Gay Erotic Stories

Snow Studs

by Scott 27

Rich and I had been friends for a long time, ever since high school. We even went to the same college so we could still hang out regularly and keep tabs on each other. I think we both had our secret feelings for each other, but neither of us had ever acted on them for fear of losing our friendship if things weren’t mutually appreciated. Anyway, college had just let out for winter break and the holidays and we knew we’d only have one more semester together before the “real world” would invade. So, we gathered up our stuff and decided to get away for a much-deserved skiing trip in the mountains of Vermont. We were both snow enthusiasts and had been looking forward to the trip for weeks. Despite a rather pessimistic forecast, we took off in Rich’s Blazer and headed off for the Green Mountain State. We had barely hit the border when the snow started coming down. It wasn’t long before we started seeing much more traffic in the southbound lanes, as people who had planned to get away too had thought better and headed back before being stuck. I looked at Rich and asked if he wanted to go back, too. It might get dangerous. He just smiled with his knowing grin and told me that his Blazer could get through anything Mother Nature could toss him and that we had been looking forward to this trip for so long, nothing would stop us now. The snow continued to fall heavily. Fewer and fewer cars passed us as we wound out way through the snow covered mountain roads on our way to the small, private Inn that had saved our reservations. Finally, just as dark settled in, we pulled into the small wooded driveway. We gathered our stuff from the back and made our way inside and were greeted by a small elderly woman who stood by the check-in book. She seemed relieved to see us, as we shook off the big, white flakes from our coats. “I wasn’t sure you boys would make it in this weather, all the other guests have cancelled out for the weekend already.” She said as she started marking the book. “Really? Well, I hope you’ll still let us stay here. Should be some prime skiing when everything settles down.” Rich replied. “You’re in luck, actually. You can have the whole place to yourselves. If you can give me a ride back up the road to my house, then I’ll just come calling for you tomorrow morning.” She said. Rich gave me that same, playful grin and quickly agreed to give her the ride. We finished checking in and I agreed to get our things settled in while Rich brought her back. She had been so thankful; she had even bumped our room up to the main suite, which included an enclosed patio with a door to the outside. There in the middle of the patio was a hot tub all ready and primed to go. This was really a dream come true. Rich got back and locked the front door as she had instructed. I met him as he came through the entrance to the room. “Wow! We really scored this weekend. No one around. Great place all to ourselves. You can’t beat this.” He smiled. “We even got the room with the hot tub and the view.” I smiled as I pointed to the tub behind me, and the view out over the mountains through the steamy glass enclosure. “No way!” was all he could say as he raced over to the machine. “I can’t wait to try this. There is no better way to warm up from the cold.” He said as he started taking off his sweater, shirt and t-shirt, while kicking off his boots. Needless to say, the sight of his well-muscled back and seeing him shedding his clothing was more than my cock could handle, as it started to grow in my pants. “Gonna head right in, Rich?” I asked, trying to sound casual. “You bet! This is the best thing to use to warm up. You should get in here, too. You have to be cold, too” he yelled back as he dropped his pants, revealing just a tight pair of white briefs underneath. “Yeah, I’d love to,” I said, as I instinctively started to shuck off my sweater and start unbuttoning my shirt, just loving the vision in front of me. He had already found the knob and had started the jets moving by the time I had stripped down to my chest and had jumped in and settled into the rolling bubbles and soothing warmth by the time I had undone my pants. The erection in my briefs was enormous. There was no way it was going down, not with a chance to share a hot tub with a guy I had lusted over for years. Rich didn’t seem to pay much attention, though, as he just waved me on “Ahhhh, c’mon, Scotty, get those pants off already and get in here. This is heaven, man.” I had no doubt it was heaven. I finally got my pants off and tried to be nonchalant and shield my tented shorts from his view as much as possible before getting in, but to no avail. “Ahhh, don’t worry about it, man. It’s just nature talking. Heck, if it will make you feel any better and less embarrassed, I’ll take my shorts off, too.” He said, as he reached into the water and came up with his briefs, which he tossed, in a non-ceremonious heap on the floor just outside the hot tub. “Well, OK, if you insist,” I said suddenly finding some courage, as I slipped off my shorts and dropped them to the ground, as well. I slipped into the warm water and let it wrap itself around me. The bubbles felt so good against my skin, I just closed my eyes and soaked it all in. “Here, turn around, man,” Rich said, as his hands moved my shoulders around to face him, as he gliding into the middle of the hot tub. Slowly, methodically, he started to work his hands on my shoulders and moved down my back, giving me a deep, hard massage. “You are too