Gay Erotic Stories

Frat Boy Bet

by Kat

I'm sure most of us have been warned about the hazards of gambling; but with college guys, gambling is a part of everyday life. Of course, there is the typical sports betting . . . on football, basketball, boxing, etc., but we also gambled on grades, test scores, and even on which one of us would "score" first on the weekend. Most of the time, we gambled for money. Nothing big. Just a $5 bet here, or a $10 bet there. Never above the $20 limit. After all, we are just college kids and we need our money for beer and food. But sometimes, the bets became more interesting and were not for money. We'd make bets where the loser had to wash the others cars. Or, we'd make the loser scrub the bathroom with his toothbrush or write a term paper. But for five of us in the fraternity, our big gambling event cane at the end of the semester. At the end of each semester, we'd have a "blind betting pool" where five of us would bet to see who would receive the best grades for the term. Our wager would be hidden in sealed envelopes, not to be opened until after the grades were posted. Each of us would write down what the others would have to do if they lost the best. Despite the riskiness of the whole bet, we all pledged to uphold the code of brotherhood and carry out the bet, as long as it wouldn't cause us harm or wasn't robbing a bank or something. Two semester ago, Doug, one of the most obnoxious members of the fraternity, had won the bet and forced us all to go to his parents home and clean the place from top to bottom. Since the semester ended around Christmas, Doug told his folks that it was an early Christmas present. Last semester, Doug won again and made all of us shave our entire bodies from head to toe. . . all with the same razor. He made sure to take plenty of pictures along the way and wasn't hesitant about showing the photos to the other brothers. Anyway, this quarter, all of us again entered into the bet. Phil and Steve were both a little ancy because they had signed up for a difficult course load. I was entered into three major-related course but thought I stood a great chance as I had a low 90 average in all five classes. Foy, of course, was the laggard of us. Despite never coming close to winning, he always entered the bet. And of course Doug again was cocky about his chances of winning. That Saturday morning, all of us woke around 8:00 a.m., ready to check our grades. Foy went first and had an overall average of 90. We opened his envelope, and Foy wanted to make the losers kiss the winner's ass, literally. Deep inside, I was a little upset because to me, Foy's wager was more of a fantasy than punishment. While I've never been bold enough to tell him, I have always had a longing to have sex with Foy. I was first attracted to him during our pledge initiation. His jet black hair and puppy dog eyes were the focus of many or my late-night masturbation fantasies. I always tried to time my showers to when I knew Foy was also showering and also signed up to take the same PE courses as him. He never caught on at how much time we actually spent together naked Phil and Steve both finished with averages below Foy. Phil had bet to make the losers wash and wax his Explorer, from top to bottom. Steve wanted the losers to dress in women's clothing and parade up and down fraternity row. I finished the semester with a 93 average, thinking this would be enough to win the bet. I personally had requested that the losers would be my errand boys for the first month of the next semester, going on beer runs, food runs, doing my laundry, etc. To my surprise, Doug again finished with the highest score, 94. All of us grimaced, as we would have to endure his boasting for the next semester. Doug would be graduating at the end of next semester, but only needed to take one course, so we could not get revenge on him in the next semester's wager. As he opened his envelope to read our fate, I couldn't help but notice the evil grin plastered across his face. "You four most go to the Metro (the public train system), strip, change into these and run back to the house. In his hand, Doug had four pairs of boxers that had glow in the dark hearts and several packages of glow-in-the-dark body stickers. We all looked around at one another and started to protest. But Doug reminded us about our oath and word of honor to the Fraternity, so we reluctantly agreed. Fortunately for us, the night we chose to pay off the bet was during the semester break. Most of the students had left for the holidays and the campus was nearly deserted. As we boarded the Metro, only one other person was on the train. And after a couple of stops, the men left and the five of us were alone in the train. "Well kids, its time to get naked," said Doug in a cynical voice. As we began to strip, Doug kept smiling his evil grin and I could swear he had to adjust his crotch a couple of times. The four of us peeled off our clothes and put on the glow-in-the-dark boxers. As we were changing, I couldn't help but to steal a few glances at Foy. As the last article of clothing dropped from his body, I couldn't help but stare at his perfectly sculpted body. How I longed to kiss him from head to toe and taste his perfect cock. He turned slowly towards me as he slid the glowing boxers on, glancing back at me. I tried to look away quickly, hoping he hadn't caught me. I had to turn away quickly as my thoughts of Foy and the sight of him naked was causing my dick to grow hard. I finished undressing and slid on the glow in the dark boxers, hoping my dick would quickly become limp. Doug, of course, was laughing and joking about how funny we all looked. He had brought his camcorder, steadily recording, waiting to gain more humiliating evidence on us. As the train pulled into the station, we noticed only two