Gay Erotic Stories

Big Fun In The Big Apple, Part 3

by The Bondageboi

This is part 3 of a series about my cousin (Tony) and me. If you haven't read parts 1 & 2, go back and learn how this got started. The great summer was coming to an end and it was time to start college. Tony and I chose a school in upstate New York that accepted both of us. We decided to share a dorm room. The first week was great. We were finally away from our parents and we could do anything we wanted. There were so many hot guys on campus that both of us stayed perpetually horny. Since Tony had this thing for walking around with no clothes on, we decided that whenever the two of us were in our room at the same time, we would go nude. I didn't mind this. It allowed me to look at his hot body anytime I wanted and if I was in the mood to do more than look, I just had to reach out and grab what caught my eye. We slept together every night alternating between the two beds in the room. There was always some noise in the dorm so we didn't have to worry about disturbing anybody while having sex. The building that we lived in had a community shower. This was a plus and a minus. We could check out the other guys, but we didn't want to get caught staring at them with hardons. One night we wanted to get off really good, so we decided to try fucking in the shower. The risk of getting caught made it exciting. We quietly walked to the shower room and turned on all of the showers with hot water so the room would fill with steam. That way, if someone walked in, we would have a few seconds to compose ourselves. Once the steam was good and thick, I dropped to my knees in front of Tony and started sucking his dick. He became hard instantly and started to moan softly. I worked his cock smooth and slow with my hungry mouth. The taste of his thick load would be the perfect bedtime snack. I grabbed his balls with my left hand and rubbed them gently. Occasionally I would tug down on them to make him tense up. This always made him exclaim something. "Oh fuck yeah! Keep pulling on my nuts and make me shoot my dick in your mouth! Oh yes! I love it!" I drove him wild. I couldn't wait much longer to taste his cum, so I put a finger up him ass. I knew he wouldn't be able to hold out for much longer if I did this. I reached under him to slide my finger in his ass. He knew what I was doing, as he moved his legs apart and welcomed me inside him. Pulling on his balls and finger-fucking his ass worked. He started to shoot thick waves of hot love juice in my mouth. He cried out, "Oh God I love this! Yes! Yes! Work my ass! Work it! Take this hot load you fucker! Take it!" And take it I did! I loved the taste of his cum. Cumming so hard in a steam filled room made Tony a little light headed. He sat down on the shower floor for a minute. I asked if he was alright. He said he was fine after a couple of minutes. That was a green light telling me that it was my turn to get off. While Tony was still in the floor, I moved closer to him, bent my knees a little and offered my dick to him. He started sucking me until I was fully hard. He stopped and stood up. He turned his back to me, put his hands on the wall and bent down a little to offer me his ass. I moved into him. I rubbed the head of my cock against his asshole. "I love it when you fuck me hard. C'mon. Give me a good hard fucking!" he said as he swayed his ass back and forth. I didn't hesitate. I pushed my dick into him quickly. He let out a loud groan. I started pumping his ass quickly from the moment that I entered him. He was so tight from all the muscles clinching. It took him a few minutes to relax and enjoy it. He matched my rhythm by slamming his ass back against me when I pushed into him. My balls were slapping his. It caused a slight sting that made the feeling of pleasure more intense. I slapped his ass really hard a couple of times to make him tighten up. He let out some loud moans. I was afraid that someone would hear us. I turned me on more. I slapped him a few more times. "Oh shit! I gonna cum!" "Hold out! Don't touch your cock! I'm almost there!" I kept fucking furiously. "I can't help it! I'm not touching it! I'm gonna cum anyway! Oh! Oh! Here it comes! Fuck me oh! Fuck me good! Yes!" His dick started to shoot without his assistance. He finally grabbed it and finished the job. "Keep fucking me! Come on! I want to feel that load in me!" The point of no return came and just as I started to shoot my load, I heard the door open. I couldn't stop. I kept fucking Tony's hot ass. I had to finish the job. It seemed like I came for 10 minutes. Just as my dick squirted the last drop of cum in his ass, someone walked by me. I pulled out of Tony and moved away. We were both freaking out. We heard another guy and could barely see him. He mumbled something and fell down. We both stood there not knowing what to do. Tony moved closer to the guy. He turned around and said, "Uh, I think this guy just passed out. He must be really drunk." I moved over toward the guy. We both got down on the floor next to him. He was out and completely undressed. Tony tried to wake him. The guy made some faint noises but would not wake up. I couldn't resist. I had to check him out. I took a good look at his package and he was loaded! He had huge balls and his dick looked nice and thick. "Don't tell me you're hungry for more," Tony said. "Don't touch him there." "Why not? This could be fun. Besides, he'll never know," I replied. "Alright. If he starts to wake up, we're outta here!" I moved the guy's legs apart so I could check him out. He had nice, smooth, big, balls. I wondered how much cum they could pump out. I put my hand on his nuts and started to rub them softly. He let out and soft, "Mmmm," so I kept rubbing. Tony reached over and touched his dick. He put it in his hand and started to massage it with his fingers. "Oh boy! I think we've got a grower!" exclaimed Tony. "You've got to feel this. He's huge!" I wrapped my hand around the mystery boy's dick. It was nice and thick with a thick head. "I think I need to get a taste of this. You can't have enough meat in your diet!" I said as I moved in toward his fat stick. I put the head in my mouth. He was already leaking loads of pre-cum. I loved the taste! I sucked harder and pumped up more of his juice with my fist. He breathing increased. I continued to suck him for a few minutes until Tony stopped me. "Hey, it's my turn!" "You'll love how good he tastes! Get down on that cock, babe!" Tony moved in and went up and down on this gorgeous cock a couple of times. "He does taste great but I think I need a little something extra." He got up and started to squat over the guy. "Do you really think you should try this? What if he wakes up?" "Just stay close and get ready to help me up if he does. Grab his cock and guide it into me! I wanna ride this big fucker!" I guided that dick to Tony's hot hole. He let out some loud moans as he slid down on it. "Damn this thing is thick! Fuck it hurts! I'll be alright. I'll be o.k." He said these lines over and over to calm himself down. "Shit! O.k. I think I can do it." He started to ride that big cock. Feeling neglected and having another erection, I stood over the guy facing Tony. I fed my dick to Tony and he willingly accepted. I held onto his head and fucked his face quickly. He pulled back and said, "Oh fuck! I can't believe we're doing this! Give me some more of your cock!" I put my dick in his mouth again and guided his head back and forth on it as he rode this unknown guy's cock. I started think about what we were doing and I started to get more turned on! The thought made me lose control and I blasted another load in Tony's mouth. He greedily sucked it down. "I think he's cumming! I can feel it shooting in my ass!" Tony