
634 Free Gay Erotic Stories in Friends

Gay Erotic Story

Mr. Fix It

by Johnny

Today, I had a repairman stop by my place. Now I know what you must be thinking. "Sure you fucked the repairman...” Well, it really happened to me. It all started when the refrigerator started leaking. I wasn't about to let my husband try fixing it. I mean, he is not qualified and I rather he didn't fuck it up more than it is already. I called the first repair shop I could find...

Gay Erotic Story

Oral Infatuation

by T. Carson

Sherri and Gloria were a little early as they returned to school from lunch. A lot of kids were still milling around the hall, just killing time until fifth period started. Sherri turned to Gloria and said, “Ya know, I’m still hungry, how about you?” Gloria looked at Sherri and saw that look in her eyes! “Now wait a minute Sherri, we got to be in class in less then fifteen minutes,...

Gay Erotic Story

Friendly Encounter

by Sebastion

Every year our family went on vacation to the beach. We had a house right on the shore, and often would take our friends with us. This year, as with many others, we took my best friend lee. Lee was my height, 6'1, with short brown hair, green eyes and a fantastic body. I often wondered what he did to stay in such great shape since I never saw him work out, but thought it too weird...

Gay Erotic Story

A New Engine

by eatonyork

I’d known Matt about a year. I met him through a local car club and we’d seen each other at a few local shows and events. About two months ago I decided it was finally time to bite the bullet and take the engine out of my 66 Mustang and rebuild it. At the last club event, about two weeks before, several members had volunteered to come by and assist. As I had never done it before,...

Gay Erotic Story

Winter Weekend Fishing, Part 2

by Cliff

Well boys, I had to miss last year's trip due to the flu, and the other boys said it just wasn't the same. Everyone was apparently a little lethargic, and nothing much took place during the weekend. It was also one of the coldest winters in years, and as a result, everyone stayed clothed for almost the entire weekend. This year, we had to make up for two years running. During ...

Gay Erotic Story

Boy Boner

by Todd

Mike (not his real name) was maybe just over 5 feet, with reddish-brown hair and a nice tight swimmer's build. I had never thought of him sexually before. Indeed, I'd known him since he was 8 or 9, and he was always like my little brother. We did theatre together in years past, and we became like big/li'l brother friends. In the several years since then, he'd grown into a handsome...

Gay Erotic Story

Hey, long time no see

by ME!!

Well it's finally spring --- its warm now and the grass is green trees are starting to bloom - I'm passing through town in the middle of a long trip but you talked me into stopping for at least a drink ---- its been quite some time since we've been together so the tension is more like that of a first date --- I get to the place you chose to meet but you're not here --- so I sit at...

Gay Erotic Story

Fun to Be Young

by Joe

I'm sure we all remember how it was in high school having one hard-on after another, perhaps rushing to beat off between classes because something or someone got us horny. It didn't have to a girl or a boy, we were young and got hard for the hell of it. Well, it just so happen that I was going to an all boys school and had no particular attration to my friends but my cock still got...

Gay Erotic Story

My Best Friend

by Jason Ball

I remember when I was growing up sharing everything with my best friend. She lived right next door and we were the same age. Our parents both stuttered and avoided the subject of sex, when we asked. So we investigated the phenomena ourselves. We were both very intelligent; therefore, we started our research at a local library. We found out about pregnancy and the different views of...

Gay Erotic Story

Being Neighborly

by April

Molly crossed the two snow covered back yards and knocked on April's back door while pulling her coat tighter around her body to protect herself from the cold biting wind! "Come on in, Mol," April said while shivering as a gust of freezing air burst into her toasty warm kitchen, "wanna cup of hot coffee?" "Is there any other kind," Molly shot back while shucking her coat and taking...

Gay Erotic Story

Winter Weekend Fishing, Part 1

by Cliff

I had moved to this city about a year ago, and luckily, it was into a good neighbourhood. The place was full of families, mostly around my age - in their 30s and 40s, and it was a pleasant enough place to be. After about 6 weeks of living here, the neighbourhood had a picnic at the local park, where we had a chance to mingle and meet friends, find out what they...

Gay Erotic Story

Black and White

by Cindy

”Please, Mark, we really need to work out tonight,” pleaded Cindy! Mark looked at the two women and said, “You guys know the rules, the gym closes at ten sharp!” “Just for a little while,” begged Jill?!? Mark, the manager of the Suburban Workout Gym, was about ready to begin his own workout when these two dingbats showed up just as he was closing up. “Oh well, come on in, I was...

