Gay Erotic Stories

At the Seven-Eleven

by EJ

“How do they ever make it?!” I heard the voice next to me at the coffee bar as I emptied the flavored cream into the paper cup and poured the coffee. I assumed he was speaking to me. No one else was nearby in the Seven-Eleven store at the time. The radio newscaster had just reported that the cast of a popular TV series was negotiating for an even more exorbitant salary per episode. ”Yea, I really feel for them. Perhaps, if we all chip in, they'll be able to make it through the week,” I said. The late-twenties-something guy chuckled and agreed. He was bit shorter than I and was dressed in Dockers with a white shirt and tie. He was not fat, but was stocky like a football linesman would be, good looking with dancing eyes and a devilish grin that surfaced through his dark goatee and mustache. I took my coffee to the clerk and paid the tariff. He got in line behind me. As I left the line, I grinned, nodded, and told him to 'have a good one.' 'Yea, you, too,' he replied cordially, 'Take care.' I left the store and climbed in the van, placing the coffee in the holder for the remaining trip to the office. As I was ready to pull out, he left the store and headed for a green sedan. I thought I saw him glance at me. A few days later I entered the store for my morning brew. He was at the counter pouring his coffee. As I approached, I asked, 'Did you send your contribution?' 'Send my what? Where?' he asked, obviously not recognizing me or connecting with our prior conversation. 'The other morning. The contributions to the TV cast.' I reminded. 'Oh, yea! How y'doin'? 'OK. How are you today? Name's Eric.' 'Tony.' We reached out and shook hands. The firm grip was welcome and encouraging. Tony was a friendly fellow. Over the next few weeks we would often run into each other at the coffee bar. We exchanged greetings and a bit of small talk, but we were both on our way to work and time did not permit extended conversation. One Friday, as I grabbed my coffee to go, Tony asked, 'When d'y'get off work? Wanna meet for a beer?' Now I don't drink, but the prospect of finding a new buddy was certainly appealing. I moved to the area over ten years ago, but family and job commitments, as well as other factors, had resulted in few close friends. I hadn't found much in common with most co-workers, and the others were busy with other commitments and other friends. I was hungry for a close buddy to talk to. 'Yea, sure. Where and what time? I'm off at 4:15.' 'How about at the Bison. At 6. 'OK.' I found it strange to be party to such an invitation, but I looked forward to it all day. I cleared my schedule with my wife. She had other plans which did not include me. I think she may also have been happy that I may have found a new friend. She had been much more successful herself in enlarging her own circle of friends. She was, hands down, the more social of the two of us. I met Tony at the Bison at 6. He had come straight from work. I had had a chance to change into something more casual and comfortable. Tony loosened his tie as we moved to a table. 'What do you drink?' he asked. 'A coke,' I said. 'A coke?!' 'Yea, I don't do beer.' 'Oh,' Tony said flatly, obviously disappointed that he had not found a drinking buddy. 'Are you disappointed that I won't be getting buzzed with you?' I asked. 'Yea. Kinda.' 'Aw, just think of me as a cheap date,' I said mockingly, 'I'll still let you have your way with me.' Tony looked at me with astonishment, then, suddenly his impish grin flashed across his face. We both began to laugh. 'Alright then!' Tony said, regaining his humor. 'Barkeep, a draft for me and a coke for my friend!' The conversation and the meal continued. We ordered some burgers and some more to drink. From time to time we would pause in our chat to watch the game on the TV. We talked about innocuous things: weather, local events, and so on. The bar started to get crowded and noisier. 'D'y'wanna blow this place?', Tony said looking around the bar. 'Why don't we move to my apartment?' 