Gay Erotic Stories

I Took Unbelievable Circumstances

by Bigguy

I was walking home from work on a Friday night, kind of excited to finally be having the house all to myself. You see, my boyfriend and I had broken up four weeks prior to tonight, and I was just getting back into a normal rhythm. This was supposed to be my first relaxed night at home without wishing he were here. Our relationship had always been rocky, but we had honestly given it our best shot. We parted amicably, but the sudden emptiness of our huge apartment became overwhelming.

My best friend and her husband had just moved in down the street, a cute two-bedroom house for them to start having children. I had known Becky for almost twenty-five years, and her husband was my first roommate after college. Craig and I were good friends as well, and they were both a huge help to me during this time. I never expected Becky to marry, as in college she was a lesbian, but she had known Craig since high school, and they did seem perfect together. The arrangement was that if she ever met a woman she wanted to have sex with, as long as she informed Craig, it was OK. This had worked out well for the both of them, for while she had the occasional fling, it kept her happy with the marriage. It didn’t bother Craig, as he knew about the others, and also knew that She loved him completely. The rule carried over to him as well, but there was no chance in hell of him ever being with another man. He was so completely straight that if you pushed him at a fence he’d fall through.

As I walked in the door that night I noticed that the answering machine on the wet bar was blinking. I had a message? Everyone knew that I worked until midnight, and that I always called my friends on Saturday. Why would someone call? I listened to the message. It was from Craig. Becky had gone to Delaware to visit relatives with her mom, and did I want to hang out. He said I should call when I got home. Still being wound up from work, I figured what the hell. I picked up the receiver, and he said he’d be right up. I went to the front of the building, and two minutes later Craig arrived.

He had a bag with him, the kind we used in school…. You know the backpacks with all the pockets. It was filled to bursting, with something. I figured he planned to stay all night in one of the guestrooms, so I didn’t say anything. We had always done this sort of thing, and it was just normal for us. We were almost thirty, yet most of the time we acted like kids. He shivered as he walked into the warmth of the building. I laughed at him; he just looked so silly shaking like a dog that’s been left out for too long. He told me to shut up, and with a smirk he said let’s go…. We have a lot to do and very little time in which to do it. I was quizzical, but hey, Craig’s always been like that.

We went into the apartment and I locked the door. It was kind of senseless, as I was the only person in the building under eighty, but I was in the habit. We walked to the living room, and Craig went right to the bar. He opened the bag and pulled out a bottle of Tanqueray (my favorite), a bottle of Jim Beam, a 2-liter of Coke, and a bottle of tonic. I looked at him and snickered.

“ When the cat’s away, the mice get drunk?”, I asked.

“ Why the hell not”, he mused, “neither of us have to work tomorrow. You’ve been so edgy lately, and I haven’t let off any steam in about three weeks.”

I had to admit he was right. The tension of the breakup had made me almost unbearable. On a good day I was a Bitch, and recently I made Eva Braun seem sweet and charming.

“ OK, line up the glasses, I’ll make the drinks.”, I said

With that he took the bag and settled on the sofa. He noticed to me about how nice the room felt. I had just lit a fire, and it was finally getting rid of the draft. I quickly mixed the drinks and joined him on the couch. He told me that he had also brought “Long Kiss Goodnight” with Geena Davis, and some special tobacco to help liven the evening. It had been almost six years since we had an evening like this. Probably not since we had lived together, I realized it had been way too long. We put the movie in, and lit the special cigarette, and really got into the film. Good flick, and good friends, a very good way to spend an evening. I missed this. Working as late as I do I never see people except on Saturday. My life was very boring, especially for the past few weeks.

When the movie finished, I went to mix a couple more drinks and noticed that my bottle was almost 2/3rds empty. His was about the same. We had smoked two cigarettes, and were going to start a third. I noticed all of this to him, and he just said, “ So what…Not like we’re driving”. I went back to the sofa to take a drag, and hand him his drink. We flipped on the Cinemax movie of the evening, which was just starting. It was some cheesy sci-fi thriller with a cast made up entirely of naked women. It was perfect for the evening. We started to laugh instantly, and couldn’t determine if it was the movie or not. Craig started to say something, but then he shut up rather quickly. I asked him what, and after constant prodding he told me that Becky was pregnant. I was so happy. I had been waiting for them to breed for years, and they’d finally done it. He didn’t seem too happy however. I asked him what was up, and he said he was…. All the time. Evidently Becky got weirded out at the idea of having any sexual contact with him now. The doctor said it was natural and after about a month she’d come to her senses. This was definitely a problem for Craig. Those two mated like bunnies on crack, every hour on the hour.

