Gay Erotic Stories

Down The Road


(c)UKSW 1998. Three copies of this story have been produced. One for the UKSW web site, one for Men On The Net and one for the ASSGM newsgroup. No further copies of this story may be distributed or used on any other website/newsgroup, without the consent of the author. Please write to if you would like to use this story on another web site. To my Kangaroo and Jack! This one is for you and your new house! Down The Road It was just about as close to heaven as a boy can be when you at that age, the hormones raging inside you and your brains in your pants. Next door to our house a young couple had moved in. They had two young kids, babies really. The guy's name was Gary, 25, a fireman and , in my eyes at least, perfection. Just the right height at 6ft, his short blond hair cropped close to his head, his blue eyes twinkling in the bright summer sunshine as the light seemed to bounce off his bronze coloured skin. I had lost count of the number of times that summer that I stood in the upstairs back bedroom of our house, hidden from view behind the net curtains, trying to sneak a look at this hunk Sometimes I was lucky and I got to see him laying out on his lawn, the sun beating down on his bare, smooth torso. Carefully built, no muscle bound, brainless jock, just right. He had the kind of nipples that you would love to spend hours just playing with, running your finger tips over them lightly, running your tongue over them, feeling them harden more and more with each touch, sending that electrical tingling coursing throughout his whole body. He seemed a little shy. Most of the time I only got to saw him in his garden, covered up with a T-shirt, playing with his kids or talking to his wife. Certainly, as I recall it, I only ever saw him without a shirt on when he was alone in the garden. Nor had I ever really got the chance to talk to him much. We said hi and asked each other how things were when we saw each other in the road, but nothing deep! Maybe that's what I liked about him so much; the mysteriousness and his good looks, an irresistible combination! Then, going the other way down the road, two doors down from my house, another family. They had two boys, Andrew, who was the same age as me and Philip who was 14. There was a big difference between those two boys. Philip was a scrawny, spotty little kid, just not my type at all, his brother on the other hand! Andrew, or Andy as I knew him, went to the same primary school as me when we were kids and although we went our separate ways by the time we reached secondary school, I was pretty lucky to get a view of that boy turn from being a nice enough looking kid into a really hunky teenager! I can still remember seeing him naked as we changed for swimming class. And even now I think back to what I saw of him then, and wonder just how well he's developing underneath those clothes! In many ways, Andy looks a lot like Gary, and also a lot like me for that matter. His blond hair is darker though and he keeps it a bit longer, he has a smile to die for and cute little dimples in his cheeks just seem to turn my knees to jelly. I'm not sure how I manage to control myself from just grabbing him and ripping all his clothes off when I see him in the road. We talk a little about old friends and how our football teams are coming on, but more or less that's were it stops. So even though he's not quite as mysterious as Gary, I don't know Andy very well either. All I know is that he's a real spunk! For most boys, simply to dream about what they would like to get up two with a pair of guys like Gary and Andy is about as far as they would get. I have to admit myself that I couldn't believe what happened that day would ever have occurred, even in my wildest dreams! It was a Monday morning in the middle of June and the first day of my summer holidays. Despite having a holiday from college that would last near enough three months, I was only really looking forward to the first month of it. After the middle of July, my younger brothers would have finished school and we would have those wonderful family day trips to look forward to! At least for the first month I could do pretty much as I liked during the daytime. My brothers were at school and my parents were both at work and I was at home, alone. Almost as soon as I opened my eyes, my hands wandered down to their favourite resting place, right on top of my prick, already I had a morning hard on. Usually I would have had to leave it and hoped that it went down as I got myself ready for college, but I smiled to myself when I realised that this morning, I was going to be able to spend all the time I liked on it! I slipped my left hand underneath my balls and started playing with them. Feeling them move around inside my hairy sac only helped to heighten the sensations the seemed to be taking over my whole body. My right hand gripped the hard shaft of my 6" uncut cock, just holding it there for a moment. I stopped moving my hands and felt the wonderful feeling of having my favourite toys in my palms! It wasn't long before I'd kicked back the sheets so that I could not only feel, but see what I was doing to myself. Rolling my balls, feeling the rough hairs, stroking my prick backwards and forwards. As