grabbed his dick and jacked off quickly. Almost immediately he started to shoot his load all over the guy's chest and face. "Damn that was intense! I could feel him shooting his load in me. He must have unloaded quite a bit! Help me prop him up against the wall." We picked him up and sat him against the wall. "Put his hand on his cock so if he wakes up and remembers anything, he'll think he was beating off in the shower." As I leaned in to grab his hand, I realized who he was. It was the guy that was in the room directly across from us. He was really cute. He had that Matt Damon look. I couldn't believe what we just did with him. We quickly left the shower room. Tony peeked into the hall to see if anyone was there. It was totally quiet. We ran back to our room and laughed about what we had done. The next morning, Tony and I left to go to class. As we were walking out our door, our friend from the shower opened his. He smiled and said, "Hi." We smiled back at him and went on our way. As soon as we were out of the building, we started laughing. He had no idea what had happened. We both started to get excited but decided that it would have to wait until later. Late that afternoon, we met back at our room. As soon as Tony walked in, he started taking his clothes off. I quickly followed. We both had our shirts off and our pants undone when someone knocked at the door. Tony opened the door. It was our shower boy from across the hall. I got excited and nervous. He asked Tony if he had History in a certain room at a certain time. Tony said yes. The guy said he was in that class also and needed to borrow Tony's notes. He said he left his notebook behind and when he went back to get it, it was gone. Tony told him it was no problem and invited him into our room. Tony asked him what his name was. "Kirk," he said. We introduced ourselves to him. "Were you guys in the middle of changing clothes? I can come back later." "Oh no. We were just getting comfortable. We were going to spend the rest of the day studying so we just wanted to feel relaxed." Tony's cover didn't come out very believable. "Do you care if I get comfortable while I copy your notes?" "No, do whatever you like," I said. Kirk took off his shirt. He had such a nice chest. I wanted to touch it again. I tried not to stare at him, but I couldn't turn my eyes away because the next thing I knew, he was taking off his pants and taking his underwear off with them! "Uh, Kirk? What are you doing?" asked Tony. "You guys seemed to enjoy me last night, I thought you might want a little more!" "What the fuck are you talking about?" I asked. "Last night in the shower." "What about last night in the shower?" I started to freak out a bit. "I got in late from being out drinking with some friends and I wanted to take a shower before I went to bed. When I went to the shower room, I heard something that sounded like someone was getting laid. I wasn't going to go in but I wanted to see who was in there. When I went in I saw you guys and decided to act like I was drunk. It worked and I guess you guys aren't afraid to try anything." "So you were awake and sober the whole time?" "Yeah! It was great. I just laid there and let you two do all the work. You seemed to have such a great time that I thought we could try it again, but this time I can participate a little more." "And what makes you think we want a little more?" I asked. "Well, you didn't seem to waste anytime putting my dick in your mouth," he responded as he walked toward me. He grabbed my face and led it to his growing dick. "Not to mention how much you loved the taste of my cum," he continued as he guided my mouth back and forth, "I thought you might enjoy tasting the full load." I was enjoying the taste of his cock again. It oozed more pre-cum. I put my hand around the base of his huge pole and moved it back and forth with my mouth trying to pump out more of his delicious juice. I just couldn't get enough of him in my mouth. Tony was amazed. He knew that I loved to suck dick but, he had never seen me go this crazy to suck off some guy. Tony moved behind Kirk. "So, are you a top only or do you like to be the bottom boy on occasion?" he whispered in his ear. "Since you were so kind as to let me enjoy a ride in your velvety smooth ass, I think I can return the favor and judging by the look of your beautiful cock, it's going to be a pleasant ride. I would like to get a mouthful of you first." Tony kissed him then stood up on the bed next to me. Kirk bent down and put Tony in his mouth. "I love having an uncut dick in my mouth." He continued to suck on Tony for a couple minutes then said, "If you want to ride this ass, you'd better start soon. Wonder mouth is sucking me pretty damn good and I don't know how long I can hold out." I stopped working on Kirk for a minute so we could get in a position that would be good for all of us. Kirk though it would be great if we could all come together so we decided to give it a try. I laid on my back on my bed and Kirk got on top of me in a 69 position. As soon as I was down, I had my mouth open and ready for some more of his hot cock. Once we were situated, Tony got on the bed behind Kirk and started to work his ass. "Oh shit! I haven't been fucked in a long time. This is going to feel great!" He put my dick in his mouth. He was born to suck dick. His tongue was out of control, flying all around my cock. This was incredible! Getting a great blow job, tasting the most awesome cock I've ever had in my mouth, and when I opened my eyes, I could see Tony fucking Kirk's ass. It was too overwhelming. I started to blast streams of hot sperm in Kirk's mouth. He buried his nose in my balls and let me unload in his throat. When I was done, Kirk continued to suck me, working me with that tongue! Tony started to speed his thrusting. "Oh yeah! I gonna cuuuuummmm! Yeah! Oh yeah! Come on! Work that ass for me! Oh yeah! Work that butt! Oh Fuck! Here is comes. Oh! Oh! I'! Oh! Ahhh! Yesssss! Fuck yeah!" I don't think I've ever heard him get off that good! Just as he started to shoot, the dam in Kirk's balls broke open. He began to pump massive gobs of hot goo into my mouth. Tony kept fucking Kirk and he got off. "That's it! Fuck me! Fuck my ass! Fuck me good!" It was like of those scenes in a porno flick when those guys seem to cum forever only this was real! I swear I felt 10 streams spew through the head of his cock. I was able to swallow most of it but before he finished, it started to overflow my mouth. I quickly caught the excess with my fingers and pushed it into my mouth. His cum tasted incredible. It was so clean. I wished I could have it everyday. We didn't get any studying done that day. We enjoyed another hot fuck session that night except this time Tony and Kirk sucked each other, while I fucked Kirk's hot tight ass. He knows how to work those muscles real good! For the next few weekends, Kirk spent the night with us on Friday and Saturday nights. We pushed our beds together so that the three of us could sleep together. I love sleeping in the middle of them so I could feel both of their hot cocks all night. This went on for almost two months. Then Kirk decided that four was better than three. The three of us started hanging out together almost all of the time. We would comment on hot guys that we saw. Kirk kept saying that he was going to get us one some time. We would joke around with him ask, "What are you going to do? Go up to some stranger and say, 'Hey! Wanna come have sex with three guys?'" "You never know," was all he would say. On one of our planned Friday nights, we couldn't find Kirk. I was getting late and then there was a knock at the door..... To be continued in part 4. If my stories are getting you off, drop me a line and tell me all about it!