Gay Erotic Story


by Glenda

Glenda stumbled from Mr. Avery’s office with her eyes full of tears. This couldn’t be happening to her, she had been with the company for over three years and this was the thanks she got! She passed Mrs. London’s desk on the way to her own, and said, “I can’t believe it, the asshole just fired me. He claims it had something about across the board cut backs. He said I was doing a...

Gay Erotic Story

Just Like Old Times

by Lisa

Teri just had to get away from it all. She had just buried her husband a little over three months ago, and everything around her reminded her of him. After thirty-seven years of marriage to such a wonderful man, it was hard to get up in the morning and face the day! Teri’s two grown daughters were getting worried about their mother’s state of mind, and finally insisted that she get...

Gay Erotic Story

Dad's Tapes

by Michael

Her dad didn’t even know that she knew about his cache of X-rated videos he had hidden on the top shelf of bed room closet. Cindy had found them purely by accident when she was looking for an extra blanket last winter. What she found under the blanket, was a box filled with about twenty videos that had just about every type of sexual orientation you could imagine! When her folks...

Gay Erotic Story

A Night With Mr. Naked

by Biguy

A friend of mine, Bryan and I were invited to the same out of town wedding. When Bryan found out we were both going to the same wedding, he asked me if I wanted to share a hotel room to save money. I have always thought that Bryan was very good looking (he's 25, 6 foot tall, weighs about 195, has brown hair and blue eyes). I had fantasized about him a few times, so I thought this...

Gay Erotic Story

An Unexpected Lover

by David White

My name is David. I live with my brother Jeff. One day, I was watching television on a boring Sunday afternoon. I was watching basketball. The Heat were playing against the Knicks. My brother was not home. Then, I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and saw Jeff's best friend, Jake. Those two were pretty inseparable. They loved hanging out with each other. Jake ...

Gay Erotic Story

Moonlight and the Lady

by Charlie

Moonlight and The Lady There's only one good thing about growing up in a high desert town. That's the moonlight on a warm summer night. When I was still just a kid, Dad told me about a night many years ago when he and his cousins and half the guys in their little farming community engaged in what he called a frolic. What's a frolic? A frolic is just like a gang...

Gay Erotic Story

Best Buds--Jeans And Watching Hockey

by Cliff

His name was Jim and we had become really close. We were both around 20, 21 and hung out together as much as we could. Our jobs had taken us to live in different cities, but we spent as much time as possible when we could. There was a really great energy between us. If you've ever had a really close and best friend - where everything just connects - you'll know what I mean. ...

Gay Erotic Story

Boys To Sea Men

by Cole

Living on the east coast I was fortunate to have a father that could afford to keep a forty foot sport fishing boat docked at the beach. I always loved to fish and did it as much as possible in the summer months. A family friend named Scott asked if I would take he and his friend Tyler on a trip offshore one summer when they were out of school. Scott was 9 years younger than me...

Gay Erotic Story

Doing It With Friends

by Dan

Walking into the bar, Nathan spotted a young man sitting at the bar. Alone. Nathan slowly approached him, sat down on the stool next to the man, and ordered a beer from the bartender. The man looked over at Nathan. "Hey," the man said. "I'm Zach." He extended his hand. "Nathan," he said, and shook Zach's warm hand. "Nice to meet you." "Same for me," Zach replied, and...

Gay Erotic Story

David's Shower

by ratboy

While in high school, I was very active in the drama program. I had always been a good actor, but my competition was immense. There were very many talented actors at school. My main competition unfortunately came from the one I lusted after. His name was David. After many years of crushing, I had really gotten to know him just before graduation. He was hilariously funny and...

Gay Erotic Story

My Polish Friend

by Daniel

Jan and I have known each other for 7 years, ever since he came to NY from Poland. When I met him, he was barely 19, right off the farm, struggling to learn English and the American way. He was incredibly naive and unsuspecting. I couldn't help but feel attracted to him, in a brotherly, protective way. Jan was shocked when we he learned I was gay. He couldn't believe ...

Gay Erotic Story

None Tonight Thank You

by John Belisle

It was on the evening of February 26th 1996 that Tony phoned at 22:40 while I was in the bath. I’d listened then hung up and let the answering machine handle it. I shampooed my hair, or rather what was left of it. It had recently been cut with a number three clipper so leaving it the shortest it had ever been. Then with that finished I relaxed in the warm water and lay...

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