Gay Erotic Stories

Highway Rest Area Delight

by Banker

I travel this highway maybe two or three times a year, and each year I stop to check out a set of bathrooms at a park beside the road. It is just off the highway with enough trees for privacy. There isn't usually too much action going on, but on occasion I have seen a hot guy coming in or out of one of the adjoining johns. I just love to peek at a hot guy letting it all hang out while he is pissing. Something about watching unknowingly really turns me on. There is a hole the size of a quarter between the two stalls, right at cock level when the guy is standing, a clear picture of all to see. While sitting there hoping that someone would stop for a break, I hear a car approaching. I stand and look out the crack beside the door and see it’s a police cruiser; just one officer in it, a cute one at that. I get a little nervous because of why I’m there, but figure I haven’t done anything wrong just sitting doing what comes naturally. The cop knocks on my door and I say, "Busy!" He apologizes and goes into the next stall. I just sit there, my hands over my hard cock, hoping he will finish and leave so I can make my escape. I could hear a good stream coming from his stall, and looking around I figure he couldn’t tell if I was peeking or not. I leaned forward a bit, trying to be quiet and looked through the hole to see what kind of equipment this cop was hiding under his uniform. Sure enough there it was: about 5 inches soft, good and thick and cut. I noticed that he kept his pubic hair trimmed around the base of his cock as well. The last few drops fell from his cock, and he started to shake it like all of us do. It was a great show, especially since he stroked it a couple of times to make sure nothing fell on his uniform when he put it away. I smiled to myself when he stroked it a few more times, thinking of when I was a kid everyone said that shaking it more than twice is playing with it. Continuing looking through the hole I realized that his cock was starting to grow. I was very interested, but hearing of all the traps these cops did in these parks by showing cock, and getting you to come on to them, I wasn’t about to do that and get myself arrested. Just when I was thinking of getting up to leave, I heard him say, “SHIT!” I got very quiet and then heard him ask, “Hey, Guy, any paper over there?” I looked around and said no, but I brought some Kleenex with me just in case. He asked if I could spare some and I said sure, and just then I notice his head come over the top of the partition. I had to get up a bit off the seat to hand him the Kleenex, and out popped my 7" hard-on. I quickly handed him the Kleenex and sat back down again to cover myself up. I thought I was really fucked then. After he cleaned himself up, I got up and pulled my pants up, deciding that if he were going to arrest me I would prefer it to be outside instead of sitting there with my dick hanging out. I went outside and starting to walk away hoping he would let me go, when he came out of his side and said, "Hey wait a minute." I stopped dead in my tracks and slowly turned around. I asked him if I had done something wrong. He kind of grinned at me and said as far as he knew sitting in privacy with a hard-on wasn't against the law unless you had intended on doing something in there. I looked into his eyes and with my best acting asked him, "What do you mean?" He grinned again and said that sometimes boys would come out to the park for a little fun and it was up to him and his colleagues to make sure that things were kept in hand as families used the park as well. I said that I was only using the facilities, and that I hadn't gotten any lately and it just sort of happened. He smiled again and said he knew what I meant. It happens to him from time to time as well. I started to feel a bit more comfortable but didn't want to let my guard down. He came towards me and brushed up against me passing me in the path that led back to our cars. He said to have a good day and drive safe. I watched his ass in his uniform as he walked away. I gave myself a shake telling me to cool it even though my cock was still hard and uncomfortable in my tight jeans. As I walked to my car, the Officer yelled out his window, “Hold up for a sec!” I stopped and looked at him again, as he then called me over to his car. When I got to the driver’s window he handed me a couple of Kleenex saying that he always pays back what he borrows. I told him to keep them, but he insisted. As I got closer to his car, his hand shot out with the Kleenex and brushed his fingers against the bulge in my pants. I jumped back a bit and then taking the Kleenex from him, noticed that the bulge in his pants were larger than I remembered, when I had checked him out before. I thanked him again. As I was walking away he again said, "Hold on." I stopped and looked at him again. This time he opened his car door and started to get out. I thought for sure I was dead, even though I still hadn't done anything. He walked up to me and said that he wanted to make sure that I had the Kleenex because he didn’t want me to get too messy playing with myself. I looked at him and grinned. He then proceeded to come nearer and grabbed my crotch starting to rub it. "You know, it’s not fair for you to be checking out my cock while I’m taking a piss, and I can’t see yours.” I looked at him dumbfounded. He laughed and said, “I looked over the partition and saw you stroking your cock while looking through the hole at my cock.” Still rubbing my crotch, he asked me if I wanted to feel the real thing. I just about died. I slowly reached out and started to rub his crotch as well. His cock had started to snake down his right leg, and I could see a dark spot forming on his uniform. I looked into his eyes again, and then he grabbed my head with his strong hand and led me to his face, opening my mouth with his tongue. We kissed for a few seconds, and then he started to slowly push me down, until my head was at his crotch level. He then pushed my head into his crotch and started to rub his cock on my face. I reached out to pull down his zipper and managed to get it out of his white briefs. The head of his dick was red from all the friction and there was a pearl drop of precum on the slit. I stuck my tongue out to taste the bittersweet taste. He proceeded to push my lips apart again but this time using his cock instead of his tongue. I took all his hot cop cock into my mouth and throat and started to deep throat him. He was pumping in and out pretty fast and I started to gag. He apologized again but said that he was really fucking horny and needed to cum before anyone else drove into the park. I started to really work my tongue on the underside of his cock and pulled his balls with one hand while my finger slipped through the crack of his ass and started to massage his tight hole. He started to moan and started to drive that hot cock down my throat. I felt his balls start to tighten and he was really grunting and groaning. All of a sudden I felt the first of 5 splashes of cum hit the back of my throat. He grabbed my head and rammed his whole cock down my throat. His pubic hair was tickling my nose. After a few minutes his grip loosened and I pulled away from him. I looked at his cock and, taking it into my hand, licked the last of his cum from that hot cock. He was still smiling at me, and said that he hadn’t had a blowjob like that in years. Just then we heard a car coming down the lane. He quickly zipped up, I stood, and we both walked back to our cars. As the young family was getting out of the car, I looked over at the cop and thanked him for the directions he had given me. He winked and said anytime. Drive Safe. And he was gone. This is really a true story that happened to me 3 years ago. I still jerk off to it, and as I am writing I’m sitting with another hard on. If you are interested in hearing more, write me at Later dudes.