'Game.' I followed Tony in my car to the Heights, a comfortable condo-complex not too far away. The apartments here were very nice, but not luxurious, stating that Tony had good taste without going overboard. He was a common guy, just the kind I wanted for a friend. As we entered the apartment, Tony told me to make myself at home. He wanted to change into something more comfortable. I sat down on the couch and began looking through the pile of magazines in a rack beside the couch. There were some issues of Time and Newsweek. I like to read the pages which contain the quotes and recent political cartoons, so I picked a couple and leafed through them. With my fingers, I began picking though the rest of the pile. Near the bottom I spied a copy of Honcho. Hmm. As Tony returned from his bedroom, I put the magazines back. Tony had put on a light cotton shirt, but had not buttoned it, and some cargo shorts, white socks, but no shoes. He had well developed calves and thighs. The opened shirt revealed nicely developed pecs and chiseled, but protruding, abs, much like a professional wrestler's gut. The short sleeves were rolled up a bit, to reveal some great guns. I was guessing his upper arms had to be at least 18 inches or more. Obviously, Tony worked out. I had not been able to tell when we first met at the Seven-Eleven. His work clothes hid his physical assets, but his attire now sent my active imagination into overdrive. 'I know you don't do beer. Do you do wine?' he asked. 'Only very, very rarely,' I answered honestly. I had been coaxed a few years ago to try some mild wine, and I discovered that I enjoyed it. I still had the emotional baggage from my upbringing which said to drink wine was a 'no-no', so I rarely did drink any alcohol. 'Will you have a small glass with me?' Tony stepped out into the kitchen and began to retrieve two wine glasses from the cupboard. 'OK, but just a small glass.' Tony poured us each some wine. It pleased me that Tony respected my decisions. He poured himself a 'regular' portion, but for me, he poured just a small amount and did not try to play the over-generous host. 'You can have more anytime, you'd like,' he said sincerely and sat down in a chair near my corner of the couch. 'Thanks. This will do for now.' As I looked around the apartment I noticed a certain masculine quality about it. It was certainly clean and neat, but it did not look as if a female had been involved in the process of interior decorating or selection of furnishings. To another guy this was a comfortable place. There also were no pictures which could be construed as being pictures of either family members or a girlfriend. Our conversation continued as we explored the 'where you from's, 'what you do's, etc. I discovered that he was a car salesman for a local dealer. He had been raised in the general area by his mom. His parents had split when he was young. He had moved out and was pretty much on his own. His mom had moved back to her hometown, and he had stayed here. They talked occasionally by phone. When he wasn't working, he hung out at the gym. 'Got a girlfriend?' I asked coyly. 'Na. Right now I'm between relationships. You? I see a ring. I presume you're married.' 'Twenty-some years. Two kids.' Tony's countenance fell a bit. He seemed to become quiet. There was a somewhat awkward pause. 'Mind if I ask something personal? You don't have to answer, if you don't want.' 'Go ahead. Ask,' Tony invited. 'I noticed a copy of Honcho with your magazines. Is it yours?' Tony turned a bit red and stammered some. Then he took a deep breath, heaving his massive chest, and looked at me, as if he was trying to read me for my reaction to what he was about to say. After another pause, he said, 'Yes, it's mine. I'm gay. I suppose you want to get out of here.' 'Not at all,' I stated gently. 'I'm neither offended nor upset by that.' 'You're not? But you're married!' 'Yes, married, but bi. My wife and I obviously did it. We have two kids. But she never cared for sex that much. She claimed it hurt. So for the past five years the relationship has been merely platonic. Please understand. I love my wife and my sons, and I'm not 'out'. I would not want to do anything that would hurt them. I would rather bear the hidden pain than to bring them embarrassment or anguish over this.' 'But you are attracted to other guys?' 'Yes.' Tony brightened considerably, moved to the edge of his seat, and leaned forward towards me, betraying his interest. 'Have you ever, you know, been with another guy?' 'Yea. There was, of course, the usual teenage stuff, which could be written off to 'exploration'. But about six years ago, I met a guy. I haven't seen him for about the last three years.' 'What happened?' 'Well, I met him online. He was bi, too. He lived in a nearby state, but had relatives here. He would bring his stepchildren to stay with realtives after school was out for the summer and then retrieve them in the early fall. He would also make other trips once in a while. He stayed in a local hotel. We would meet, go out for supper, and spend the evening together before he returned home. About three years ago the last one graduated from high school, and he stopped making the trips. I lost track of him then.' 'So, did you do anything while you were together?' 