Gay Erotic Stories

Suburban Daddies, Part11

by Mister Ed

Return to the Suburbs from the Mountain Cabin

Settled in front of the fire with Chris, I leaned back awaiting his assessment of the evening’s events at the sauna. I had watched him get a blowjob and a rim, and had no problem with the enjoyment that he obviously had with the action directed to his body. I wanted him to tell me how much he enjoyed it. I wanted to hear it. I was still carrying my load, and I could feel it boiling, I wanted him to make me lose it by telling me about how much he liked the hot sex in the sauna.

Chris started unraveling the action, relating every activity as though he had filmed it on his mind’s photographic image and he was now replaying it, frame by frame. His recounting was erotic, in the re-telling. But even as much as I was enjoying the titillation of his recounting of the event, I wanted even more to know how he felt about the evening. He seemed to not want to go there, even with my prodding and queries, and he eventually just stopped talking, staring deeply into the fire with a silly grin on his face. Physical exhaustion, the warm fire, and maybe too much brandy all had created too much of a soporific situation, and his eyelids were suddenly too heavy. He was drifting off to sleep, and I got him up on his feet and he appreciated my tucking him in to bed. He was in a deep-breathing slumber before I left the room.

I had had as much brandy as had Chris, but I was not sleepy at all. Drunk maybe, but not sleepy. With Chris snoring in the bedroom, I drunkenly decided that I would make just a quick trip down to the sauna again. I grabbed my coat and quietly slipped out of the cabin. I quietly headed for the trail to get back to the main building and I picked up my pace to get my ass back so as to not miss some potential late night action.

However, just a few yards down the trail, I was startled by an approaching figure that I did not see nor had any awareness, until we were just a few feet from each other. The potential of this being dangerous occurred to me for just a fleeting moment and I tensed for defense. However, the other figure let out a soft greeting, and I quickly realized that this was probably just one of our cabin neighbors who might have been at the sauna. We both stopped walking, and the small talk began. “Nice night” “Out for a walk?” I sized him up pretty well in the darkness, another Suburban Daddy, but I did not recognize him as being at the sauna when we were there. So, I asked. “Were you down at the health club?” “Yep” “Anyone there?” I asked. “Nope, empty.” “Shoulda been there earlier, had a good crowd,” I offered. “Damn,” he muttered, “sorry I missed it.” Yea, that was a signal.

I shifted gears quickly. “Got time for a drink?” I offered. “Where?” he countered. “My place is just around the bend.” He paused. “Is your wife with you?” he queried. “Nope,” I responded truthfully. He said, “OK, but I do not have much time. My wife is waiting for me in a cabin just up the road.” By this time, we were at the cabin door, and I decided to not even tell him about Chris, but simply cautioned him that we needed to be quiet. He did not even ask why.

As soon as we were inside, and I mean just barely inside, we were groping and grabbing. His cock was so hard that it did not move at all, just an immobile piece of granite. And a fine piece of granite it was! It felt good in my hand, but I knew it would feel better in my mouth, so I put it there. I barely had it slippery wet, however, before the volcano erupted, and before the eruption had completely stopped, he was zipped up and easing out the door. Fuck you, I muttered under my breath: I had not had any great satisfaction at all with this Stranger in the Night!

Easing into bed, I did not want to disturb Chris, but he seemed to stir and to be quite aware of my presence in his slumbering state. We snuggled and moved close together. I was rubbing his back and his butt and he was softly moaning contentment. There was also just enough moonlight to make the scene visually erotic, and the more I enjoyed Chris lying there nude beside me, the harder I got. I reached for the lube from the bedside table, and prepared his ass for entry, though he seemed to be totally oblivious and unaware of what was happening.

I eased up on the bed over him, and arranged Chris face down. With a liberal lubing of my cock, I pressed for entry, and the key did fit the lock, yes indeed. I was inside, deep inside of Chris, buried. It felt so good that I did not want to move; I just had to hold on to Chris and hold this position. He was moaning and whimpering with obvious pleasure. He was well aware that he was going to get fucked and he wanted it from the sounds he was making. Neither of us spoke. I know that at some point I started moving and thrusting inside of him and I know that he was moving with me, but there was no time to measure this event, which seemed to flow on and on and on. Later, when I was drained, we rolled over together, and I stayed inside of Chris for a long while since my erection seemed to maintain firmness in that receptacle. And we went to sleep that way.