tense, Scotty, just relax and let my hands work on those muscles some,” he said in his deep, slow, sexy voice that I love hearing on the phone. I couldn’t believe it. Here I was, alone in a big house, no one around for miles, naked in a hot tub getting a massage from the man I wanted to screw more than anything. Suddenly, I felt his dick on the small of my back, right near my ass. It was rock hard, too. I didn’t know what to say, just relaxed as it floated and touched me again, sending waves of ecstasy through my body. I was so relaxed now that nothing was going to hold me back tonight. “That’s better, doesn’t it feel good now?” he said, working his hands down my lower back, close and closer to my waist. “Mmmmmm” was all I could moan back at him. I felt really hot now, the water had worked its magic. His hands had loosened me up. Then, without warning, I couldn’t feel him on me anymore and I turned to see him leap out of the hot tub. So, I arose to see what he was up to as he headed for the patio doors. “C’mon, man, aren’t you hot enough now? Time to cool it down. Hurry up. Outside quick. This is how they do it at all the European spas. C’mon.” he had already turned the handle when I was over the edge with my feet on the floor after him. The snow had tapered off to light, puffy flakes that drifted by sparsely in the star-lined night. Huge drifts of snow were everywhere as he pelted my chest with a snowball, while I let my eyes adjust to the darker environment as I searched for him. He was there, just ten feet away, naked, standing in a snow bank, still hard and ushering me on. I ran at him and dove on him, driving us both back into the snow. Quickly he spun me around and stayed on top of me, looking down on me as the steam rose from both our bodies. I looked down at his hard cock, with the steam rising off of it and his chest and muscled arms. His ass was over my solid dick. He held my arms down with his and he knew he had me pinned. Steam rose off my chest, too. Slowly, he looked down at me and smiled that sexy, broad smile I love to see. I smiled back, with the knowing smile that showed the love I had for him. Then, it happened. He moved his head down to mine and kissed me. Not just any kiss, but a deep, passionate kiss that allowed our tongues to dance together, chests touching, snow falling all around us. The cold melted away for me in that moment. He pulled back and smiled again, “I was hoping you would feel the same way, just sorry I never found out earlier.” “Me, too.” Was all I could get out as he jumped up off of me and raced back for the patio door. “Enough cooling off, it’s time to heat things up, Scotty-boy.” I got up and raced after him, shutting the door behind me as I tackled him on the king size bed. We kissed again and he started to slowly lick the melting snow off my chest, as he worked his way down to my crotch. Then, he took my dick in his mouth and slowly, started sucking me off. Long, deep, passionate slurps. I was in a dreamland of pleasure just watching him and feeling his tongue caressing my cock head. I have never been blown like that before by any girl, let alone any girl I cared for as much as Rich. After a little while I told him to stop and that I had something special for him. He rolled back on the bed and I positioned myself at his hole, the man pussy I had dreamed of entering so many times. I hoisted his muscled legs onto my shoulder and slowly began to push my hard member through his puckered entrance. He started to winch some from the pain of taking my full member, but I moved slow, allowing his muscles time to adjust to my size. Gradually, I could work myself in past his entrance and slowly up into him. His expression turned from discomfort to pleasure almost instantly, as he gave way to me. Gently, as I dreamed it a thousand times, I began to rock in him. Slowly, at first, pushing in and out, brushing his prostate, then building up a steady rocking beat in and out. Waves of passion flowed over him as he slowly started to jerk himself as I stepped up my thrusts. The melted snow on our bodies had turned to water and now to steam as my grunts became louder and he began to tell me to drive him harder and harder. I was sweating and loving every minute of it. It felt so good, so right to be in him. Quickly, we built up and his cock exploded onto his chest with gobs of cum as I felt myself start to loose control, withdraw and blow on his pecs, too. Tired and exhausted, spent from my erotic workload, I collapsed onto him, letting our chest mesh and our cum combine on each other. He looked over at me as I slid next to him and he gave me another deep passionate kiss. Taking a finger, he traced it up my chest, collecting the cum and brought it to his mouth, licking it off his finger with a huge smile. Then he was up and walking to the door again. Smiling back at me, he said “Let’s go outside and roll around some more and wash off, there’s a long night ahead of us and we have years of catching up to do.” To hell with skiing I thought and ran off out the door after him.


1 Gay Erotic Stories from Scott 27

Snow Studs

Rich and I had been friends for a long time, ever since high school. We even went to the same college so we could still hang out regularly and keep tabs on each other. I think we both had our secret feelings for each other, but neither of us had ever acted on them for fear of losing our friendship if things weren’t mutually appreciated. Anyway, college had just let out for winter


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