'Yea, we had some pretty intense times. What about you, Tony?' 'My last lover and I parted a while ago. I met him at the gym. He worked for a local company, but then left for a job in Texas. It hurt, but I understood. We really were just close friends. There was no commitment. I really haven't found anyone since.' 'So you're looking for a new relationship?' 'Yea. You?' 'As I said, I'm not into an open or live-in relationship. I don't want to hurt my family. I am looking for a good bud, and if there is more to it, then that's all the better. But it has to be discrete. It must look only like a naturally strong friendship.' Tony got up from the chair and, smiling, sat down on the couch to my right, his left arm falling across my shoulders. With his right hand he began to caress my chest through my knit shirt. He looked deep into my eyes and smiled. 'What could you possibly see in me?' I asked. 'I'm old enough to be your father. I'm overweight and out of shape. I'm no beauty.' 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.' With his left arm he firmly pulled my body close to his and leaned his head toward me. His lips met mine and I reached my left arm over to pull his shoulder closer. The warmth of his passion was evident. The warmth grew to heat as his lips separated and his tongue separated mine. Our tongues now fought for space in each other's mouth. Tony pushed my body down on the couch and lay atop me. The grinding of our bodies intensified what our lips had begun. My hands moved to Tony's shirt and spread the font panels so as to have full access to his marvelous chest. Wandering over the tightly curled back hairs which covered his chest in a magnificently thick carpet, my hands found his nipples and began to explore their sensitivity. First caressing, then rubbing, then gently pinching, I knew Tony was enjoying the tit-play. I pinched a bit harder and he groaned with delight. Disengaging from the kiss, I squirmed my body lower as Tony moved higher. He was giving my mouth full access to his round delights. I licked, kissed, nibbled, and bit them. He was panting like crazy. I reached up and slid his shirt from his shoulders and threw it onto the floor. I continued my assignment. 'I've considered getting pierced. What do you think?' 'I think you'd be really hot,' I answered, 'with little rings dangling from those love knobs.' 'Maybe we'll do it tomorrow.' With that, Tony slid down and began kissing me again. Then he lowered his hands, and as I raised my torso up, he lifted my knit shirt from me in one smooth motion. Lovers know what's coming. He began reciprocating on my chest. My nipples, already aroused, stiffened even more. I reached for his cargo shorts. I unbuttoned them and slid them down below his firm butt. He had nothing between. He pushed his own shorts further down and then kicked them onto the floor. Except for his socks he was naked and he was a beautiful sight! His body was gently tanned, enough to give the glow of health, but not enough to be damaging. A slight tan line indicated that he tanned in the nude or with a minimal thong. His thighs were slightly furry, but his tight butt was smooth as was his back. The masterful carpet of black fur on his chest funneled into a large, thick, black forest in his groin. He was cut and about 8 inches in length, and very, very thick. His balls, larger than golf balls, hung low in a generous sack. Combined with his muscularity and naturally good looks, he was unbelievable! He raised himself up on his knees, straddling my knees, and did me the favor of unbuckling my belt and dropping my drawers. I made it the more challenging for him, in that, I was wearing jockeys. When he spied the wet spot on the jockeys, he licked his lips and immediately lowered his face and began sucking on the damp fabric. Then he ripped them from my body and lifted them to his face, inhaling heavily through them. After throwing the jockeys to the floor, Tony again lay upon me, chest to chest. With the warmth of his kiss and the squirming of his body, I could feel his large manhood growing ever larger. My own tool was way beyond second gear! He lowered himself and began licking and kissing my cut head. He stopped occasionally to lick the shaft and send me into a fit of shivers. I could wait no longer. I reached down and grabbed his body so that I swung his lower torso above my head. Now, at last, I had access to please him! My jaw stretched to its limit to engulf his member. The muscles of my cheeks and jaws began to hurt, but I was determined to please him. After a while the ache subsided and my throat relaxed. Deeper and deeper into my mouth Tony began to push. I focused on relaxing completely. Soon that thick black forest was muffling my face and my nose was buried to its roots. He was down my throat completely! Tony stopped his action on my member and I could feel him arch his back and groan loudly with pleasure. 