4 Gay Erotic Stories from The Bondageboi

Big Fun In The Big Apple, Part 1

When I was 18 years old, I developed this fascination with New York City. I kept begging my parents to take our vacation there that summer. They said they did not like NY but if I wanted to, I could stay with my aunt, uncle and cousin who lived there. At first I was hesitant about going alone. I had not seen these relatives since I was five. My cousin, Tony, was one year older than

Big Fun In The Big Apple, Part 2

If you haven't read part 1 of the story, here's a quick recap. I went to spend the summer in New York with my aunt and uncle and my cousin, Tony. I was attracted to Tony from the beginning. One night I watched him jack-off. One thing lead to another and we started messing around - a lot. Tony introduced me to the pleasure of having my ass fucked. At the end of part one, Tony had

Big Fun In The Big Apple, Part 3

This is part 3 of a series about my cousin (Tony) and me. If you haven't read parts 1 & 2, go back and learn how this got started. The great summer was coming to an end and it was time to start college. Tony and I chose a school in upstate New York that accepted both of us. We decided to share a dorm room. The first week was great. We were finally away from our parents and


The summer after I graduated high school, my parents house had some serious plumbing problems. It was so bad that we could not stay in the house for a week. My best friend said that I could stay with him. I was glad to. He had an older brother that was four years older and was hot. I loved staring at his brother's body at every chance I could get. My friend, Robert, had to work


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