip gradually begin to penetrate his anus. It felt hot and burning. His hole was extremely tight and Max realized that this would require some work AND it was probably going to hurt.

"You're very, very tight, Max," said the doctor. "I want you to make sure that you stay completely relaxed--that your hole is absolutely relaxed and open to penetration. Do you understand me, son?"

"Yeah, doctor, I'll do the best I can," answered Max.

"Stay completely relaxed as I'm going to slowly, gently push myself into you," instructed Dr. Rick.

The doctor grabbed Max's waist and gently pushed himself with a gradual force deeper into Max's body, his cock felt resistance from the tight chute at first but, after a few moments, his cock slowly slid, slid, slid deeper into Max's rectum.

"Ow, doc, ow! It hurts!" exclaimed Max as he tightened his legs around the doctor's waist. His oversized, round buns clamped around the bottom of the doctor's shaft but to no avail. The cock was fully entered.

Doctor Rick had never felt such an incredible sensation like this before. The fantastic tightness of Max's hole and chute created a heavenly feeling for the doctor's hard-as-a-rock penis. Max's big, soft, jiggling buns rubbed against Rick's balls. The doctor began fucking Max slowly, smoothly running his dick in and out of the young man's hole.

in and out, in and out

Max tightened his anus around the doctor's shaft, trying to make sense of this painful but pleasurable sensation. His anus burned and his rectum felt filled as the doctor continued fucking him. So this is what it feels like to be fucked!, thought Max. The only thing that he could reference was the feeling of taking a big poop but this was obviously a much more strange sensation filled him up and then filled him deeper in rhythm as the doctor began pushing himself in and out with a bigger urgency.

in and out, in and out, in and out

Max winced, pushing his face against the exam table as the fucking carried on.

in and out, in and out

2 minutes of fucking

The doctor looked down, watching Max's bubble buns bouncing and jiggling against his body as his cock slid in and out of the boy's chute. Although he kept one hand at Max's waist, the doctor used his other hand to playfully spank the big buns as the fucking continued.

Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap!

"You were a bad boy, Max. You deserve to get this huge butt of yours fucked!" said Dr. Rick as he swatted those basketball-sized cheeks, making them bounce and jiggle even more.

in and out, slid the doctor's cock

in and out, in and out, in and out

5 minutes later, the rock-hard doctor felt like he was about to explode inside Max's ass.

"Doc, this really hurts, I don't know how much longer I can handle it," said Max, panting.

All of a sudden, the two men heard a gentle knocking at the closed door. Dr. Rick's nurse noticed that this exam seemed to be taking longer than usual and he had other patients starting to fill up the outside waiting room.

"Doctor, is everything okay? Your other patients are here," said the nurse outside.

"Yes, everything is fine. I'll be finished in a moment," said the startled doctor, as calmly and normally as he could.

All he had to do was look down at that incredible ass that he was fucking and then, suddenly, the doctor exploded inside of Max. He had the most fulfilling and earth-shattering climax he had ever experienced. He felt streams and streams of cum shooting out of his cock and into Max's rectum. Max, exhausted, continued to open and close his gigantic, round glutes around the doctor's shaft as the doctor's orgasm wound down.

Max had not cum. Although he, himself, was also as hard as a rock by this point, the fucking had been too painful and his anus felt too stretched.

The doctor slowly slid his dick from out of Max's ass. On his cock, he noticed some blood and some dark traces. Max, after all, had just received his first real fucking and the evidence was now on the doctor's cock.

Dr. Rick wiped himself off and instructed Max to clean himself off in the adjoining bathroom.

Max followed his orders, wiped out his sore ass (and, yes, he did notice the blood traces on the wiping papers), flushed them away, got dressed, and went back into the office.

"Here are your physical and drug test results, Max" said Dr. Rick as he handed the young man his copies of the documents to bring to work at Fantasy Point. "You passed with flying colors."

Max said a quiet "Thank you, doc", shook the man's hand, and exited the busy doctor's office building.

As Max walked to the car, he could feel the soreness of his recently-opened anus. The ride home would feel like a long one. Dr. Rick's semen leaked out of his asshole, leaving a moist patch on the car seat which he noticed when he got home. After he gave himself a necessary, cleansing enema, Max went back out to the car and had to spent a couple of minutes cleaning off the car seat.

Max felt sore into the evening and at the next day at work. It took 3 days before he felt back to normal after receiving his first, true fucking. After that, his tight, little pucker was back to normal.

In Dr. Rick's examination room, immediately after his fucking of Max, the good doctor made sure to open a window, to air out the musky room before his other patients arrived. Needless to say, Max had received a very unique, one-of-a-kind exam.


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