Gay Erotic Stories

Just Another John

by Sparkie

It was an ideal early summer evening. I had just completed my second year in college and was home for the summer. Earlier, I had spent the day clearing up some yard chores with my dad. Tomorrow, we planned to build that new brick planter around the gas yard light. But for tonight, I had washed and wiped down my little white Camaro convertible and was going out on the town. Out downtown that was, just cruising around and checking out the scenery. This was a routine that most people my age did--driving around the "loop", leading out the windows, congregating at traffic lights, and in retrospect--just looking kind of stupid--yet studs. Well, that was most guys--whistling and leering at the babes in other cars, all flirting, trading "rides" for a while, etc. In general pretty harmless--kind of like birds fluttering around doing their courtship dance. Well there were those of us who danced to a beat of a different drum. We had our own "loop". The gay loop. The menu changed nightly, an eclectic group of people for sure. There were the young kids--obviously trade--the old men who chased them relentlessly--usually in cars, the parking areas where one car pulled up behind the other, the two parties talked, made plans or punted, and then either drove off to score or rejoined the chorus of "loop scoopers". Then there were those of us who really didn't particularly fit either of the above categories. We were just young guys with hormones, not really into the bar scene, yet interested in sexual exploits. This usually turned out to be quite a cat and mouse game. Some nights one could score almost immediately, other nights you could go through a quarter tank of gas, give up and go home and jack off. Thinking back, I was pretty dumb not to believe that my little white Camaro wouldn't get notice and develop a decent reputation. This night proved to be perfect, both in terms of the great weather and scenery. I only made it around the loop twice. I hadn't even gotten a feel for what was out there yet, when a shiny black Oldsmobile Cutlass convertible pulled along side, passed, went around another corner and parked. I drove by slowly and got a good look at the equally handsome driver. I shortened my loop and came around again and parked behind the black convertible. Now came the "difficult" part of this ritual--who gets out and goes to who's car? This resembles the same bar ritual-who makes the first move. To this day, I can't figure it out--was it a matter of who was bolder or hornier than thou--or some type of social protocol? Or just who had the aching balls. Sometimes I did the walking, but mostly my car got visitation rights. Tonight was a tie. We both exited our respective cars at the same time. Not really knowing what to do, we met half way between the cars and started up a conversation by the meter. "Nice night, huh." "Yea, great. Nice car!" "Thanks." Compliments were flowing and so were our hormones. I shot a glance at his crotch after a brief overview. He had a good body, clean cut and apparently was also a young student of equal age. Clearly, he had a nice bulge which was growing as he haltingly spoke. "Wanna listen to the stereo?" I agreed, and locked the my car doors--kind of dim witted move, since I had had the top down. He opened the passenger door and I got in. The smell of leather and carpet cleaner hit my nose before his cologne did. He reached over and took my hand, "Hi my name's John". "Curt", I replied, "Good to meet you...nice car" (dump again-I'd already said that). We got the small talk out of the way, he started up the car and we drove around the "loop" a couple of times, then parked in a private lot in a darkened corner under an overhanging tree. I felt a hand on my inner thigh. I reciprocated. Well, at that age, both of us had raging hard-ons! "You got a place?" he asked. "Not really, I just came home from college, I'm staying at my parent's house." I related. "No problem, wanna follow me to my apartment for a beer? "Sure", I said, and we drove back to pick up my car. Within about 15 minutes we were pulling up to the parking area of his apartment building. Nice building. It looked promising and quite safe. John helped me put up the top, also put up his top, then led me inside. The apartment was nicely furnished, immaculately kept and definitely a "gay apartment", with all sorts of pictures of theater and stage personalities. He got the beers and then pulled out some magazines. These were not stage magazines-he took the direct approach- they were porno mags. We each engaged in small talk--either out of courtesy or some unwritten code of conduct, for a few minutes--but it equally apparent we each wanted physical contact ASAP! (The magazines really did the trick). Well, it was his home court, so I waited for John's move. I didn't have to wait long. While tempting with his porno mag collection, he found a favorite picture, leaned over to help me view it correctly--then planted a kiss directly on my mouth. I was a little startled at the quickness of his move, but reciprocated willingly. Without another word, John pulled out the sofabed, undressed down to his briefs, his pole showing, clearly in need of attention, and motioned for me to join him. I followed suit. Our lips met, hands greeted each Other's eager cocks, and we explored each other's body. He was well developed, great chest muscles and arms. Also a bit more hairy than I had imagined. Not having experienced such fur in my somewhat limited conquests, I found it delightfully interesting--soft and a real turn on. The black fur was concentrated on the upper portion of his chest, then trailed off, pointing downward to his raging hardon, which was flanked by two well formed balls, also standing at attention, and surrounded by more of black curly fur. His thighs and legs were equally as furry as his chest. Good thing he didn't smoke-he could start a forest fire. The night melted away quickly. I let him make the first moves--home court advantage I guess. John wasted little time, went right for the gold--I felt his lips around my cock, then he eagerly went to work on it. I cautioned him that he'd better slow down quickly or the "show would be over". He ignored my warning and I just took a deep breath and let go. He just kept going like a well oiled machine, then a slight hesitation followed by a muffled choke and an anxious cough. I attempted to apologize, but he cut off my sentence. "No, that was fantastic!" I turned around and decided to return the favor, yet his hands stopped me prior to reaching my goal. I felt a warm and sticky pool of matted abdominal fur. He'd already shot his load! Well, the show was not over--actually the matinee had just started. We reloaded and unloaded before the "Tonight Show" was over on the TV. Oh yeah, this guy was really versatile. He rolled on his side and reached around and started toying with my cock, reached over for some lubricant, and then next thing I know my cock was slippery and being directed towards his eager target. This session proved more enduring. Having spent myself twice previously, "Richard" was hard, yet patient. This agreed just fine with John. We worked up quite a sweat as our bodies rocketed back and forth. Ever concerned for his respective