I rolled my foreskin back on one of my tugs, I saw the purple head of it, hard and full of blood, shin in the little sun light that there was coming through the curtains. Precum, glistening in the light. Just too good a breakfast treat to miss! On my upwards tug of my foreskin, I slipped my fingers inside, feeling the heat coming from the very tip of my prick, generated by my morning work out. I slid a finger across my piss slit, spreading the precum all over my shiny knob. Then I stopped my shafting for a moment and drew my fingers up my body. All the way through the trail of light charcoal black pubes that covered my balls and the base of my cock, up through the treasure trail that lead from my navel back downwards, right the way up to my chest, allowing my fingers to stray first to the left, massaging, pulling, stroking at one of my light flesh tone nipples, getting it hard, feeling the sensations coursing throughout my whole body, and then to the right, doing the same with the other. Feeling it getting stiff and erect underneath my finger tips, I continued my fingers' journey upwards, tracing the outline of my wind pipe through my neck, over my chin, covered with the morning stubble of a teenager, and in to my waiting mouth. I licked and sucked my fingers, trying to take the last remaining traces of precum that I had picked up from the tip of my prick. I sat upright. Moving my left hand from my balls and grasping my prick that was just crying out to be shafted once more. I, of course, obliged. Sucking on my fingers, like they were three cocks in my mouth, I tugged, up and down. Bringing my foreskin all the way over my shining eighteen year old cock head, covering it up completely, before slamming it right the way back down, letting the cooling summer morning breeze hit the most sensitive part of my body, and throw me into a deep, unforgettable, orgasm. Sending my boy juices flying from the end of my cock, all the way over my body, hitting me in the face, on the chest and dripping down my legs. The summer had only just begun. While I sat alone at the table in the kitchen, it felt good to be able to sit there, in front of the patio window, looking out over the garden, covered with lush green grass, the blue sky, the bright sun, eating my breakfast, not wearing a thing! My cock, obviously not totally happy with just one going over before I got out of bed this morning started to stir again, and my hand moved to it and squeezed it a bit, but I decided that I didn't really want to have to explain the mysterious while stains all over the kitchen, so I left it alone and finished my breakfast. The doorbell rang. I put down my bowl of cereal and slipped on the boxer shorts that I had brought with me, just incase of emergencies like this! I went through the house to the front door and opened it. It was Gary from next door. Standing in front of me in a tight little white T-shirt and a pair of knee length black and white stripped shorts. I had to keep my concentration on his face and what he had started to say to me, so that I kept what was about to go on inside my underwear in check! "Hi Steve." he said. "You're Dad just asked me last night to take a look at the guttering on the back of the house for him." "Yeah, right. Come on in." I remembered that Dad had told me that he'd asked Gary to do this, but I thought he wasn't coming until the afternoon. I had planned on spending a while getting a good long look at the guy to use in my jack off fantasies, but I had planned on wearing something a little less revealing to try and hide the erection that I was almost certain to get. Still, no chance of that now, it was time, I thought, to think of bad thoughts and prevent my little friend from getting too excited! We went back through the house and out into the garden. Just talking about the football and stuff like that. Nothing major really. He picked up the ladders that were at the side of the fence, and put them up against the house. "Want me to hold the bottom of them for you?" I asked him. Forgetting for a moment that I was stood there in only my underwear. "Sure, if you're not too cold!" He said, grinning and looking down at my thinly covered bottom half. "I'll be fine!" I said, sharing the joke. He climbed up the ladders and I was able to get a good look at the backs of his legs. Black hairs trailing all the way up to were the cotton covered him up. Of course, I tried to look up the leg of his shorts, but they weren't revealing anything. Keeping their secrets carefully hidden from my view. It looked to me like I was destined never to see what that cute guy was hiding from the world! Just then there was the thud of a football hitting the ground pretty close to were we were standing. In fact it only missed me by a couple of inches. Then a shout from one of the gardens just down the road. "Sorry about that!" I could hear that it was Andy's voice. I left the ladders for a moment and went over to the fence. "That was a bit of a long kick." I said. Realising that the ball had travelled right across two other gardens. I looked at Andy, standing there, the sun beating down on him, he had his shirt off and the bronze tone of his skin was shining very clearly indeed. I could also make out the darker colour of