Gay Erotic Stories

Butt Busters: Chapter 7-Black Beauty

by Bad Boy


Tim was driving the college boys' steel blue jaguar and Randy was following him in the van. The day had flown by and, although the cabin was only a few minutes drive from the lake's shore, it was still late in the afternoon when they arrived. Tim pulled their captives' car right up to the edge of the lake and jumped out. Randy climbed down from the van and, joining him, the two buddies rolled the expensive automobile off into the lake and watched as it sank beneath the surface. From their explorations the day before, they knew the water was deep enough at this point to keep the vehicles out of sight from prying eyes until they could finish their business here and depart for James’ villa in Mexico. Having disposed of their evidence, both men now hopped into the van and took off in the direction of the highway. When they reached it, they turned west, heading away from the rest stop where they had captured Rob and Peter. Several miles on past where they had abducted Victor there was a small grocery store attached to a gas station where they could grab some smokes and beer. Sam was atop a telephone pole when he noticed the green van pass. Casually he wondered where it was headed as very cars had passed by that day. Concluding the two men were probably out for a hunting or fishing trip, he quickly dismissed it and returned to his work. He had only been in the area for a few weeks himself. When he ventured into the telephone company offices that day, he had only been exploring his options, but they had immediately hired him when they found out he had some experience and, as he had no job to return to, he decided to stick around the area for awhile and check it out. His girlfriend had broken up with him and he had been laid off, so he decided a change of locale might do him some good. Randy spotted the young black telephone lineman as he and Tim sped by and noted to himself that the dude probably kept in good shape climbing up and down all day. As the van flew on down the road, he and Tim mulled over the details of their mission for the next few days. They had three studs tucked away and could use maybe three more. Randy casually suggested that perhaps the lineman they had passed would would be a likely prospect and Tim agreed they would check him out if he was still at work when they passed his way again. About ten minutes further down the road, they arrived at the general store and, pulling into the parking lot, they noted two other vehicles out front, one a battered old Oldsmobile and the other a blue pickup truck. Jumping out of the van, the two buddies made their way inside. An elderly woman was behind the counter chirping away incessantly to some man, recounting the myriad insipid details of her lonely life. The man glanced up as they entered. Tim cut a dashing figure and tended to attract attention. Randy, slighter and somewhat average in appearance, perhaps even a bit on the scruffy side, generally went unnoticed unless he was accompanying his handsome friend. As the buddies quickly made their way to the beer cooler at the back of the store, the man at the counter turned his attention back to the woman's droning, smiling to acknowledge to her that he was interested. Randy whispered, "Wouldn't mind a piece of that," when he and Tim were out of earshot. "Probably a local," Tim concluded, having overheard just a smattering of the conversation between the man and woman, and he then declared, "Too risky to mess with a local." "Right," Randy nodded in agreement, as his eyes glanced surreptitiously back to the lone man. Brown from spending his days outdoors, probably about six-foot tall and muscular from hard work, he was certainly presented a nice package. His flannel shirt hung tight, concealing a solid chest and his faded jeans stretched over his ass and thighs invitingly. The two men grabbed a twelve pack and brought it up to the counter. Ordering a carton of cigarettes, they paid the woman, who's name tag said Mabel. Tim managed to deflect her inquiries as to their business in these parts without appearing rude, giving her some vague reply which she accepted without question. The man at the counter, who Mabel referred to as Jim, stood silently by while they completed their transaction. Randy caught the handsome local's eyes just long enough to observe they were the deepest blue. Gathering their stuff, the two men left, managing to deflect any least suspicion as to what they were about. Tossing the beer into the back of the van, Tim and Randy climbed inside and headed back towards their cabin. As they cruised down the highway, both men lit up smokes and Randy casually mentioned the telephone lineman they had spotted. Tim agreed they should check him out. Approaching the spot where they had seen him, they noticed he was still at work. Sam had just successfully completed the connection he had been establishing when he noticed the van from earlier pass by again, moving in the opposite direction from what it had been traveling earlier. When it slowed and pulled over, he naturally assumed its occupants were lost and climbed down to see if he could be of any assistance. He didn't yet know the area that well, but he had maps and would be glad to help these guys find their way. The two men inside the van sat conversing as Sam approached them cheerfully. "You guys lost?" he inquired with a smile. Seizing upon this suggestion, Randy replied in a friendly tone, "Yeah." Stepping out from the van and thinking fast, he invented the name of some hunting lodge and inquired as to its location, managing to distract the short, stocky black man in front of him long enough for Tim to step out of and around the van. Sam, engrossed in his attempt to be of assistance to Randy, completely missed sight of Tim’s approach. In a swift, fluid motion, Tim lunged for the lineman, gripping the collar of his shirt and slamming the short guy face first into the side of the van. Reeling from the harsh blow to his head, Sam staggered out from the van and twirled to his knees. Suddenly, his arms were twisted sharply up and back and he was yanked onto his feet. The scruffy man he had been trying to help now leap forward and punched him hard in his stomach, knocking the breath out of him. Before he could recover, the scrappy guy moved in close, pummeling his gut viscously several times. Then his arms were released and he dropped to the ground, gasping for air and attempting to reestablish his bearings. Staring down at the dark, stocky man before them, Randy and Tim agreed he would add a welcome variety to their ever growing stable of studs. Before the lineman could gather his wits, Tim stepped in and swiftly delivered a sound kick to the little guys jaw, splitting his thick upper lip open with a pop and sending him flying backwards. The startled black dude landed flat on his back against the ground with a solid thud. Randy jumped in, kicking the stunned man in the ribs over and over. The desperate cutie squirmed at their feet, flailing his arms up in a frantic attempt to deflect their blows. To finish the little guy off, Tim walked up and stomped his boot down hard on the man’s crotch, eliciting a deep, pained groan from their victim as he grabbed his nuts and curled into a ball. Together Randy and Tim hoisted up their stuporous captive and shoved him inside the van. Crawling in after him, Randy jumped on top of the moaning lineman and banged his head solidly against the floor of the van several times until the battered little guy let out a loud grunt of agony and passed out. Tim had joined his buddy in the van and the two of them rolled the limp black man over onto his back. Gripping the collar of their new meat's shirt, Tim ripped it open, sending buttons clattering across the van’s floor and exposing their captive's smooth, ebony chest. The stocky black man’s tits were round and solid with two large, perky, dark brown nipples nestled atop them. Pinching their hard little nubs wickedly, Tim smirked, “He’s gonna be fun!” A ring of keys dangled from the little black man’s belt loop and Tim yanked them free. Then he loosened the guy's tool belt and tossed it to the side. Rolling their newest acquisition over onto his stomach, the two buddies hog-tied him tightly and jumped back out of the van. The whole abduction had taken less than thirty minutes and not a single car or truck had passed them in that time. Tim, having handled many types of vehicles in his construction career, agreed to drive the telephone company truck back to the cabin with Randy and their new cargo following in the van. Adrenaline still pumping from the rush of their latest abduction, the two buddies hurriedly took their places and took off down the highway. Noting that it would be dark by the time they got back, Tim congratulated himself on the end of a second successful day here. It had certainly been a fortuitous choice for he and his buddies, this isolated locale with its abundance of lone hunks to prey upon.