groups of students on the platform. Our car pulled by them and stopped towards the front of the platform. As the doors opened, the group of students began stepping into the train about three cars back. It was now or never for us. Phil and Steve went first and quickly darting out of the train and heading for the steps off the platform. Despite the darkness, they were easily spotted by their glowing boxers and the Day-Glo stickers. We could hear the screams of laughter from the group of students in the train as they caught sight of Phil and Steve. "Your turn, boys," bellowed Doug as he pushed us out of the train. As he was pushing, Doug grabbed our boxers and pulled back. To our embarrassment, the boxers Doug gave us were made of tear-away material and with relative ease, they ripped from our bodies. As Foy and I fell to the platform, covered in the day-glow body stickers, the train doors shut and the train began to pull away. There we were, in full nakedness for all to see. The folks in the final eight cars of the train all stood at the windows and laughed as they caught site of Foy and myself. We quickly jumped up and began running off the platform, all the while trying to cover our bodies and retain some level of dignity. We barely made it down the platform before the Metro guards found their way to the platform to check out the commotion. We had escaped for now, but we figured we were in for a tough night. We were naked, a good three miles from the frat house, with no clothes in sight. As we made it to the Metro parking lot, Phil and Steve were no where to be seen. Foy and I ran from car to car across the parking lot, trying to hide as much as possible. While I know that I should have been scared and worried, I couldn't help but enjoy the experience. Every time we ducked behind a car or a tree, we would up huddled against one another. Most of the time, Foy was behind me, and I could feel the outline of his cock against me back on several occasions. At other times, his dick rested against my ass or rubbed against my legs. I couldn't help but begin to get aroused and before we made it past the second row of cars, I started to throw a boner. I tried to hide as much as I could from Foy, but it's hard to miss an erection on a naked man running through a parking lot. As we moved from the parking lot to the first row of houses along the Metro, I began to notice that Foy began to huddle closer each time we hid. More and more, his dick found the crack of my ass, rather than the crack of my back. I made sure that each time his dick found my ass, I would move to make sure to maximize the contact time. I wasn't sure, but I thought Foy was kind of enjoying himself, although had yet to become fully erect; but it deal feel like his dick was getting a little harder. As we continued to run across town, I couldn't help but glance back a couple of times to check out Foy's dick or let him run ahead so I could check out his muscular ass. After a couple of blocks, we finally reached the baseball field on the edge of campus. There was no doubt that Foy had seen my erect dick and knew how much of a turn on this whole escapade was for me. Despite the risk of being caught fully naked, I couldn't stop fantasizing about grabbing Foy had fucking him in the open night. We stopped to rest under the bleachers and decided to remove the body stickers. "You know, I'm going to get Doug for this," said Foy cursing, "but I see that you are rather enjoying this, Mark." "What do you mean," I asked. "Man, look at your dick. It's as hard as a rock and it's dripping with precum. Do you actually get off on being naked outside, in public? Or does being here naked with me turn you on?" I was shocked. Truthfully, it was a little of both, but the fact that I had felt Foy's dick near my ass was the real reason I was horny. "Well, I haven't had any in a couple of weeks, you know, and I'm so desperate, even the wind makes me horny. It's got nothing to do with you Foy," I said protesting. "Sure it doesn't," he replied. "Just like we happen to end up in the same PE classes. . . and we happen to always shower together . . . and you happen to always be looking my way whenever I am naked? . . . and how often have you have to hide a boner when we're in the showers?" I was speechless and stunned. I never thought Foy knew. "I, uhh," was about all I could say as my face flushed out of utter embarrassment. "We better get moving back to the frat house before we get arrested being naked in public." "I can't believe it . . . it's true. You are a fag and you want my dick," said Foy. "Say it," demanded Foy with a stern look on his face. "Maybe I should tell the whole chapter and let them know." "I cringed at the notion. First, I would lose the object of my affection . . . and second, the whole chapter would find out that I am gay." "Say it," demanded Foy as he grabbed my shoulders and began to shake me, "You are gay and you like to suck dicks. "I'm gay and I like to suck dicks," I replied as I cowered under the bleachers. "That's all I needed to here," he exclaimed as he pulled my face forward and kissed me. I looked into his eyes with surprise as well as enjoyment. "I want you too," said Foy as he began kissing me again. "Didn't you notice how long it took me to shower when you were around and how I often turned to face you?" I couldn't believe this was happening. We continued to kiss. Each time, Foy's tongue slowly caressed the inside of my mouth while his fingers were slowly running down my chest or through my hair. As we embraced further, I could feel his hardening dick against mine. I began to swoon in ecstasy. Here I was naked, 40 blocks from the frat house and liable to be caught and arrested, but I didn't care. I was with the man of my dreams for the last two years and enjoying the moment. As he kissed me, his