Gay Erotic Stories

He Didn't Care About People Watching Us

by Fifapi

When I was 20 I signed up for a weekend of fun with my gay youth group. We decided to go to some camping resort with nice little cabins to sleep in. Bushes surrounded our two cabins, so we didn't feel watched by the families around us. We were with 15 guys between the age of 18 and 25. Since we decided to travel to the resort on our bikes we were tired when we arrived. We just threw our stuff in the cabins and lay around on the field and just talked, laughed and got to know each other.

One guy in particular, let's call him Pete, was very funny. He made us all laugh about his stories and he didn't seem to care at all about what the others thought about him. It was refreshing for most of us who just came out to our families. We picked a hot weekend to have our camping trip. The sun caressed our bodies and most of us stripped down to our shorts. Pete at one point took off his shorts and sat around naked. He acted like it was the most normal thing in the world. Maybe it was for him but it was not for us.

I could see most guys staring secretly at his body. Showing off his muscular body aroused Pete’s exhibitionistic feelings. After lying on his belly for a while he turned around, spread his legs and started telling funny, but also sexy stories about his love life. It was difficult to pay attention to his words since he started stroking his dick and balls. He surely remembered the hot times he had and got aroused thinking about it. Still nobody dared to follow his example and take off their shorts. What if somebody walked past our cabins! This was no concern of Pete. He continued showing off his dick and asked, "You don't mind me masturbating do you? We all do it anyway".

We only could agree and stroke our hard-ons through our shorts. It was hot and exciting to watch Pete stroke his meat in front of us--one hand around his shaft and the other one around his balls. At one point he even moved his index finger in his butt hole! I didn't know about the other guys but I hardly could hold myself from cuming right then and there!

Pete stopped telling hot stories but also stopped stroking himself. Sitting there with his hard-on for all to see, he started asking intimate questions: "Stephen tell us, at what age did you suck your first dick?" Stephen turned red and admitted never having done so. He had only thought about it often of course. Pete, of course, only asked the question to lift our "meeting" to the next level. He wanted to get a warm mouth around his throbbing dick! He didn't give Stephen a choice in that. Although Stephen was reluctant to do so our cheers pushed him towards Pete’s spread legs.

He crawled between them and lay flat on his belly touching Pete’s dick…this probably being the first man he ever touched in his young life. The first lick was difficult but after having done that Stephen just started sucking. We all were excited about this! Who would have thought that sex would occur in front of our eyes at the beginning of our weekend! Of course we all thought about the trip and hoped on having sex. We were all gay and young, so what else could be expected? But we never imagined this!

Watching Stephen suck Pete in public made me leave the boundaries in my mind. I crawled forward and started removing Stephen's shorts. I expected him to stop sucking and tell me to leave his shorts alone. But he didn't. He just licked and licked and sucked. So I pulled at his shorts. Stephen lifted his butt a bit to help his hard dick out of the fabric, as it was wet with precum. Soon I had removed the shorts and watched Stephen naked sucking Pete. It was so hot!

Knowing Stephen wouldn't stop any sexual exploration on his body, I started touching his butt. It was soft but firm. Kneading it I couldn't help but being drawn to his butthole. I spread Stephen's legs and moved my finger through his ass, touching his hole but exploring on between his legs. I felt his balls, which were hot and warm in my fingers. Stephen mumbled something with a cock in his mouth. I guess he wanted to tell me something but did not want to leave Pete’s cock unsucked. Well, I figured he wanted me to put my finger in his hole so I just put it in. Stephen felt it was time to leave the cock and tell out loud what he was trying to say earlier: "Hey, don't do that, I don't want to be touched there. It hurts!"

This I did not expect. I had seen some gay porn and read some Internet stories. I thought guys loved to be finger fucked. I certainly did. When I masturbate I always put one finger into my hole. It feels so good. Getting aware of the others I looked at them. They all had gotten their meat out of their shorts and stroked themselves while watching us. Bruno told me not to listen to Stephen. "He started playing the slut now he has to finish it!" Some of the others cheered and some were shocked by these words. I of course listened to Bruno. He said, “What I was thinking?” So I inserted the finger again. Stephen looked around in anger and wanted to swear at me. He did not get the chance. Pete took his head and forced him onto his cock. Stephen choked and gagged. I think he didn't like it. I didn't care and added another finger to this butthole. I felt like it was my butthole and I could do with it whatever I like! Of course Bruno cheered me on and told me to fuck this cocksucker. I think he got off on talking dirty. Bruno stepped forward and helped me remove my pants so I never did have to remove my fingers from this hot ass. Being naked made me hornier than ever!

I even did a thing I thought I could never do: I started licking Stephen's asshole! Stephen was still stuffed with Pete’s dick and couldn't say a thing. Pete prevented him from removing it from his mouth. I saw two other guys holding Stephen's arms. I guess Stephen tried too much to get out of the sex scene. The guys wanted to prevent that from happening!

Of course this caused Stephen to fight us with the rest of his body. He started kicking his legs. Luckily two more guys entered the scene and held his legs. Man, this was getting into a rape! Morally I rejected that but sexually it aroused me. I stopped licking the hole and moved my dick into it. Knowing it would hurt Stephen I still forced it in with one go. It must have hurt like hell!

"Yeah fuck him, move into that body." These were the cheers from the other guys. Looking around I could see them stroking their meat and laughing at this hot sex scene--or at the fact that Stephen had no way to escape. I don't know what excited them more!

It being the first time I ever had sex like this caused me to cum in one or two plunges. I collapsed on top of Stephen but kept moving my pelvis back and forth. It felt so good.

Then I felt something wet on my back. And some more. And more. The other guys decided to unload on top of us. Their semen landed mostly on me. It made me aware of my surroundings again. Looking up I could see Pete laughing. He must have cum just before me. Because he didn't want Stephen to cry out he kept him forced onto his dick. Seeing that made me feel sorry for Stephen. I think I could hear him sob. Or was that just my imagination? Well, at least it gave me back my compassion and I removed my dick from his ass.

I started to embrace him and kiss his earlobe. I just wanted to comfort him and tell him I did not want this to be a shocking experience for him. I eased Stephen's head out of Pete’s hand and lifted it a bit. Stephen actually had cried. I saw the tears on his cheeks. I wiped them off and asked him not to be mad. We just were not able to stop ourselves. I promised him he could do with us whatever he wanted on this weekend. He was the boss now. I felt so guilty and sorry for him!

Stephen crawled from under us and sat up straight. He wiped the tears from his face, sobbed a few times, stood up and walked into the cabin. Leaving us feeling dirty and pretty guilty…


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Fifapi

He Didn't Care About People Watching Us

When I was 20 I signed up for a weekend of fun with my gay youth group. We decided to go to some camping resort with nice little cabins to sleep in. Bushes surrounded our two cabins, so we didn't feel watched by the families around us. We were with 15 guys between the age of 18 and 25. Since we decided to travel to the resort on our bikes we were tired when we arrived. We just threw our stuff in


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