Gay Erotic Stories

After School 1

by Tommy

Tommy stared out the class room window, his mind a thousand miles away from “Silas Marner”, the seventh hour literature assignment for the day. His reverie was shattered, by the sharp crack of Miss Parsons’ voice, “Tommy, will you please pay attention! I know this isn’t the easiest assignment, but please try to keep your mind on the subject at hand!!!” “Yes ma’am,” he mumbled, while again turning his gaze to the blue cloud filled sky. Mercifully the bell ending the period rang, and twenty eight seniors shuffled out the door and off to their next class, all that is except Tommy, who was detained by Miss Parsons before he could make his escape.“Sit down please,” she asked, while motioning to the seat in the front row. “Now,” she continued, ‘you haven’t been yourself for over a week now, and I want to know if there is anything I can do to help you?” Tommy, now feeling more miserable than ever, just shrugged his shoulders and mumbled, “There’s nothing anyone can do.” “Well,” she replied, “I want to see you in here after school and we’ll see if we can get to the bottom of this, now off to your last period class!” Hurrying down the hall, Tommy thought, “Christ, that’s all I need, meddling by a dumb teacher!” He barely made to his eighth period social studies class, and for the next fifty-three minutes his mind was off his problem.At exactly 3:45pm Tommy entered Miss Parsons’ classroom. She had her head down, correcting papers he thought, and didn’t even realize he was there. He cleared his throat, and startled her a little, but she quickly regained her composure and said, “Good, I’m glad you made it, now maybe we can get to the bottom of this.” “Please sit down,” she offered, while she went over and closed the door. Returning to her desk, she sat down, leaned forward and asked, “Now, Tommy, tell me exactly what’s been bothering you, your grades have slipped, and you’re not paying any attention in class!” “Well, Miss Parsons, I uh, well, I don’t know exactly where to, I mean......” “Now how am I going to help you if you don’t tell me what your problem is,” she offered, “so, let’s get down to it, what is bothering you!?!” “Well, it’s Cheryl, my girl friend, you know her right,” he stammered? “Yes, I know her, she’s a lovely girl, what does this have to do with her,” asked Miss Parsons? “Well, she’s afraid to, I mean, she wants to but when she saw it, well........” “Tell me, what is she so afraid of, Tommy,” she demanded!?! “Well, we both want to do it, but she’s afraid to,” replied a red faced Tommy! Miss Parsons was now getting the picture and said, “Oh, I see, Cheryl thinks she’s too young, and isn’t ready for sex, am I right???” “Uh, no, not exactly,” Tommy stammered on, “she wants to all right, but, well, she thinks I’m too big for her!”Miss Parsons smiled at the embarrassed lad and replied, “That’s understandable for a young girl of eighteen, Tommy, they’re so inexperienced that the first time they’re very afraid!” “It isn’t that Miss Parsons, she says I’m freak, and no girl will ever let me, you know, do it with them,” he almost cried! “Nonsense young man, I’m quite sure that you are a normal young man who is letting the ravings of an inexperienced young girl get the better of him,” scolded Miss Parsons!!! He shook his head slowly back and forth, and replied, “I don’t think so, she seems pretty sure about it!” Now an exasperated Miss Parsons stood up and walked around to the front of her desk and stood directly in front of Tommy and said, “All right, Tommy, I’m going to prove to you once and for all that what Cheryl is giving you is nothing but a line of pure bunk!!!” “As an older woman, I have on occasion had the opportunity to see the penises of many young men, and I can say for a fact, that they all looked pretty much the same to me!” “Now, to prove this too you, I want you to stand up and show me your penis, and that will be the end of it, I can quickly tell you if there is anything to what Cheryl has been telling you!!!” Tommy turned six shades of red, and started to protest, but Miss Parsons quickly cut him off and ordered him to stand up!He stood up, with his face looking at the floor, to ashamed to look his teacher in the eye, and began fumbling with his belt buckle. “Come on Tommy,” she implored, “let’s get this over with so you can go home, and I can go back to correcting my papers!” Finally his jeans slipped down around his ankles, and he was left standing there in his light blue boxer short. Miss Parsons was tapping her foot on the floor, obviously anxious for him to get his shorts down so that she could get back to work. Finally, not able to wait any longer she said, “My goodness, Tommy, let me do it for goodness sakes, we don’t have all day here!!!” With both hands, she reached out and with a hard tug jerked his short down by the elastic waistband. Even Tommy could tell from the look on her face that Cheryl was right, because her mouth was open and moving, but no sound was coming out! The reason for Miss Parsons’ muteness, hung between the skinny thighs of the eighteen year old senior,. Tommy had a cock the size of which she had never seen, hanging semi-hard, with a drip of precum dripping from the tip, she guessed that it was at least eight inches long, and it wasn’t even full erect!!! Her vagina immediately began to cream at the sight of the massive maleness, while her mouth went dry, and her nipples grew hard inside of her lacy white bra. “See,” he fairly wailed, “I can tell from the look on your face that Cheryl is right, no woman will ever let me touch her!!!” Partially regaining her numbed senses, Miss Parsons pulled her stare from the boy’s crotch and looking him in the eye replied, “Oh no, Tommy, you have a beautiful penis, it is rather large, but most women would adore having their vaginas filled with