'No one's ever taken my whole tool before!' he cried. 'Oh, my God, that feels good!' With my hands I reached around the back of his thighs to gain access to that low hanging sack. I began massaging the golden orbs. Tony began to buck. I could feel his nuts begin to tighten and I knew feast day was near. With a couple of loud grunts, Tony began to fill my throat with his precious nectar. Tightening my lips around his shaft, I managed to contain his gift within my throat and mouth. As he pulled out I used my lips to squeegee every precious drop and carefully, slowly I swallowed every drop. Tony's swollen tube began to regain its normal size and fexibility. He turned around to face me again. His knees were on either side of my waist. He looked at me with loving eyes as he reached behind his back. I felt his strong hand grab my cock. My swollen cock responded by trying to swell more. Raising up a bit on his knees, Tony directed my tip to his tunnel and slowly lowered himself until he was totally impaled upon me. The warmth and tightness of his hole as he engulfed me were indescribable. It was my turn to groan. Slowly at first, Tony began to bounce his butt. As he increased his pace, I thought I would die! My whole being was concentrated in my groin. Nothing else mattered at the time. Tony raised up his head and looked toward the ceiling. He breath became rapid as he bounced faster. Suddenly my nuts tightened and my balls were emptied into Tony's guts. My body shuddered with the explosion. Tony began to slow his pace, milking me dry. When Tony finally rested, we looked at each other. We were covered in sweat. Tony, still impaled on my now softening cock, leaned down and carefully lay on top of me. We resume our passionate kissing and licked the man-sweat from each other's bodies. Tony raised up a bit and reached to the small table at the end of the couch. There he picked up the TV remote and clicked. He started a video tape. It was a older BDSM video that I had once seen parts of in an adult video shop. It was filled with many hot scenes. As we watched we continued to caress and kiss. Tony still lay on top me, but had shifted the burden of his weight so that I would not be uncomfortable. This was perhaps the thing I like most about Tony already: his tenderness and thoughtfulness. From the glass of wine to shifting his weight, he was a caring person. It did not take long for us to recover our stamina and prowess. At least not Tony. At my age it take me longer to recover and to perform, but my horniness is a constant. Tony recovered quickly. He was soon hard again. As the video played, I shifted onto my back and Tony lay his black carpet on my chest again. Slowly I raised my legs and Tony shifted his arms and shoulders beneath my thighs. I crossed my ankles behind Tony's head and pressed my knees to my own shoulders. Tony leaned through my legs to kiss me passionately. That large, fat head began to knock on my door. 'Slowly,' I said, 'I've never welcomed anything that big before.' 'I'll be careful,' Tony said, 'I love you.' 'I love you, too, Tony. You're the best thing that has happened to me in a long time.' 'If we take it easy, you'll adjust and it won't hurt.' 'I know,' I said, 'and I want you so bad.' As thoughtful as ever, Tony slowly pressed and released until he was buried completely in my canal. 'Fuck me,' I said, 'Fuck me hard. Pound my ass.' Tony obligied. Quickly he sped his pace, pulling out all but the head and then raming his rod full force into my gut. Soon I could see he was climbing higher. The center of his universe was between his legs. Though he had had quick recovery in the hardness department, he was not so quick to shoot. He rammed me for what seemed forever, but I was not minding it. I had adjusted to his great size and he was rubbing my g-spot. I, too, was loving him and loving every minuted of it. Finally he began tensing. He balls ceased to slap freely against my ass. Tight against his torso, they pounded on my butt. Screaming with delight he exploded within me. We were drenched with sweat. As he lay upon me again, he almost slide off. I grabbed him in a bear hug and kept him on me. We laughed. Then the laugh turned into a gaze, and the gaze a kiss. He stayed inside me. We were exhsusted. Both of us fell asleep in each others arms, his warm thick cock still up my ass. We awoke the next morning, still in our embrace.