We were both awake early, and we both began the purposeful actions of packing up to leave. We did not have much to say to each other as we quickly set about the activities of packing and cleaning, and soon enough, we were ready to go. I have to admit, it was an emotional moment, which required no words, but we held each other in the warmest hug possible, and then we were off.

I drove for maybe a hundred miles before either of us had much to say. Even then, it was to announce the need for breakfast, and we found a truck stop soon thereafter, and chowed down on a massive trencher of eggs and meat. I was noticing all the manly truckers about, but Chris did not seem to notice any of them. Every now and then, I would call his attention to some hunky number, but he would frown his displeasure and would try to ignore me. But I also knew that he was taking the occasional surreptitious peek anyway, in spite of his admonitions to me to stop doing it.

Back in the car, the conversation did roll along. We talked of many things, but mostly about how we enjoyed sex with each other. I landed on him many times to discuss the events of the sauna, and when he finally did, he did not take the direction that I had thought he would. I was certain that he was going to admit how much he liked all the attention and the action, and how much he might enjoy another such event. He did admit that he enjoyed it. But he was remorseful that he had permitted himself such lustful pleasure when he had me as his lover, and he was apologetic for his actions for reasons that were personal to his psyche and I could not fully understand. I approved of everything that he had done. I tried to let him know that I was fond of him beyond words, but he could not seem to get the grasp of my feelings that I could not proclaim an exclusive relationship with him. I said those exact words to convey my thoughts. Over and over.

Finally, he said that he understood me and that it was all OK with him. I was also having an inward struggle since I was very jealous of anyone having that fine ass, of having anyone else take pleasure with his being such a wonderful natural fuck. Yes, I was jealous and could not visualize anyone else having him. That was a struggle for both of us to discuss. He did not want anyone else near his ass. Over and over he vowed that no one else would ever get a dick in his backside. But I wanted him to know, he had to know that I would take pleasure from and with other men on occasion, and I wanted him to know and realize that. He struggled with that as well. At first, he said that he would only ask that I never tell him if and when an event might occur. Then he reversed himself, and said that he would just have to know. He would have to know every detail. He flip-flopped his opinion about every ten miles.

What about including him when there was the opportunity? I was thinking of the contact, Adam, that I had met at the hotel. And I was thinking of Anthony, the lawyer that both of us knew, the one that Adam said was a physical partner, a fact that neither Chris nor I would ever have known. And I was already fantasizing about having sex with Anthony! Opportunities are always an unknown, and I wanted to include all options in this discussion. The suggestion of having threesomes was at first appealing and then distasteful to Chris. He could not decide. He vowed that he would never seek to have sex with any other man, but would accept the fact that I might. He would be exclusive with me. He would accept an invitation to be included. Or maybe he wouldn’t. I had the choices to do as I had to do. It was easy for him, he insisted. But he did not know his feelings, and I should not have been pressing him so hard. He finally just threw up his hands, and said that he did not want to talk about it any more. He vowed that he would keep his word and would never have sex with any other man. End of discussion. And I knew that he meant it.

When we were about twenty miles from home, Chris pulled off the highway, seeking a more deserted area. I knew what he was doing and where he was heading. When we found a private area, we moved together like magnets. We were kissing and we were pawing each other and somehow we got naked without effort, the closeness of naked flesh-to-flesh being essential. Chris fumbled with his clothing on the floor and came up with the bottle of poppers and the tube of KY. I smiled at him, expressing my surprise and delight at his thoughtfulness, and he laughed and said he had mentally planned this event for a long time, to get one more fuck before getting home. Like teenagers on a date, rather than Suburban Daddies, we contorted into position and I fucked his brains out. Damn, he knew how to take good care of my cock with that butt of his!

An hour later, he dropped me off at my house, and the cabin interlude was over. We had not even made plans for the next time to meet. I guess we both assumed it would happen soon, and in due course.

Over the next few days, routine business matters took over, though the reminiscences of the time with Chris were frequent. And each reminiscence caused an erection of almost painful memory. We did not even talk for several days, with business being at the fore, and I was anxious and eager to talk with him when he did call. We quickly made plans to meet for a drink after work. There was no doubt that we were going to be physical: the air was electrically charged with the need for each other.

But “the best laid plans…”

Chris called me on my cell phone just before 5:00 and told me that he would be tied up for a while longer, medical necessity of one of his patients, but he would cut loose as soon as he could. I told him that I would just wait for his call, sort of playing it by ear. I hung up the cell phone, disappointed that the evening was not going the way that I had wanted it to go. Damn. I was looking forward to some naked flesh time with Chris. Within just a few more minutes, the phone rang again, and I answered in an upbeat manner, assuming immediately that it was Chris. It wasn’t.