his nipples, just waiting for some lucky person to take a taste. From his waist I could clearly see a pair of grey/white sweat pants before the rest of him was hid behind the fence. "I'll just run round and get it, won't be a sec." he called back, as he disappeared back inside his house. "Won't be a moment, I'll just go and get the door." I said, looking up at Gary who was poking about with the pieces of guttering that really needed ripping down, if only my Dad had the sense to do it. "I'm ok here." he said to me. I went back inside the house and I think I could feel my heart starting to beat faster than usual as I realised that I was going to have the two blokes that I was always trying to sneak sly glimpses of in my back garden together, at the same time. Once more my thoughts turned to the fact that compared to the both of them, I was pretty underdressed, so I would have to be careful to conceal my excitement from the pair of them. I opened the front door, just as Andy was coming up the path way after jogging the little way down the road. I watch briefly as his bare chest heaved up and down with his breathing and I could have sworn that those cute dark nipples of his had gone a little hard. "Hi! Go on through to the back." I said to him, as Andy came up the pathway to the front door. His body seeming to reflect the morning sunlight on his perfectly formed body. "Cheers!" he replied, giving me a big wide, white grin. I could have sworn he brushed up close to me as he came in. Closing the door, I followed Andy out to the garden, my eyes seemed to be fixed on to the back of those grey sweat pants. I just wanted to reach out and grab hold of whatever it was he was hiding underneath them. Thankfully though, I managed to restrain myself. "You kicked that a hell of a long way!" Gary said to Andy from up on his ladder when we got back out into the garden. "Well, I try my best!" Andy replied, laughing. Sensing that everyone was getting pretty cosy, I decided that now would be a good time to go and try and calm myself down with a cold shower and then to put a few more clothes on! "Will you two be okay here while I just go and get dressed?" I asked to neither of them in particular. "Fine with me." Andy said, as he picked up the ball and started kicking it around a bit. "No problem" Gary replied as he continued doing whatever it was he was doing with the guttering on the side of the house. I went back in the house and up into the bathroom. Immediately I turned on the cold water tap for the shower and stripped by boxer shorts off. Already my cock was half erect and I then realised it was a pretty good job that I had come inside when I did. I was being crazy to think that either of those two guys would want to have any kind of 'fun' in the way that I wanted. Gary was married and with two young kids, and Andy seemed to have a different girl by his side almost every week. Stepping into the shower, the icy cold water took every single last drop of air out of my lungs, and my stomach pulled in tightly. The desired effect also happened and my growing erection was halted and then reversed altogether. I think that I only spent about five minutes under the water before deciding that it was time to go back into the heat. I got out of the shower and dried myself off with a towel. I did allow my cock to rise up a bit. I never like it to be completely soft if you know what I mean. I do like it to have a bit of length and width to it! Putting the towel over my shoulder, I walked out of the bathroom and towards my bedroom door. Just as I got there I heard someone coming up the stairs and Andy's voice calling out; "Steve, Gary said to cover yourself before................." I didn't wait to hear, mainly because my prick was starting to swell all the way up just by hearing his voice, and because it probably wasn't cool for another guy to see you buck naked wandering around your own house. Unfortunately though, this turned out, I thought, to be a bit of a mistake. I opened the door to my room and there, at the window was Gary, looking straight in at me. It was only then that I heard the rest of what Andy was saying to me; "you go into your bedroom because he's at the window." his voice trailed off as he got there. "Oh! Too late!" his voice went a little quieter, and although I had my back towards him, I could sense that he was just standing behind me in the doorway. Now I just wasn't sure what to do for the best. It wasn't long though before I found out that that decision had already been made for me. I stood looking towards the window, my dick continuing to swell. Gary started to slip out of view as he climbed down off his ladder. Just then I felt a heat growing behind me, two arms, smooth, slip around my waist and a delicate, yet very hard rod, covered in cotton rub against my bare ass. Andy's hands crept downwards, his fingers ran through my pubes and around the base of my now fully stiff cock, and onto my low hanging balls. His fingers kept going around and around, rubbing up and down the inside of my thighs, rolling my balls in their sac, just as I had done myself earlier that morning. Then he pulled me in, close tight against him. His stiff penis now fitted snugly into the crack of my ass as his hands and fingers continued