lips slid down to my neck and slowly down to my nipples. He lingered for a few moments, gently nibbling in a playful fashion, before roaming down to my body and back up to my mouth. Somehow, his free hand had made it to my cock and was gently stroking me in a rhythmic pull. It didn't take too long before I shot my first load, all over his stomach and hand. In turned I began to do the same to him. My lips roamed his chest, stopping to nibble on his nipples for several minutes before proceeding to his stomach. Despite all of the perfection's of the male body, my favorite part is the stomach. And Foy's was incredible. As I worked downward, I finally made my way to his fully erect cock. Eight and a half inches of pure manhood. After two years, I would finally get what I so often had dreamed about . . . and I wasn't disappointed. As I placed his dick head into my mouth for the first time, Foy cooed with delight. Up and down I worked until I had his entire shaft in my mouth. This whole time, Foy began was jerking my still erect dick. After a few minutes, we changed positions to where he could also suck my dick while I sucked his. I can't even begin to describe how good his mouth felt on my cock. He obviously had sucked a few dicks in his time, but that wasn't my favorite part. As he sucked, he slowly fingered my ass, first beginning with one finger, then two, and finally three before I exploded a second time; this time, it was deep down his throat. As he drank down my last bit of cum, he quickly exploded down my throat. We rested for a minute before Foy grabbed me and headed for the open baseball field. "I've always wanted to fuck on the baseball diamond," said Foy, as he turned me around and began lubing up my ass. He laid me down on the pitcher's mound and slowly began to enter my ass. At first, I felt nothing but pain. I didn't dare scream out, because someone could find us naked on the field and then we'd be in serious trouble. He began to drive deeper and deeper into my ass until finally he was pounding me hard. My dick rubbed against the pitches mound each time Foy thrust further into my ass. In a manner of minutes, I came again, for a third time, this time all over the pitcher's mound. But Foy kept up his hammering. He picked me up and took me to various places along the field and continued to fuck me. At first base, in the outfield, on top of the dugout, until finally, about 30 minutes later, he came inside my ass at home plate. As we finished, he collapsed beside me on the ground. In a manner of seconds, we heard applause coming from up in the bleachers. Two guys had at sometime wondered up to the bleachers and watched our sexual performance. Quickly, we jumped to our feet and ran off the field. We made it over the next 20 blocks in a careful fashion, hiding behind trees or parked cars. Each time we stopped, Foy would kiss me and start my dick to harden again. Eventually, we came upon a familiar glowing a few yards ahead and found Phil and Steve, crouched behind a tall fence surrounding the first house on Fraternity road. As approached, we noticed that Phil and Steve had also lost their boxers but did not think to remove the body stickers. Phil explained to us that as they were running across the woods, the boxers caught on a few low lying tree branches and were pulled into several small pieces. They had been hidden for close to an hour because a couple of Fraternities were having parties and there were several people around the area. We told the two about Doug's little prank and how we had been naked every since we jumped off the train. As we huddled behind the fence, I looked across at Foy. Phil and Steve were both keeping an eye of the folks at the Fraternity houses, scared of being caught outside naked. Foy began caressing his dick, or would bend over and show me his ass. A few times, he pretended to fuck Phil or would lean near Phil's ass. All of this was making me horny again and Foy was enjoying seeing me try and hide my growing erection in front of the other guys. A couple of times, he reached over and actually stroked my dick again, causing me to quickly harden. Finally, after hiding for about an hour, the coast was clear and we ran back to the frat house. As we approached the back of the house, the spotlights were flipped on and there were about 60 people, all with cameras, camcorders, etc., recording our naked event. In the middle was Doug surrounded by several sorority girls. As we dashed up to the stairs , the crowd of spectators made it hard for us to enter the house. We were pinched, fondled, grabbed, stroked, and spanked by guys and girls alike. We entered the house, the four of us, listening to Doug's laughter and trying to maintain some level of dignity. While all four of us were embarrassed beyond imagination, Foy and I had enjoyed our night of discovery . . . As for Doug . (to be continued). tell me your similar experiences.


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Kat

Frat Boy Bet

I'm sure most of us have been warned about the hazards of gambling; but with college guys, gambling is a part of everyday life. Of course, there is the typical sports betting . . . on football, basketball, boxing, etc., but we also gambled on grades, test scores, and even on which one of us would "score" first on the weekend. Most of the time, we gambled for money. Nothing

Hot Shower

Legal disclaimer: this isn't meant to imply anything about the sexual preferences of actors George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg, this is fiction. If this is by any chance illegal for you to read, then don't. This will involve male/male situations, if that bothers you in any way, you have been warned. - A Hot Shower - -Hey Mark! The dark eyed man called as he entered the large,


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