Gay Erotic Stories

Looking At Dad

by Peeker

I don't think I am alone in the fact that I liked looking at my dad's cock. I guess when you are a young horny kid, you want to see dick anyway you can. It's been just me and my dad and my older sister since my mom split when I was 12. I had never thought much about my dad's penis until I one day when I was 15, I walked in to the bathroom as he was drying off after a shower. My dad is great looking. He is about 6'1, 185 lbs, tan, smooth, dark hair and eyes, with big arms and legs. He didn't make an attempt to cover himself, and I know he saw me look at his soft, but still big, cock as I mumbled something about being sorry for barging in and left. After that day, I started trying to see it again whenever I could without being obvious. Our old house had skeleton keyholes, just right for peeking. I had a great view of him drying off after the shower. I loved watching him towel off that great body, and the way he would sort of fondle his cock. It was hard to manage as much peeking as I wanted until my sister moved out, some three years later. After she left, I noticed my dad getting a lot more casual about walking around in towels, leaving his door ajar when he changed clothes, and leaving the bathroom door unlocked. I started following his lead. If he was sitting at the kitchen table in a towel, I would rush in and out of the shower so I could join him at the table wearing a towel also. Sometimes, I would let the towel fall when I got up so he could see my dick, and he always appeared to grab a quick glance. I didn't do this sort of thing too much, in case he got weirded out or I popped a boner, which I was convinced would be disaster. One night I was watching him dry off through the keyhole, when I began to notice he was toweling off his crotch longer than usual. He tossed the towel on the floor to reveal a HUGE erection! I had never seen it hard, and I couldn't believe it. It was at least 8 inches, and thick. While he is very smooth all over, his crotch had a nice bunch of pubic hair, and his balls were bigger than any I had ever seen in the locker room at school. Just a month shy of my eighteenth birthday, I was scared that mine had reached its limit and would never be that big. I watched in amazement as Dad began to stroke his big meat with one hand and used the other hand to squeeze his balls and then his nipples, then back again. I had never thought to squeeze my own nipples during a jerk off, and my hand absent mindedly went to my own naked chest. By now, my own throbbing cock was bursting out of the fly in my boxers. Just as I was about to start pumping mine, I saw dad stop jerking and wrap the towel around himself. SHIT, I thought, he's coming out! I scurried back to my room, thinking dad was going to finish his private j/o session in his room. I ripped off my boxers and threw myself on the bed and started whacking on my own cock. I guess I was too into it to see my dad come in. "Having fun there, son?" I froze. I opened my eyes to see my Dad standing by my bed, still in the towel, with a huge grin on his face. "Don't be embarrassed son. I know you've been watching me in the bathroom. You like looking at me don't you? Sheepishly, I nodded. "Are you mad Dad?" "Son, I know you are curious, hell, I was too when I was your age. I used to have jack off contests with your uncle Jed all the time! Everyone wants to know how other guys do it. And I'll tell ya, I have been real happy to see you naked now and again, to see if you are developing right. Looks like you are!!" To this day, I still don't believe I said what I said next: "Wanna jack off with me Dad?" He didn't say anything for a couple of seconds, then he grinned again and whipped off his towel. His huge cock sprang up-He was STILL hard! "Scoot over Son" We both took our cocks in our hands and started pumping. It was so cool to be shoulder to shoulder with Dad, looking down at both of us pumping our big rods. "Hey, hey, son, do it like this!" I attempted to arrange my fingers around my dick like my dad was doing to his, but obviously I was doing it wrong. "Here let me show you!" All of a sudden, he pushed my hand off my dick and replaced it with his own! "Doesn't that feel better?" he asked. "Oh wow, yeah." I said. "I tell you what, I'll finish it for you this time." Dad then got on his knees and spread my legs apart. I couldn't believe my hunky dad was naked on my bed, on his knees, stroking my cock. "Son, just relax, I don't want you to cum yet, I wanna show you something else." He then ran his index finger over the head of my cock, catching some of the gobs of precum I was leaking. I began to feel his finger around my anus. I looked in to his eyes, and we both knew we in complete trust of each other. With one hand still pumping my dick, he began to probe my ass with his finger. I had never had anything up there, and it was amazing. The faster he pumped my cock, the harder his finger would pound into my rectum. Just when it felt like my insides were going to explode, I shot the biggest load of my entire life-all over my face, chest, sheets, and all over dads hand. "Oh yeah my baby boy, shoot that stuff for daddy!!" As I lay gasping for breath, Dad scooted up so his legs were on either side of my chest, and he began pumping his dick again, with my cum lubing his huge pecker. Without even thinking, I lifted my head and took the head in my mouth. "Oh my god." he moaned. He grabbed the back of my head and held it as I licked really quick on his head as he jerked, like I had seen the women in pornos do. "Here comes Daddy's cum, son!!" he yelled, as he shot one massive load after another over my face, chest, and a lot in my mouth too. At first the taste threw me, but I quickly got used to it and swallowed the loads in my mouth. Dad then collapsed on me, then rolled me over in his arms. "God, I love you son.." "I love you too, Dad" We slept together like that all night. And you know what? That was just the beginning!


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Peeker

Looking At Dad

I don't think I am alone in the fact that I liked looking at my dad's cock. I guess when you are a young horny kid, you want to see dick anyway you can. It's been just me and my dad and my older sister since my mom split when I was 12. I had never thought much about my dad's penis until I one day when I was 15, I walked in to the bathroom as he was drying off after a shower. My


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