their slow, gentle, probing massage as he got to know every inch of the most intimate parts of my body. Then from behind us a voice that made me shudder slightly. But then again there was no way I was going to let this moment go for anyone or anything! "Andy, come on now, do it properly!" Gary said, he seemed to be joking. He walked around my bedroom, so that he came round the two of us and stood in front of me. He had got rid of just about all of his clothes and now he was wearing only a pair of jockey briefs that did nothing to hide the great bulge that was laying beneath them, obviously straining to get out. "Excuse me for a moment." he said, as he reached around my waist and went for the waistband of Andy's shorts. Gary moved himself closer so that he could get the job done and he came so close, so tantalisingly close to my stiff prick as his hands began to remove Andy's sweat pants. I could feel the roughness of Andy's pubes now against my skin, and then the most wonderful feeling as his dick was taken out of those pants for him by Gary, then his balls. He dropped the pants to the floor and Andy stood out of them and kicked them to one side. Gary moved away again, kneeling on the floor, I got a good look at this hunk, undressed and in my bedroom as Andy continued to press his cock into my crack and rub his hands all over my body, my erect prick, my balls, sending me to a state of erotic awareness that no male can ever give to himself with his own hands. Gary's hands rested on his legs, just below where the leg of his jockey briefs ended. Still that bulge in his shorts strained to get out, I could clearly see its outline through the stretched material. I looked up his body, his chest heaving in and out slowly as he breathed in the air, covered with the smell of sex. His mouth, open slightly, his lips damp and moist, his mouth looked so inviting. And now Andy was licking and kissing my shoulders. Circling his tongue around and around on my flesh, driving me wild. His hands seeming to invite my prick to grow stronger and harder than it had ever been before, it was an invitation I was grabbing with both hands. This despite the fact that my erection was starting to ache a little from being so strong, certainly the longest, biggest erection that I had ever had in my young life. "Have you ever fucked anyone Andy?" Gary broke the silence. Andy lifted his head off my shoulder for only the briefest moment, to reply. "No." he said. Admitting that he was a virgin to the two of us. I have to say that even in my most aroused state, the news that Andy was actually a virgin, something that I would never have imagined in all the time that I had seen those girls on his arm on a Saturday night as we both grew up, just turned me on even more. "Are you going to fuck Steve?" Gary asked. His voice breaking up slightly as he took in deep breaths between the words, himself becoming more aroused. His prick was now, without doubt, stiff and hard inside his shorts. His hand moved to the crotch to rub his strained organ, trying to relieve it somehow. "If he'll let me." Andy replied, as he gently fingered my foreskin backwards and forwards, rubbing my precum all over the fat head of my knob. What kind of a fucking reply is 'if' I thought to myself! Of course I wanted this hunk, the boy that I had watched since we were at primary school together, the one that I had watched each summer as we both grew up, even just to take a look at him without a shirt on, to fuck me. I wanted him to fuck me senseless! The words wouldn't come, no matter how hard I willed them. Instead I managed to put my lips together and make a noise, "Mmmmmm". I think that gave him the idea! "Come over here then Andy." Gary managed to talk, literally it seemed like he was having to force each of his words out. It was only then that Andy moved away from me. I certainly felt his body move away from mine and I didn't like it one bit. I turned around to face him, partly to make sure that it was really him and that I wasn't just imagining this, and to see just what he really looked like after all those years since I watched him getting changed for swimming class. I wasn't to be disappointed. His tanned body was just perfection. Not to muscley, not to skinny. His nipples stood from his chest, hard and stiff, broad and dark. His tan was interrupted only by his white midsection that would normally have been hidden from view, but not my view, not now! His dick stood up, 7" curved upwards, with his foreskin drawn all the way back by the shear power of this stallion's erection. The small trail of hair that ran from his navel, that for the past two years I had wanted to follow all the way down, was now not broken by any shorts or pants, it exploded into a slight mound of dusty brown coloured pubes that went on to lightly cover his ball sac that was drawn tight to him now, and I could see a trail disappearing in between his legs. I looked back up at his face. Smooth. White smile, cherry red lips, blue eyes sparkling, and there was no way I was going to keep my hands off this one! My hands just reached out for his waist and I found what I was looking for. He replied by taking hold of me, underneath my arms, rubbing against the rough hairs under my arms for a