He was very monogamous, and the thought of cheating on her was unthinkable. I always admired him for that; it’s not many men that you will see be truly faithful to their vows. I told him that I too had been having a “Problem” since the break up. We had not been as active as they were, but we were very loving. Craig asked me if I had any porn that he would like. I did, and offered to put it in for him. You see, my last boyfriend was a BI-sexual, and he had left his tapes for me when he left. I told him they had male sex in them, but Craig was never the squeamish type. He jumped at the chance. He said that their VCR had eaten his last tape, and he was in porn withdrawal. I popped the movie in and settled back to watch.

I had seen this movie before; it was one of those compilation tapes that are like four hours long. It started out with a three way, and segued into a scene with just two men. I offered to fast-forward it, but he said no, I should get some enjoyment out of it too. I laughed, and noticed him fingering a nice sized lump in his jeans. As the movie progressed he continued to play with himself through his pants. I said that he looked like he was enjoying himself, and he replied that it wasn’t as much as he’d liked to. He took a drag on what was now our fourth special cigarette, and asked if I minded if he took down his pants and played with himself. I had seen him naked when we lived together, as most roommates do sometimes, and realizing his need said no.

Even though I never expected, nor cared to see this, it was actually very enjoyable for me to watch him. He suggested that I do the same as he felt awkward, and I hesitantly obliged. There we were sitting naked from the waist down jerking ourselves off slowly to BI-sexual porn in my living room. I had the strangest feeling that Rod Serling would jump out and say “Gotcha”. After a few minutes I asked him if I could have a drag off the cigarette, and he said not yet. I said,” What…Why not?”

To this he replied,” I have it in the hand I’m using and I’m busy at the moment”

I laughed and said that I was used to being in close contact with penises, and if he didn’t give it to me I would take a drag off it right where it was. Playing the ball where it lay so to speak. He said yeah…I Dare you! Not the swiftest thing to do. I was only joking, but now it was a dare. Not something I take lightly. So I reached my head down, and with one hand held the cigarette, and put my lips around the smoking end. Being as small as it was I had inadvertently placed my lips on the head of his dick. Realizing what I’d done, I gave a quick flick of my tongue as if to say Ha, see I told you so.

His entire body lurched suddenly, and he gave a quick moan. God was this guy horny I thought. He then did something that I could have never dreamed of. He asked me in the nicest way possible if I would do that again. I looked into his eyes, and they were full of longing. Being as drunk as I was, and as “ Special” as I was, I said of course. What are good friends for if they can’t help one another out? I then proceeded to place my lips slowly over the head of his shaft. It felt like silk, and had the most erotic scent I could imagine. As I slowly meandered my way down the rod lunging from his nest of curly black hair, he said that he never would have done this with any other man, for any reason. I felt honored to have built up his trust like that. I pumped up and down, for a few minutes, and then pulled off to work my tongue around his balls. They were large and damp from my saliva. They glistened in the firelight like frost covered ferns in the morning rays. I swirled my tongue as I kissed them with my lips. I felt them raise a little further towards him, and realized the end was near.

I quickly moved back up to his awaiting tool, and thrust my head down upon it. I moved with a definite quickness and skill, so as to bring him to ecstasy. I felt his testicles rise up next to him, and he shot a load of jism that would have made kings blush. It was nearly impossible to get it all in my mouth. I lost but a few drops, and he sat back and smiled. I swallowed the remainder of his orgasm, and proceeded to finish myself off, when he asked if he could do that for me. He had never touched another man’s penis before, and it was something that he now wanted to do. I leaned back on my arms and let him.

His hand quivered at first, but he quickly built up a good rhythm. He told me how odd it felt to be holding my dick, the thickness was different, and so was the angle. We were about the same length….

6-7 ½ inches, but he was only slightly wider in girth. He then realized that I too was about to release and he put his head down to the same level as my groin. As he pumped my dick, he placed his mouth on the tip. I came immediately into his mouth, and held it there with my hands until I was done. He took it like a trooper, and smiled happily at me.

We cleaned up afterwards, and both decided to go to bed. Craig left the next day, but before he left we talked about the previous night. We came to an understanding that there was nothing wrong with what we did. We even decided to tell Becky, and when she got back we did. She thought it was fantastic. We have occasionally done it since then, but only when one or the other is in dire need. I’ve decided that they really are the best friends a man could have.


2 Gay Erotic Stories from Bigguy

I Took Unbelievable Circumstances

I was walking home from work on a Friday night, kind of excited to finally be having the house all to myself. You see, my boyfriend and I had broken up four weeks prior to tonight, and I was just getting back into a normal rhythm. This was supposed to be my first relaxed night at home without wishing he were here. Our relationship had always been rocky, but we had honestly given it

John Michael's Lonely Walk

You'd think nothing ever happens in the Mississippi woods. I used to think that, too, until last summer. My nephew, John Michael, lives less than a mile from us. "On the next hill," as we usually say. He's my younger brother's oldest, an eighteen year old with a smile to die for. He used to be really blond, until he turned about fourteen, then his hair began darkening a little and


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