such a huge erection!” “Oh, you’re just saying that to make me feel better,” he said sadly, “no one wants me, or ever will!!!” “Oh, Tommy, you’re so wrong,” she implored, “and just to prove it to you, I’ll show you my own vagina to let you see how wet you’ve made it!” Lifting up her skirt, Miss Parsons pulled down her panty hose and panties in one motion, exposing a very hair pussy, its lips covered with cream from her obviously excited cunt. Just seeing the brown furred lips made Tommy’s pecker snap to its full length of ten inches, with its circumference as thick as her wrist. Her head was now spinning, and her clit began to take control of her, which by now was throbbing, begging to be taken by the big stud prick! It didn’t matter anymore who was the teacher or student, all she knew was that she had to have this thick cudgel in her mouth, and then in her weeping cunt. “May I touch it,” she asked, with a hint of desperation in her voice?!? Tommy sensed right away that his big pecker held his teacher in its control, and that she would do almost anything to have it! Boldly he offered, “Touch it with your mouth, bitch, and be quick with it!!!” The rough talk coming from the young boy was music to Miss Parsons’ ears!!! Down on her knees she went, taking the egg size head into her hungry mouth, letting her tongue roam all over its massive smoothness! In a matter of a few seconds, Tommy’s pecker lurched, and then unloaded into the hot mouth of his bitch teacher, groaning loudly, she accepted his creamy gift with great appreciation!!! Tommy was in absolute heaven, when all at once the corridor door swung open and in strode Miss Williams, the old biddy math teacher from down the hall. She stopped in her tracks, almost as if electrocuted, at the sight of the young lit teacher on her knees with a gigantic erection in her mouth! “Uh oh,” thought Tommy, “I’m in for it now!!!” “Miss Parsons, just what do you think you’re doing,” intoned Miss Williams!?! “I’m sucking Tommy off, ma’am,” replied Miss Parsons, pulling her mouth away from Tommy’s meat just long enough to answer the old math teacher. Tommy couldn’t believe it, instead of jumping to her feet, Miss Parsons calmly returned her warm mouth to Tommy’s pecker and resumed sucking it!!! “Well,” retorted Miss Williams, “at least you should have the brains to lock the door!” “I know, but once I saw this magnificent erection, I just kind of lost my head and went down on it,” replied Miss Parsons! “See how beautiful it is, look at the head, smooth and soft, like velvet,” Miss Parsons went on! “You’re Tommy Parker, aren’t you,” asked Miss Williams, while staring at his fully erect organ? “Yes’m,” he replied, still a little confused with the situation he found himself in. “Well, Tommy,” asked Miss Williams, “have you ever stuck your erection into a woman’s vagina?” “No ma’am, my girl friend is afraid to,” he answered quickly. Miss Williams looked at Miss Parker and said, “Margaret, I want to be his first, is that okay with you?” The way she said it, was obvious that she was the boss, and Miss Parsons would do what ever the old woman wanted her to. “Yes, Melinda,” answered Miss Parsons, “he’s a very talented young man, I’m sure he will satisfy your every need!” Tommy looked on with utter fascination as the older woman removed all of her clothing, the last thing being her bra, which encased two huge breasts with large rubbery nipples. Her body was out of shape compared to a younger woman, but Tommy had to admit that her full voluptuous curves were very erotic indeed! Miss Parsons cleaned off her desk and Melinda Williams lay down on her back with her legs spread wide apart, exposing a very hairy pussy that was once brunette, but now mostly gray. “Margaret, get me ready please,” ordered Miss Williams, and an obedient Miss Parsons didn’t say a word, but slid between the full fleshy thighs, and began tonguing her colleague in her hairy crack! Tommy was now stroking his meat in time with the slurping sounds emanating from the wet cunt of the math teacher. After several minutes of sucking, Melinda pushed Miss Parsons away and told Tommy to take her place between her legs. “Okay, Tommy,” she said, “show mama what a big strong stud you are, and fuck her pussy hard!!” Miss Williams cunt fur was matted down from all the pussy juice, so her slit was clearly visible to his young eyes. He slowly worked the head of his cock into her cunt, adjusting his position so as to get the perfect angle for attack! When the head was just inside of her, she ordered, “Now Tommy, bury it in all the way, and hurt mama’s little cunt with your big cock!” Tommy didn’t need another invitation, and with one mighty thrust rammed his virgin rod deep into the old woman’s dripping slit! “Oh my, god, Margaret, he’s so fucking huge, he’s ripping me wide open,” she groaned, while cupping and caressing her massive tits!!! Tommy had never felt anything quite so wonderful in his life! The inside of Miss Williams pussy was slick and smooth, and tight too, the combination of which in a matter of strokes caused him to release his load of cum deep into Miss Williams hot vagina! “Oh, Margaret, you were so right, he is magnificent, long, hard, and very thick, the nicest fuck I’ve ever had,” gushed a very satisfied Miss Williams! Miss Parsons leaned over and gave Miss Williams a deep kiss on the mouth and said, “I hope you enjoyed it, Melinda, I hope we can do it again soon!” After everyone had dressed, Miss Williams pulled Tommy aside and said, “Young man, I think that you will need another session tomorrow after school, don’t you!?!” “Yes ma’am,” a very happy Tommy replied, “tomorrow will be fine!” “And Tommy,” said Miss Parsons, “do you think you can pay attention in class tomorrow!?!” “Yes ma’am,” the eighteen-year old boy replied, “I’ll definitely pay attention tomorrow!!!”