enjoyment, I reached around seeking his rigid dick, only to find another wet spot. It felt good on my hands and his cock was still very hard, so I started to stroke it. He started bucking wildly and I followed him. This was great, I shuddered and let loose. My hand then felt a fresh batch of warm spunk pulsate from his dick. He rolled around and pressed our bodies face to face, gave me a deep tongued kiss and went limp. The next thing I noticed was sun coming through the blinds. I glanced quickly at my watch--10:13 AM. On shit! The brick planter! My dad's always up at 5:30AM. I was sure one of those bricks had my name engraved on it my now! I'm not sure just what excuse or flimsy explanation I came up with, but Dad was already laying out the first row of bricks when I returned home. The project took a second day, and he had to delay his Chicago trip, so he wasn't cordial. Yet, when the job was finished, we both admired our work and everything was great. We sat back and had a couple of beers and he gave me that "knowing look". Man, I hated that! "I think I understand", he said, referring to my absence the night before. "Sure he did!", I dropped the subject, and quickly started talking of other possible projects. That did the trick, dad wasn't in the mood to tackle any more household chores, or even think of them, and literally fled to his basement office to catch up on his preparation for his Chicago presentation. Well, after that fateful--yet wonderful night, I took a rest until the following Friday evening. I had had a tennis match earlier in the day and my longtime friend and I were supposed to go out to check out the neighborhood that night. Thankfully, Frank had gotten too much sun, and had cancelled. Besides, I wasn't in the mood to put up with his girly talk--mostly exaggeration and BS. I washed the car and put down the top, stopped and the gas station--just in case it proved to be a longer than normal evening, and headed downtown. I was really keeping one eye out, looking for the Cutlass and John. (I had unwittingly left my jeans out, and mom had dutifully snagged them up, so they were in the laundry-- John's phone number was history. Oh well, plan B loomed before me. I drove and drove, nothing much interesting and no Cutlass. Damn, I'd already used up over a quarter tank of gas! It was 11:30 PM and nothing. Time to give it up. I could take care of matters at home in the privacy of my bedroom. Besides, tomorrow was Saturday and I wanted to get the ever present routines out of the way. My parents were just getting ready to retire, so I said a brief hello And good night, and bolted up the stairs to my bedroom. There, I Reflected on John, took care of business, cleaned up and fell asleep. Saturday proved to be a very productive day, I got up around 7AM and managed to satisfy all my household obligations by late afternoon. My parents were at the golf club, and had subsequent dinner plans--so I was on my own. Being too lazy to cook for myself, I grabbed a pork tenderloin sandwich, fries and a beer and one of my old haunts, just around the corner. I showered, got dressed and headed downtown. Tonight was sticky, I left the top up and turned on the A/C. There was heat lightning and some distant thunder. Bugs circled around the street lights, so the closed car option proved to be a good one. I started the all to familiar route. Again, no Cutlass. Tonight was turning rapidly into another "bust". Even for a Saturday night, There just was not anything appealing that was out cruising-perhaps they were Probably in the bars-after all-it was Saturday night. (I was still too shy to attempt the bar scene). I was tiring of the pointless circling around, when another Camaro joined the circuit. This one was a candy apple red coupe and still had the paper tags on it. I followed him for two laps. Then he pulled over and stopped. I pulled in behind and waited. He got out of his car and walked back to mine. Hey, things were really looking up. This guy looked like one of those porno models--you know--they only exist on paper. "Hi, my name is Jon" he said with a slight accent. I introduced myself and commented on his new car. We exchanged pleasantries soon understood what each of us wanted. We soon made plans, made necessary by lightning strikes and crashes of thunder-warning of an impending summer storm. I followed him to what I'd hoped would be another special event. Within a few minutes his shiny red Camaro turned into his parking lot. Man, this must be a popular building. The very building I'd been to with the guy in the Cutlass--John. Well, maybe it's a populated by other gay's too. I followed Jon inside the hallway, stairway, and up the stairs to the second floor. Wow, same floor! Guess they're neighbors. Oh my God, he was leading me to the same apartment? Inside I was relieved to see he was alone. What to do, this was the very apartment I had screwed all night in less than a week ago. We sat down, and he turned on the stereo. He offered me a beer and sat down on the same sofabed. He turned to me and started talking. I was half listening at this point, still trying to decide what the hell to do. Then I heard him say ...."you've been here before, haven't you!" I went numb. I seized up. Do I get up and run out? Jesus, did he lock the damn door! Jon, picking up on the apparent horror of my facial expression, quickly Added, "that's okay, I was out of town and had a friend staying here." (Apparently a loose lipped friend, I thought grudgingly.) He leaned over and kissed me--that was all it took. I learned he had just moved down from Minneapolis, where he had settled for 1 year after moving to the US from his native Sweden. I had long since forgotten the tenseness of the moment and was enthusiastically engaged when the lock turned, the door opened and in walked John. I froze! Jon's body tensed up--more than it already had so far! There I was. Terror returned. How do I get to my clothes and what do I do? Where did I leave my keys? OH SHIT! John spoke first, "I see you have company. I saw the Camaro in the lot. Silence....more silence. The sofabed absorbed more weight to my right, John was crawling into bed--naked too! He reached around and pulled me to him, planting a wet kiss. We all laughed--me nervously at first. Then the fun began, wild and delightfully exciting. I'd heard and fantasized of three-ways, yet never had had the experience. Yet, it was happening. My head was spinning, all senses were engaged--engorged actually. WOW! I can't believe it. The excitement, the terror, the ecstasy! Talk about a two for one special. Talk came later--John and Jon were first friends, and newly declared lovers. Lovers? This was a subject I had yet to address or even contemplate, yet alone two at once and with lovers to boot! I aged a lot that night! I gained too! To this day, we are friends, not really close--geographically and otherwise, but friends none the less. I have embraced the "lover" concept and am happily enjoying my third--and best lover--for nearly 9 years! Alex and I have a great relationship, and in keeping with the times, have a monogamous and delightfully wonderful life together. Alex is a bit nervous, and I must confess I am as well, John and Jon are Coming for a long overdue visit, and are flying in next week.


