Gay Erotic Stories

Coated Cum

by Stiff

I drove down to Bahja Kino, Mexico, a fishing village for a little R&R. I found a quaint little motel on the Gulf Of California. Was baskin’ on the beach … a bright sunny day, and was interrupted by a beach vendor. I’m 34, 5’10”, 170, 42c, 32w, brown/blue, tan, athletic build, little hair on my chest with a love trail down to my belly button trailing down to my 7.5c meat. I had my Speedo on. I opened my eyes and saw a young Mexican man in his mid-twenties, pretty much the same build as I. His shirt was unbuttoned, he had on shorts and was barefoot. His bronze smooth skin against his black hair and deep brown eyes. I followed through my sunglasses his lusting pecs down to his abs where his shorts hung low over his hips. Damn he looked hot. He was peddling hats. Of course I had to take time to look through his stack and barter for prices, taking my time so I could admire this fine specimen of a man. As I was trying on the hats, I kept rubbin’ my sweaty abs and pecs watching his eyes follow my hand. I figured he was enjoying what he saw and took the next move with my hand grabbin’ my cock and nuts loosening them some from the confinement of my Speedo. I knew I had him when he lost his balance eyeing my hand on my cock, and his hand went to my abs to catch himself and he didn’t take his hand off me. My cock boned as he stared and felt my six pack. I looked at him with a grin and said, “You like?” He smiled back nodding, saying “eight dolla”. We decided on $7.00. I reached into my backpack pulled out my money and my room key. As I gave him the money I pointed to my room number. He shook his head ‘no’ and pointed off down the beach to a large area of protruding rocks jetting out into the gulf. I grabbed my towel and he led the way. I was boned with anticipation as we walked 1/4 mile to the large boulders by the ocean. We no sooner walked behind some rocks and he set down his hats and his hands went towards my abs feeling the tightness of my six pack. I stood there with a grin and let him feel me. His finger went in my flat belly button and trailed down to the top of my Speedo where his fingers walked into the waist band to my pubie bush at the base of my cock. I reached over and pulled his shirt off his shoulders and let it drop on his hats, my hands on his shoulders creeping up to his neck where I pulled him close and our lips locked on each other and we swirled our tongues back and forth as we kissed. His hand in my trunks caressing my cock and nuts and my hands pinching his pecs, running down to his abs and unsnapping his shorts, no undies, where an 8.5 piece of boned meat sprang out. He led me over to a huge rock as we kissed and grabbed each other’s meat and balls, leaning me back against a warm huge boulder, his mouth kissing my neck, on down to one nipple then the other, sucking and nibbling. His tongue trailed down to my abs where he traced every crevice of my six pack and into my belly button. Damn he was hot! His hands pulling down my trunks as he tongued his way down to the base of my cock. I wanted him to take me, but he lapped his way around my boned cock to my nuts burying his nose in my pubes as he sucked one nut then the other swirling my nuts in his mouth. His tongue trailed up the underside of my cock following my huge vein to my rim, circling my mushroom head before lapping my piss hole where he tongued my precum. His hands running across my thighs to my ass caressing and kneading me, around up to my abs and pecs and back again, never touching my cock, only with his mouth and face, teasing and playing with my meat. His tongue would circle my head, lap on my piss hole and he began to slowly lip lock my cock, taking little by little in at a time. Finally he took all of my cock. I put my hands on his head to fuck his face, but he pulled my hands away and spread my arms out on the boulder. I was his play toy to do with as he pleased. He pounded my cock with his mouth, his nose buried in my pubie patch and his chin slapping against my nut sack. He pulled his mouth off my cock, teasing the tip with his tongue and lips, lapping up my oozing precum, taking it on his tongue where he came up and started licking my belly button as his neck slapped my cock back and forth. I knew I was going to blow soon, saying “cum, cum.” He looked up at me with his tongue in my belly button, grinning. I started to thrust my hips and torso … he kept playing with my nipples and tonguing my belly as my cock thrashed across his neck and upper chest. I let out a loud moan, he grabbed my cock with his hand and pumped the streams of my hot cream out on his chest. He kept jacking my cock as the mayo shot on his nipples and neck, dripping the hot globs down his chest, onto his abs. He took my cock into his mouth and sucked all the remaining cum out of my piss hole. Taking my cock and smearing my cum over his pecs, neck and chin, up to his mouth where he cleaned my meat savoring my cum on his tongue. As he stood, his cum coated chest pressed against my abs ... sliding up to my pecs, feeling my warm cum cementing our hot sweaty bodies as we pressed into each other. We locked our lips, tasting my cum as it swirled in our mouths. I grabbed his arms and raised them over his head as we kissed ..... now it was my turn with this bronze play toy. The cum continues to flow ...


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Stiff

Coated Cum

I drove down to Bahja Kino, Mexico, a fishing village for a little R&R. I found a quaint little motel on the Gulf Of California. Was baskin’ on the beach … a bright sunny day, and was interrupted by a beach vendor. I’m 34, 5’10”, 170, 42c, 32w, brown/blue, tan, athletic build, little hair on my chest with a love trail down to my belly button trailing down to my 7.5c meat. I had my

Cum Coated 2

As I held his hands up over his head, my tongue darted back and forth across his tongue, feeling the warmth of the jizz cream spread over our pecs with his hard cum-coated meat pressed into my gut. I licked his chin and neck, working over to his pit, taking in the aroma of his musky man smells, licking and lapping. My mouth traveled to his nipple where I tasted my cum as I swirled


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