moment, and then brought his head into mine, and our lips met. Soon our tongues were darting in and out of each others mouths, tasting each other, rubbing together, licking, sucking, playing. Our cocks ground together as our hands roamed down each other's back, feeling the smooth teenage skin. "Room for one more?" Gary asked, coming up towards us. I could see him out of my eye as his hands moved to the waistband of his shorts and pulled them right down. His cock sprang back up and hit his belly, lightly matted in with black pubes. What a sight it was too! His cock, stood up, 7.5" long, just a little darker than the rest of his body, the base, and all around and on his balls covered in the black hair of a grown man, even though he wasn't that much older than either Andy or myself. We moved over to my bed, and Gary pushed Andy so that he was laying down, facing both of us. He spread his legs wide and Gary once more got down on the floor and started nipping and sucking around the base of Andy's cock and inside his thighs. He took hold of Andy's balls and rolled them carefully in his hand as he picked the stiff teenage prick up with the other hand and went down on it. I saw Andy's face, the expression is simply not something I could find words to describe. I started to jerk my prick as I watched the hunk, father of two young babies from next-door, who I had wanted even just to see naked since he moved in, going down on the prick of the boy from down the road that I had grown up with and then watched as both he and I turned from little kids into teenagers, and now almost young men. So many thoughts ran through my head all at once. But it wasn't long until all of my thoughts were concentrated on how to get the most satisfaction from the situation. It seemed like forever, but it would only have been a couple of minutes before Gary came off Andy's cock. Andy's mouth dropped wide open, as if he was trying to get the words out just to beg Gary to continue with his oral treat. I soon got the idea though. Andy's dick was literally dripping with Gary's spit and saliva, this was the lube for Andy to break his duck and have his first sex. "Bend over like a naughty kid!" Gary told me, looking around from the work that he had just been focused on, his hand disappeared into his lap and I knew what he was working over! I bent over, managing to draw my hand away from my prick for a moment to touch my toes. Between my legs I could see Gary pulling Andy up from off the bed and bringing him over to just behind me. I could see Gary with his hand on his prick as he placed a hand on Andy's back, as if he was helping to prepare him to run an Olympic race or something. Then I saw Gary take hold of the base of Andy's cock as they came right up behind me. Gary placed his free hand in my crack and carefully moved my ass cheeks apart as he placed the tip of Andy's prick against my hold. Then I felt the tell-tale pressure against the entrance, so I relax everything and let the cock of the hunky boy enter me. Gary reached around and took hold of my cock and started to pump it as he helped join both me and Andy together. He pushed on Andy's ass to move his cock deeper and deeper inside of me. I could feel his fingers occasionally around the entrance to my hole, actually feeding Andy's rod into me. I could feel every inch, every piece of his prick, soft as velvet, yet hard as steel enter me. Enter another person, for the very first time. I think that it must have been the moment his pubes rested against the small of my back and his balls touched my skin that Andy just seemed to collapse onto my back. All his effort taken up my managing this new experience he was going through. Gary was also enjoying the show that these two horny teen studs were putting on for him though! He kept moving round us, watching Andy shove his prick deep into my ass or move around to see the expression on my face and give my aching cock the occasional tug. The feeling of his hand on my hard, strong prick was pretty amazing! I longed to reach out and grab hold of Gary's thick prick, but I couldn't. He never actually got close enough for me to touch it. Although I watched as his own hand worked his meat. I could see his foreskin slipping off and over his big cock head, lubricated with a lot of precum that just seemed to be oozing, sensually out of the tip of his prick. It's a natural thing with boys and their pricks, once they have got it even touching anything, the instinctive thing to do is to thrust. Andy was no different! After he had rested for a moment, his big prick pulsing in my ass, to both allow me to get used to the feeling of this cock that I had dreamt about for so long up inside me, and also I suppose for him to get use to being this close to another person, he put both of his hands, which to me felt like the softest silk, on my hips and started rocking himself, backwards and forwards, before building up to a gentle thrust. Just short, fairly quick movements at first, in and out, taking only the last couple of inches of his prick out of me before moving them back inside. Rubbing against the stretched opening of my ass, it felt wonderful. Making me breath harder and shallower all the time, he really wasn't giving me any chance to catch my breath in