8 Gay Erotic Stories from Bad Boy

Butt Busters: Chapter 1-The Adventure Begins

The following story is violent erotic fantasy involving non-consensual sex. The author wishes to state that in no way does he condone non-consensual sex or violence outside the realm of fantasy. If you enjoy it, you may email the author at More will be forthcoming, if response is positive. Victor had been forced to admit his mistake as the deserted highway

Butt Busters: Chapter 2-Stowing Their Cargo

Anxious to forge ahead with their diabolical inquisition, the three irrepressible thugs moved in on their strapping prisoner and, while Todd hugged the big hunk's waist and held him aloft, Tim and Randy unloosed their captive's now rope-burned and bleeding wrists. Once the debased hunk was disengaged from the tree, Todd released his hold and the big man slid down his assailant's body

Butt Busters: Chapter 3-A Chance for Escape

For a several minutes, Todd stood savoring the succulent vision of his distressed charge. The haggard hunk squirmed nervously before him, obviously desperate to avoid further harassment. Todd's lustful stare moved slowly from the weary and battered studs smudged face down to his large, grimy hands, forced firmly to his scraped pecs, and over his tight abs, smeared with muck and grim.

Butt Busters: Chapter 4-How It All Began

Tim and Todd met first in a bar. After several cocktails, they went back to Tim’s place and, after smoking a fat joint, they shared a vigorous fuck. This was fourteen years ago and they were very young. Todd had only had sex with two men before Tim and he was still experimenting. He allowed Tim to take him up the ass. It hurt like hell, but he thought he would get used to it. They

Butt Busters: Chapter 5-New Meat For Their Stable

Victor started awake, his gym-perfected body dripping off rivers of sweat. He had been racing through a hauntingly surreal dreamscape, pursued by giant, disembodied penises of many and varied shapes and sizes. Somehow he had known that the terrifying male organs intended to rape him brutally into submission, and he had ran desperately for his life. After a wild and frenzied race, the

Butt Busters: Chapter 6-Learn 'Em Good

Left alone with his three beautiful charges, Todd felt a bit like a kid in a candy store. He lit a cigarette and stood in the center of the cabin, surveying the straight punks, each one bound tight, naked and at his disposal. It would be at least an hour before his buddies returned and he planned to have some fun while they were away. Besides, he rationalized, these fuckers had to

Butt Busters: Chapter 7-Black Beauty

Tim was driving the college boys' steel blue jaguar and Randy was following him in the van. The day had flown by and, although the cabin was only a few minutes drive from the lake's shore, it was still late in the afternoon when they arrived. Tim pulled their captives' car right up to the edge of the lake and jumped out. Randy climbed down from the van and, joining him, the two

My First Big Screw Up With Master

I can remember being really fatigued one night upon arriving home. I had had a really busy day at school was just dying to take a nap. Unfortunately, my daily routine does not allow for naps. Every morning I am up at 5 AM, I release the clip attached to my collar, which is attached to the cage, then crawl to the bathroom, flush the toilet and have my morning water. Once


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