Gay Erotic Stories

Dad's Little Room, Part 4


Dad's Little Room, Part IV Part 4 A few days later John started feeling very horny again and decided he would go see his Dad. Maybe they could get into some good hard sex again John thought. When John got to his father's house he couldn't find him, so he went into his father's bedroom to see if he was there. He wasn't in the bedroom, so John figured he should check the small room. When he went in the closet, the door leading into the small room was open and his father was standing next to the bed completely naked. His cock was fully hard and he was slowly stroking it up and down. Sam was looking at some pictures, which he was getting out of the footlocker at the end of the bed. The same footlocker that John had been into a few days earlier. John made a small noise and Sam looked over at him while still stroking his hard cock and said, "I wondered when you were gonna show up! Where the hell have you been? I've been horny as hell for the last few days but I didn't want to jack off without you. Come on in here I want to show you something." John went in the small room and asked his father what this place was. Sam said "you know damn well what this room is about because you were in here just a few days ago." John was shocked. How could his father know? "Dad, I wasn't in here," John lied. "Oh, really?", Sam said. "Then what is this?" Sam held up one of the white cum rags out of the trunk. "This is your cum in this rag John because I know it's not mine." John didn't know what to say. "Besides", Sam added, "I got you on tape for your whole visit here". John said, "what tape?" Sam said, "I have security cameras hidden in the wall to tape anybody that might snoop around in here and I caught you having a good time in here. You want to see it?" Sam reached down in the trunk and pulled out a tape and put it in the VCR. The image that came up stunned John. It was a video of him holding a greasy dildo up against his very hard cock. Precum was drooling all over his hands and the dildo as he rubbed it all over his wet dick. He saw himself sit down on the bed and start stroking his cock while rubbing the dildo between his wide spread legs. Then he saw himself touch the dildo's head to his own cockhead to smear the precum all over it and then he started rubbing the dildo all around his asshole getting it all wet and sticky from the precum. John's cock started to harden while he was watching himself on the screen and watching his father jerking his cock as he watched John on screen. John started to recall the feelings he had in this room just a few days ago and he started to get very hot watching it again on screen. John's father's cock was now starting to drool precum all over his jacking fingers and he was smearing it all over his cockhead as he watched his son's sex acts on the screen. "Pretty hot, huh son?" Sam looked at John and smiled while he was stroking his big cock. "You better take off your clothes before you stain them again". John looked down and his pants were tented out from his now fully erect cock and a big wet mark was seeping into his pants from the tip of his precum drooling cock. He couldn't help reaching down and grasping his cock and giving it a tug before starting to loosen his belt and unzipping his fly. His father sat down on the bed and watched his son undress while John continued to watch himself on the screen. He was starting to insert the dildo now right into his asshole. He could see his ass ring open up around the big dildo and just slide in smoothly. He remembered the feeling he had when he did it. He had all his clothes off now except for a jock strap he wore especially for this occasion. The jock was pulled away from his body by the force of his hardon and Sam could see his son's balls starting to slip out the bottom of his jock. John adjusted his cock in the jock and his cockhead peeked over the top of his jock by about 3 inches. Sam could see precum already dripping down the side of his son's hot cock while he rubbed it through the fabric of the jock. Sam told John to come closer to the bed and John walked over slowly towards his father who was still stroking his hard, shiny cock. He was stroking slower now because he wanted to build up a really good head of cum. He hadn't come in three days and he knew this cum was going to a good one. When John got to the side of the bed he looked down at his father whose hand had started rubbing up John's thigh getting closer and closer to his jock covered cock. Sam slid his fingers along the edge of the jock and his fingertips grazed his sons hairy nuts. John let out a gasp of air and pushed his hips forward forcing his father's hand further into the pouch of his jock. Sam now pulled one of John's balls out the side of the jock and kneaded it in his hand. John's cockhead flared and let out a big drop of precum which dripped down the side of his cock and onto the pouch of the jockstrap wetting it. Then Sam started running his fingers lightly over the front of the jock and John could feel it all through his hard cock. John watched his fathers fingers start to move up towards his cockhead and couldn't wait for him to touch it. It was bright pink and shiny with precum as his fathers fingers gathered some of the precum flowing freely now out of the cock hole and started rubbing it into the area behind the head where the cock is the most sensitive. John could only last like this for a few seconds and pulled away from his fathers fingers. "I'm gonna explode if you keep that up", John said. Sam told John to stand between his legs. John moved between his fathers legs and looked down at his fathers hard cock which was throbbing and pumping juice out of the tip. Sam held his son's hips right in front of his face and then started to slowly pull the front of the jockstrap down and away from John's hard cock. As he revealed more and more of the cock Sam's hands started to shake and tremble with anticipation. He lowered the jock strap all the way below John's balls and looked at his son's fully erect cock jutting out towards his face just a few inches away. He looked up at his son and saw a look of total lust on John's face. John was pushing his hips out toward his father's face. Sam grabbed a hold of John's cock and pulled him closer until John's cock tip was right at the opening of his mouth. Sam stuck out his tongue and licked the head of John's cock swiping away a big drop of precum which had just drooled out. The feeling was incredible to John. His father was actually licking his cockhead and it felt fantastic! His father started stroking John's cock now and at the same time started stroking his own. He started rubbing his tongue all over the head of John's cock tip while jerking him off. Sam was really getting hot now and took his hand off John's cock, reached behind him and pulled his ass towards him forcing John's cock all the way down his throat! Then he really started sucking and licking and pumping it in and out of his mouth slathering it up with his spit. Johns cock got even harder as he started pumping into his fathers hot mouth. He reached down and grabbed his fathers head and started fucking his cock in and out of his mouth. Sam let go of John's ass and let him freely fuck his long hard cock into his mouth while he started rolling John's balls in his free hand while increasing the tempo of his other hand on his own cock. The scene was very erotic between father and son in complete horny lust for each other, man to man. Each of their cocks had never been so hard and hot with veins bulging and heads flared full, precum oozing steadily out of the hot purple tips. They were both groaning now and pumping their hips getting ready to unload their loads when they heard a voice call out, Grampa?


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Dad's Little Room, Part 2

Dad's Little Room, Part II Part 2 What I didn't know was that my father was thinking about it too. When I left, my father went into the closet to get some clothes and noticed a small chip of wood on the floor. He bent to pick it up and looked at it wondering where it came from. It was the same type of paneling his panel door was made of so he pulled his clothes

Dad's Little Room, Part 3

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Dad's Little Room, Part 4

Dad's Little Room, Part IV Part 4 A few days later John started feeling very horny again and decided he would go see his Dad. Maybe they could get into some good hard sex again John thought. When John got to his father's house he couldn't find him, so he went into his father's bedroom to see if he was there. He wasn't in the bedroom, so John figured he

Dad's Little Room, Part 5

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Dad's Little Room, Part 6

After Nick got dressed and left, Sam went back into his little room to see what his son John was doing. When he got in there he saw his son laying on the cot, stroking his hard cock, which was leaking precum all over his pumping hand. His son was fingering his asshole as he stroked his cock. Sam went to the trunk and pulled out one of his dildos. He greased it up with his lube

Dad's Little Room, Part 7

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