between each of his thrusts. I saw Gary disappear behind me once again. I could make him out in between my legs. He was underneath both of us, his hand working over time on his prick, the precum making it shine in the daylight He was looking up towards were Andy was thrusting in and out of me still. Touching. It was as if I could feel each of his touches to Andy's balls, to the dick that was going in and out of me. I could certainly feel the touches to my ass, to my balls and up along the shaft of my penis as my precum started dripping onto his hand. Gary got up off the floor and went behind Andy. I could only just about make this out as I tried to look behind me through my legs, trying to make sense of what was happening to me. Actually being in the same room with these two before today would have been enough to give me a pretty severe hardon, so to actually being having sex, with both of them, well, that was something that I had always dreamt of, but never, ever could have imagined doing for real. Gary seemed to have hold of Andy's ass, and I thought for a moment that Gary had decided to make this a threesome, but I soon realised what was going on. It looked very cute! Gary was actually teaching Andy, the best way to fuck a guy's ass. For a split second, I wondered if Gary had some experience of fucking other guys, or whether this was the way he fucked his wife to produce their two kids. All those thoughts soon left my mind as I concentrated on the wonderful feelings that were going through my ass, provided by a guy whom I had admired for ages, being taught by a man who I had wanted from the first time I saw him. Andy's thrusts were now becoming slower, more deliberate, as Gary moved his hips backwards and forwards for him. I could see one of Gary's hands in between Andy's legs, just up around his balls, this was not helping my stiffy that was underneath all of this one little bit! His position inside me seemed to change with every thrust he made. Almost taking the whole of his prick out of me, until only the very tip was left inside, and actually holding it there, teasing me, forcing me to push backwards on to him on more than one occasion. It was only later on that I found that Gary was actually having to hold him back from ploughing straight back into me. Although I think that all lads of my age are the same, there's no way you want to stop doing anything that makes you feel that good! His strokes started to speed up, in and out I could imagine what my hole must have looked liked, his cock going in, his precum mixed with my sweat lubricating my hole even more. Faster and faster he went, almost all the way out, and then slamming back inside me, like a jailer bolting the prison doors, hard and fast, and loud! It was just about all Andy could take for his first time. He managed to get one more thrust into me and that was his lot. He exploded deep inside my ass. I could feel his prick pulsing, releasing the jets of his seed inside me. Cleaning out my insides with his lovely thick, virgin cream. His prick seemed to be inside me for ever. I could see that Gary was pressing Andy into me as more and more kept flowing out of his prick and inside me. Eventually he stopped. He kept his prick in me as he began to soften. Andy slipped his prick out of me. Gary stood back to watch. I straightened myself up and turned around to have a look at the hunk that has just experienced sex, any sex, for the first time in his young life. I looked at him. Dick soft, yet covered in cum and juices from my ass. His pubes all ruffled and untidy, his nipples still hard and stiff. And a smile and a look in his eyes that was enough to tell me that he was just about as happy as a boy can ever get! I walked up to him and looked at him straight in the eyes. Noting down every detail of those sparkling clear blue eyes. Our lips met once again and out mouths opened, allowing each other's tongues to invade, tasting each other once again. My hand reached down his body, rubbing his hard nipples on my way. Running over his smooth belly and tracing that treasure trail from his navel downwards with one of my fingers. My hand touched his balls, their load spent, and his prick, still wet with a whole mixture of different things that it had gone through. Gary's saliva, getting it ready for what was to come, his own precum in anticipation of what he was going to do to me, the sweat and moisture from inside my ass as he entered into another person for the very first time and his cum as his excitement flowed from his balls and out of his prick. It was a feeling that I'll never forget. I would never have imaged that a boy, a young man, 18 years old, could ever feel so soft, so innocent, so perfect. I could see Gary behind us, smiling, but still working that hand of his up and down his swollen shaft. And I decided that after living out one of my fantasies, it was time to do the double! I broke off the kiss and went onto my bed up on all fours. Gary knew what to do! He went up to Andy and put his arm around his waist. He moved him up to the bed and behind me. I raised my ass into the air so that my ass cheeks parted without difficulty. Revealing for the two of them, but for Andy especially, what had happened to my ass. The hairs in my crack