9 Gay Erotic Stories from Tommy

After School 1

Tommy stared out the class room window, his mind a thousand miles away from “Silas Marner”, the seventh hour literature assignment for the day. His reverie was shattered, by the sharp crack of Miss Parsons’ voice, “Tommy, will you please pay attention! I know this isn’t the easiest assignment, but please try to keep your mind on the subject at hand!!!” “Yes ma’am,” he mumbled, while

After School 2

Tommy knew he was taking an awful chance, but if he was ever going to fuck Cheryl, he just had to let her watch him fuck either Miss Parsons or Miss Williams, so she could see how much pleasure he gave them with his big pecker. He was sure that then she would gladly let him put his penis into her cute little box! The trick was getting her to join him in Miss Parsons’ room after

Brian's Vacation

When I was 27 my wife and I moved from our home in Houston to be near her parents in Florida. The family across the street from us in Houston had four sons, the oldest of which was named Brian. I sometimes hired Brian to mow my lawn and came to know him pretty well. He seemed to like hanging around at our house and even though he was just a kid I enjoyed his company sometimes

Computer Hardon

Its now 7 am and my wife is at work. I don't have to be at work until 9am, so I load up the computer and look for stories that make me hard. As a rule, I get naked before I do it because I know I will get a good boner and won't want to take the time to take off my clothes. The chair is cold on my ass, but the feeling of my long balls resting on the hard surface makes my dick

Exposed For A Promise

It was late summer in 1999 at the Gordon's Pond State Park Ocean Beach in gay Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. I lay out on a blanket with two buddies from Kansas City. This beach, often called North Shores, is known for being the over-30 beach. All the buff, gym perfect young studs go to the beach on the south side of town that goes by the name of Poodle Beach. We lay there sunning on

Gairah Seorang Pramugara

Aku sudah berkemas sejak pukul 6 sore, sebab pesawat yang akan membawaku ke Jakarta dari Bali akan berangkat pada pukul 9 malam nanti. Aku lalu mandi dan setelah itu menutup koperku, aku kunci pintu kamar kost-ku, dan juga berpamitan kepada ibu kost. "Sudah mau berangkat, Tom ?", tanya bu kost padaku. "Udah, bu", jawabku pendek. "Nanti setiba di Jakarta, titip salam saya

Mijn Fantasie

Ik ben een man van 35 jaar, getrouwd maar biseksueel. In mijn jonge jaren ben ik meer met mannen dan met vrouwen naar bed geweest. Tot dat ik mijn vrouw tegenkwam en de mannen naast me neer hebt gelegd. Maar soms als ik in de tuin zit en geniet van het mooie weer droom ik even weg in mijn fantasie. Ik hou van wandelen, en zo ook in de Luxemburgse Ardernne. Het was weer eens een

My First With My Team Mate

As a senior in High School, I was always looking for a girl. It seemed like my luck always ran short. Well, I pretty much knew I was gay when I saw him. It was the beginning of the distance running season and I found him joining the team. I had always thought he was a football player. I guess I was wrong. As the season went on, I found he was a pretty good runner. His name

Sex With My Crush

It all started when I was a junior in college and Calvin was a freshman at the same school . He was about 6'0" and beautiful. He had a very hairy chest and legs to die for full of black hair. I used to ride bicycles with him and he would ride with his shirt off and it was all I could do not to wreck my bike. We were at the football game cheering on our team and


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