7 Gay Erotic Stories from Sparkie

Cousin, Cousin

Well, I guess the best place to begin--is at the beginning. I'm not sure just how things got started between us, but I'm sure it had a lot to do with teenage runnaway hormones and just plain pent up horniness. My cousin Jeff lived about 1.5 hours north of us in a small western Nebraska town of about 400 people. This was always the brunt of lots of jokes and one-upsmanship. In

El Paso Connection

It all started when I and my lover moved to Denver. I had been transferred by my company and he was just out of college, so after much planning we decided to move our 1 year relationship to the mile high city. Quite a change coming from the east coast to a western city. Lots of new faces, new places, streets, and a whole new gay scene to get acquainted with. We were anxiously

Just Another John

It was an ideal early summer evening. I had just completed my second year in college and was home for the summer. Earlier, I had spent the day clearing up some yard chores with my dad. Tomorrow, we planned to build that new brick planter around the gas yard light. But for tonight, I had washed and wiped down my little white Camaro convertible and was going out on the town. Out

My 30th Birthday

My friends decided that we should do something really special for my 30th birthday, seeing this as the passing of a major milestone in my life. This made me feel really great on one hand, yet view the whole matter with trepidation on the other. Certainly I was hitting the big 30, was in good shape, had a great job and some great friends; but also had this sinking feeling of

One Just Never Knows, Part 1

I remember when we first moved to South Florida from Chicago more than a decade ago. We didn’t know we had so many friends…we had non-stop company visiting from mid-December through the end of April. We enjoyed it, but it eventually put a strain on our privacy as well as our finances. Looking back, I guess it was worth it though…we had quite a few “close” friends… Having a townhouse with

One Just Never Knows, Part 2

I pushed Aaron into the shower first, but he pulled me inside with him. "Don't need to waste water," he smiled. Who was I to disagree? “I’m into recycling too.” I retorted. Aaron just game me an inquisitive look, which turned into an evil grin and a raised eyebrow, making me wonder just how he took that…then regretting what I said when I considered another possible meaning. Now my

The Tennis Lesson

We had just moved to South Florida from our native Chicago. After getting settled into the new townhouse, Walt and I decided--actually I decided-- to sample the tennis courts and pool. After much coaxing, Walt relented and accompanied me in the direction of the tennis courts. It was still fairly early on Saturday morning, so there were no players on the court. No one to bother


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