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13 Gay Erotic Stories from EJ

At the Seven-Eleven

“How do they ever make it?!” I heard the voice next to me at the coffee bar as I emptied the flavored cream into the paper cup and poured the coffee. I assumed he was speaking to me. No one else was nearby in the Seven-Eleven store at the time. The radio newscaster had just reported that the cast of a popular TV series was negotiating for an even more exorbitant salary per

The Bear Room

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The Campground, Part 1

My hand was quivering a bit with excitement as I downshifted and went through the auto-toll lane. On the other side of the toll island was the toll road. I was excited and apprehensive because I had never done this before. No! No! I am not talking about driving on a turnpike! Been there, done that many times! No, I was taking the toll road to the campground. I had never been to

The Campground, Part 2

My master led me back to his campsite and to his camper by my leash and by my balls. On the way through the campsites the other men often greeted us with whistles and catcalls as well as with approving and admiring comments. Master said nothing. He walked straight to his site and to his camper, opened the door and walked in pulling me behind him. It was the first I was inside the

The Campground, Part 3

I awoke in the sunlight of the new day in much the same position as I had fallen asleep. My hands had released their hug and lay at my side. Master lay asleep on top of me. His head rested on my chest and his nostrils emitted his warm breath across my right nipple. My legs were still curiously propped on his shoulders and were somewhat cramped from being in that position for so

The Campground, Part 4

Although my nips and penis were still a bit tender, Mac declared me fit for service when he examined me on the following Saturday morning. The piercings were healing well. Master smiled at the good news and winked at Mac. He patted me underneath my ring-weighted balls. When we arrived back at the camper, Master assigned me to my duties and indicated that he had some business to

The Campground, part 4

Although my nips and penis were still a bit tender, Mac declared me fit for service when he examined me on the following Saturday morning. The piercings were healing well. Master smiled at the good news and winked at Mac. He patted me underneath my ring-weighted balls. When we arrived back at the camper, Master assigned me to my duties and indicated that he had some business to

The Campground, Part 4

Although my nips and penis were still a bit tender, Mac declared me fit for service when he examined me on the following Saturday morning. The piercings were healing well. Master smiled at the good news and winked at Mac. He patted me underneath my ring-weighted balls. When we arrived back at the camper, Master assigned me to my duties and indicated that he had some business to

The Storm

I had moved to this remote area in the rural area of the northern part of the state only a few years ago. Life had gone south on me. I had had enough of corporate shenanigans and enough of people. I moved here to be alone. I figured I was my own best friend. So I bought a good-sized piece of land and built a log home on it. A mile long lane led from the highway to the house and

The Storm, Part 2: Monday

In Part 1, during a fierce snowstorm two hairy buddies (Troy and Todd) lose control of their vehicle and slide off the road near my remote log home. I rescue and welcome them into my home. After cleaning up and sharing a good meal, we gather before the fire for some hot interaction. We retire exhausted to my bed. See “The Storm” for the full first episode. We continue with Part 2,

The Storm, Part 3: Monday Evening

Troy and Todd, stranded by the winter storm at Eric’s home, while they await their car being repaired, form a strong bond with their host and experience some hot action. Check out parts 1 and 2. The story resumes on Monday evening of the eventful week, the evening before the last full day of their stay. * * * After the hot leather experience of late Monday afternoon, Troy, Todd, and

The Storm, Part 4: Tuesday

I was still having a tough time making a decision about getting pierced. I knew it looked incredibly hot on my two friends and other men; I wasn’t sure that it would look right on me. I wasn’t sure that I could handle the questions or the looks from others in this part of the world who might not understand. I would need to decide before tomorrow morning. We spent the rest of the

The Storm, Part 5: Conclusion

Wednesday The phone rang. It was the call I had been dreading now for two days. I knew who it was. I just didn’t get that many calls. “This is Jake,” the voice said. “Hi, Jake. This is Eric.” “Just thought you’d like to know that those fellows’ car is done. They can pick it up anytime.” Jake went on to explain in detail the damage, how he had repaired it, and what the final


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