5 Gay Erotic Stories from Banker

Getting a Hair Cut and so Much More

Having moved to a Northern Ontario City there wasnt much chance of a gay closeted Professional finding another man to have so fun with. Though I was always looking, the only men I found that were interested was at the local mall washrooms. Thats another story. In time I needed to get my hair cut. I looked in the Yellow pages, secretly looking for a Male Hairdresser because they always look

Highway Rest Area Delight

I travel this highway maybe two or three times a year, and each year I stop to check out a set of bathrooms at a park beside the road. It is just off the highway with enough trees for privacy. There isn't usually too much action going on, but on occasion I have seen a hot guy coming in or out of one of the adjoining johns. I just love to peek at a hot guy letting it all hang out

Just A Peek

I was in the local mall heading for an appointment when the call of nature came. Locating the bathrooms, I entered and stood at the urinals to take a leak. A young university student came in and stood beside me. Of course being the curious type of guy that I am, I took a peak out of the corner of my eye to see this hot guy's equipment. As I continued to shake my cock, I

Maintenance Man, Part 1

I have worked in this Northern Ontario Canada mall for over a year now. The sights are great, especially when the College and University Students come to town each fall. They all like to strut their stuff for the girls, and some of us guys as well. One day walking through the mall, I saw one of the maintenance men pushing his work cart. What a sight; dark black hair, tufts of

Maintenance Man, Part 2

If you haven’t read Maintenance Man, Part 1 please read first... We finally connected and arranged to go golfing just yesterday. Believe me I’m still sore from all that.... well just read on and you'll see. We agreed to meat at the Golf Course after work, and I arrived about 6pm. There he was waiting for me at the Pro Shop, he had rented a Golf Cart, and had a cooler on the back.

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