Adam, the guy that I had met at the Hilton several weeks ago, was back in town, and at the Hilton. My dick twitched. He asked if I could come over, and I asked when. He quietly purred, “How about ‘Now’?” I growled back at him. “All right!” I was in the elevator heading for Adam’s room without ever having included Chris in the thought process of what was happening right now. I did not feel that I was “cheating” on him: he had said that he would accept my liaisons. But I did feel just a tiny bit slimy to be hopping into action with another stud when the plan was to have been with Chris. Just as I knocked on Adam’s door, I consciously clicked my cell phone to the “off” position. Adam opened the door, shirtless and in gym shorts. Damn, he looked good!

Neither of us were amateurs in this sport. We both knew what we liked and we both knew what we wanted. Adam poured us some scotch over ice, and we socialized a little. Adam was intent upon undressing me, since he had such a head start on his own undressing. He quickly got my clothes off down to my jockeys, and we both slid the shorts off of each other to feel the demanding hardness of our erections by rubbing dickheads together. There was just no question about it: these were two big dicks. And we both desperately wanted to suck each other. We went at it on the bed, rotating position with one on top, then wrestling around and moving around until the other was on top, and never ever losing the sensual oral grip on the other’s equipment. When we both had sucked as much as we wanted, we made the pact together, to let it blow, and we both did within nanoseconds of each other. Noisy ball-busting releases, both of us. Once again, the sexual contact with Adam had created a black velvet fog of pleasure that was an incredible sensation for me. I had not even the glimmer of a thought of Chris until we were cleaning up, and then the thoughts of Chris hit me like a hammer.

I checked my phone, and there was no indication of a missed call. I was relieved. I turned the power back to the “on” position, and Adam and I sat back in civilized manner, having another scotch and acting like the friends that we were becoming. I told him some more about Chris, as I had done on the previous occasion, but withheld the details of the special relationship, describing Chris as a “good buddy” but nothing more. I encouraged him to tell me about some of his conquests in the meantime since we had seen each other, and he filled me in on a few rather ordinary events. We were both turned on to each other, that was obvious; and as before, a second arousal just simply could not be helped. We talked about Anthony, his lawyer friend here in town, and plotted to have a three-way. We both liked to top, and Anthony liked to be topped, but with the two of us? It sounded like hot fun. I told him that Chris would take cock, but gave him no clue at how good Chris was, still being very protective of Chris’s fine ass. Adam had no similar protective feelings toward Anthony’s ass, and we continued to make plans for a three-way with Anthony. This was hot for Adam, since he had never had a three-way, and the very thought of it was highly erotic and very, very hot, hot.

He called Anthony, and made a date to meet Anthony the next night right here at the hotel, in this room. He did not mention that I would also be present, just got Anthony hot and ready for Adam’s big dick. After he had hung up, we were like kids, with the sexual excitement of it all. Adam was jacked, and so was I! We talked about how we were both going to fuck Anthony, and the hot talk got us flowing with natural oozing. (There is something hot about planning a fuck!) We had more scotch and got into the hot fantasy talk mode, encouraging each other to fuck Anthony’s hot ass: “Oh yeah Stud, fuck his butt, ram him hard, slap that lawyer’s ass, harder Man” while playing and jacking and sucking each other. We were facing each other, holding our own, gyrating poseurs, when we both let fly, and the carpet between us soaked up the splatters of cum.

Spent, we fell into chairs, and Adam poured another scotch, trembling. “Damn, my hand is still shaking from that last session,” and we both laughed. We lifted the glass to toast each other, and to celebrate the “Plan to Fuck Anthony,” when my cell phone rang. I checked the Caller ID.

It was Chris.

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Suburban Daddies, Part 9: A Cabin in the Woods

It had gotten quite cold overnight, and when we woke in the morning there was little incentive to move out from under the warm duvet. We snuggled together, dozing contentedly in the knowledge that we were alone together. The tumescence would ebb and flow. But mostly ebbed with hard wood. Eventually, I pulled Chris up and over on top of me, and with a quick lube, had him sitting on

Suburban Daddies, Part10

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Suburban Daddies, Part11

Return to the Suburbs from the Mountain Cabin Settled in front of the fire with Chris, I leaned back awaiting his assessment of the evening’s events at the sauna. I had watched him get a blowjob and a rim, and had no problem with the enjoyment that he obviously had with the action directed to his body. I wanted him to tell me how much he enjoyed it. I wanted to hear it. I was


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