were slicked back against the skin because off all the wetness, my hole wide open and some of Andy's juices dripping out down, amongst the hairs of my crack and to my legs. Still being helped along by Gary, Andy came up behind me. One of his hands reached around my waist and took hold of my hard prick and started to tug it. I remember thinking that this was the way he would tug his own prick every morning, and I liked what he was doing! Then I could feel what I had waited for. Warm breath against my smooth skin, as Andy moved his face, and his mouth, closer to my ass. A small tongue probed and flicked at the smooth, clean skin of my ass cheeks and then moved over towards my hole. His tongue reached out and took a taste of his juices from my hole. That seemed to give him a pretty good taste for it, because it wasn't long before his tongue was going actually inside my hole to get more and more of this stuff that he seemed to like so much. All the time working my prick hard and fast. Then, without warning, Andy let out a grunt and a sound that only belongs to boys who are proving their toughness, but who are really in pain! As Gary parted Andy's ass cheeks and pushed the whole of his prick up inside him. Andy's hand on my cock pulled my foreskin back violently, and his tongue stopped in the middle of its work inside my hole. He must have been like this for a good two or three minutes as he tried to adjust to the pain that he was feeling in his ass, against the shear sexual pleasure he was getting from having another guy's prick inside him. As Gary started the gentle thrusting inside of him, he seemed to relax and continued to jerk my prick back and forth. Sometimes running his fingers around the head of my prick, picking up the precum and rubbing it up and down my shaft. I could hear Gary in the background, panting hard and breathing heavy with each of his thrusts. This seemed to make Andy do the same. Breathing heavily, trying to keep his mouth focused on getting as much as he could from my ass, cleaning me up almost! I guessed that Gary's thrusts got a bit stronger, because Andy stopped his work on my ass and just carried on with my prick. I turned over so that I was sitting down on the bed to help him. I almost felt sorry for Andy, the noises he was making was if he was really in pain, but the expression on his face, and the look in his eyes showed that he was really enjoying this more than anything else he could ever do! He smiled at me as he gave my prick one almighty tug, pulling my foreskin right the way back, uncovering my shinny knob and sending the cum flying from my prick and all over my chest. He looked like a little school kid again, happy with the work that he's just done. Leaving the cum all over my naked body, I noticed that Andy's prick was hard once more. I thought that it was about time that someone did something for the cute hunk, so I got down underneath him, right in front of where Gary was still pounding his prick in and out of his hole, and swallowed his prick deep into my throat. Just as my tongue trailed up along the shaft of Andy's prick, Gary threw himself forward with enough force to send Andy's prick even further down my throat and both of them had to take a couple of steps forward, as Gary screamed out and let his load go somewhere, very deep inside Andy. It was almost like a chain reaction. As I could see Gary stand very still as his balls pumped out a huge wad of seed into Andy's ass, Andy let go into my mouth. Once again his prick pumped hard, and once again his balls produced a fair amount of juice straight into my mouth and down my throat. I swallowed the whole lot, the most sweetest tasting cum that I had ever had. The best guys, the best sex. The best summer of my life. The End If you liked what you read, then I want to know about it! There are two ways to get in touch, you can either email me or use my ICQ pager. Click one of the options below, and tell me what you thought about the story! Email: ICQ: 5813636


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3 Gay Erotic Stories from UKSW

Down The Road

(c)UKSW 1998. Three copies of this story have been produced. One for the UKSW web site, one for Men On The Net and one for the ASSGM newsgroup. No further copies of this story may be distributed or used on any other website/newsgroup, without the consent of the author. Please write to if you would like to use this story on another web site. To my Kangaroo

On Top Of The World

Note: There is a problem about writing stories to do with celebrities; depending on where you live in the world you'll either know who the celebrity is, or you'll have no idea about them! Even if you don't know who the characters are in this story, I hope that you'll enjoy it anyway! The characters in this story, may not be of the same sexual orientation as portrayed in this story


Do not read this story unless you are legally allowed to read about two males having sex together in the country where you are accessing this file. If you like this story, then let me know by writing to me at and in return I'll send you the URL to my web site, where there is a whole list of my stories and a couple of pictures to help illustrate things!


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